
Terms for subject Air defense containing The | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition test at the lowest elevation低仰角截获试验
air defense of the North America Continent北美大陆防空
alternate the batch number改批号
alternate the batch number换批
ambiguity resolution on the fly动态确定整周位置数实时模糊度解算
analysis of the area of operation作战区域分析
anticlutter test against the sea抗海浪海杂波试验
arming the oscilloscope sweep示波器扫描引发
automatically change the batch number自动改批
automatically order the batch number自动编批
backscattering over-the-horizon radar后向散射超视距雷达
beamwidth in the azimuth plane方位平面内半功率波束宽度
beamwidth in the elevation plane俯仰平面内半功率波束宽度
change the batch number from the feature性质改批
command all the way全程制导
command information system of the second artillery第二炮兵指挥信息系统
commercial off the shelf商用货架产品
commercial off the shelf商用成品
common user baseline for the intelligence community情报界通用用户基线
computer solution of the range equation计算机求解距离方程
concealment from the air对空隐蔽
continental US over-the-horizon backscatter radar system{美}本土后向散射超视距雷达系统
coordination center of the system系统协调中心
department of the army command and control system陆军部指挥控系统
department of the army communications center陆军部通信中心
department of the army management information system陆军部管理信息系统
distance to the emitter至辐射源的距离
distribution of the interval between pulse脉冲之间的间隔分布
dropping it on the floor过载漏失
far-field region in the physical media实际介质远场区
forward edge of the battle area战地前沿
forward edge of the battle area前沿阵地
frequency modulation on the pulse调频脉冲
ground wave over-the-horizon radar地波超视距雷达
guidance all the way全程制导
home-on-jam all-the-way全程干扰寻的
homing all the way全程寻的
improvement factor limit of the system系统的改善因子限制
informationization of the army军队信息化建设
intelligence preparation of the battlefield战场情报准备
intelligence preparation of the operational environment作战环境情报准备
low-cost array for the detection of infrared红外探测用低成本阵列
lower bound on the time stamp时戳低限
LPI interception using the envelope利用包络进行低概率截获
manually-changed the batch number人工改批
maximum speed and acceleration when the antenna is rotated天线调转时最大速度和加速度
mouse under the rug"毯下鼠窜" (干扰)
office of the coordinator of information情报资料协调军官办公室
operational preparation time of the missile force导弹部队作战准备时间
out-of-control of the firing of thyratron闸流管点火失控
over the horizon system超视距通信雷达系统
over the horizon超视距
over the horizon detection, classification, and targeting超视距探测、分类与目标指示
over the horizon radar system超视距雷达系统
over-the-horizon radar-backscatter后向散射超视距雷达
over the horizon targeting超视距目标指示
over the horizon-backscatter radar超视距后向散射雷达
over the horizon-forward scatter超视距前向散射
over the shoulder越肩发射
propagation beyond the line of sight视距外传播
reaction time of the missile force导弹部队反应时间
relocatable over-the-horizon radarAN/TPS-71雷达
relocatable over-the-horizon radar{美}可移动式[可重布站]超视距雷达
sidelobe level far from the main lobe远区副瓣旁瓣电平
sky wave over-the-horizon radar天波超视距雷达
target order the batch number目标编批
test for the lowest available altitude最低使用高度试验
the electronic attack weapons school{美}电子攻击武器学校
the first lethality and target hardening第一次杀伤能力和目标硬化
the "Iron Dome" anti missile system"铁穹"反导弹系统{以}
the Java 2 platform, enterprise edition企业版
the Java 2 platform, enterprise edition平台
the Milky Way system银河系
the national cyber range国家网络测试场
the precision acquisition vehicle entry精确截获再人火箭相控
the real-time & embedded computing conferences实时嵌人式计算机大会
the rim of the pacific exercise环太平洋海上演习
the space pointing integrated control experiment空间瞄准综合控制试验
the unified modeling language统一建模语言
threat signal processing in-the-loop回路中威胁信号处理
war in the ether以太
wave spectrum of the sea海波频谱