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Terms containing The processes | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
fin.affirm active support for the mutual assessment process of the G20确认积极支持二十国集团互评进程
ceram.As regards cleaning, it is recommended that the pieces are washed by hand. If washed by machine, it is necessary to ensure that they are not touching each other in the process谈到清洁,推荐用手清洗。如果机洗,务必保证它们在清洗过程中不会互相碰触
China, lawcause and the process of development发生经过和原因
manag.classification by the processes of production按生产过程分类
expl.CO₂ emissions from ammonia production are found both in the combustion of a proportion of the gas to provide process heat and from the reforming of the feedstock gas to provide ammonia synthesis gas人们发现、氨生产过程中释放的二氧化碳一部分是来自提供热量的气体燃烧、另一部分来自于提供氨合成气所需的原料气的制备过程中
busin.convergence of the distribution of stochastic processes随机过程分布收敛
proj.manag.Data reduction is the process of converting experimental data into useful, condensed information数据简化是一个把测试数据转为精练、有用的信息的过程
water.res., ecol.diagnosis of the activated sludge process活性污泥工艺诊断
tech.diagram showing the main geochemical processes and their pathway of elements元素主要地球化学作用及途径图
proj.manag.Do you really want to abort the installation process?你真的要终止安装进程吗?
China, lawfee for initiating the process程序费用
proj.manag.Finally, technical managers may find the discussion to be an insight into the complex nature of software portability and the process of building a large project最后、技术经理也许可以发现这些讨论里面保护了软件可移植性的复杂本质以及编译一个大项目的过程
met.heat required to run the steelmaking process进行炼钢需要的热量
met.heat required to run the steelmaking process炼钢需热
China, lawin the process of legal action诉讼期间
China, lawin the process of litigation在诉讼过程中
HRinfluence tactics in the performance evaluation process绩效评估过程中的影响策略
met.inside-the-ring process内环式连铸法 (【技】由美国 LTV 钢公司研制成功,亦称 ITR 连铸法。主体设备由水冷外铸环和内铸辊组成,钢水注人其间形成钢带。)
railw.intermediate inspection at the technological process中间工艺检验
expl.It is shown that the largest impacts in the explosive life cycle occur in the processes of manufacture of ammonium nitrate可见、炸药生命周期的最大影响出现在硝酸铵的生产过程中
proj.manag.Keys are used for digitally signing documents and verifying signatures, and they help with the encryption and decryption processes密钥用于数字签署文档和验证签名、也用于加密和解密过程
expl.L-Cycle Assessment LCA has been the standard methodology far quantifying all environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of products and processes for over a decade生命周期在过去的十年、是用以量化所有环境影响的标准方法、涉及产品的整个生命周期和过程
HRmanaging the human resource planning process管理人力资源规划过程
busin.material loss incurred from the process of organization production组织性材料耗损
agric.method of separating the harvesting process into several steps分别收获法
spacephysical processes of the solar interior太阳内部物理过程
met.principle of inside-the-ring process内环式连铸法原理
agric.process on the fly旋转处理
earth.sc.Processes and Resources of the Bering Sea白令海的演变与资源
earth.sc.Program for Study of Processes & Resources of the Bering Sea Shelf白令海陆架演变及其资源研究计划
avia.program for the refinement of material acquisition process器材采购过程改进计划
el.programming language for the control of industrial processes工业过程控制程序设计语言
tech.report on the process of work工程进行情况报告
commer.simplify the working processes简化工序
el.Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering材料与加工工程促进会
expl.Some plants will combust a portion of the gas supply to provide process heat leading to farther onsite CO₂ emissions, while others may employ electricity or other sources of energy as an一部分煤气被一些工厂燃烧以提供过程热、结果导致现场二氧化碳排放量进一步增加、而其他工厂可能用电或其他能源作为替代
tech.studies of the physical processes物理过程研究
China, lawsupervision of the process of implementation实施的监督
China, lawterminate the mediation process终止调解
commun., railw.testing for the whole process全程测试
avia.the key and important process关重工序 (即“关键工序”或“重要工序”,该工序包含或输出直接“严重”影响产品的适配件、性能和使用寿命的产品特征或过程特征,“关键工序”或“重要工序”一旦失控,将造成飞机丧失安全性,危害人身安全或为后续的加工、装配、试验或维护等带来严重的困难和不利影响)
avia.the key and important process关重工序即“关键工序”或“重要工序”
furn.The manager introduces the coating methods, technique processes and coating materials of archaizing furniture that is popular in America at present经理介绍了目前美国流行的仿古家具的涂装方式、工艺流程和涂装材料
expl.The motley of factors that constrain the level of recovery in underground extraction of coal and the complex interplay of geologic, technologic and economic factors affection the overall recovery process have been discussed above in detail这些制约着地下煤开采水平的混杂因素以及影响整个开采过程的地质因素、技术因素和经济因素复杂关系之间的相互作用、已在上文作了详细探讨
expl.The number and type of delays in the blast tell us how long the detonation process itself will last爆破时延时爆破的次数和类型表明爆轰过程本身持续时间的长短
arts.The plants are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets那些植物现在通过染色工艺被加到了布料中,然后这些布料再被加工成服装和床上用品
manag.the processes of learning学习过程
manag.the processes of problem solving问题处理过程
proj.manag.The remaining materials can be recycled during the finishing process to reduce the production cost for the sake of environmental protection加工过程中制品的废料、溢料可回收使用、以降低生产成本、更合乎环保原则
footwearTo hair the hides is one of the tanning processes在制革过程中,除去兽皮上的毛是工序之一
proj.manag.To regenerate data in storage units where the process of reading data results in its destruction重新恢复数据、 即对存储单元中因读取数据而造成的数据破坏进行恢复
auto.transport in the circulation process流通过程运输
auto.transport in the production process生产过程运输
proj.manag.We use a custom software system that tracks every aspect of the design and build process to guarantee the delivery time of the moulds我们使用自定义的软件系统、可以追踪每一个方面的设计和制造过程、以保证模具的交货时间
proj.manag.You are now ready to run the wizard that assists you with setting up the data collection process现在、 您就可以开始运行向导了、 它将帮助您设置数据收集过程
proj.manag.You can set the active program in the Debug Location toolbar or the Processes window可以在 "调试位置"工具栏或"进程"窗口中设置活动程序