
Terms for subject Automobiles containing The | all forms | exact matches only
above the throttle valve在节气门上方
above the throttle valve在节气门前方
absorb the power【动】吸收功率
accuracy of the mean测试均值准确度
action of the spring弹簧作用
activating the system触发此系统
actuate the brake【动】施加制动
adhesion of the paint油漆附着
adjust the clearance间隙调整
adjust the clearance【动】调间隙
adjust the clutch离合器调整
adjust the clutch【动】调离合器
adjust the hand brake【动】调节驻车制动器
adjust the headlamp【动】调整前照灯
adjust the play【动】调间隙
adjust the valve配气机构调整气门间隙
adjustment of the headlamp调整前照灯
advance the ignition【动】提前点火
aiming of the headlamps前照灯对光
aiming of the headlights前照灯对光
Air Resources Board of the State of California利福尼亚州大气资源局
Air Resources Board of the State of California加利福尼亚州大气资源局
Air Resources Board of the State of California加州大气资源局
air-bag in the seat system内置安全气囊式座椅
allow the clearance【动】留下间隙
alter the course改变方向路线
angle at the beginning开始角度
angle at the beginning of knock window开始爆燃时的点火提前角
angle at the end结束角度
angle at the start开始角度
angle of the chamfer倒棱角
angle of the chamfer倒角
apply the tire把轮胎装到轮辋上
area exposed to the wind受风作用面积
Association of Experts in the Fields of Migration and Development Cooperation现场研发公司专家协会德国一家用于培训、商业启动、劳动力市场策略,现场开发支援机构
attachment face of the wheel hub车轮轮毂安装支承
attempt to determine the degree of saturation活性炭罐饱和程度测定
Automobile Competition Committee for the United States美国汽车竞赛委员会
back engagement of the cutting edge背吃刀量
back of the ring环的后部
backlash in the steering转向自由行程
backlash in the steering转向器构游隙
bar the engine【动】转动发动机曲轴
base of the skull人体颅底
below the throttle valve在节气门下方
bend the throttle【动】踏加速踏板
best time of the day当天最好成绩
best time of the day竞赛当天最好成绩
best time of the practice最佳训练时间
best time of the race最佳竞赛记录
best time of the race最佳竞赛时间
best time of the race竞赛的最好成绩
blast the horn【动】按喇叭
brace the cargo货车货物系紧
brake into the curve弯路制动
brake pulls to the left制动向左跑偏
brake pulls to the right制动向右跑偏
braking with the engine发动机制动
bubble in the interlayer玻璃夹层气泡
bumper to center line of the front axle保险杠至前轴中心线的距离
bus ≥ 9 ≤ 15 including the driver含驾驶人 # 9 # 15 座客车
bus >15 including the driver含驾驶人 15 座客车
by-pass the filter使滤清器短路分流##
calibration number for the injector喷油器标定号
capacity of the dump body自卸车货厢容积
capacity of the dumping body自卸车货厢容积
capacity of the tipping body自卸车货厢容积
chamfer the edge削边
chamfer the edge
change the gear换档
change the gear档位变速
change the oil机,润滑
change to the next higher gearspeed换入下一高档
change to the next lower gearspeed换入下一低档
check post in the state美国边境检查站
check the inflation轮胎检查气压
check the oil【动】检查油面高度 (level)
check the pressure【动】检查压力
check the tire pressure【动】检查轮胎气压
check the tyre pressure【动】检查轮胎气压
choke the road堵塞道路
circulation of the oil循环
circumference of the tire轮胎圆周长
circumference of the tyre轮胎圆周长
circumference of the wheel车轮圆周长
clear the road清洁道路
clearance around the axle车辆/车身车桥安装空间
clearance space aroundbehind the coupling ball连接装置连接球体处间隙
close stepping of the gears各档传动比相差不大
close stepping of the gears变速器密的档位分级
close stepping of the speeds各档传动比相差不大
close stepping of the speeds变速器密的档位分级
close the door赛车"关门"封堵对手前面车道的战术
close the throttle放松油门踏板
close the throttle【动】关闭节气门
Commission of the European Community Regarding Technical Trade Obstructions for Motor Vehicles欧洲共同体汽车贸易壁垒委员会
compensate the backlash【动】间隙补偿
compensate the clearance【动】间隙补偿
compensate the play【动】间隙补偿
concussion of the brain人体脑震荡
condition for running the DTC故障码生成条件
condition of the car车况
condition of the engine发动机技术状况
condition of the vehicle车况
contour of the body车身外形
contour of the vehicle车辆外形
cooling of the oil机油冷却
cooling-system for the driver赛车手用冷却装置
Coordinating European Council for the development of performance tests for transportation fuels, lubricants and other fluids开发燃油、润滑剂和其他液态物资运输特性测试的欧洲协调委员会
correction of the angle at the beginning of injection燃油喷射喷油开始角修
correction of the angle at the end of injection燃油喷射喷油结束角修
correction of the angle at the start of injection燃油喷射开始喷油角的修
crank the engine起动发动机
creep of the tiretyre on rim轮辋上轮胎的蠕动
cross-sectional area of the pass通切层横截面积
crown of the head人体头顶
cycloidal path embedded in the ground车轮沉入地面部分的摆线轨迹
density of the aspirated air进气系统进气密度
dim the headlight【动】前照灯接入近光
dimension of the seat客厢座椅尺寸
direct glazing for the windscreen直接粘于前窗框处的玻璃
direct glazing for the windscreen窗玻璃直接粘接法
direction of the helix螺旋旋向
displacement of the center of gravity重心的移动转移
displacement system of the seat座椅翻移机构
distance from outer cone apex to back end face of the work外锥顶点至工件后端面的距离
distance from pitch cone apex to back end face of the work节锥顶点至工件后端面的距离
drain the oil机,润滑
draw the spark【动】扩大火花塞间隙
driving under the influence of alcohol酒后驾车
drop the hammer加速赛窜出突然接通离合器并将加速踏板踩到底
drown the noise降噪
drown the noise【动】消声
ducting of the air空气导管管道
duration of the race竞赛持续时间
ease the engine减少发动机负载
ease the engine【动】降低发动机转速
ease up on the accelerator放松加速踏板
edge of the road道路路肩
effect of the emergency brake紧急制动效果
efficiency of the fan风扇效率
elasticity of the engine发动机柔适应
electric equipment of the body车身发动机电气设备
electric equipment of the engine车身发动机电气设备
energy consumption of the vehicle车辆能量消耗耗油
engage the clutch离合器接合
engage the clutch动,名传动系统接合离合器
engage the gearspeed挂档
engage the gearspeed变速器使齿轮啮合
engine inclined to the right向右斜置的发动机
enter the curve车辆驶入弯道
face of the piston转子发动机活塞转子表面
fastening of the baggage行李箱行李固定系紧装置
fastening of the cargo货车货物固定系紧装置
fastening of the luggage行李箱行李固定系紧装置
fastest lap of the race竞赛比赛最快圈
fastest time of the day当天最快时间
fastest time of the day竞赛当天最快所用时间
fastest time of the practice竞赛练习最快时间
fastest time of the race竞赛比赛最快时间
feed engagement of the cutting edge进给吃刀量
feel of the road驾驶人驾驶时对道路状况的路感
field of view of the driver驾驶人的视野
fluidity of the slag焊接熔渣流动性
flush with the ground与地面齐平
fogging of the reflector前照灯反射镜发乌发蒙,失泽
fogging of the windscreen起雾蒙上水气的前窗玻璃
fogging of the windshield起雾蒙上水气的前窗玻璃
fold down the hood活顶乘用车折叠车顶
fold down the top活顶乘用车折叠车顶
form factor of the weld焊缝成形系数
fracture of the lower jaw人体下颚部,骨骨折
fracture of the pelvis人体骨盆骨折
fracture of the skull颅骨裂缝
fracture of the skull人体头盖骨骨折
free space around the axle车身车桥处自由空间
frictional loss of the engine发动机摩擦损失
front of the engine发动机前风扇
front row of the grid车赛前排出发位按成绩排的出发位置
generant of the toroid圆环面的母圆
geometrical components of the total force切削合力几何分力
glass of the glass partition车身中隔挡玻璃
go over the speed limit车辆超越速度极限
grind in the valves【动】研磨气门
groove for the bottom oil ring活塞裙部油环环槽
guiding of the air空气导向
helix error in the axis螺旋线轴向误差
hold the placeposition赛车驾驶人 /竞赛保持位置名次
hold the road【动】在道路上保持行驶方向
hold the speed车辆速度保持
idling the engine使发动机怠速运转
illumination of the heater controls暖风装置控制器照明
illumination of the roadway前照灯/道路道路照明
injury to the cervical vertebra人体颈椎骨损伤
inner circle of the toroid圆环面的内圆
input power of the gearboxtransmission变速器输入功率
input torque of the gearbox变速器输入力矩
inside adjuster of the outside rear mirror外后视镜车内调节器
inside of the rim轮辋内侧
installation of the battery蓄电池的安装
Institute of the Motor Industry汽车制造业协会
integrate the diagram【动】整合图表
interior side of the rim轮辋内缘
interior side of the wheel轮辋内缘
jaw of the tongs钳口
jaw of the tongs钳子爪
jumping out of the gearspeed变速器档位跳档
keep the distance保持某一距离
keep the engine alive防止发动机起动后熄火
keep the engine alive保持发动机运转
keep to the left车辆靠左行驶
keep to the right车辆靠右行驶
keep vehicle on the road把汽车保持在适于使用状态
kill the engine把发动机熄火
kill the engine【动】停止发动机
land width of the face金属切削倒棱宽
land width of the flank金属切削刃带宽
lap in the lead车赛领先圈
laps in the lead车赛领先圈数
legislative regulations in the U.S.美国法规
length of the halt停留持续时间
length of the test汽车试验长度距离
length of the track赛车线路赛道长度
let in the clutch接合离合器
let out the clutch使离合器接合
let out the clutch抬离合器踏板
let the clutch out使离合器接合
let the clutch out抬离合器踏板
let the clutch slip行驶中把脚放在离合器上 (ride the clutch)
let the clutch slip离合器半联动 (ride the clutch)
let the clutch slip踏下离合器滑动 (ride the clutch)
lift-the-dot fastener揿扣
lift-the-dot fastener按扣
lifting of the axle货车车桥提升
lifting of the bogie货车台车平衡悬架的提升
lining of the car车身衬里
listen to the engine凭听觉检查发动机工作
load on the axle底盘轴负荷
lose the right way走错了路
lose the right way【动】迷路
main flow during the peak period高单向
maintain the place车赛保持位置
maintain the position车赛保持位置
maintain the speed【动】 保持车速
make the show【动】使…有资格比赛
manufacturer of the engine发动机制造商
mechanism for stopping cutter at the upper position automatically插齿刀自动上停机构
member of the gear train行星齿轮系元件
meter the engine volumetrically发动机测量发动机容积
mid-circle of the toroid圆环面的中圆
mid-plane of the toroid圆环面的中间平面
minutes run by the engine while MIL activated参数识别缩写故障指示灯点亮后运行的时间
miss the bus失掉机会
miss the bus误车
misting of the reflector车灯反光镜发乌模糊
misting of the windshield窗玻璃模糊蒙上水汽,起雾
Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association/The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association汽车与设备制造商协会
negotiate the comer调头
negotiate the comer拐弯
Nissan anti-the fi system日产汽车防盗系统
noise at the operator's position驾驶人操作位置处噪声
nominal running clearance of the piston公称额定活塞间隙
numbering the cylinder气缸编号
off-the-car balancing离车车轮平衡
off-the-car type离车式
off-the-car type从车上取下机件试验检查的方式
off-the-road vehicle越野汽车
off-the-shelf car即可出售的汽车
off-the-shelf part现成零件备件
on the car检查就车不拆下,在车上检查或维修
on the car balancing就车平衡
on the car type发动车检査方式
on the car type就车在车上检查试验方式
on-the-dolly panel beating带垫块车身敲击用来敲平车身凹坑的钣金技术
on-the Job training在职培训
on the lead lap竞赛领先圈
on the miter成 45°角的
on-the-road service路上使用
on-the-shelf part库存闲置备件
on-the-spot repair就地在使用地点修理
on the way在路上
on the wood加速踏板踩到地板上
open the hood活顶乘用车顶打开开启
open the motor【动】踏下加速器踏板
open the throttle加速踏板节气门开启
open the throttle completely加速踏板节气门全开
open the top活顶乘用车顶开启打开
open up the engine发动机加速
open up the engine加大节气门开度
opening of the door车身车门打开开启
opening of the spanner扳手开口宽度尺寸
opening of the valve配气机构气门打开开启
opening of the window车身车窗开启
opening of the wrench扳手开口宽度尺寸
operate the clutch操纵分离或结合离合器
organizer of the race竞赛组织者发起人
orientation of the cutting edge切削刃工作方位
outlast the life of car总成使用期超过汽车的规定使用寿命
output at the wheel rim车辆轮周输出功率
output shaft of the gearboxtransmission变速器输出轴
output-end of the engine发动机输出飞轮
outside of the rim车轮轮辋外侧
over-the-counter sale直销
over-the-road operation在有铺装硬路面的道路上使用
over-the-road service路上使用
overheating of the brake制动器过热
overloading of the brake制动器超负荷
overspeed the engine发动机超速运转
overspeeding of the engine发动机超速
paddling the lead填铅
pass the test试验合〔及〕格
pass the test经受住考〔检〕验
pass the test检验合格
pass the test测试通过
payload of the vehicle汽车有效载荷
poison the cat催化转化器中毒
preheating of the engine发动机预热
preparation of norm of the total material consumption and standard time in processing工艺定额编制
preselection of the gearspeed手动变速器档位预选
pressure above the atmospheric
pressure above the atmospheric剩余压力
pressure below the atmospheric负压
pressure below the atmospheric低于大气压力
procedure for determining the H-point人体确定H点的程序方法
protecting the environment保护环境
pumping the gas pedal连续踩加速踏板
race the engine发动机高速运转
radial clearance of the piston发动机活塞径向间隙
radial drilling machine with the arm adjustable in height摇臂钻床
radius at the groove crest齿顶圆角半径
reciprocal of the diametral pitch齿轮径节的倒数
redline the engine发动机转速表发动机最高安全转速红刻线
reface the clutch更换修磨离合器片
reference the clutch更换修磨离合器片
refinish the brake drum制动鼓精车
release the accelerator【动】松开加速踏板
release the brake释放松开制动器
release the drive脱离传动
relieve the stress消除压力
reline the brake【动】更换制动蹄片
reline the dutch【动】更换离合器摩擦片
reseat the valve气门研配
reset the clutch【动】离合器重新调整
reset the ignition system重调点火系统
reverse operation of the engine发动机反向运
ride the clutch踏下离合器滑行
ride the clutch行驶中脚放在离合器上
ride the clutch【动】离合器半联动
roll off the rim拆下轮辋
rolled end of the spring钢板弹簧弹簧卷耳
round-the-clock dependability昼夜不断工作的可靠性
round-the-clock service昼夜技术维护
round-the-clock service昼夜使用
row of the grid竞赛起跑横行排,列
rubber suspension of the engine发动机橡胶悬架
scour the rust off擦去锈迹
scrape the bearing【动】刮研轴承
seating height of the insulator火花塞绝缘子密封底座长度
second half of the race车赛下半场比赛
secure the cargo货车固定系牢货物
securing of the cargo货车货物固定系牢
selected point on the cutting edge切削刃选定点
set out the alignment平行度等
set out the alignment前轮定位破坏
set out the alignment破坏同轴度
set the headlamp前照灯调整设定
set the headlight前照灯调整设定
set the valve配气机构调整气门间隙
setting of the headlamps前照灯调整校正
setting of the headlights前照灯调整校正
setting the ignition timing调整点火正时
shift to the next higher gearspeed加档
shift to the next higher gearspeed档位/ 变速器换高一级档位
shift to the next lower gear减档
shift to the next lower gear换低一级档位
short-circuit the ignition点火短路点火系统/发动机
shut-off the engine发动机切断关闭
shuto-ff the gas减速
side exposed to the wind迎风侧面
skid off the road车辆滑出路面
slacken the nut旋出螺母
slam in the clutch猛踩離合器
slam in the clutch离合器突然结合时发响
slam in the clutch脚从踏板上滑下时离合器有砰的声音
slam on the brake紧急制动
slamming in the clutch猛踩離合器
slipping of the clutch传动系统离合器打滑滑动此词并非专指离合器有故障,与 slipping clutch 有区别
smoking of the exhaust发动机排气烟度
solid end of the axle实心轴颈
sound the horn【动】按喇叭
spacing of the gearbox变速器档位分级间隔
spacing of the transmission变速器档位分级间隔
spaciousness of the passenger compartment车身客厢宽敞度
speed of the centre of gravity车辆质心速度
speed of the piston活塞速度
spring rate of the tire轮胎刚性
spring rate of the tyre轮胎刚性
sputtering of the engine发动机啪的一声停熄
sputtering of the engine发动机劈啪作响
spy in the cab速度记录器
spy in the cab转速表记录仪
squeaking of the door车门的吱嗄声
stall the engine发动机失速停转
stalling of the engine发动机失速停转
start the engine【动】起动发动机
steering pulls to the left转向系统转向盘向左转
steering pulls to the right转向盘向右转
steering velocity of the handlebars摩托车方向把操纵速度
stepping of the gearboxtransmission有级变速器
stop the engine停止关闭发动机
study of the vibrational behavior振动状态特性,工况的研究
study of the vibrational behaviour振动状态特性,工况的研究
surface exposed to the wind风蚀表面
surface exposed to the wind受风作用面
switch off the engine关掉发动机
switch off the ignition点火系统切断断开点火
switch on the engine【动】发动机起动
technical Committee 22 Automobile of the ISO国际标准化组织第22 汽车技术委员会
temperature of the brake制动器温度
test at the rig台架试验
test in the field使用现场,野外试验
test the instrument【动】检查仪表
The American Society of Traffic and Transportation美国交通运输学会
The Automobile Association汽车协会
the big three三巨头指美国三大汽车公司
the characteristics of gasoline engine汽油机特性
the climate control and driver information center气候控制与驾驶人信息中心
The Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations欧洲摩托车手联合会
the front row seat第一排座椅
The Institution of Automobile Engineers汽车工程师学会
The Japan Bearing Industrial Association Standard日本轴承工业协会标准
The Journal of Automotive Engineering汽车工程杂志
the law of minimum resistance最小阻力定律
The Maintenance Council of the American Trucking美国货车维修协会
The Maintenance Council of the American Trucking Association美国货车协会维修理事会
The Ministry of International Trade and Industry通商产业省
The Motor Agents Association汽车代理商协会
the reigning champion本届冠军
The Royal Automobile Chib-Motor Sports Association皇家汽车俱乐部-汽车运动协会
The Royal Automobile Club皇家汽车俱乐部
The Royal Scottish Automobile Club苏格兰皇家汽车俱乐部
the super olefin polymer超级烯烃聚合物一种可回收利用的塑料
the super olefine polymer超级烯烃聚合物一种可回收利用的塑料
The United States Council for Automotive Research美国汽车研究会
theft of the carl radio汽车无线电收音机被窃
theft of the radio无线电收音机被盗
theft of the wheels车辆车轮失窃被盗
third row of the grid比赛第三组排,列
throw out the clutch【动】分离离合器
Throwing anything out of the window prohibited禁止向窗外扔东西
tighten up the nut【动】旋紧螺母
torquing on the line紧固件在装配线按规定扭矩拧紧的
trace down the short【动】为查找短路而检查电线
trailing edge of the door车门后缘
trailing side of the apexside seal转子发动机轴向密封片的随动边
transverse distance between the driver eye point and the rear mirror center驾驶人眼点与后视镜中心的横向距离
turn of the ignition key控制器/发动机转动点火开关
turn off the engine停止关闭发动机
turn off the fuel切断供
turn off the ignition点火系统切断断开点火
underride the bumper车辆使保险杠防钻
unhook trailer from the truck将挂车从主车脱钩
unseat the bead从子口上拆下
unseat the bead轮胎脱圈
unseat the valve顶开气门
unseat the valve【动】使气门开启
upper face of the piston活塞头部上表面
valve-in-the-head engin气门顶置式发动机
valves in the head顶置式气门
vapor lock in the fuel system燃油系气阻
vehicle pulls to the left车辆偏向左侧向左跑偏
vehicle pulls to the right车辆偏向右侧向右跑偏
vehicle straight off the assembly line直接离开总装生产线的车辆
vehicle straight out of the factory直接离开总装生产线的车辆
vehicles in the pipeline管线内车辆
vehicles to the mile汽车数量每英里
vertical load exerted by the drawbar on the tractor牵引车牵引杆竖向载
vertical load on the fifth wheel半挂牵引车牵引座竖向负荷
visibility of the serial number前窗玻璃映像显示装置序列数据的清晰度
warm-up the engine热发动机
weather side of the wheel车轮外侧
weight on the车桥分配重量
weight on the车桥承重载荷
weight on the axle底盘荷重
wide stepping of the gears变速器档位宽分级变速比相差大
wide stepping of the speeds变速器档位宽分级变速比相差大
width of the lane道路车道道路宽度
width of the slot开槽口,缝宽度
width of the track道路道路车道宽度
width of the track竞赛线路跑道宽度
working engagement of the cutting edge侧吃刀量
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