
Terms for subject Figure skating containing The | all forms | exact matches only
athlete leading the race比赛领先的运动员
call to the start起点召集
call to the start起滑点名
cancel the high and low scores去掉最高最低分
character of the music音乐特点
correctness of the shape of figure图形准确性
cut the line切断雪线
cut through the edge切入雪线 (snow)
deduction in the mark扣分
delete the highest and lowest marks去掉最高分和最低分
demarcation of the track跑道分界线
disqualification from the competition取消比赛资格
drop the head低头
drop the leg掩脚
drop the leg脚放落
drop the leg拖脚
eliminate from the lists of judges or referees从裁判员名单上除名
feeling for the geometry of the figure几何图形感
free skating movements covering the entire ice surface覆盖整个冰面的自由滑动作
go to the start各就各位
grind the bar弯道步法
grind the bar压步转弯
hold the inner curve扣住内弯道
hold the partner's boots握同伴的鞋
in the curve弯道中
jeopardize the safety危害安全
largeness of the shape of the figure图形大小
list of the placement席位表
measurement of the track跑道的测量
occupy the half rink占据半场
on the curve在弯道上
overcome the centre of the road越过公路跑道的中央线
projection of the finish line终点线的延长线
prolonged and stationary kneeling on the ice长时间膝盖跪在冰面上
proportional size of the circle圆形比例
proportional size of the circle成比例的圆形
proportional size of the circle圆的大小比例
proportional size of the circle成比例圆形
representative of the Technical Committee技术委员会代表
revolution of 180° in the air空中转体半周
revolution of 360° in the air空中转体1周
revolution of 360° in the air空中转体一周
rotation in the air空中转体
rotation in the direction of three正转“3”的方向
rotation in the sense of counter turn反转逆跳"3"的方向转
rotation in the sense of counter turn逆跳转
rotation in the sense of three turn正转顺"3"的方向转
rotation in the sense of three turn正转“3”的方向
roundness of the circle圆度
start before the given signal抢跑
swerve the weight侧倾
tail the pack尾随滑行
toe of the skate pointing downward刀齿向下
toe of the skate pointing outward刀齿向外
touch down the non-tracing foot in toe jumps点冰跳、非足滑点冰
utilization of the area场地利用
utilization of the skating surface场地利用
variability of the steps步法变化