
Terms for subject Space containing The | all forms | exact matches only
abort the flight中断飞行
abort the mission中断飞行
abort the mission中断执行任务
abort the take-off中止发射
abort the take-off中断起飞
above the air大气层外
above the horizon地平线以上的
above the horizon水平线以上
above the horizon地平线以上
absorption of the photons光子吸收
ABU The Asia-Pacific Broadcast Union亚洲太平洋广播联盟 (简称"亚广联")
accelerate the failure加速破坏
accelerate the missile使导弹加速
across-the-band coverage跨整个频段的覆盖能力
adjustment on the target对目标的射击修正
advance of the perihelion近日点进动
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology科学技术应用咨询委员会 (联合国)
Advisory Committee on the International Space Station国际空间站咨询委员会
Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere中间层高大气空冰探测 (美国科学卫星)
Aerospace Medical Association of the Philippines菲律宾航空航天医学协会
age of the moon月龄
albedo of the earth地球反照率
all-the-way guidance全程制导
all-the-way homing全程寻的
all-the-way homing全程自导引
all-the-way homing range导弹全程自导引距离
all-the-way tracking range全程跟踪距离
American Association for the Advancement of Science美国科学促进会
angle of the face迎面角
angle of the flank侧面角
apex of the sun's motion太阳向点
apex of the surTs way太阳向点
Aristoteles applications&research involving space techniques observing the Earth fields from low Earth orbit spacecraft近地轨道地球场测量技术应用与研究卫星 (美国和欧洲计划中的)
Aristoteles applications&research involving space techniques observing the Earth fields from low Earth orbit spacecraft阿里斯托特卫星
Army of the United States美国陆军
ascending branch of the trajectory弹道升弧
assembly system for the peripheral processor外围信息处理机汇遍系统
assistant secretary of the Navy海军部部长助理
Association for the Advancement of Space Science and Technology航天科技促进协会 (俄罗斯)
astro-geodetic deflection of the vertical天文大地垂线偏差
astronomical and space techniques for research on the atmosphere天文和航天技术应用于大气的研究 (美国华盛顿大学的计划)
astronomical and space techniques for research on the atmosphere天文和航天技术应用于大气的研究 (美国华盛顿大学计划)
at the touch of a button一按即通
at the touch of a button一键即通
automatic techniques for the selection and identification of targets目标自动选择与识别技术
axis of the eye视轴
backscattering over-the-horizon radar system后向散射超视距雷达系统
Ball Lens In The Space空间球透镜 (俄罗斯技术试验纳卫星)
band of the Milky Way银河带
below the horizon地平线以下
beyond-the-horizon communication超视距通信
blast characteristic of the weapon武器杀伤破坏性能
blurring of the instruments仪表指示模糊
breaking-up the rocket各级火箭的脱开
brightening towards the limb临边增亮
brightness of the aurora极光亮度
Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of Czechoslovakia捷克天文研究所报告
by the way在路旁
by the way顺便说
by the way附带说
by the way在途中
CADFT the covariance analysis describing function technique协方差分析描述函数技术 (用于计算导弹均方根脱靶量)
call the shot预报弹着点
cancel the missile取消导弹发射
catalogue of the gamma-ray sourceγ 射线源表
center for the commercial development of space空间商业开发中心计划 (program)
Center for the Commercial Development of Space空间商业开发中心计划 (program, 美国国家航空航天局)
Center for the Development of Industrial Technology工业技术开发中心 (CDIT, 西班牙)
Center for the Study of Earth and Planets Environments地球与行星环境研究中心 (CETP, 法国)
central control facility of the mission segment任务段的中心控制设施
check before the loading加注前检查
chemistry of the solar system太阳系化学
C⁴I for the warrior战士用指挥、控制、通信、计算机、情报和信息系统
close in the target接近目标
close with the target接近目标
clouds and the Earth's radiant energy system云和地球辐射能系统
coefficient of the first order一阶系数
command of the information制信息权
command of the space制天权
commercial off-the-shelf有现成商品的
commercial off-the-shelf商用现货
commercial off-the-shelf hard ware现成商品硬件
commercial off-the-shelf product商用现成产品
commercial off-the-shelf-based research architecture基于商用现货的研究体系
commercial on the shelf商用现货
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space和平利用外层空间委员会
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space联合国和平利用外层空间委员会 (COPUOS)
common model of the mission space任务空间共用模型
communications-on-the-halt驻中通 (战术卫星通信的一种方式)
communications-on-the-move动中通 (战术卫星通信的一种方式)
communications-on-the-pause停中通 (战术卫星通信的一种方式)
conceptual models of the mission space任务空间概念模型
conditional mean of the state状态的条件均值
conditions of the Earth physics地球物理条件
Control Center of the Symphonie Satellite System交响乐卫星系统控制中心
convergence of the meridians子午线性收敛
coordinates of the pole地极坐标
cosmic ray telescope for the effect of radiation辐射效应实验宇宙线望远镜 (美国月球勘察轨道器上的)
cryogenic infrared spectrometer and telescopes for the atmosphere低温大气红外光谱仪和望远镜
dark of the moon无月光期
dark of the moon新月暗期
decision, design and the computer判定、设计和计算机
declination of the sun太阳偏角
definition of the image影像清晰度
deflection of the vertical垂直偏差
Department of the Army陆军部
deviation of the vertical垂线偏差
discrimination between the Earth and the moon light地球月球信号鉴别
distance from satellite to the Earth's cerv ter卫星地心距
disturbance torque by the fuel slosh燃料晃动干扰力矩
disturbance torque by the solar radiation太阳辐射压干扰力矩
do it right the first time一次做好
Doppler positioning by the short arc method多普勒短弧法定位
dynamic ellipticity of the earth地球动力扁率
dynamic factor of the earth地球动力因子
eclipse of the moon月食
eclipse of the sun日食
edge of the format图廓
error on the safe side偏于安全的误差
Europe,the Middle East and Africa欧洲中东和非洲地区
European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites欧洲气象卫星组织 (EUMETSAT)
European Organization for the Chemical Processing of Irradiated Fuels欧洲辐射燃料化学处理组织
evaporation of the antireflective coating蒸减反射膜 (真空蒸发工艺中的)
Express Pallet expedite the process of experiments to space station又称快速货架 (国际空间站的平台,用于容纳暴露在空间的实验设备)
Express Pallet expedite the process of experiments to space station空间站加速实验平台
fall of the sea落潮
far side of the moon月球背面
feel of the stick杆力感觉
fiducial mark of the photograph相片框标
field of the sampling抽样场
figure of the earth地球形状
flattening factor for the earth地球扁率
flattening of the earth地球扁率
floatation test on the sea海上漂浮试验
frequency of the counted signal被计数信号的频率
Gaussian test of the mean平均值的高斯试验
Gaussian test of the variance方差的高斯试验
general circulation of the ocean海洋大循环
GHA of the equinox春分点格林尼治时角
government-off-the shelf政府用现货
gravimetric deflection of the vertical重力垂线偏差
gravity field of the earth地球重力场
hardware-in-the-loop simulation半实物仿真
harmonics of the earth's gravity地球重力场谐波
homing all the way killer全程寻的杀伤器 (美国地空导弹)
homing all the way killer霍克 (导弹)
human in the loop simulation人在回路中仿真
infrared over-the-horizon communication超视距红外通信
inter national programme for the development of communication国际通信开发计划
International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean国际海洋物理科学协会
International Commission on the Meteorology of the Upper Atmosphere国际高层大气气象学委员会
international mobile telecommunication in the year 2000国际移动通信-2000 (一种移动通信标准)
international year of the quiet sun国际宁静太阳年
Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun依靠太阳辐射加速的星际风筝飞行器 (日本试验型太阳帆空间探测器)
Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun伊卡洛斯 (探测器)
investigator of the micro-biosphere微生物圈探测器
kinetic hardware-in-the-loop动能半实物试验 (test)
kinetic-kill hardware-in-the-loop simulator动能杀伤半实物仿真器
LAI the lean aerospace initiative精益航空宇航进取计划 (美国国家航空航天局与麻省理工学院联合开展的新管理理论与方法研究)
landing on the earth着陆地球
leading edge of the pulse脉冲前沿
limb infrared monitor of the stratosphere平流层临边红外监测辐射计
limb of the earth地球边缘
limit overload to the trajectory弹道极限过载 (导弹在最大迎角状态下飞行时所对应的弹道法向过载)
loading on the Mars着陆火星
loading on the moon着陆月球
loading on the Venus着陆金星
loading up-down the temperature加注升降温
locking in the phase-locked loop锁相环路锁定
longitude of the satellite station卫星定点经度
louver in the shade阴影百叶窗 (航天器在背阳区用的)
major semi-axis of the earth地球长半轴
man-in-the-loop simulation人在回路仿真
mastery of the information制信息权
mastery of the space制天权
mean center of the Moon平均月心
mean pole of the epoch历元平极
measurement of pollution in the troposphere对流层污染测量
military off-the sheaf军用现成品
military off-the-shelf军用现成品
monitoring of the sun-earth environment日地环境监测
morphology of the city城市形态
National Kosmas Agency of the Ukraine乌克兰国家航天局
near side of the moon月球正面
Newcomb tables of the sun纽康太阳表
nodal line of the orbit轨道交点线
nomenclature of the atmosphere大气层次命名法
nonspheroidicity of the Earth地球的非球性
norm of the error误差的范数
not the first to use不首先使用 (nuclears, 核武器)
nutation in obliquity of the ecliptic黄赤交角章动
OBC-in-the-loop simulation航天器]载计算机在回路仿真
OBC-in-the-loop simulation星[
oblateness effect of the earth地球扁率效应
oblateness of the earth地球扁率
off-the-shelf component现成元件
off-the-shelf item现有项目
officer on the waiting order待命军官
on-the-deck超低空 (飞行)
on-the-deck掠地 (飞行)
on-the-deck flying超低空飞行
on-the-deck flying掠地飞行
on-the-duck altitude超低空高度
on-the-duck altitude掠地飞行高度
on-the-duck flight超低空飞行
on-the-duck flight掠地飞行
on-the-duck penetration掠地突防
on-the-duck penetration超低空突防
on-the fly在飞的
on the fly alignment空中对准
on-the-ground experiment地面实验
on-the job training在职培训 (尤指维修人员的)
on-the-spot surveying plan现场勘察计划
on-the-windshield display平视显示仪
on-board computer in-the-loop test航天器]地计算机连试
on-board computer in-the-loop test星[
one-above-the-other layout纵向连接装置
one-above-the-other layout上下配置 (多级火箭的)
origin of the solar system太阳系起源
out-of-the envelope在安全边界以外
out-of-the envelope超出安全状态
over the horizon超视距 (传输)
over the horizon超地平线 (传输)
over-the-horizon backscatter超视距后向散射 (雷达)
over-the-horizon backscatter radar超视距后向散射雷达
over-the-horizon back-scatter radar detection system后向散射超视距雷达探测系统
over-the-horizon detection radar-backscatter超视距探测雷达-反向散射
over the horizon detector超视距探测器
over-the-horizon forward scatter radar超视距前向散射雷达
over-the-horizon forward-scatter radar detection system前向散射超视距雷达探测系统
over-the-horizon propagation超视距传播
over-the-horizon propagation超地平转播
over-the-horizon radar超地平雷达
over-the-horizon radar超视距雷达
over-the-horizon radar超地平线雷达
over the horizon radar超视距雷达
over-the-horizon ship to ship missile超水平线舰对舰导弹
over-the-horizon ship to ship missile超视距舰对舰导弹
over-the-horizon targeting超地平线目标对准
over-the-horizon targeting超视距瞄准
over-the-horizon targeting超视距目标瞄准
over-the-horizon tracking radar超视距跟踪雷达
over-the-horizon transmission system超视距传输系统
over-the-horizon warning system超视距警戒系统
over-the-pole coverage极区覆盖
over the weather无扰流天气
oxygen saturation of the blood血氧饱和度
packaging of the missile导弹装配
pad aligning at the central point对中定位
perpendicular to the orbit plane轴面垂姿控方式
perpendicular to the orbit plane垂直于轨道平面
perpendicular to the sun line轴-太阳连线垂直姿控方式
perturbation by the third body第三体摄动 (航天器轨道运动的)
phase of the moon月相
phased array of the space optical feed空间馈电相控阵天线
physical processes of the solar interior太阳内部物理过程
physics of the earth地球物理学
polarization and directionality of the earth's reflectance地球反射偏振和方向性探测仪
pole of the Milky Way银河极
position of the target目标位置
potential of the earth地球势能
precession of the equinoxes分点岁差
quality of the bottom底质
radiation belts of the Earth地球辐射带
recovery on the sea海上回收
rectification of the orbit轨道调整
reduced to the magnetic pole磁极归化
regression of the nodes交点退行
regularization of the elliptic problem椭圆问题正则化
regularization of the n-body problemn 体问题正则化
regularization of the restricted problem限制性问题正则化
regularization of the two-body problem二体问题正则化
relocatable over-the-horizon radar可重新部署的超视距雷达
relocatable over-the-horizon radar可移动超视距雷达
required overload to the trajectory弹道需用过载
resource of the moon月球资源
retarget on the ground地面重新瞄准目标
return to the moon重返月球 (美国新的月球探索计划,已调整)
return trajectory from the moon月球返回轨道
rotation of the earth地球自转
rotational angular velocity of the earth地球自转角速度
round the-world flight环球飞行
round-trip to the moon登月往返航行
rules of the road空间运行规则
sample of the moon月球样品
satellite test of the equivalence principle等效原则测试卫星 (欧洲空间局科学卫星)
scattering effect in the atmosphere大气散射效应
search for life in the universe探寻宇宙生命
shutoff the engine关闭发动机
signal processing in the element元件内信号处理
singularity of the universe宇宙奇点
soft landing on the earth地球软着陆
soft landing on the Mars火星软着陆
soft landing on the moon月球软着陆
soft landing on the Venus金星软着陆
solar array power at the BOL太阳电池阵初期功率
solar array power at the EOL太阳电池阵末期功率
solution for the trajectory parameter弹道参数解算
spacecraft system man-in-the-loop simulation航天器总体人在回路仿真
spectroscopic investigation of the characteristics of the atmosphere of Mars火星大气特征分光探测仪 (欧洲火星快车轨道器上的)
spectroscopy of the atmosphere far infrared emission大气远红外辐射光谱仪
Standing Committee for the Study of Principles of Standardization标准化原则研究常设委员会 (国际标准化组织)
state of the art技术[工艺]发展水平
statement of the work工作陈述
strength of the echo回声强度 (声呐的)
switchboard in the sky空中交换台
tariff schedules of the US美国税率表
test by the flexible rope guide rail柔性滑轨试验
The Internet of things物联网 (在互联网基础上延伸和扩展的一种网络,又称物物相连的互联网)
The Space Tethered Autonomous Robotic Satellite太空系绳自主机器人卫星 (日本香川大学技术试验纳卫星)
throw mass of the missile导弹投掷质量
time of leaving the rail离轨时间
top of the range上边界
top of the range上限
top of the range最大量程
top of the trajectory弹道顶点
top-of-the-line computer最高级计算机
ultimate strength of the laminate叠层的极限强度
ultrasonic guides for the blind超声导盲器
under the horizon地平线以下
under the radar可避开雷达监视的低空
under the radar超低空
United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space联合国探索与和平利用外层空间会议
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific联合国亚太经济与社会委员会
variance of the sample mean样本均值的方差
velocity at the beginning of control起控点速度 (导弹的)
vertical location of the center of gravity重心垂直定位
view angle of the sensor遥感器视场角
viewing range of the seeker导引头截获目标的距离
volume of the validation region确认区域的体积
window in the water水下窗口