
Terms containing VLSI | all forms | exact matches only
el.advanced VLSI packaging先进甚大规模集成电路组装技术
telecom.custom VLSI chip定制 VLSI 芯片
el.International Conference for Materials and Process Characterization for VLSI国际甚大规模集成电路材料和工艺特性记述会议
el.International Conference on VLSI and CAD国际甚大规模集成与计算机辅助设计会议
el.VLSI advanced layout editor甚大规模集成版图[设计]高级编辑程序
el.VLSI associative string processor chip甚大规模集成相联串处理器芯片
telecom.VLSI card超大规模集成电路插件
telecom.VLSI cell library超大规模集成电路单元程序库
telecom.VLSI computer超大规模集成电路计算机
el.VLSI Design and Education Center甚大规模集成设计与教育中心日本
spaceVLSI hardware description language超大规模集成电路硬件描述语言
el.VLSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference甚大规模集成多层互连会议
ITVLSI parallel algorithmVLSI 并行算法
el.VLSI Technology Inc.甚大规模集成技术公司美国
el.VLSI test Symposium甚大规模集成测试研讨会 (IEEE)