
Terms for subject Dentistry containing There | all forms | exact matches only
Are there any medications you cannot take?您有过敏史吗?
Don't be surprised if there is some swelling for two or three days肿胀两三天,请不要紧张
If there is any change for the worse, please contact with us如果病情加重,请与我们联系
Is there any thing we can do for you?我能为您做什么?您有什么事吗?
Is there anything else that bothers you?您还有其他疾病吗?
Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you?您明白我说的话吗?
It is normal for there to have a little bleeding mixed with saliva until the next day直到明天口腔里有少量血液都是正常的
There are always food, bacteria and calculus in the pockets牙周袋内通常会存留食物残渣、细菌和牙石
There are fixed type and removable type appliance for straightening the teeth有固定矫治器和活动矫治器矫正牙齿
There are three stages for orthodontic treatment, the periods for detail examinations, treatment with braces and maintenance using a retainer正畸治疗包括三个阶段,依次为:仔细检查,粘固锁槽调整,用保持器维持
There are two cavities between your front teeth您的前牙间有两个龋洞
There are two more patients before you在您前面还有两个病人
There are two types of false teeth to replace the lost teeth, one is removable type and the other is fixed type牙列缺损和缺失的修复有两种修复缺失牙的方法,一种是可摘活动义齿,另一种是固定义齿
There is a crevice between your teeth and the old filling旧充填物与牙体之间有缝隙
There is a dark area around the root tip根尖处有阴影
There is a decay under a large filling在大的充填物下方有个继发龋
There is a possibility that the nerve will die in the future以后有神经坏死的可能性
There is an abscess in the gum牙龈上有一个脓肿
There is bone recession around your teeth牙齿周围的牙槽骨已经被吸收
There is much tobacco stain on your teeth您的牙上有很多烟斑
There is nothing abnormal about that—切正常
There might be some swelling for a few days可能会肿胀几天
You can't clean the teeth effectively when there are deep pockets当存在深牙周袋时您无法有效清洁牙齿