
Terms containing There | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Alexander Walker? I'm sorry, but there's nobody here by this name亚历山大•沃克?抱歉,这里没这个人
inf.all there能胜任的
inf.all there机警的
inf.all there头脑正常的
gen.Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room?在候机室有免税店吗?
gen.Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here?附近是否有价位不贵的餐厅?
gen.Are there any landmarks?那个地方有路标吗?
gen.are there any more bolts left此外还剩得有螺栓吗
gen.Are there any other landmarks?有没有什么其他的地标?
gen.Are there any preservatives, additives or chemicals added to your bread?你们的面包添加有任何防腐剂、添加物或化学药品么?
gen.Are there any regulations and rules for foreigners to obey if they obtain residency in another country?当夕卜国人在所在国取得居留权后,有什么要遵守的规章制度吗?
gen.Are there any restaurants still open near here?这附近有没有还在营业的饭馆?
gen.Are there any unreserved first class cabins?头等舱还有没有空位?
gen.Are there any unusual things produced in this town这个镇有什么特产吗?
tech.Are there any weak steel areas on the mould?模具有没有薄钢位?
pack.Are there tacky roller clean machines in front of the laminator?压膜机前是否有粘尘滚轮清洁机器?
cloth.As there is no supply of printed velveteen, we regret being unable to make you an offer at present很抱歉,因印花平绒断供,我们难以向贵方供货
gen.At a busy bar, I was standing there waiting for service, and got none在一个繁忙的酒吧,我站在那等着侍者来招待我,结果没人来
gen.be all there很好
gen.be all there头脑清醒的
gen.be all there机智的
gen.be all there很正常
tech.Because there is no abrasion between the concave and convex, the nut is reusable因为凹面与凸面没有磨损,螺母可以重复使用
gen.below there下面当心
China, lawconduct screening inspection to see if there are hidden danger开展隐患排查
gen.Could you please put your nationality there, sir?先生,请将您的国籍写在这里
gen.Don't try everything at one time, please. And don't eat too much there不要一次什么东西都吃。而且不要吃太多
gen.even at low pressures there are still large numbers of molecules present仍有大量分子出现
gen.even at low pressures there are still large numbers of molecules present即使在低气压时
sport.Except the javelin, there is no run-up in throwing events which take place inside a throwing circle除标枪外、在投掷圈内进行的投掷项目不用助跑
gen.Excuse me. Are there any special night rates for international calls?请问国际长途夜间电话有没有什么特价呢?
gen.In order for a current to flow there must be something to drive it必须有某种东西驱动它
gen.In order for a current to flow there must be something to drive it为使电流能够流动
gen.for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒
gen.for convenience we divide time in such a way that there are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute为了方便起见,我们是这样划分时间的,即一天有24小时,一小时有60分,一分有60秒,承包有关电力系统的电力生产、分配及应用等各方面的整套综合装置的安装及启用
sport.For many people, gyms are new and unchartered territory, so there is a need to educate people on the proper use of gym equipment and fitness regimes对很多人来讲,体育馆和健身房还是新鲜事物,因此,需要教会人们如何使用健身器材以及锻炼方法
gen.from there从那里
gen.get there达到目的
gen.get there成功
gen.get there到达那里
gen.Go down those stairs right over there and turn left, you'll see the signs directing you to Gate 10. You won't miss it下那边的楼梯左拐,你们会看到去10号登机口的指示牌,顺着它走不会错
gen.Good morning. Are there any vacancies?早上好!有空房吗?
gen.hang in there继续
gen.hang in there坚持
amer.have been there亲眼看到 (before)
amer.have been there直接了解 (before)
amer.have been there全都知道 (before)
amer.have been there曾到过那里 (before)
gen.he said he would go there the next day他当时说他打算第二天到那儿去
gen.he wanted some string but there was none但一根也没有
gen.he wanted some string but there was none他要一些绳子
gen.here and there四面八方
agric.here and there在不同的地方
gen.here and there处处
gen.here and there各处
gen.here and there到处
agric.here,there and everywhere处处
agric.here,there and everywhere到处
gen.Here's the closet and there's the bathroom这儿是壁柜,那是洗澡间
gen.Hi. I'm here for flight 514 returning to Beijing, but the board shows there is a delay. How long of a delay is expected?你好。我要乘坐去北京的514号航班。信息牌显示航班延误。不知道要延误多长时间?
sport.hit the front and stay there一路领先
gen.how far is it there and back到那里来回有多远
gen.How many are there in your party, please?请问你们一共有几位?
gen.How many guests will there be in your party?你们一行有多少人?
gen.How many persons are there in your party, madam?请问共有多少人用餐,女士?
gen.How many persons are there in your party, sir?请问共有多少人用餐,先生?
gen.I am sorry, sir. There has been an error in your bill. Please wait a minute while I correct it对不起,先生,您的账单算错了。请稍候,我马上把它改过来
gen.I believe there is a great chance I would be refused since I have a communicable illness我觉得我被拒签的可能性很大,因为我患有传染性疾病
gen.I booked the non-smoking room, but there is smell of cigarette in the room. There is no hot water in the bathroom. The computer is malfunctioning, and I can't get access to the Internet, so I request to change for another room我订的是无烟房间,房间内有烟味,浴室没有热水,电脑有故障,而且上不了网,所以我要求调换房间
gen.I got stuck in traffic again. There was a terrible traffic jam near the Wal-Mart intersection堵车了。 沃尔玛那个路口堵得厉害
gen.I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca我猜想这卡萨布兰卡有很多破碎的心
gen.I guess you will have to go to the embassy in person and talk to the officers there我认为你需要亲自去向使馆官员咨询
gen.I have been to Paris. I am fascinated by the beautiful scenery there. How about you?我去了巴黎。那儿的美景让我着迷。你呢?
gen.I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?我等航班消息已经一个半小时了。你们现在有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?
gen.I have no money left on my metro card. Is there a place to charge it nearby?我的公交卡没钱了,附近有充值的地方吗?
gen.I just heard that there will be heavy snow in 4 hours我听说4小时后会有大雪
gen.I know your products have a good reputation. But what in case there is short weight or disqualification?我知道你方产品信誉很好,但是万一发生重量不足或质量不合格怎么办呢?
gen.I lost my hand bag. There are a digital camera, a wrist watch, a passport, some travelers cheques and also a credit card in it我把手提包弄丢了。里面有一部数码相机、一块腕表、护照,还有几张旅行支票和一张信用卡
gen.I may grow old there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons我可能会在那里一直到老,待卷起的裤脚穿破,在品味咖啡中享受生命
gen.I think our fish will be to your taste. There are three different flavors available. Please try it我想我们的鱼排会适合您的口味。有三种不同风味的鱼排。请您尝试一下
gen.I think people in Italy are very simple and polite. I really enjoyed my tour there我觉得意大利人纯朴有礼。在那儿旅行非常愉快
gen.I want to immigrate to the United States, because my child lives there我打算移民美国,因为我的孩子生活在那里
gen.I want to wash my hands. Is there a room where I can wash my hands?我想洗手,这里有洗手间吗?
gen.I'd like to leave this with you, and there is not anything valuable or breakable我想把这个寄放在你这儿,袋子里没有贵重或易碎物品
gen.if there is anything the matter with the machine机器如果发生什么毛病的话
gen.if there is no coal, oil can be used instead如果没有煤,可以用石油来代替
gen.If there is something wrong with the optical frame or lens, please make a call to the shopkeeper immediately如果镜框或者镜片有问题,请立即致电与店主联系
gen.If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
gen.If there's any change, could you inform the Front Desk, please?如果有变化的话请您告知前台,好吗?
gen.If there? s anything we can do for you please let us know. The extension for the Front Desk is6587-2334.如果有什么需要我们做的,请告诉我们。前台的分机号码是 6587-2334
gen.if there were no dust in the
gen.if there were no dust in the…如果空气中没有灰尘
gen.If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you假如您认为账单有误,我们可以为您核对一下
gen.I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分
gen.I'll just find out for you, sir. Hello, are you still there? Unfortunately, Mr. Chen is not available at the moment. Would you mind holding for one minute?先生,我替你找一下。你好,还在吗?很不巧,陈先生现在不在,你介不介意稍微等一分钟?
gen.I'm going to weigh my luggage. Are there any scales?我想把行李过一下磅,有磅秤吗?
gen.I'm sorry. I suppose there is a mistake indeed. I only stayed here for three nights, not four对不起,我想确实有个错误。我只住了三个晚上,不是四个
gen.I'm the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you我是楼层服务员。如果有什么需要,请告诉我
gen.In fact, there are so few Arabs in Alexandria其实,亚历山大港的阿拉伯人挺少的
gen.in insulators there are few if any free electrons在绝缘体中几乎没有什么自由电子
gen.in the shop there were several men, who were all busy at their work车间里有几个人,他们都在忙着
gen.in this area there is no coal but, instead oil在这个地区没有煤,而有石油
gen.Is it far to walk there?走到那儿远吗?
gen.Is there a bus from here to your house, Young?杨,这儿有公共汽车去你家吗?
gen.Is there a daily passenger ship to London?每天都有班船开往伦敦吗?
gen.Is there a garage near here?这附近有没有修车厂?
gen.Is there a non-stop flight to Vienna?有飞维也纳的直达航班吗?
gen.Is there a sleeper on this train?这辆火车有卧铺车厢吗?
gen.Is there an age limit for applying for a temporary work visa?申请短期工作签证有年龄限制吗?
gen.Is there any discount on bulk purchases?我多买点能打折吗?
gen.Is there any earlier one?有稍早点的班机吗?
gen.is there any fuel left over还剩得有燃料吗
gen.is there any oil left?还有油吗?
gen.Is there any other hotel nearby?这附近有没有别的旅馆呢?
gen.Is there any place in the hotel where we can amuse ourselves?在酒店里是否有我们可以娱乐的地方?
gen.Is there any post office near here?这附近有邮局吗?
gen.is there any question whatever有任何问题吗
gen.Is there any special prescription with it?有没有特别的药方来治疗它?
gen.Is there anyone who can speak English?请问有没有会讲英语的?
gen.Is there anything breakable in your briefcase?您的手提箱里有易碎的东西吗?
gen.Is there anything I can do for you?能为您做些什么吗?
gen.Is there anything I can do for you?我能为您做点什么吗?
gen.Is there anything I can do for you?还有什么事需要为您效劳吗?
gen.Is there anything I can do for you?您还有什么事需要我做的吗?
gen.Is there anything special you would like us to prepare, sir madam?请问您有什么特殊要求需要我们做准备的,先生女士
gen.Is there anything that we should improve?哪些地方我们需要改进呢?
gen.It feels like there are more cars on the road every single day好像每天街上的车都越来越多
commer.It is reported on reliable authority that there will be a recession in price in the near future据可靠方面消息说不久价格将会猛跌
gen.It seems that there is an infection好像有感染
gen.It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings. It happens all the time. No need to worry一个机翼上的几个螺母松了。这样的事常发生,不必担心
gen.It seems to me that there is no cool air in the room. Will you examine it?房间里好像没有冷气。你能检查一下吗?
gen.It's always rather congested down there during rush hour那个地段在上下班高峰时间里总是特别拥堵
gen.Just go through the No. 8 ticket-barrier over there. A train will be in directly从8号检票口往前走,列车马上就进站
gen.Let there be bread人皆有食 Fiat Panis
gen.Look at the soup. There is a fly floating over it看这汤,上面漂着一只苍蝇
gen.Marina del Rey is a famous yacht harbor, and the restaurants there are excellent玛丽安德尔湾是个有名的游艇专用港,而且那里的餐厅棒极了
gen.May I take something out of it? There's an overcoat I can carry by hand我能拿些东西出来吗?我有一件可以手拿的大衣
tech.Metallurgy, electronics, chemical industry and machinery are the pillar industries there冶金、电子、化工、机械等是那里最大的支柱产业
gen.Mrs. Angela. There is no answer. Would you like to leave a message?安吉拉夫人。电话无人接听,请问您需要留言吗?
gen.My advice is to go to an actual running store, where there will be knowledgeable people who can watch you run and tell you what kind of shoes you need我建议去一家真正的跑鞋店。那里会有懂运动的人,看过你跑步之后,他们会告诉你,你需要哪一类的鞋子
gen.My name is Jack. I should be booked there for three nights starting today我叫杰克,本来是要从今天起订房三天的
gen.near there靠近那里
gen.near there在那附近
gen.neither here nor there离题
gen.neither here nor there无关紧要
gen.neither here nor there不切题
gen.neither here nor there不得要领
gen.No problem, don't forget I've been living there for three years好啊,别忘了我可是在那里待了三年啦
gen.No. The pillow cases are stained and the bathtub is not clean. There is no toilet paper in the bathroom不,枕头套是脏的,浴缸也不干净,浴室里没有厕纸
gen.No, there aren't any buses. But it is not far. And I have my car at the door of the hotel!不,没有。不过离这儿不远。我把车开到旅馆门口了
gen.Oh, yes. But the plane was late, so they won't be there on the 11 th是的。但是飞机延时了,他们11号不能到那里了
gen.OK, there will be a cab waiting outside in 10 minutes. It will take less than 5 minutes to check out好的,十分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等您。退房最多只需五分钟
busin.Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there我们的产品已在海外数个地区有售,并受到了消费者的欢迎
inf.out there向〔远在〕那边
sport.Outside there are a handful of basketball hoops and a set of rusty metal parallel bars外面有几个篮球筐和一对生锈的金属双杠
gen.over there在欧洲
gen.over there在那里〔边〕
gen.over there在那里〔那边〕
gen.right there就在那里
gen.Since there are only 20 minutes during the two flights, you'd better stay in the transfer correspondence两趟航班之间只间隔20分钟,您最好待在中转处
gen.Sir, is there anything unsatisfying?先生,有什么地方不满意吗?
tech.so near there to as she can safely get船舶能安全到达的附近地点
gen.Sorry, there is not complete product information on the warranty card. We can't fix it for you抱歉,您保修卡上的产品信息不完整,我们不能为您维修
gen.sounds there were none except the murmur除嗡嗡声以外没有别的声音
gen.Supermarkets are full of people during weeknights and weekends, where there is often a long queue at the checkout晚上和周末逛超市的人很多,要在收银台前排很长的队
gen.Sure, if there is Scotch and Soda好啊,只要有苏格兰苏打
gen.take care there's no mistake当心不要弄错
gen.Taking a taxi here means there is no need for tip at all在这里打车不需要给小费
gen.The British Embassy, please. I have to be there by10我去英国大使馆,10点之前赶到那里
refrig.The evaporator and the condenser are both made out of copper refrigerant coils, and there is some copper in the compressor, too蒸发器和冷却器都由铜线圈制作,并且在压缩机中也有部分铜
cloth.The inner packing there with a little bit of flower design is best on our market内包装上带一点花卉图案,这样最适合我们的市场需要。小贴士:
busin.The product will find a ready market there该产品会有销路的
gen.The room's insulation is too bad. My husband and I could not get any real sleep last night. There was a construction going on all night outside房间的隔音设备太差了。我和我先生昨晚都没睡好觉。外面整晚都在施工
gen.The Shoe-Shine Service locates in the lobby. You may polish your shoes free of charge there擦鞋服务位于大堂一层,免费为您提供擦鞋服务
gen.the vise is over there虎钳在那边
gen.then and there当时当地
gen.then and there当场立即
gen.then and there当场
gen.then and there当时当地
gen.there and back往返
gen.there and back上下
gen.there and back来回
gen.there and back往复
gen.there and everywhere处处
gen.there and everywhere四面八方
gen.there and everywhere到处
gen.there and then当地当时
gen.there and then当场立即
gen.there and then当场
gen.there and then当时当地
gen.there appear...出现了
gen.there appear to be…似乎有…
gen.there appears...出现了
gen.there appears to be…似乎有…
commer.There appears to be no difficulty in marketing these goods销售这些货物看来没有什么困难
gen.there are
gen.There are a few available for the 5 th.5 号还有几张票
gen.there are a few more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
gen.There are a lot of shops and boutiques around附近有很多不错的商店和时装店
gen.There are a variety of styles of the beddings. You could choose any one that matches your room这里有各种风格的床上用品,您可以选择适合您家的一款
gen.there are cases where...有时
gen.there are 100 centimeters to the meter一米有100厘米
gen.There are hundreds of people today at the supermarket. So many people are waiting in the checkout line!今天超市里真是人山人海啊,等待结账的队伍太长了!
gen.There are lots of little traditions like this, from decorating the Christmas tree to kissing under the mistletoe, to exchanging gifts. That is a lot of fun有很多类似不起眼的传统,从装饰圣诞树到槲寄生树下亲吻,然后交换礼物,这一切都是如此有趣
gen.There are many credit cards available: American Express, VISA, and Master Charge are some of the most popular ones可供选择的信用卡种类很多,其中有些信用卡很流行,如美国运通卡、维萨卡及万事达卡,等等
gen.there are many more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
gen.there are many problems in engineering where the forces are known工程方面有许多问题中力是已知的
gen.there are many ways to skin a cat办法不止一种
gen.there are many ways to skin a cat有的是办法
gen.There are more anti-aging skin care products on the market today than ever before今天市场上的抗衰老护肤品比以往任何时候都多
gen.There are no design differences except a color difference除了颜色外并没有其他设计上的差别
gen.there are no more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
gen.there are no such machines as you mention没有像你说的机器
gen.there are only two to choose from只有两个可供选择
gen.there are other objections toM M 还有别的一些缺点
commer.There are several conspicuous errors in the provision条文有几处明显的错误
gen.there are signs ofM 有 M 的征兆〔迹象〕
sport.There are six hundred fifty entries for the marathon race报名参加这次马拉松比赛的人数为 650 名
commer.There are six members on the committee, not counting the chairman委员会有六位成员,不包括其主席
gen.There are so many eating utensils on the table. Which ones do I use first?桌上有这么多餐具。我要先用哪些餐具?
vent.There are so many kinds of fans, such as axial flow fans, centrifugal fans and high pressure fans风机的种类繁多,有轴流风机、离心风机,还有高压风机
gen.There are some cock-roaches in the room. Please wipe them out房间里有嶂螂,请把它们除掉
commer.There are some loopholes in the agreement协议中有几处漏洞
gen.there are some more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
commer.There are some prospects of securing firm offers from sellers有些希望从卖主获取实盘
gen.There are spectacular car chases and some thrilling moments in the film这部影片有精彩的追车场面以及其他一些惊险刺激的镜头
gen.There are ten $100 bills, five 50 RMB bills, three quarters and some other coins有 10 张面值 100 的美金和5张面值50的人民币,还有3枚25美分的硬币和其他硬币
gen.There are thousands of awnings on the Coopers Beach库帕沙滩上有许多遮阳篷
gen.there are times when有时候,常会
gen.there are two kinds of charges-positive and negative有两种电荷-正电和负电 (与动词 to be 连用;表示"有"的意思)
sport.There are two types of strength, static and dynamic力量有两种类型:静力性力量和动力性力量
gen.there are various indications that种种迹象表明
gen.there be bound to be势必出现
gen.there be bound to be必然有
gen.there can be no differentiation without contrast有比较才能鉴别
gen.there can be no force unless two bodies are involved就不会有力
gen.there can be no force unless two bodies are involved没有两个物体
gen.there comes a time when...有这么一个时期…
gen.there continue to be...仍然有
gen.there continues to be...仍然有
book.there correspond...相应地有
book.there corresponds...相应地有
gen.There could be several reasons for a visa denial or visa rejection有几个原因可能会导致拒签
commer.There has been a glut of fruit in the market市场上的水果供应过多
gen.there has been developed已出现〔发明,研制出〕了
gen.there has grown up a system of testing metals逐渐形成了一套金属试验系统
gen.there has to be…必须有
gen.there have been…已经有
gen.there have been developed已出现〔发明,研制出〕了
gen.there have to be…必须有
expl.There is a bank of agriculture in the vicinity附近有一家农业银行
cloth.There is a basic version of the suit, called "English-style shoulder pad suit"有一种西服的基本版型叫"英式垫肩西服"
gen.there is a chance that有可能…
commer.There is a considerable increase in the yield of wheat小麦产量有相当大的增长
commer.There is a deficiency of US $250 in your L/C你方信用证金额少开250 美元
gen.There is a 20-dollar deposit, and a 20-dollar minimum for your first charge交20美元押金办卡,首次充值最少20美元
commer.There is a favourable change in the market市场情况好转
gen.There is a floor show in our pub. Would you like to see it?酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗?
commer.There is a 5% freight rebate运费有百分之五的回扣
commer.There is a good market for this article此项商品销路很好
commer.There is a great decrease in demand需求大大下降
shipb.There is a great demand for glass fiber reinforced plastic yacht in the United States.美国对玻璃钢游艇的需求很大。
commer.There is a great difference between the invoice weight and the landed weight发票重量与卸岸重量差距很大
commer.There is a large attendance at the fair交易会出席人数很多
commer.There is a large variety for selection有许多种类可供选择
gen.there is a limit to...是有限度的
gen.there is a little more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
commer.There is a material difference between these two terms两个术语有本质区别
gen.There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drink and snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will be recorded客房内备有小酒吧,为您准备了多种酒水及小吃。我们会每日补充消耗,同时您的消费额将被计入您的账单
gen.there is a portion of energy lost有一部分能量丧失了
gen.There is a range of skin care products. I think the yellow bottle looks nice这里有多款护肤品。我觉得这个黄色瓶子看起来不错
gen.There is a recreation center on the ground floor. You can play billiards, table tennis, bridge and go bowling底楼有一个娱乐中心,您可以去打台球,打乒乓球,玩桥牌,打保龄球
gen.there is a reminiscence of M inN 使人联想到 M (N)
commer.There is a slim possibility of entering into an agreement with the buyer与买方达成协议的可能性极小
gen.there is a slope onM M有一个斜度
gen.There is a small scratch on the left side左边有一点刮痕
gen.There is a strange noise coming from the engine弓| 擎有奇怪的声音
expl.There is a substantial increase in temperature from 13°C at an altitude of 180 metres to a temperature of 18°C at an altitude of 270 metres温度在180米高度时为13度、到270米高度时为18度、增幅很大
gen.There is a supermarket in the First Street. come and give you a hand第一大街上有家超市,我可以跟你一起去,帮你忙
gen.There is a table available then那时候有空位
gen.there is a tower on each side of the river河两边各有一座塔
gen.there is a tower on either side of the river河两岸各有一座塔
gen.there is a warp in the board这块板有点翘
commer.There is a wide difference between the seller's price and the buyer's卖方与买方之间价格差距很大
gen.There is always a star shape barrette on her hair她的头发上总有一个星形发夹
gen.There is an extra charge of 5 % for express service快洗服务要额外付5%的费用
gen.There is an extra charge of 15% for room service客房送餐服务要加收15%的服务费
gen.there is every appearance of…无一处不像…
gen.there is every appearance that…无一处不像…
gen.there is every justification for + ing完全有理由
gen.there is every probability of多半有
gen.there is every probability ofthat…多半会
gen.there is fire有烟的地方就有火
commer.There is hardly any business at the close of the month月末几乎没有什么交易
commer.There is little activity in the market市场不活跃
gen.there is little, if any有也不多
gen.there is little probability ofthat…很少,不大像会
commer.There is little prospect of getting any bids from buyers从买主获得递盘的希望几无
gen.there is little to between the two两者之间没有什么〔多少〕可选择的余地
gen.there is little to between the two两者不相上下
gen.there is more behind背后〔其中〕还有文章
gen.there is much more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
gen.there is much work to do有大量工作要做
gen.there is no…是不可能的
gen.there is no…是毫无疑问的
gen.there is no…是未经提出讨论过的
gen.there is noquestion……是没有疑问的
gen.there is no a poor market forM M 销路不好
gen.there is no a poor market forM M 没有销路
gen.there is no accounting for tastes人各有所好
commer.There is no activity in the market市场呆滞
gen.there is no appearance of一点儿没有…的样子
gen.there is no appearance of简直看不见…的影子
gen.There is no arrangement today. Have a good rest and recover from the jet lag今天没有安排,请好好休息,倒倒时差
expl.There is no cause to call the work group back没有理由召回工作组
gen.there is no denying the fact事实不容否认
gen.there is no denying the factthat……这一事实是不能否认的
commer.there is no direct vessel this month本月无直航货轮
gen.There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country毫无疑问,近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题
gen.there is no doubt whatever about it关于这一点,没有任何疑问
gen.there is no doubt whatever about it这是毫无疑问的
gen.there is no sound evidence to prove this没有可靠的证据证明这点
gen.there is no fear of的可能性不大 (+ ing)
gen.there is no fear of + ing不可能会
expl.There is no fire in the kitchen for cooking厨房里没有炉子、没法做饭
gen.there is no give in a stone floor石板地面没有弹性
gen.there is no help for it这可没有办法
gen.there is no if in the case这里没有假定的余地
commer.There is no inclination on the part of buyers to place new orders with us买主无意向我方递交新的订单
commer.There is no indication that the buyer is ready to accept your terms and conditions没有迹象表明买主准备接受你方条件
gen.there is no justification for it这是没有正当理由的
gen.there is no knowing没法〔不可能〕知道
commer.There is no likelihood of the price going down价格无下降的可能性
commer.There is no margin for reduction没有减价的余地
commer.There is no marked qualitative difference between these two articles两种商品在质量上没有明显区别
gen.there is no market forM M 销路不好
gen.there is no market forM M 没有销路
gen.there is no more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
gen.There is no Mr. Qin at that number那个号码查无秦先生这个人
commer.There is no necessity to go into further details没有必要进一步详述细节
gen.there is no need for them to go on不需要他们继续下去了
commer.There is no need to introduce the world renowned Armani label, but what may be less known is that it is now a leading furniture designer世界著名的阿玛尼品牌已无须介绍,但鲜为人知的是它现在成了首屈一指的家具设计品牌
gen.there is no need to use用不着
gen.there is no object in没有的必要 (+ ing)
commer.There is no object in making the matter more complicated把事情搞得更复杂没有意义
gen.there is no objection to做…也不碍事 (+ ing)
gen.there is no objection to做…没有什么不可以 (+ ing)
gen.there is no occasion to + inf.没有理由必要
gen.there is no one that does not know this没有一个人不知道这点
gen.there is no other use for it此外没有别的用处
gen.there is no point in doing that做那事没有〔没多大〕用处
gen.there is no point in doing that那样做毫无〔没多大〕意义
gen.there is no point in doing that那样做没有〔没有多大〕必要
gen.there is no possibility ofM 没有 M 的可能性
gen.there is no possibility ofM 不可能 M
commer.There is no precedent to go by没有先例可援引
gen.there is no probability ofthat…很少,不大像会
commer.There is no probability of their re-entering the market in the near future他们在近期内不可能买货
math.there is no question…是毫无疑问的 (but)
math.there is no questionthat…是没有疑问的 (but)
gen.there is no reason for M toM 做…是没有理由 (+ inf.)
gen.there is no remedy除…外别无补救办法
sport.There is no restriction on the length, diameter or composition of the pole撑竿的长度、直径或构成没有限制
gen.there is no saying说不上
gen.there is no saying无法预料
gen.there is no saying很难说
gen.there is no sense in做…是有没有意义道理 (+ ing)
gen.there is no sensible difference没有什么显著的区别
expl.There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要考虑
gen.there is no telling不可能知道
gen.there is no telling难以预料
gen.There is no time restriction. You can apply again at any time and as many times as you want再次申请是没有时间限制的。你随时都可以再次申请,并且也没有申请次数的限制
commer.There is no visible sign of a revival of the market市场没有明显恢复的迹象
gen.There is no water in the water closet. Would you please have it repaired?马桶无水,请修理一下
gen.there is no wear in this stuff这材料不耐磨
gen.there is not a fraction of一点也没有
gen.there is not a moment to lose一分钟也不能浪费
gen.There is not much kick in the cocktail这种鸡尾酒没有多少劲儿
commer.There is not much movement in the market市场不太活跃
gen.there is not much point in doing that做那事没有〔没多大〕用处
gen.there is not much point in doing that那样做毫无〔没多大〕意义
gen.there is not much point in doing that那样做没有〔没有多大〕必要
gen.there is not much probability ofthat…很少,不大像会
gen.there is not much to between the two两者之间没有什么〔多少〕可选择的余地
gen.there is not much to between the two两者不相上下
gen.there is not one of us but wishes to help you我们中间没有一人不愿意帮助你
gen.there is not the slightestM 点儿 M 也没有
gen.there is nothing for it but to除…之外别无它法 (+ inf.)
gen.there is nothing likeM 什么也比不上M
gen.there is nothing the matter withM M 没有什么 (问题)
gen.there is nothing to between the two两者之间没有什么〔多少〕可选择的余地
gen.there is nothing to between the two两者不相上下
commer.There is only a narrow outlet for this article这一商品仅有很窄的销路
commer.There is scarcely sufficient time to catch S/S "Prince"只能勉强赶上"王子"号轮
gen.There is so much conflicting advice about diet and nutrition关于饮食和营养,有如此多的相互矛盾的意见
gen.there is some more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
gen.there is some sense in做…是有没有意义道理 (+ ing)
gen.there is something in that这里面有点道理
gen.there is something new in that这里面有点新东西
gen.there is something not very plain in that这里面有点什么不很清楚的东西
gen.there is something the matter withM M有障碍〔毛病〕
gen.there is something wrong with the works机件出了毛病
gen.there is something wrong with this machine这台机器什么地方出了毛病
commer.There is still a balance of US 120 owing to us你方仍欠我方120美元余额款项
China, polit.there is strong public concern over...群众反映比较强烈
gen.there isn't much use forM M 没有多大价值〔用途〕
gen.there must be...必然〔一定〕有
gen.there needs noM 不需要M
gen.there needs noM 用不着M
math.there occur发生
math.there occur出现
math.there occur
math.there occur存在
expl.There often occur food shortages in lean years。欠收之年往往出现粮荒的情形
gen.there or thereabouts时间,数量大约
gen.There're two sockets in the bathroom, for 110V and 220V respectively浴室里有两个分别为110伏和220伏的插座
gen.There's a big fountain. Go past the fountain, turn right at the corner, and the Rockefeller Center's on the right有一个很大的喷水池。走过喷水池,在转角右转,洛克菲勒中心就在右手边
gen.There's always a long queue when I was shopping in Paris. I almost lost my patience我在巴黎购物时总得排老长的队,等得都快没耐心了
sport.There's always the home workout option - check out the myriad of fitness appliances which will make you sweat but are cheap or free你可以选择在家锻炼——寻找各种能让你流汗,但便宜甚至免费的健身器材
gen.There's an annual commission required by the issuing bank发卡行规定每年还必须交付年费
gen.there's many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip凡事很难十拿九稳
gen.there's many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip事情往往功亏一篑
gen.There's no bus conductor in this city. Drivers play both role of driver and conductor. You have to go to the front and drop your fare into a metal box这个城市的巴士没有售票员。司机兼有双重职责。你得到车的前面把车费投到金属盒里
gen.there's no mistaking不会弄错的
gen.There's no one named Anna here这儿没有叫安娜的
gen.there's not a whit of truth没有一点点真实性
gen.there's nothing wrong with the engine发动机没有毛病
gen.there's only one way to do it做这事只有一种方法
gen.There's the information desk. How do we get the 70th Street, please?那儿有个问讯处。请问我们怎样能到第70街?
gen.there seem to be...似乎〔好像〕有
gen.there seem to be some cases似乎有时
gen.there seems to be...似乎有
gen.there stand…有着
gen.there stands…有着
gen.there tend to be…往往存在
gen.there tend to be往往会有
gen.there tend to be往往存在
gen.there tends to be…往往存在
gen.there used to be原来这里有
gen.there used to be过去常常有
gen.There used to be a variety of foods at choice in that cafeteria那家自助餐馆以前有各种各样的食物可供选择
gen.there was曾有
gen.there was...过去有
commer.There was a 10% decrease in earnings last year去年收益减少10%
gen.there was a salvo of applause响起了一阵掌声
gen.There was a sense of exhilaration about being alone on the beach独自在海滩上令人心旷神怡
commer.There was a ship in distress off the shore海岸外有船遇险
gen.there were曾有
gen.there were...过去有
commer.there were about 1000 entries in the exhibition展览会中约有1000件展品
commer.There were about 2,000 entries in the exhibition展览会中约有2,000件展品
gen.There were dozens of casualties in the train crash火车撞车事故中数十人伤亡
gen.there were none present谁也没有到场〔出席〕
obs.there will be...会有
refrig.There will be lots more to keep children entertained, including the chance to visit a state-of-the-art ice cream machine为小朋友们提供的娱乐环境和设施远不止于此,比如他们还可以试试顶级的冰激淋机
gen.There will be three of us我们有三个人
gen.There will of course be no charge for this replacement这次换货不需要任何费用
gen.these tools are theirs, yours are over there这些工具是他们的,你们的在那边
gen.This flight has been canceled due to a typhoon in Hanoi. There'll be no flights to Hanoi until tomorrow本次航班因河内有台风取消了。要到明天才会有班机飞往河内
gen.This is a great area of the city for shopping. There a grocery store just around the corner这一带是市区里购物的好地方,在附近有一个杂货店
gen.to every A there correspond B对每一个A 都有 B 与之相对应
gen.Traffic just didn't move there所有的车都一动不动地堵在那儿
gen.under there在那下面
gen.up there在那里
gen.up to there到那里
gen.Was there anything interesting you met in the Ningaloo Reef?在宁格鲁礁,遇到有趣的事了吗?
gen.We can get there on time if the lights are with us如一路绿灯,我们能准时到达
gen.We have a huge refrigerator and there's also a dishwasher我们有大冰箱,还有洗碗机
gen.We have Flight CA981 on Monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether there're seats available. I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight CA981 on that day下周一我们有国航 CA981次航班。请稍等,让我查一下是否还有座位。非常抱歉 CA981次航班机票已经订完
gen.We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms我们酒店有标准房、高级房、豪华房、行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房
gen.we have to go there now我们现在得去那儿
gen.We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage我们要检查这批瓷器,看是否有破损
gen.We will transfer your bag to the Lobby Floor Cloakroom. You may collect it there我们会将您的袋子转交给一楼大厅的寄物处,您可以去那儿取
gen.We'll be all right if there're no holdups如果不堵车,我们就来得及
gen.We'll check it into the bonded storage room, and give you a receipt. When you leave the country, you can claim it there我们将物品登记后放到关栈保管室,并给你一个收条。你离境时,可以来领取
agric.went there耕去耕地作业
gen.What flights are there from San Francisco to Chicago tomorrow?明天从旧金山到芝加哥有哪几趟航班?
gen.What if there is any laundry damage? I wonder if your hotel has a policy on dealing with it万一有的衣服洗坏了,我想知道你们酒店是否有如何处理这方面问题的规定
gen.What kinds of performances are there?都有些什么文艺演出?
gen.When does this ship leave? There, going to be a storm这班船什么时候发?暴风雨就要来了
sport.When there are too many competitors to compete at one time, several heats will be held to eliminate the less competent competitors from the final如参赛选手人数太多、有必要进行几次分组赛、淘汰水平较低的选手、以便减少参加决赛的选手人数
gen.Whenever your travels take you, there are some complimentary beverages available, including coffee, fruit juices, soft drinks, tea and water无论您飞往何处,都有免费饮料可以享用,包括咖啡、果汁、软饮料、茶和水
gen.where there is smoke有烟的地方就有火
expl.Where there is smoke, there is fire有烟就有火
gen.While I was in Madrid, there was a carnival我在马德里的时候正赶上狂欢节
expl.Wild flyrock occurs due to the unexpected propulsion of rock fragments,when there is some abnormality in a blast or a rock mass, that travels beyond the blast clearance exclusion zone意外飞石的产生、是由于爆破过程或岩体中出现异常、致使破碎岩石出乎意料地飞越爆破禁区之外
gen.Will there be any change in your room type?您需要变化您的房间类型吗?
gen.Will this flight get there on time?飞机会准点到达吗?
gen.with increase in temperature there occurs increase in volume of gases气体的体积也就增大
gen.with increase in temperature there occurs increase in volume of gases随着温度的增高
gen.with this arrangement, there is no indication of which point has caused the alarm这种布置方案中,没有表明是哪一点引起了报警
gen.without vapour there would be no clouds没有蒸汽就不会有云
gen.You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No. 53 bus to get there你可以乘坐24路公交,转53路就可到达
busin.You have got the quality there as well as the style我们的产品不仅美观,质量也非常棒
gen.Your skis will float if you have softer-flexing alpine ski-boots because you will be able to keep balance and there will be more room for your ankles软一些的滑雪靴更有利于滑雪板浮在雪上,因为在软鞋里更能保持平衡,而且脚踝活动空间更大
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