
Terms for subject Economy containing The product | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A prospective avenue for the sale of our products has been located已经找到一个销售我们产品的有希望的门路
A statement was presented for detailed description of the peculiar features of the product提出了一份说明书,详细地叙述该产品的特色
According to the terms of the contract, the manager of the company grants to his agent the exclusive right to sell the products in this region根据本合同的条款,该公司的经理授予他的代理商在该地区独家销售产品的权利
Advertising signs of this product have been put up in the centre of some big cities此产品的广告牌已竖立在一些大城市的中心地带
After 3 months' trial production, the end product is still not acceptable经过三个月的试产,成品还不能被接受
After the termination of this contract, the company shall not manufacture such products any more在本合同终止后,该公司将不得再制造此类产品
All funds derived from the sale of the products shall be paid within a month所有销售产品所获得的资金均须在一个月之内付清
All inquiries received by dealers relating to the products shall be refer red to manufacturers零售商所接到的有关产品的查询意见应提交给制造商
All prices and conditions governing the sale of products shall be determined by the owner支配商品销售的一切价格与条件应由业主来决定
All the technical details on the new product are given in our document在我方文件中说明了新产品的全部详细的技术规格
An agent's work is to sell, distribute or promote the sale of the products made by a certain factory代理商的工作就是推销、经销或促销某一厂家的产品
Appropriate compensation for our service in promoting the sales of your products has been made我方在促销你方产品方面的服务已经取得了适当的报酬
Because our company does regularly carry the products in stock we have no difficulty to supply the amount you need at any time因为我公司经常备有这种产品,所以随时供应你方所需数量而无困难
Because we cannot manufacture enough products to satisfy the demand at present, we have decided to enlarge our production由于目前制造的产品满足不了需求,我们决定扩大生产
Both parties agree to use their best efforts to promote the sale of the jointly developed products either directly to users or through their distribution channels双方同意尽其最大努力直接向用户或通过其销售渠道来推销共同研制的产品
Both parties desire to combine their efforts to bring in effect the marketing of their products双方愿共同努力使其产品的销售取得成功
Brand loyalty is the feeling of a customer who always buys the same brand of product所谓商标忠实性指的是一个顾客固定购买同一商标产品的现象
compare the product with the sample把产品和样品比较
contracting the product line缩小同类产品项目
convert a protion of the surplus product into capital剩余产品转化为资本
demand for the product of an individual seller对个人卖主产品的需求
differentiation of the product产品差别性
disparity between the prices of primary products and those of manufacture初级产品与制成品价格之间的剪刀差
Every clerk must observe strict secrecy regarding all the information relative to the new product每个职员对有关新产品的一切情况必须严守秘密
exchange of products conducted in the absence of money and commerce无商业介入的物物交换
exchange of products conducted in the absence of money and commerce无货币
exchange of products on the basis of equal labour values产品的等劳交换
expansion of the product line增多同类产品项目
expense in the trial manufacture of new products新产品试制费
first product of the season一个季节中最早的收获
He is receiving a royalty of 20% on the wholesale prices of his newly invented products made by the company他从本公司制造的他新发明的产品的批发价中获20%的专利权使用费
I think the new product will appeal to the international market我认为这种新产品将会引起国际市场的兴趣
If we do not renew our design of the products, we will surely lose the market如果不更新产品设计,我们肯定会失去市场
index number of the prices of export products出口商品价格指数
index number of the prices of rural industrial products农村工业品价格指数
integration product for the market商品性农产品
inventory of semi-finished products at the beginning of the period初期半成品盘存
It is necessary to suit the products to the need of market必须使产品适合市场的需要
It is usually the lethargic period of our product at this season这个季节通常是我们产品的疲软期
It will be difficult to sell this product without curtailment of the delivery time不缩短交货时间,产品很难出售
It's desired to promote the acceptance of the new products by means of advertising希望对新产品进行宣传推广,使人们愿意购买
License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分项许可证
Manufacturers inflated prices of their products, and this caused chaos in the market制造商们哄抬产品价格造成了市场的混乱
money value of the national product国民生产货币总值
Mr. Smith had to do a lot of field work to find the right market for the product史密斯先生需要进行大量实地调査以便找到产品适销的市场
nationality of the product产品的国别
net sales of the products产品的净销额
net transactions of the products产品的净销额
Not until next month can we revert to the special products you required要到一个月后我们才能再谈你所需之特殊产品
Only the licensee sells the products for ultimate retail consumption只有许可证持有者才能将产品直接零售给最终消费者
Our company advertises the sales of our products by means of newspapers, magazines, recordings, colour schemes, etc我公司利用报纸、杂志、录音带、彩色图表等做广告推销我方产品
Our plant uses a panda as the advertising symbol of our product我厂用熊猫作为我厂产品的广告标志
Our product is a good seller at the price of US 100 per set including the cost of accessories我方产品每台定价100美元,包括附件费用在内,非常好销
Owing to the limited manufacturing capability, part of the products will be made in the factories of由于生产能力有限,产品的一部分由转包商工厂生产
Party A has the unrestricted right to sell the said product甲方享有销售上述产品的无限权利
Party A shall assign to Parly B all rights concerning the licensed products and continuations soon甲方将立即转让给乙方一切与特许产品和延长期等有关的权利
Party A undertakes that they will not sell the said products within one month甲方保证他们不会在一个月内出售所说产品
Party B shall pay Party A a sum of money for the utilization of Party A's information about the new product为利用甲方有关新产品的资料,乙方将付给甲方一笔酬金
Please find herein a copy of our catalogue of the products available at present随函附上我方现在可供商品的目录单一份,请查收
Please make us an offer for any product within the fabric of this line请给我们报这类商品中的任何一种
Please see to it that there is no defect in the quality of the new products请注意在这些新产品的质量方面不要有任何缺陷
Please send us the latest catalogue of your products with the price-list请寄你方产品最新目录及价目单
Products should be inspected before leaving the factory产品在出厂前都应经过检査
promote the transaction of products推销产品
proportion of marketable products from the specialized undertaking专业经营的商品率
Provisional Law on the Importation of Specific Petroleum Product特殊石油产品进口暂行法规
publicise the new products宣传新产品
raising the quality and benefit of agricultural products提高农产品的质量与效益
Regulations of Awarding Fine Quality Products of the People's Republic of China"中华人民共和国优质产品奖励条例" (1979)
She exercised her option to acquire sole marketing rights for the product她行使优先权,获得了该产品的独家销售权
Subject to the terms of the agreement, you can only begin to manufacture the products after we have confirmed the qualities and specifications在本协议的条件下,仅在我方确认质量和规格后你方才能开始制造该产品
test the product检测产品
test the product产品试验
the adaptation of product产品适应性
The advertising for the new product has been published and disseminated该项新产品的广告已经刊印并广为传播
The board of directors relies on the marketing department for information on developing new products董事会依靠销售部了解开发新产品的信息
The catalogue gives all the details of the product range of our company目录册详尽地介绍了我公司产品的范围与门类
The commercial product has a proprietary name该商品有专利商标名
The companies would not succeed in improving quality of their products without this equipment如果没有这种设备,这些公司就不能顺利地提高其产品的质量
The company agrees to design, manufacture and sell the product with its best efforts该公司同意尽其最大努力设计、制造和销售此产品
The company has successfully undertaken manufacture, sale, export and import of the products for ten years该公司十年来成功地承担产品的制造、销售和进出口业务
The company is given the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the products listed in the table该公司被授予独家生产和销售表中所列产品的权利
The company regularly conducts nationwide opinion polls on its products该公司对其产品定期举行全国性的民意测验
The computer company is taking the risk of exhausting its budget in developing this new product这家计算机公司冒着用尽预算资金的风险开发此新产品
The corporation can only sell the products, not their patterns and drawings该公司只能出售产品,而非这些产品的模型和图纸
The customer complains about of poor quality of the product顾客抱怨产品质量差
The dealer is certain that our products are in competition with rival ones openly and fairly这位商家确信,我方产品可以同别家产品公平合理地竞争
The decrease in price will boast their zeal to push the products减价将提高他们推销这些产品的积极性
The director briefly described the products manufactured by our factory厂长简要介绍了我厂生产的产品
The director of that factory agrees to consign the products to the salesmen那家工厂厂长同意将产品交付给推销员
The factory sells all its products only to distributors not to retailers工厂将所有产品只卖给批发商而不卖给零售商
The factory's supervisory personnel have the right to examine the quality and the packing of the products工厂监督人员有权检查产品的质量和包装
The first-line supervisor is responsible for the manufacture of a quality product生产第一线的管理人员要对制造合格产品负责
The government upgradings the prohibition against manufacturing counterfeit products对于禁止制造假冒产品,政府予以支持
The information about the new product is very useful to us有关新产品的信息对我们十分有用
The inspector shall be required to make continuous on-site observations to check the quality of products应该要求检验员不断地作现场现察,检查产品质量
The label of the product bears its trade mark产品的标签上有该产品的商标
The launch date of the new brand product has been decided新牌产品开始上市的日期已定
The lead time on this product is more than two months对于这个产品,从决定发订单到收到货物要两个多月时间
The list is an enumeration of the current salable products这张单子是目前畅销的产品目录
The main purport of the certificate is to prove the sound quality of the product此证书的主旨是证明该声品的质量良好
The manager urges that emphasis should be laid on the manufacture of new products经理极力主张把重点放在制造新产品上
The Manufacturer agrees to manufacture the above said products, subject exclusively to the order of the company制造商同意生产上述所指产品,只服从公司的指令
The manufacturer does not warrant the merchantability of the products supplied制造商不担保其供应产品的畅销性
The manufacturer shall be promptly notified if there is any doubt in relation to the safety of the products对于产品的安全如有疑问,应迅速通知制造商
The manufacturer shall sell such products only to such consignors with goods credit厂家只把这种产品卖给那些信誉良好的承销人
The marketability of the product leaves much to be desired该产品的市场性需要改进的地方还多呢
The new product has several functions as follows这种新产品具有下述几项功能
The new product has stood a severe proof新产品经受了严格的考验
The new product was developed in our own laboratories新产品是在我们自己的实验室里研制出来的
the non-commodity exchange of products非商品性的产品交换
The outside sales manager must have some knowledge of the technical capabilities and specifications of the products外销部经理必须了解产品的技术性能和规格
The owner has the right to reexport, sell or dispose of his own products业主有权再出口、 销售或处理自己的产品
the planning of products产品设计
The process was perfected for making high grade products生产高质量产品的工艺得到完善
the processed farm products农业加工品
The product bears a neutral brand这种商品贴中性商标
The product is warranted to be of high quality保证这种产品是高质量的
The product made by our factory is quite different in function from that of our rivals我厂的产品在性能上与我们竞争对手的产品有很大差别
the product repayment补偿贸易的以产品还付
The product should be described by drawing and word description必须用图纸和文字说明介绍该产品
the product variety产品品种
The product would be taken in preference to the others在这些产品中,人们首先选择这种
The products delivered to the buyer should be identical with the samples交付给买方的产品应与样品完全相同
The quality and design of the product must conform to the sample you posted to us产品的质量和设计必须与你方邮寄的货样相符
The quality of our current product is guaranteed totally equal to that of our previous product我们现有产品的质量保证与我们以前产品的质量完全相同
The quality of our products is absolutely prime我们的产品质量绝对是一流的
The real cost of the new product has gone up by 2%新产品的实际成本已上升了2%
the recapitulation of semifinished products issued半成品发出汇总表
The results of the performance test of the machines do not bring about any non-conformity with the guaran teed product quality机器性能试验的结果没有与保证的产品质量发生矛盾
The retail price of this new product shall not be above RMB ¥58 per piece此种新产品的零售价每件不得高于58元人民币
The sales manager has given up the idea of changing the product color销售部经理已经放弃了改变产品颜色的想法
The sales representative will make every effort to merchandise the new products销售代理将尽全力用各种方法推销新产品
the self-manufactured semi-finished products自制半成品
The seller and the buyer have agreed on the prices of all products identified as follows卖方和买方已经就下文确定的一切产品的价格达成协议
The seller made a presentation of his new product to possible customers卖主向可能购物的顾客介绍了他的新产品
the semi-finished products purchase外购半成品
the semi-sensitive products半敏感性产品
the serialization of products产品序列化
the shortage of products产品脱销
the statement analysing net income from product sales产品净利润明细表
The superior quality of the materials and the high standard of workmanship are the important specialities of our products优质材料及高标准工艺是我厂产品的两大重要特点
The symbols chosen for advertising will vary according to the product为广告选择的象征性标志随产品而异
the uniformity of product品质一律不变
the uniformity of product产品的一致性
The variety of our products for export has been broadened我公司出口产品品种已有所增加
The works manufactured all types of electric products for their local clients该工厂制造向本地客户提供的各种电气产品
the zeal to push the product推销产品的积极性
Their efforts in promoting the sale of the product have proved unfruitful他们在该产品的销售上做的努力未见成效
There is no shortage of prospective buyers for our new product in the near future很快会有不少预期的买主来购买我们的新产品
These products delivered to our company are on trial in the laboratory交付给我公司的产品现在正在实验室中进行试验
They are determined to prosecute the sale of the company's products more actively and diligently他们决定更积极、更勤奋地去从事该公司产品的经销业务
They are dissatisfied with the poor quality of the products他们对产品的质量非常不满
They are unable to make a valid effort to sell the product他们未能成功地售出这些产品
They can manufacture and sell the product under the patronage of their parent company他们能在其母公司的保护下制造和销售这一产品
They discovered than their agent was selling their rival's products at the price even lower that theirs他们发现他们公司的代理商在销售他们竞争对手的产品时,其价格比他们自己的产品还要低廉
They owe their reputable position both in China and in other parts of the world to the good quality of their products and the sincere way of doing business他们在中国乃至世界其他地区享有盛誉归功于他们产品质量优良和经营业务诚实
They were under the impression that we show little interest in their products他们原以为我们对其产品没有什么兴趣
They would be pleased to assess the market possibilities of this product他们乐于试探该产品销售的可能性
This foreign-funded company has the means to launch its new products with a big advertising compaign这家外资公司有钱,能以大规模的广告活动推出其新产品
Three-fourths of the carpets sold at the location are our products当地销售的地毯四分之三是我方产品
To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference为使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封航邮寄上商品目录,供你参考
To meet the customer's requirements, the business representatives shall see to it that the products be delivered in good time为了满足客户需要,业务代表应保证产品按时交货
total funds and products borne by the government system报销制
value of the national product国民生产货币总值
value of the product产品价值
We appoint you as our sole agent for our products for the two years in your local market computed from the date when this agency agreement comes into effect我方指定你方为当地市场上我方产品的独家代理,为期两年,从本代理协议生效之日起计算
We are considering how to innovate in the workmanship and packing of our products我们正在考虑如何革新产品的工艺和包装
We are considering the question of agency and hope you continue to use your efforts in pushing the sale of our products我方一直在考虑代理问题,希望贵方继续努力推销我方的产品
We are engaged in the export of agricultural and mineral products我们经营农产品和矿产品出口业务
We are fully convinced of the virtue of this product我们绝对相信该产品的优点
We are quite confident that our product can rival any others due to the best quality我们充分相信我们的产品质量最优,足以与其他任何产品竞争
We are required to sell the products into a restricted market我们应当在限额销售的市场上出售该产品
We are very grateful to you for the brief introduction of your products and samples you sent here我们非常感激你方寄来关于你方产品的简要介绍和样品
We check each product before it leaves the factory产品出厂前要检验
We decided to advertise the new product我们决定为该新产品做广告
We have widened our contracts to promote the new product effectively我们已扩大接触面,以便有效地推销新产品
We hope to prevent those detrimental and uneconomic practices in our distribution of the products我们企求在销售产品的过程中防止那些有害和不经济的做法
We import raw materials and export the finished products我们进口原材料而后出口成品
We must see to it that the product is uniform with its sample我们须确保产品与样品完全一致
We regret to say that the new product of yours is not worth our effort to promote很遗憾,你们这种新产品不值得我方努力推销
We shall actively promote the sale of the product and shall maintain an adequate sales force我们应积极促进产品的销售,并须维持一支充分的销售力量
We shall exhibit our products on our stand at the fair我们将在交易会我方展台上展出我方的产品
We shall prepare in conjunction with the manufacturers all the products needed我方将与厂商一起准备好所需产品
We shall prepare the licensed products in accordance with the formula and standards designated by you我方将按照你方规定的方式和标准准备各种特许产品
We shall stop manufacturing the licensed products on the termination of this contract合同终止后,我们将停止制造该特许产品
We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权
We understand from your telegraph of the 6th inst. that you are keenly interested in our products, and request us to make an offer for them我方从你方本月6日的电报中获悉,你方对我方的产品非常感兴趣,并要求我方为其报价
We will have technicians on the spot to answer questions about our products我方将派技术人员到现场解答有关我方产品的问题
We wish to have exclusive right to sell the product in Thailand我方意欲取得在泰国销售该产品的独家经销权
When the imported products are delivered, they shall be merchantable进口的产品在交货时,必须是可销的
When the product is improved, its price is raised产品质量提高时,其价格也上升了
You can enjoy the exclusive privilege of exporting all products of the well-known manufacturing company你公司可拥有独家出口这家著名制造公司产品的特权
You undervalue the product without considering it's excellent workmanship你们没有从精美的工艺来衡量而低估该产品的价值