
Terms for subject General containing WORK | all forms | exact matches only
a body must be made to move, or no work is done必须使物体移动,否则便没有做功
a work de longue haleine需要长期努力的工作
a work of longue haleine需要长期努力的工作
all in the day's work正常的
all in the day's work合常理的
all in the day's work一般的
all in the day's work平凡的事
all kinds of work各种工作
Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card几乎所有收入来源稳定,有持续工作记录的人都可以申请信用卡
at work运动着
at work活动着
at work忙于 (on, upon)
at work从事于
at work在使用〔运转,起作用〕
at work在工作
be busy at work忙于工作
be engaged in research work从事研究工作
be fatigued with work做工作做得疲劳
be hard at workinside…正在努力探索…的内幕〔内部的奥秘〕
be hard at work正在努力工作
be hard at work刻苦工作
be in regular work有固定工作
be intent on one's work专心〔一心一意〕工
be intent upon one's work专心〔一心一意〕工
be overloaded with work工作过重
be rapt in one's work专心工作
be well forward with one's work早做完了工作
bench work有意干扰对手
body work身法
brick work围砌
brick work炉墙
brick work砖工
camera work摄影工作〔技术,操作〕
centre work顶尖〔针〕活
checker work方格花纹
checker work方格子
China National Embr. & Drawn Work Associated Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国抽纱品出口联营公司
China National Embroidery & Drawn Work Associated Export Corporation, Shanghai Branchназв.комп. 中国抽纱品出口联营公司上海分公司
clerical work文书〔抄写,事务〕工作
cold-metal work白铁工
come down to work认真开始工作
commencement of work开工典礼
complected work钟表的附加机构
contraction work束狭〔水〕工程
deep work深加工
deep work深耕
desk work科室〔事务〕工作
develop the proper attitude toward work培养对待工作的正确态度
difficult as was the work, it was finished in time工作虽然困难,却是按时完成了
difficult that it was, the work was finished in time虽然工作困难,但还是按时完成了
do hard work干活
do its work起作用
do its work有效
do one's share of the work做自己的一份〔那份〕工作
do the work of顶…用
don't chat over your work工作时别闲聊
Each participant should have adequate work space to accommodate writing materials and books每位与会者都应该有足够的地方放置书写材料和书
echo-sounder work回波测深 (测量)
echo-sounder work回声器测深
enough space must be provided to enable linemen climbing through the wires to work safely必须留有足够的空间以保证穿过线间的线务员能安全工作
experimental work in selected spots试点工作
external work外功
fall to work动手工作
finish the work by Monday明天〔星期一〕以前完成这工作
finish the work by tomorrow明天〔星期一〕以前完成这工作
foot work步法
frame work构架〔工程〕
frame work of fixed points控制点网
get down to work认真开始工作
get into the swing of one's work积极投人工作
get off from work下班
get to work动工
get to work使开始工作
give orders for the work to be started下令开始工作
go roundly to work热心从事工作
go to work开始〔着手〕工作
go to work上班去
go to work上班
grit-work contact temperature磨粒工件接触点温度
he is getting no place in his work because he is going at it wrong因为他做得不对路
he is getting no place in his work because he is going at it wrong他工作没有进展
head work头形装饰
He's at work right now. Do you want his phone number?他在上班。你要不要他的电话号码?
high-temperature work热行炉况
I hope you will get well as soon as possible and back to work我希望您早日康复,重返工作岗位
I'm so sorry for the errors in the work. Please give me a couple of days to check it up again我对工作中的错误感到很抱歉,请给我几天时间再检查一遍
in machines less work is got out than what is put in输出的功小于输人的功
in machines less work is got out than what is put in在机械里
in the shop there were several men, who were all busy at their work车间里有几个人,他们都在忙着
internal work内功
Is there an age limit for applying for a temporary work visa?申请短期工作签证有年龄限制吗?
it is more necessary than ever for us to work hard我们比以往更需努力工作
it is to be wished that the system of work will soon be settled希望工作制度不久就能定下来
knuckle down to work安下心来工作
Like other couples, they go to films and restaurants after work像正常情侣一样,他们下班后一起看电影,一起去餐馆吃饭
make light work of轻轻易易地做
make light work with轻轻易易地做
make quick work of迅速处理〔解决〕
make quick work of很快完成〔处理〕
make sad work of it搞糟
make sad work of it做坏
make short work of很快完成〔处理〕
make short work of迅速处理〔解决〕
make short work of迅速了结〔处理〕
May I come in and check the housekeeper's work?我能进房检查一下清理房间的情况吗?
method of work做法
Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore迈克尔掐灭了香烟头,穿上了工作裤、工作衫,戴上了大多数西西里男子常戴的那种鸭舌帽
move M to other work调M去做别的工作
muddle with one's work敷衍了事
neat piece of work一件精致的成品
no gases need contaminate the work没有气体〔不至于有气体〕会来污染工件
no gases need contaminate the work工件不会〔可以不致〕受到气体污染
not work不行
office work事务
office work业务〔室内〕工作
open work【矿】露天开采
open work露天开挖
open work露天工作
open-work reflector栅状反射器
out of work机器有毛病
out of work不能工作的
paper work文件工作
pennanent work永久性工程
Perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transport to work没准你乘坐公共交通工具去上班会好一些
phase out of some R & D work停止某些研究与试制工作
phase-out of some R&D work停止某些研制工作
phase-out of some research and development work停止某些研制工作
pioneering work先行〔开垦〕工程
precision oscillographic work精确示波技术
predictedpulse-shape net work预测脉冲形状网络
professional work业务
put one's right hand to the work认真〔尽力〕做事
ready work-factor简便工作因数
report for work上班
report on work工作报告
rough work制作粗糙的东西
routine work常规〔日常〕作业
routine work事务
rush work突击工程 (作)
sale of work由教会主持作为慈善事业经费义卖
Scottish Wire work Manufacturers' Association苏格兰线材制品业协会
separative work unit分离功单位
set to work动工
set to work使开始工作
sheetmetal work钣金工
sheetmetal work冷作工
simplified work factor简化功系数
smith work锻工
standard work on the subject该学科的权威著作
stick work运球技术
such devices have proved themselves to be aids to our work这些设备证明是有助于我们工作的
take a turn of work做一会儿工作
Thank you for your support of our work感谢您对我们工作的支持
the atomic furnace will not work but it has enough fuel原子反应堆要是没有足够的燃料是不会运转的
The government attaches great importance to the import and export commodity inspection work政府非常重视进出口货物的检验工作
the highest speeds ever used in engineering work工程上迄今用过的最高速度
the how of doing work工作方法
the plate has a hole the shape and size of the work板上有一个形状和大小都与工件相同的孔
the press of work事务〔工作〕繁忙
the setup for professional work业务班子
the threads of the screw work hard这螺丝的螺纹太涩
the work done against friction is transformed into heat克服摩擦所做的功被转化为热
the work of a moment易如反掌的事
there is much work to do有大量工作要做
these two instruments work on the same principle这两种仪器的工作原理相同
Today's average car contains more than 15, 000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can group into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment现代汽车由超过15000个独立部分组成,各部分必须协同作用。主要包括4个功能部分:引擎,车身,底盘和电控
total work cost总施工费〔用〕
try hard, and you will work the nut loose只要使点劲,你便能把这螺母拧松
up to one's eyes in work忙得要命〔债台高筑〕 (debt)
up to the ears in work工作极繁忙
up to the eyes in work忙得要命〔债台高筑〕 (debt)
warm work辛苦〔有危险性〕的工作
waste work耗功
We all admire that your work efficiency is very high我们很敬佩你们工作效率很高
We must now ask you to work it out and settle the account within the next few days请你务必在这几日内结清这笔账款
we must work much harder我们必须更加努力〔更加仔细〕工作
we must work much much more carefully我们必须更加努力〔更加仔细〕工作
we must work yet harder我们应该益发努力工作
we wish the work to be finished in time我们希望按时完成这项工作
WHO will work in close collaboration with all our partners to prevent and control viral hepatitis世卫组织将与所有合作伙伴紧密合作,预防和控制病毒性肝炎
work a machine开机器
work a mine开矿
work a mine采矿
work a miracle创造奇迹
work a revolution inM 在 M 上引起革命
work a sum做算术题
work a sum计算
work against反对
work against the clock抢时间做完
work at钻研
work at研究
work at
work at从事
work at case排字
work at high pressure使劲干
work at high pressure紧张地工作
work at one's utmost奋斗
work away继续〔不断〕工作
work away使逐渐离开
work away做下去
work away at不断〔继续〕地从事
work double tides昼夜工作
work far into the night工作到深夜
work for争取
work for为…尽力
work hard for cause of socialism为社会主义事业努力工作
work in混〔配,综〕合
work in抽出时间来
work in从事…方面的工作
work in调和 (with)
work in制造时混人
work in缓慢地进人
work in sudden bursts一阵一阵使劲工作
work into插人
work into shape加工成形
work is equal to force times distance功等于力乘距离
work is well on工作进行顺利
work like a nailer工作快而有劲
work measurement sampling操作测定取样
work miracles创造奇迹
work off补做
work off以工作清偿
work off改进
work off销〔卖,处理,发泄〕掉
work off处置
work off印刷
work off制造
work off清除〔理〕
work on研制
work on分析研究
work on参与
work on从事
work on继续工作〔努力〕
work on影响
work on加工
work on处理
work on感动
work on对…工作
work out做成
work out
work out算〔测,求,研究,检查,设计,估计〕出
work out用尽
work out以工作还债
work out清算
work out通过努力而达到
work out消耗完
work out采掘完
work out除去
work out证明是有效〔适用〕 的
work out健身
to work out bugs解决困难
to work out bugs消除缺陷
work out one's own salvation自寻出路
work over整理
work over翻新
work over痛击
work over彻底检査〔改变〕
work overtime加班加点工作
work overtime加班
work saddle工作台滑鞍〔板〕
work simplification program操作简化程序
work stopper被测工件定位块
work sums做算术题
work sums计算
work the feat奏效
work tike a horse苦〔实〕干
work together一起
work together同时
work together总共
work together一起工作
work tresde工件支架
work up建立
work up升级
work up激励
work up逐渐引起
work up搜集
work up混合聚集
work up综合加工
work up完〔做〕成
work up逐渐达到〔建立〕
work up to a climax逐渐发展至顶点
work visa工作签
work one's way开路
work one's way排除困难前进
work withM 操作M
work withM 加工M
work withM 研究M
work withM 以M为工作对象
work withM 同M打交道
work withM 对付M
work withM 使〔利〕用 M
work withM 对M行得通〔起作用〕
work withM 处理M
work withM 同M 一道工作
work wonders取得惊人的成就
work wonders创造奇迹
You are so smart and experienced of your work你在工作上很机灵且富有经验
you could work the screw loose this way这样拧也许你就能把这螺丝拧松
your tool is not so good, you may work with mine你的工具不那么好,你就用我的好了