
Terms for subject Commerce containing These | all forms | exact matches only
All these items are unavailable for the time being所有这些商品目前暂时无货可供
As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合险
At present, our corporation can supply these commodities in a wide range of designs目前我公司可以供应各式花样的此类商品
For all these items, we allow a flat rate of commission of 2%对所有这些商品,我们一律给予2%佣金
It is rather difficult for us to sell these goods in our place at present目前在我处销售这些货物相当困难
Please advise us whether you're interested in these articles请告知你方是否对这些商品感兴趣
Please advised us whether your buyers approve of these designs请告知你方买主是否赞同这些图案
The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定
The price tags on these commodities are mixed这些商品上的标签搞混了
There appears to be no difficulty in marketing these goods销售这些货物看来没有什么困难
There is a material difference between these two terms两个术语有本质区别
There is no marked qualitative difference between these two articles两种商品在质量上没有明显区别
These are original documents这些是正本单据
These are typical of Chinese traditional designs这些是典型的中国传统图案
These articles are dear in winter这些商品在冬季很昂贵
These articles are graded by weight这些商品按重量分级
These articles are in tight supply in the world market这些商品在国际市场上供应紧张
These articles are sold at a high rate这些商品以高价出售
These articles are sold in grades这些商品按等级出售
These articles command a ready sale in the market这些货物在市场上获得畅销
These articles don't assort with the type samples这些商品与标准样品不符
These articles fall under the category of our business line这些商品属我方经营的范畴
These cargoes must be shipped on a steamer with cold storage这些货物必须由有冷藏设备的船只装运
These damaged cargoes are realizable for only half of the original value残损货物仅可变卖原价值的一半
These data will be of great value to us in our experiment这些资料对我们的实验很有价值
These designs are in vogue这些图案正在流行之中
These expenses are to be covered by the buyers由买方支付这些费用
These goods are in large demand货物销路很畅
These goods are in short supply这些货物供应不足
These goods are not in plentiful supply, on the contrary, they are running short这些货物并非供应充足,相反却快要售完了
These goods are retained for our old customers这些货物是为老客户保留的
These goods have a large circulation这些货物销售量很大
These goods met with a good sale on the strength of the agent's promotion在代理人促销下这些货物畅销于市场
These goods must be properly label led这些货物必须妥当地加上标签
These materials do not suit our market这些料子不适合我方市场
These patterns are the vogue of the day这些是当前流行的式样
These products originate from Canada这些产品来自加拿大
These results were not worthwhile这些结果不合算
These revisions are attributable to a variety of factors这些修改由多种因素造成
These small orders will be lumped into one shipment这几个小订单将并在一起装岀
These terms collide with international practices这些条款与国际惯例相抵触
These two designs are almost identical这两种式样几乎完全相同
These two items are identically priced这两种商品定价相同
We are in the market for these goods我方正在寻购这些商品
We cannot assume these additional charges我们不能承担这些附加费用
We can't absorb all these charges我们无法承担所有这些费用
We hope these purchases will soon be licensed我方希望这些订货不久获得批准
We maintain that these two problems should be dealt with separately我方坚持认为这两个问题应分别予以处理
We're not in a position to offer these goods at present目前我方无力供应这些货物
When do these new articles come in?新商品何时上市?
WPA coverage is too narrow for these goods, the coverage should be extended to include TPND这类货物只保水渍险是不足的,请加保偷盗提货不着险