
Terms for subject Aviation containing The | all forms | exact matches only
a delay in the activation of the ice protection system防冰系统的延迟打开
above the horizon在水平线之上
absolute static pressure of the fluid流体的绝对静压
accuracy of the shoot实际射击准确度
adjustment temperature system on the ground地面调温系统
advanced on-the-job training system高级在职培训系统
advanced regional jet for the 21stcentury面向 21 世纪先进涡扇支线飞机 (ARJ21-700,该机翼展 27.288m,全机长33.464m,全机高8.492m,机翼后掠角25°,装2台CF34-10A发动机,发动机重1724 kg,全机空机重量24955kg,最大起飞重量 40500 kg,最大商载8935kg,最大燃油量10586 kg,标准客座数90人,最大巡航速度 Ma为0. 80,正常巡航速度 Ma为0.78,满座航程2 000公里。2007年12月21日,在上海飞机制造有限公司举行了隆重的首架总装下线仪式,2008年11月28日,首飞成功,2009年7月15日转场飞行到达阎良试飞中心,在这里完成科研试飞和适航取证。2014年12月30日,获CAAC 颁发的 TC证。这样的飞机除了市场需求、商业价值等,更重要的是符合适航标准,适航必须与国际接轨,美国联邦航空局“FAA”从2003年开始介人了对 ARJ21-700飞机的型号审查活动,已经历了三个阶段:2003-2007 年,处于评估观察阶段,FAA 派遣1名观察人员初步评估和考察中国民航局对 ARJ21-700的适航审定活动;2007—2009年进人技术支持阶段,FAA 开始在上海设立专门的办公室,工作人员增至5名,都是工程专业人员,对中国民航局的适航能力和 ARJ21-700飞机的技术状况做深一步的了解和评估,同时提供相应的技术支持和帮助;2009年起,进人影子审査阶段,FAA 成立了由18名专家组成的影子检查组,以 ARJ21-700为平台,对中国民航局的适航能力和 ARJ 21-700飞机的适航性展开评估和审查)
advanced regional jet for the 21th century面向21世纪的先进涡扇支线飞机
aft bulkhead of the cargo compartment货舱后端壁
Airbus the United Kingdom〔客〕英国空中客车公司 (UK)
altitude of the aircraft飞机高度
arithmetic average of the inlet and outlet temperature进出口温度的算术平均值
Armed Force of The United States美国武装部队
army air defense systems for the 1970s20世纪 70 年代陆军空中防御系统
around-the-clock operation昼夜不停的作战活动
arrangement of frames inside the cabinet箱内框架布置图
Association for The Advancement of Aeronautical Research航空研究促进会
astronomical and space techniques for research on the atmosphere天文与航天技术应用于大气的研究
asymmetric shedding of the ice非对称冰脱落
automatic data system for the army in the field野战部队的自动数据系统
aviation army Armies of the Soviet Union苏联空军集团军
axis of the bore孔的轴线
bell of the muzzle炮口消焰罩
blinds on the sidewall panel侧壁板上遮光帘
bombing over the horizon超视距轰炸
burst in the bore膛内爆炸
burst in the bore炸膛
calibration factor of the primary device一次装置的校准系数
captain of the air station航空站站长
captain of the flight deck飞行甲板军士长
catalogue of the gamma-ray sourceγ射线源表
chairman of the joint chiefs of staff参谋长联席会议主席
chairman of the joint chiefs of staff instruction参谋长联席会议主席指令
chief of the air staff空军参谋长
Clausius statement of the second law of thermodynamics克劳修斯说法
commandant of the marine corps海军陆战队司令
commercial off the shelf商业货架产品
commercial off-the-shelf货架商品
commercial off-the-shelf商品现货供应
commercial off the shelf货架商品
commercial off-the-shelf software商业货架产品软件
commercial off-the-shelf software Application商业化软件应用
committee on the application of aerospace technology to society美国国家航空航天局航空航天技术协会应用委员会
composite structure of the water tank水箱的复合结构
computerized on-line system for the management of spares计算机化备件管理联机系统
correction angle due to the force of gravity抬高角
correction for deflection of the vertical垂线偏差改正
course made good through the water对水航向
creep off the target炸点逐渐远离目标
critical point in the sky空中关键点
cylindrical midway through the fuselage圆柱形中段机身
cylindrical portion of the tank水箱柱状部分/等值段
decision, design and the computer判定,设计和计算机
department of the environment环境部 (英国)
department of the interior内政部
depressurize the water tank水箱卸压
deputy chief of the air staff〔英〕空军副总参谋长
discrimination between the Earth and the sun light地球太阳信号鉴别
disengage the autopilot关断自动驾驶仪
dissemination of the value of quantity量值传递
distance and time to the top of climb every 10 seconds每 10 秒爬升至顶部的距离和时间
drop the cookies投弹
dynamic effect of liquid core of the Earth地球液核动力效应
ejection through the canopy穿盖弹射
empty the gun退弹
encoding the response应答编码
energy equation of the boundary layer边界层能量方程
energy equation of the laminar boundary layer层流边界层能量方程
energy integral equation of the boundary layer边界层能量积分方程
engage the autopilot接通自动驾驶仪
equipment delivered with the aircraft随机设备
error on the safe side偏于增大安全系数的误差
European Organization for The Safety of Air Navigation欧洲空中航行安全组织 ("欧管")
evaporation of the antireflective coating蒸减反射膜 (用真空蒸发法,沉积减反射膜的工艺)
eyes in the sky眼望天空
flashing the field对场线圈充磁
flashing the field对励磁线圈充磁
flight at the controls自动驾驶飞行
foam the runway在跑道上覆盖灭火泡沫层
forward edge of the battle area战区前沿
frequency modulation on the pulse脉冲频率调制
hit the silk弃机跳伞
homing all the way全航路归航
homing all the way killer全程自动引导导弹
ice build-up on the冰结在
ice on the runway跑道上有冰
in the affirmative肯定地
index of the trunk and leg躯干腿长指数
industrial college of the armed forces武装部队工业学院
inner lining of the water tank水箱内衬
installation error of the armament武器安装误差
installation error of the tracking device跟踪设备的安装误差
institute for the certification of computer professionals计算机专业证书学会
institute of the aeronautical sciences航空科学研究院
institute of the man aircraft environment engineering人机环境工程研究所
international commission on the meteorology of the up atmosphere国际高层大气气象学委员会
international congress of the aeronautical sciences国际航空科学代表大会
international council of the aeronautical sciences国际航空科学理事会
international programme for the development of communication国际通信开发计划
large scale structure of the universe宇宙大尺度结构
leak rate of the vacuum seat真空阀门的阀座漏气率
less paper in the cockpit〔客〕少纸化驾驶舱
lug of the cover罩的耳朵型突岀
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry阀门及配件制造工业标准化协会
mass continuity equation of the boundary layer边界层质量连续方程
member of The Australian Planning Institute〔澳〕澳大利亚设计学会会员
minimum control airspeed in the air空中最小控制速度
minimum speed in the stall最小失速速度
minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration着陆构型时最低稳定飞行速度
momentum integral equation of the boundary layer边界层动量积分方程
nap of the earth掠地飞行
nap-of-the-earth flight超低空飞行 (flying)
nap-of-the-earth flight掠地飞行 (flying)
negative phase of the shock wave核爆炸后气压的负压期
negative phase of the shock wave冲击波负压期
neutral position of the rotating magnet旋转磁铁的中性位置 (磁电机的)
No cycle process is possible whose sole result is the flow of heat from a single heat reservoir and the performance of an equivalent amount of work on a work reservoir不可能建造这样一个循环工作的机器,这机器除了从单一热源吸热和举起重物作功之外,而不引起其他的变化
non-spheroidicity of the Earth地球非球形
nuclear energy for the propulsion of aircraft用于飞机推进的核能
obliquity of the ecliptic黄道斜度
off the shelf货架
off-the-shelf item现有项目 (不需修改或稍加修改即可供用户使用)
off-the-shelf item现货项目
off-the-shelf product货架产品
Office of the Chief of Staff, USAF美国空军参谋长办公室
officer of the day值日军官
on-the-deck dash range极低空冲刺距离
out the window display窗外显示
over-the-horizon radar超视距雷达
over-the-horizon back scatter超视距后向散射雷达
over-the-horizon detection and targeting超视距探测和瞄准目标
over-the-horizon forward scatter超视距前向散射雷达
over the horizon targeting超视距瞄准目标
over-the-nose vision line机头上部视线
over-the-side bailout爬出座舱跳伞
over the wing机翼涵盖的客舱座位
over the wing在机翼上
over the wing在机翼表面
perpetual-motion machine of the first kind第一类永动机
perpetual-motion machine of the second kind第二类永动机
perpetual-motion machine of the third kind第三类永动机
perturbation by the third body第三体摄动
pilot-in-the-loop experiment人在环实验
pilot's handbook of the continental United States美国空中领航手册
plan of the day日计划
power by the hour以小时计算的功率
pressure ratio between inner channel and the outer compression system内外压缩比
production of conduit as per the physical sampling导管按实样生产 (按导管取样及样管的管理程序《QP-3024-MP -120》定义,指装机导管在生产和验收时以样管为依据生产和检验方式)
program for the refinement of material acquisition process器材采购过程改进计划
protect the product产品保护 (指在产品的接收、制造、储存和交付过程中,对产品采取的适当的保护和隔离措施)
radar homing all the way全程雷达导引寻的
ratio of the specific heat capacity比热比
real-time information in the cockpit驾驶室实时信息
relocatable over-the-horizon radar可重新定位地平线上雷达
research institute for the study of man人类学研究所
ride the beam驾束
ride the beam沿波束飞行
ride the beam波束制导
ride the beam由无线电导航飞行
rim of the pacific环太平洋
rules of the air空中交通规则
rules of the air and air traffic control〔客〕空中交通管制勤务规则
rules of the air and air traffic service空中规则与空中交通服务
rules of the air and air traffic system空中规则与空中交通系统
secretary of the air force空军部长
secretary of the general staff总参谋长 (general staff 总参谋部‘general staff corps 参谋团 general staff officer 参谋军官,secretary of defense国防部长,secretary of the air force 空军部长, secretary of the army 陆军部长,secretary of the navy 海军部长)
selected methods for attacking the right target攻击确定目标的选定方法
Society for The Preservation of Commercial Aircraft商用飞机保护协会 (美国)
space and earth science committee of the NASA advisory council国家航空航天局顾问委员会空间与地球科学委员会
special technique for the repair and analysis of aircraft damage飞机损伤修理与分析专用技术
spectroscopy of the atmosphere for infrared emission大气远红外辐射光谱仪
stalling speed in the landing configuration襟翼和起落架放下时的失速速度
stalling speed in the landing configuration着陆构型时失速速度
stalling speed or minimum steady flight speed in the landing着陆时失速速度或最低稳定飞行速度 (land)
standard error of the mean平均值标准误差
State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国家知识产权局
studies of the economics of route facilities航路设施经济性研究
switch off the power supply电源切除
system for the mechanical analysis and retrieval of test机械分析与检索文本系统
the acceleration of gravity重力加速度
The Aeronautical Society of India印度航空学会
The Air League of New Zealand Inc.新西兰航空联队
The Air League of New Zealand Inc.新西兰公司航空联合会
the analytical sciences corporation分析科学委员会
The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经济合作组织
the average temperature of fluid流体平均温度
The Aviation Historical Society of Australia澳大利亚航空史学会
The Aviation Industry Association of New Zealand Inc.新西兰航空工业协会
the axis of left wing front spar左机翼前梁轴线
the base area of rib肋基面积
the Carnot vapor cycle蒸汽卡诺循环
the column height液柱高度
the continuous maximum ice-formation condition连续最大结冰条件
the co-pilot console副驾驶操纵台
the critical ice protection design points关键结冰防护设计点
the data base数据库
the department of defense index of specifications and standards国防部规范与标准目录
the depth of the fin翅片深度
the depth of the fin肋厚度
the depth of the rib翅片深度
the depth of the rib肋厚度
the dominant factor主要因素
The European Association of Aerospace Industries〔客〕欧洲航天工业协会
The First Aircraft Institute of AVIC中国航空工业集团公司第一飞机设计研究院
the first assemble instruction先行装配指令
the first assemble outline先行装配大纲
the first deliverable首件交付物
the first entropy formula第一熵方程
the first law of thermodynamics热力学第-定律
the force of gravity重力
The German Institute of Navigation德国导航协会
the icing envelop结冰包线
the icing recognition means结冰认知方法
the institute of management sciences管理科学学会
The Institute of Quality Assurance〔英〕质量研究保证所
the intermittent maximum间断最大结冰条件
The Judge Advocate General军法总监
the key and important process关重工序 (即“关键工序”或“重要工序”,该工序包含或输出直接“严重”影响产品的适配件、性能和使用寿命的产品特征或过程特征,“关键工序”或“重要工序”一旦失控,将造成飞机丧失安全性,危害人身安全或为后续的加工、装配、试验或维护等带来严重的困难和不利影响)
the key and important process关重工序即“关键工序”或“重要工序”
the key important pieces重要件 (具有重要特征而不具有关键特的单位元件)
the key pieces关键件
the leading edge前缘
the level of waste in the waste tank污水箱污水液位
the magnitude of the vacuum真空度
the metallurgical society冶金学会
the most critical artificial ice shape最关键人造冰型
the number of molecular分子数
the number of moles摩尔数
the onset of icing conditions结冰条件的形成
the optics measurement光学测量
the People's Liberation Army中国人民解放军
the people's liberation army air force中国人民解放军空军
the potable water recirculation system饮用水循环系统
the power extraction associated with ice protection system operation结冰防护系统能量消耗
the profile area of the rib肋片的纵剖面积
the quantity of water水位
the quantity of water水量
the rate of ice buildup结冰速率
the rear ice formation limit后部结冰形成的界限
the records pertaining to an end item as it was built已完成的相关终端项目的记录
the removal of ice结冰脱落
the requisition of the distribution of technical data技术资料分发路线单
the roots vacuum pump罗茨泵
the second enthalpy formula第二焓方程
the second entropy formula第二熵方程
the second law of thermodynamics热力学第二定律
the second order partial differential二阶偏微分
the shortest remaining processing最短剩余处理时间
The Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies日本航空宇宙工业协会
the standard of the products delivery from supplies供应商交付规范 (根据中国商用飞机有限公司和供应商的基本合同协议,编制和发放的合同性工艺文件,用于定义零组件的最终交付状态,是供应商制造和最终交付产品的依据之一。供应商产品完工以后,包括装箱、发运、接收等均有一系列规定。但某些产品限于当时的条件,在供应商所在地并未完工,这就是未完工供应商装配件移交。未完工供应商装配件由供应商负责制造,但不具备完全满足订单及采购指令 (PO )和/或合同要求的装配件,因而不可能在规定的交付期百分之百地满足订单的要求而遗留一些未完工的工作量。但供应商为了按时交付,通常会提出对这类未完工产品提出移交申请,而主制造商也为了确保项目总计划进度,在规定条件下也允许供应商发运所申请的此类未完工的采购项目,对此类产品如何移交控制和协调,有详尽的规定)
the technical cooperation program技术合作计划
the temperature-altitude envelope温度-高度包线
the thermal energy available for the ice protection system防冰系统的热能利用率
the thickness of the fin翅片厚度
the thickness of the fin肋厚度
the thickness of the rib翅片厚度
the thickness of the rib肋厚度
the third entropy formula第三熵方程
the third law of thermodynamics热力学第三定律
the three phase三相
the toolbox repository工具箱存放处
the total surface area of rib肋片表面积
the tube laminar heat-transfer coefficient管内层流换热系数
The United Federation of Agents'世界旅行协会联合会 (成立于1966年,地点在意大利的罗马。它代表了全球 100 多个国家的旅行社协会的利益,并且是联合国和国际航协在有关旅行方面的权威顾问。该组织还包括与旅行的其他部门,例如航空公司、酒店、旅游局、船运公司、汽车租赁公司以及其他与旅行密切相关的机构)
The United States Logistics Group美国援外使团后勤组
the united states logistics group美国后勤组
the upper limit on the integral积分上限
the U-tube type of manometerU 型管气压计
the van der waals coefficient范德瓦尔斯常数
the Van der Waals equation范德瓦尔斯方程
the Van der Waals equation of corresponding state范德瓦尔斯对比态方程
the Van der Waals force范德瓦尔斯力
the Van der Waals gas范德瓦尔斯气体
the water service panel水维护面板
the zeroth law of thermodynamics热力学第零定律
thickness of the tube炮管厚度
threading the needle穿针引线 (精确地穿越某一小区域)
through-the-canopy ejection穿盖弹射
to the second power平方
to the third power立方
turn the control wheel压杆
under the wing翼下
Union of Industries of the European Community欧洲共同体工业联合会
unit of the "other side" of the airplane飞机另一侧装置
unit of the "same side" of the airplane飞机同一侧装置
United Nations conference on the exploration and peaceful uses of outer space联合国探索与和平利用外层空间大会
United Nations scientific conference on the conservation and utilization of resources联合国保存和运用资源科学会议
until cleared to land by the tower指挥塔准许后才能降落
vice chief of the air staff空军副总参谋长
viewing range of the seeker自导引系统截获目标的距离
voice on the net语音网络
wind around the line缠绕在管路上
women in the air force空军妇女队