
Terms for subject Commerce containing US of A | all forms
As our company handles a large variety of chemicals, we can not offer without specific enquiry由于我公司经营的化工产品种类很多,没有具体询盘无法报盘
ask for a loan of US $100,000要求借款100,000美元
assess a tax of US $4,000 upon向某人征税4,000美兀 (sb)
buy a car and pay for it by monthly installments of US $500购一辆小汽车,按每月500美元分期支付
claim a compensation of US $10,000要求赔偿10,000美元
For reconciliation of accounts, we are sending you herewith a statement listing shipments made and commissions payable为核对账目,现附去明细表一张列举已装运各批货物及应付佣金
In view of the present situation we're not in a position to make you an offer我方不能向你方报盘
In view of the present situation we're not in a position to make you an offer鉴于目前的情况
Owing to the temporary unavailability of the articles needed, we're not in a position to make you any offer at present因为你方所需商品暂时无货可供,所以我方目前无法向你方报盘
pay a fine of US $5,000支付5,000 美元罚金
Please make us a firm offer, indicating the minimum quantity and the earliest time of shipment请报实盘,并标明最低起订量与最早装运期
require a budget of US $100,000要求100,000美元预算
The amount came to a total of US $2,500金额总计达2,500美元
The company has a capital of US $1,000,000该公司拥有1,000,000美元资金
The company made a profit of US $10,000 on a turnover of US$100,000该公司营业额为100,000美元,盈利10,000 美元
There is a deficiency of US $250 in your L/C你方信用证金额少开250 美元
There is still a balance of US 120 owing to us你方仍欠我方120美元余额款项
We enclose herewith a survey report in support of our claim兹附去检验报告一份以作为我方的索赔根据
We enclose you a list of quotations随函附寄报价单一份
We herewith enclose a check on New York for US $800 in payment of all your commissions due to you up to date兹附去800美元支票一张,以支付截至目前所欠你方的佣金
We send here with a sample cutting of this matter我们寄此种料子剪样一份
We're not in a position to accept fresh orders on account of heavy commitments因售货太多,我方不能承接新的定单