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a few of us我们当中的一个〔几个,全体〕
At the end of the night he drove me home again and we made tentative plans to go to a concert晚聚会结束后,他再次开车送我回家,我们说好了以后去听音乐会
Drinking is a principal cause of traffic accidents. We should strongly oppose drink driving酗酒是交通事故的主要原因。我们应坚决反对酒后驾驶
Here you go. We serve a wide range of desserts. Here they are给您。我们这里的点心花样繁多,在这里
If we refuse your application, we will give or send you a notice of refusal. This document will list the reasons for the refusal, and will explain your right to appeal如果您的申请被拒签,那么您将收到我们寄给您的拒签信。拒签信上会列明您被拒签的理由,并说明您是否拥有上诉权
If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online如果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食
I'm sorry. We have no record of a reservation in your name对不起,没有以您名字预订房间的记录
just as with lengths and weights, so also do we need a standard of time正像对长度和重量要有个标准一样,同样也需要一个时间标准
Since the flight delay was our fault and you are continuing on with our airline, we will cover the cost of a hotel room飞机晚点是我们的责任,如果您继续搭乘我们的航班,您的住宿费用将由我们来承担
Someday, when we are old, we sit together on the sofa, enjoying the nice tea or a cup of sweet coffee有一天,我们会慢慢变老,闲坐在沙发之上,品味香醇的好茶和咖啡
The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall on us after a week on the beach我们在沙滩上待了一周之后,对日光浴已经兴致大减
There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will be recorded客房内备有小酒吧,为您准备了多种酒水及小吃。我们会每日补充消耗,同时您的消费额将被计入您的账单
To add your diverse spaces, we can choose a variety of fun colors like purple and royal blue我们可以选择一些富于变化的颜色,如紫色和宝石蓝色,以增加空间的多样化
We are the gold supplier of Alibaba, a leading manufacturer and exporter with experience in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Germany and France我们是阿里 <-> 巴巴的金牌供应商,是顶级制造商和出口商,与阿根廷、智利、巴西、德国和法国都有贸易往来
We have a great many of Danish pastries. Can you give me more details?我们有很多丹麦面包。您能说得具体些么?
We have a wide range of vegetarian dishes for you to choose from我们有许多素菜供您选择
We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms我们酒店有标准房、高级房、豪华房、行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房
We may go to Starbucks instead of rushing home for a traditional English tea, but the consumption of a latte is a stylized act我们有时会跑到星巴克享受一杯咖啡,而不是赶回家喝杯传统英式茶,但是喝杯拿铁不过是个习惯行为
We took a day trip to the Palace of Versailles我们享受了凡尔赛宫一日游
We went to visit and take a basket of food to the shut-in我们去慰问了卧床不起的人,并带了一篮子食物
You'll have to send us a deposit of 50 USD您需要寄给我们50美元的押金