
Terms for subject Economy containing The maximum | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
achieve the maximum economic results through consumption of least labour用最少的劳动消耗获得最大经济效果
get the maximum economic results with a minimum expenditure of labour以最小的劳动耗费取得最大经济效果
The aggregate of all payments to the seller will not exceed a maximum sum of £50.000对买方的所有付款总计不得超过五万英镑的最高额
the carrier's maximum liability承运人的最高责任限度
the maximum到最大限度
the maximum amount最高额
the maximum authorization rate最高许可率
the maximum financial requirement最高资金需求额
the maximum social welfare最大社会福利
the maximum surplus最大限度利润
the maximum tariff最高税率
We confirm telegrams recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that we have increased our exports to the maximum我方确认近来双方往来电报并欣告我方的岀口已达最大量