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ceram.As regards cleaning, it is recommended that the pieces are washed by hand. If washed by machine, it is necessary to ensure that they are not touching each other in the process谈到清洁,推荐用手清洗。如果机洗,务必保证它们在清洗过程中不会互相碰触
China, lawcause and the process of development发生经过和原因
manag.classification by the processes of production按生产过程分类
proj.manag.Data reduction is the process of converting experimental data into useful, condensed information数据简化是一个把测试数据转为精练、有用的信息的过程
China, lawfee for initiating the process程序费用
proj.manag.Finally, technical managers may find the discussion to be an insight into the complex nature of software portability and the process of building a large project最后、技术经理也许可以发现这些讨论里面保护了软件可移植性的复杂本质以及编译一个大项目的过程
China, lawin the process of legal action诉讼期间
China, lawin the process of litigation在诉讼过程中
expl.It is shown that the largest impacts in the explosive life cycle occur in the processes of manufacture of ammonium nitrate可见、炸药生命周期的最大影响出现在硝酸铵的生产过程中
busin.material loss incurred from the process of organization production组织性材料耗损
tech.report on the process of work工程进行情况报告
China, lawsupervision of the process of implementation实施的监督
manag.the processes of learning学习过程
manag.the processes of problem solving问题处理过程
proj.manag.To regenerate data in storage units where the process of reading data results in its destruction重新恢复数据、 即对存储单元中因读取数据而造成的数据破坏进行恢复
proj.manag.You can set the active program in the Debug Location toolbar or the Processes window可以在 "调试位置"工具栏或"进程"窗口中设置活动程序