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Terms containing The clear | all forms | in specified order only
mech.eng.A two-foot perimeter around the drill press should be kept clear of people, debris and sawdust钻床周围两英尺内需避开人群、碎屑和锯屑
busin.As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about关于保险我还有很多事情不清楚
proj.manag.But as economists thumb through the history books, the one thing that is crystal clear is that this summer's turmoil will not be the last但在经济学家翻阅历史时、非常明确的一点是、今年夏季爆发的市场动荡将不会是最后一次
commer.clear a ship at the customs house在海关办理一条船的离港手续
nautic., tech.clear grounds that the ship is not in compliance船舶不符合要求的明显理由
swim.clear of the water露出水面
swim.clear of the water提出水面
tech.clear of the waterline在水线以上
busin.clear out all the holding卖完全部存货
tech.clear out all the holding全面清仓
tech.clear out all the holding出清全部存货
busin.clear out the stock售清存货
gen.clear the air澄清真相
gen.clear the air消除误会
gen.clear the air使空气清新
securit.clear the air of fact澄清事实真相
footb.clear the area拉开空挡
mil.clear the atmosphere消除紧张气氛
mil.clear the atmosphere消除误会
exhib.clear the balance付清余额
footb.clear the ball破坏性顶球
footb.clear the ball破坏进攻
footb.clear the ball破坏性踢球
footb.clear the ball解围球
baseb.clear the ball将球传出守区
footb.clear the ball upfield踢向前场
footb.clear the ball upfield将球打出守区
athlet.clear the bar越过横杆
athlet.clear the bar过杆
sport.clear the bench替补队员全部上场
sport.clear the bench替补全部上场
exhib.clear the bill付清账单
expl.clear the blast area清破现场
athlet.clear the block离开起跑器
athlet.clear the block离开起跑架
voll.clear the block spike避开拦网扣球
tech.clear the circuit切断电路
gen.clear the coast!让开
gen.clear the coast!排除障碍
gen.clear the coast!扫清道路
gen.clear the coast!躲开
row.clear the course清理水道
China, lawclear the Customs办结海关手续
fin.clear the debt清付债务
tech.clear the debt清偿债务
China, lawclear the debts in advance提前清偿债务
nautic.clear the decks准备行动
nautic.clear the decks战舰清理甲板准备战斗
agric.clear the felling area伐区清理
polo.clear the fence跳越障碍
baseb.clear the fences外场栏外击出本垒打
anim.husb.clear the field清田
anim.husb.clear the field收拾残茬
agric.clear the field清除茬地
curl.clear the hog line清除前卫线
athlet.clear the hurdle过栏
athlet.clear the hurdles过栏
athlet.clear the hurdles flat低平过栏
chess.term.clear the line打开通路
chess.term.clear the line打开线路
IMF.clear the market使市场处于均衡状态
IMF.clear the market使市场供求平衡
busin.clear the market把市场供货搜购一空
econ.clear the misunderstanding清除误解
chess.term.clear the path打开通路
chess.term.clear the path打开线路
tech.clear the port安全出港
row.clear the puddles八人赛艇掌握好漩涡间隔
auto.clear the road清洁道路
gen.clear the table收拾桌子
transp.clear the track开道
transp.clear the track扫清道路
swim.clear the water排水
dipl.clear the way for为…让路
dipl.clear the way for为…扫清道路
proj.manag.Clear this check box to accrue the actual cost edits to the end of the actual duration of the task若要累算到任务实际工期结束为止的实际成本编辑结果、 请清除该复选框
commer.clear up ambiguity in the contract改正剔除合同中的语言模糊之处
commer.clear up the misunderstanding between the two parties清除双方的误会
voll.clear-the-block spike避开拦网扣球
hockey.get into the clear进入空当
gen.get into the clear进入空档
tenn.hit up to clear the net向上击球避免下网
tech.in the clear净空
commer.in the clear不受限制
tech.in the clear净高
tech.in the clear净宽
tech.in the clear高度
tech.in the clear以内侧尺寸计算
tech.in the clear以内宽计算
commun.in the clear净空〔宽〕
commun.in the clear无阻
tech.in the clear明文
tech.in the clear无阻 (碍)
tech.in the clear净距
sport.In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机会跳越横杆
sport.In the pole vault, No. 75 failed to clear the bar on any of his three attempts and was eliminated在撑竿跳高比赛中、75 号选手3次试跳均不成功、最后被淘汰
econ.It will take us three months to clear the backlog of orders我们要花三个月时间来清理这些积压的定单
athlet.jump clear of the water跳跃水池
China, lawnot clear as to the authority conferred授权不明
China, polit.obtain a clear picture of the number and distribution摸清底数和分布情况 (for)
China, lawon the basis of the facts being clear在事实清楚的基础上
econ.Please clear up the ambiguities in the instrument to preclude possible misunderstanding请把契约含糊不清的地方解释清楚,以免发生误解
gen.Please send someone to clear up the tableware请派人到我房间来收拾餐具好吗?
tech.size in the clear内尺寸
tech.size in the clear净尺寸
voll.straight clear the block hit躲开拦网手打直线
voll.straight clear the block hit避开拦网手打直线
sport.The high jumper failed to clear the bar on any of his her three attempts and was eliminated这位跳高运动员 3 次试跳均未过杆、最后被淘汰
sport.The hurdles can be knocked down, but both legs must clear them运动员可以碰倒栏架、但双腿必须越过栏架
commer.The remittance will clear off all commissions due汇款将清偿所欠全部佣金
commer.The report will give you a clear idea of the market situations这-报告将使贵方清楚了解该市场的情况
commer.The seller took the opportunity to clear out all their holdings卖主借此机会岀清全部存货
gen.They were not in focus, so the photograph wasn't clear对焦时没把他们对好所以照片不清晰
econ.This sum of money will clear off the loan due这笔钱将清偿所欠贷款
econ.We shall remit you an amount of £ 2365 to clear off the outstanding balance我方将汇给你方2365英镑,清偿所欠余数
gen.When you buy home textiles, you should be clear about the fillers which is very important for your health购买家纺用品时,要清楚它们的填充物是什么。这对健康很重要
light.You should be clear about the hanging height of the various ceiling fixtures such as chandeliers before making a final decision在最终决定前,你应该清楚枝型吊灯等各种天花板吊灯的悬挂高度是多少