
Terms for subject Environment containing WORK | all forms | exact matches only
construction work施工
construction work The construction, rehabilitation, alteration, conversion, extension, demolition or repair of buildings, highways, or other changes or improvement to real property, including facilities providing utility services. The term also includes the supervision, inspection, and other on-site functions incidental to the actual construction营建工程 (对建筑物、公路或其它不动产的建造、复原、改造、扩建、修补,包括服务性设施。该术语也包含监督、检查和实地建筑现场功能的含义。)
engineering work No definition needed工程工作 (无需定义)
Health & Safety Work Act健康与安全工作法案
organisation of work The coordination or structuring of work practices and production processes in order to influence the way jobs are designed and performed in the workplace工作的组织 (协调工作实践和生产过程,从而影响工作流程的设计和执行。)
printing work The art, process or business of producing reproductions of written text or images in multiple copies, in book, periodical or newspaper formats, or in other similar formats印刷工作 (艺术、工艺或生产的书面文字或图像的多个副本复制业务,包括书籍、期刊或报纸的复制。)
voluntary work Unpaid activities done by citizens often organized in associations, to provide services to others, particularly to elderly and poor people, handicapped, etc.志愿工作 (市民以协会组织的方式所做的无酬活动,为别人提供服务,特别是老人和穷人、残疾人等。)
work accident Accident occurring in the course of the employment and caused by inherent or related factors arising from the operation of materials of one's occupation工伤事故 (在工作过程中发生的事故,由与人相关的材料操作所产生的内在或相关因素所造成。)
youth work Job opportunities and employment for adolescents, either for financial reward or educational enrichment青年工作 (为青年人提供工作机会,包括经济上的资助或提供教育培训。)