
Terms for subject Agriculture containing The | all forms | exact matches only
across to the grain横纹指木材
against the grain逆纹指木材
age of the stand植物群丛年龄
ageing of the leaf叶的老化
agricultural industrialization in the frigid area高寒地区农业产业化
Agricultural machines mean the machines and equipment used for agricultural production, primary processing of agricultural products and other activities relating to farming农业机械是指用于农业生产及其产品初加工等相关农事活动的机械和设备
agriculture in the loess plateau黄土高原农业
agriculture in the national economy农业在国民经济中的地位
alignment behind the tractor农具与拖拉机的直线对准
all-the-year-round mutualaid team常年互助组
alley of the nursery试验圃通道
alley of the nursery苗圃通道
along the grain顺纹木材
angle of inclination of the leaf叶倾角
angle to the left左转角
angle to the right右转角
application of fertilizer to the subsoil施底肥
area of ground covered by the vegetation植被所覆盖的土地面积
area of the final felling主伐面积
area of the rearing bed蚕座面积
around-the-clock illumination全昼夜光照
artificial regeneration of forest with the aid of field crops乔林大田作物间作
at the right moment适当的时期
author of the scientific name命名者 (auctor)
average length of the rachis internode平均穗轴节间长度
awareness of the market situation了解市场情况
backing of the wind风的逆转
bacteria lacking the sex factor FF- 细胞
bacteria lacking the sex factor F缺乏性因子细胞
baking the field烤田
baking the seedling烤苗
banking of the current气流堆积现象
beast of the chase猎兽
beginning of the rainy season进人雨季
beginning of the rainy season雨季开始
bite into the soil车轮下陷量
blistering of barks by the sun日灼皮焦
bolts from the blue晴天霹雳
break in the profile剖面中断
bridging of the seed pieces蔗段架空
bring most of the farmland under irrigation农业水利化
broken current of the Yellow River黄河断流
bull the market哄抬价格
cattle on the hoof活畜
central plane of the objective物镜中心面 {显技}
Cereals Agricultural Cooperative Group of the EEC欧洲经济共同体谷物合作社联合仝
change of the kind of tree树种更替
change of the monsoon季风变化
charge to the brigade's account记在大队账上
chelates in the soil土壤螯合物
circumference at the height of the eye目高周围
clear the felling area伐区清理
clear the field清除茬地
climate near the ground近地面气候
clip the first growth第一次收刈
combs built in the open露天巢脾
come under the axe采伐
compact barrier in the soil心土
compact barrier in the soil土壤中的紧实障
competence of the wind风的挟带力
conception of the constancy of species种永恒不变观念
cooling on the trolley牛乳吊运中冷却
corn on the cob穗轴上的玉米
corners of the field地角
corners of the field田角
course of the year全年过程
crossing-over within the gene基因内交换
cultivate the soil松土
cultivation and weeding during the early stage of plant growth苗期中耕除草
cultivation in the absence of weeds无杂草栽培
cultivation in the absence of weeds机械化栽培
culture in the field露地栽培
culture in the open露地栽培
culture on the hill坡地栽培
culture on the hill垄作栽培
curvature of the image field像场弯曲{显技}
curvature of the plumb line垂线曲率
cutting with the potato vines薯蔓扦插繁殖指用薯蔓进行的扦插繁殖
dairy farm with food wastes feeding in the suburbs郊区用食品废物饲养的乳牛场
damage by frost in the ground冻拔害
damage by frost in the ground霜举害
demand exceeds the supply供不应求
demand exceeds the supply求过于供
deposit the eggs产卵
depth after the jump跃后水深
depth before the jump跃前水深
determining the fertility of the field大田肥力鉴定
determining the quality of seed种子品质鉴定
develop the economy and ensure supplies保障供给
develop the economy and ensure supplies发展经济
develop the range and quality of agricultural production向农业生产广度和深度进军
development of the rural community农村区社发展
developmental strategy of the energy能源发展战略
deviation from the mean method离均差法
diagnosis by total analysis of the plant植株全量分析诊断法
diameter at height of the eye目高直径
digging around the root for transplanting盘根在根的周围挖起移植
dipping the seedling蘸秧根
dipping the seedling浸秧苗浸树苗
direct manipulation of the DNADNA 直接操作
direct seed selection from the field田间直播选种法
direct sowing of rice between the rows of winter cereals冬作套种水稻
distance between auricle of the last two leaves最后两个叶叶耳间距
divide a plant for the purpose of propagation分株
double-cropping by interplanting the season crop before the first is harvested两熟套种法
down-the-row picking顺行采摘
down-the-row ridging顺行培土
down-the-row thinner顺行间苗机
down-the-row thinning顺行间苗
down-the-row topping顺行打顶
down-the-row weeding顺行除草
drought in the north北方干旱
drought in the north北旱
dry in the shade晾干
dryness of the air空气的干燥性
dune of the longitudinal type纵沙丘
dune of the transversal type横沙丘
durability of the aggregate团聚体耐久性
duration of the assimilation period同化期持续时间{生理}
during the day白天
during the day白昼间
during the night夜晚
during the night夜间
ear on the tiller分蘖穗
early in the 21st century 21世纪初期
earthing up on the north side of row行阴面培土
earthing up on the north side of row行北面培土
EEC Association of the Cheese Blending Industry欧洲经济共同体干酪融合业协会
EEC Committee for the Cider and Fruitwine Industry欧洲经济共同体果汁及果酒工业委员会
EEC Committee for the Fruit and Vegetable Juice Industry欧洲经济共同体果汁及蔬菜汁工业委员会
EEC Committee for the Mustard Industries欧洲经济共同体芥末工业委员会
EEC Committee for the Wine,Aromatic Wine,Sparkling Wine and Liqueur Industries and Trade欧洲经济共同体葡萄酒、香酒、汽酒、甜酒工业与贸易委员会
EEC Committee of the International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers国际果汁生产者联合会欧洲经济共同体委员会
EEC Committee of the International Linen and Hemp Association国际亚麻及大麻联合会共同市场委员会
eliminate the errors消除误差
end of the rainy season梅雨期结束
evaluation of the cane甘蔗定价
evolution of the C₄pathwayC₄途径的演变
exceed the 1 percent point超过 1%显著点
expand the area under cultivation扩大耕地面积
explosives on the farm农场爆破技术
explosives on the farm农场爆炸技术
expropriation in the public interest为公共利益而征用
face of the furrow犁沟面
facing the 21st century面向 21 世纪
fall of the water level水位落差
farming by the use of animals畜力耕作
farming by the use of animals畜耕
fate of the progeny后代的命运
Federation of the Oil Industry of the EEC欧洲经济共同体榨油工业联合会
feeling the pulse中医切脉
female plant of the common hemp苴麻
fertility of the ocean海洋生产力
fertilizer for the root根肥指在根部施肥料
field of the sampling取样场地
final age of the maximum forest net income森林最大净收人的伐期龄
final age of the maximum forest rent林利最大的主伐龄
fixing the bed of stream固定河床
flight from the land农村人口外流
floating the field水田整地
flora of the temperate zone温带植物志
flora of the temperate zone温带植物区系
Flour Milling Associations Group of the EEC Countries欧洲经济共同体面粉企业总会
follow the plough务农
form of the jump水跃形状
formula for determining the volume求积式指求木材材积的公式
formulation of the theory理论公式化
formulation of the theory用公式阐明理论
free-setting the crown树冠修整
genetic stability of the meristem分生组织的遗传稳定度
germinating power of seeds in the dark种子在黑暗的发芽本领
germinating power of seeds in the dark黑暗种子发芽本领
germinating power of seeds in the field田间种子发芽本领
germinating power of seeds in the light种子在光照下的发芽本领
germinating power of seeds in the light光照种子发芽本领
germination in the second year次年发芽
germination in the second year越冬发芽
glut in the market市场充斥
glut in the market供过于求
grafting in the dormant bud休眠芽接
grafting in the growing bud生长芽接
Grain and Feed Committee of the EEC欧洲经济共同体谷物与饲料贸易委员会
"granary" of the country盛产粮食的地区
"granary" of the country"粮仓"
grooving of the rind蔗皮凹槽
hang on the tree坐果
hardening of the soil土壤板结
hardening of the soil土壤硬化
harvest in the granary谷物丰产地收获
harvest in the granary进仓收获量
head on the tiller分蘖穗
height of the jump水跃高度
hop Trade Committee of the Common Market共同市场啤酒花贸易委员会
humidity of the air空气湿度
hybridization after removing the male part去雄杂交 (of the flower)
ice formation within the plant植株体内结冰
income increase of the peasants农民增收
incorporation of fertilizer in the soil肥料施人土壤
incubation in the dark暗催青
incubation in the light明催青
inefficient use of the land土地的无效利用
informatization of the national economy国民经济信息化
insecticide in the form of spray or smoke烟雾[状杀虫]剂
instruments available for the radiactivity measurement放射性测定器
interior of the root根内部
International Association of Breeder for the Production of New Varieties国际生产作物新品种育种家协会
International Convention for the Protection of Plants国际植物保护协定
interplanting of three crops on the same field三茬套种一年种植三作物
introduction of the talent人才引进
invert the furrow slice翻转垡片
irrigation for the jointing灌拔节水
isolation of the crown树冠透光伐
karyology of the hybrid杂种胞核学
karyology of the triploid hybrid三倍体杂种胞核学
key to interpret the vegetation types植被类型解释检索表
lagging of the tides潮汐滞后
latter half of the day后半天
law of the minimum最低因子定律{生理}
laying out of the farmstead农场建筑物布置
layout of the farmstead庄园布局
layout of the fields田区规划
leaf position on the stem茎上叶位
length of the jump水跃长度
lie of the land耕地位置
limiting the number of fishing vessel限制渔船数
limiting the total amount of fishing限制总捕捞量
link to the left左向链接
link to the left左向链
location of the farm buildings农场住宅区位置
lower reaches of the yellow river黄河下游
lowering of the ground water level地下水位下降
lowering the ground water level降低地下水位
major bends in the stem曲干
major bends in the stem干弯曲
mating within the same batch同蛾区交配 {蚕}
measuring of the body体格测量
meeting the requirements of the market适合市场的需要
method of determining and regulating the yield生产量确定和调整法
method of separating the harvesting process into several steps分别收获法
micro-studies at the farm level农场一级的微观研究
Milk Industry Association of the European Community欧洲共同体乳业协会
mulberry field for the cooperative rearing of young silkworms稚蚕共同桑园
national economy and the people's livelihood国计民生
nature of the soil土壤性质
nine ears in the stalk一禾九穗指在一株上生有九个穗
number of nodes or joints on the main stem主茎节数
oil cup and the like油槽
on-the-farm handling场内处理
on-the-floor drying kits室内安装的干燥设备
on-the-go adjustment运行中调整
opportunity costs of the farm农场机会成本
optimization of the capital structure资本结构优化
optimum spacing in the row最适株距
Organization of Fruit and Vegetable DeepFreeze Industry of the EEC欧洲经济共同体水果及蔬菜冷冻工业组织
Our product is the perfect solution for your multilocation and small excavation needs. The towable mini-excavator produces 6, 600 pounds of digging force我们的产品是您多地点、小面积挖掘需求的理想选择,可拖型小型挖掘机能产生6600磅挖掘力
outcome of the cutting采伐结果
outcome of the cutting收割结果
outcome of the picking采摘结果
outturn of the fellings采伐率
over-the-drier hopper干燥机上粮箱
over-the-top action[草条]翻转
over-the-top tedder顶翻式摊草机
overfulfil the production quota超额完成生产定额
past the roots分根移植 (of a plant)
past the roots分株 (of a plant)
percentage of starch in the seed种子含淀粉率
percentage of the number of fully ripened grain完熟子粒数百分率
period of the monsoon季风期
perpendicular to the grain横纹指木材
picking after the main harvest主要收获量采收后捡果
picking after the main harvest收获后捡穗
pig of the same litter同窝幼猪
piling in the shape of a window frame窗框形码堆
plan of utilizing the minor products副产物利用计划
plant selection from the field田间株选
planting beans in small holes in the soil点豆
planting beans in small holes in the soil点播豆子
plastics on the farm塑料在农业上使用
plough for the 2nd time再耕
plough for the 2nd time重耕
ploughing and sowing at the same time随耕随种
ploughing the land in early spring in icy condition顶凌耙地
ploughing under green crop in the fall秋翻压青
preparation of the land土地准备
preparation of the land备耕
pressing the vine花生压蔓
pretreatment of the soil土壤预先处理
principle of limitation of the linkage group连锁群限制原理
principle of linear order of the genes基因直线排列原理
process on the fly旋转处理
proximity to the market接近市场
proximity to the market市场附近
pruning at the base基部整枝台刈茶树
pruning the main vine葡萄主蔓整枝
rachis of the main spike主穗轴
radar model of the sea surface海面雷达模型
radiation effect on the cell细胞辐射效应
raising of the standard of living提高生活标准
raising of the standard of living提高生活水平
ratio of the variance变量比率
rearing of the tractor用千斤顶支起拖拉机
recovery from the failure故障恢复
reducing the incidence减少发病率
reform of the agricultural scientific and technical system农业科技体制改革
region of shelter from the wind避风带
removal of seeds from the pod cacao去除可可豆荚中的种子
remove the bark in strip条状剥皮
replication of the exogenous DNA外源DNA 复制
reservoir areas of the three gorges三峡库区
residue of the brewing industry酒糟
residue of the brewing industry酿酒业残留物
residue of the starch industry粉渣
residue of the starch industry淀粉制造业残留物
resistance to the major diseases对主要病害抗性
resistance to the toxic action of potassium chlorate抗氯酸钾毒害性指对氯酸钾毒害作用的抗性
resources disposal by the market市场配置资源
resume the growth恢复生长
reversal of the monsoon季风转换
rice breeding in the 21st century 21世纪 [水]稻育种
rice in the husk稻谷 Oryza sativa
ridges of the cacao pod可可豆荚棱
root of the first order一级根
root of the second order二级根
rotation of the greatest volume最大材积轮伐期
rotting on the vine灰腐病
rough ploughing to destroy the stubble粗耕灭茬
round-the-silo feeder绕青贮塔饲喂槽
round- the- trees cultivator树干周围用中耕机
round-about plowing starting at the center内始环耕法
round-about plowing starting at the outside外始环耕法
safety in the use of pesticides安全使用农药
scabies of the legs鸡脚疥螨病
scabies of the legs腿癣
scatter of the population人口的分布
scatter of the population群体散布
scorching of the leaf叶灼伤
Seed Committee of the Common Market共同市场种子委员会
seedling propagation by the use of rooting分根繁殖育苗
seed-spacing drill for the ridge垄作精密播种机
seize the right time for planting or seeding抢种
selection at the juvenile stage早期选种
selection at the juvenile stage幼苗选择
selection by removing the undesirables去劣选种法
selection made on the threshing floor脱粒场选种
separate the seedlings for planting分秧
separating and stripping the ears of grain剥穗
separating and stripping the ears of grain摘穗
separating the cream脱脂
separating the cream分离奶脂
separating the ram from the ewe隔羝公羊从母羊处隔离出来
service of the loan放债业务
service of the loan出借业务
setting free the crown树冠透光伐
shadow on the earth地影
shallow ploughing under of the stubble浅耕翻
shooting of the apical bud窜心
side grafting in the alburnum边材腹接
side grafting under the bark皮下腹接
side-dressing of fertilizer during the period of kernel formation灌浆肥
single the crop间苗
single the seedling间苗
skidding of the wheel车轮滑移
skins in the wool一个羊所剪的羊毛量
skins in the wool带毛的羊皮
slogan: "the land belongs to the tiller"口号:"耕者有其田"
slope of the channel bottom渠底坡度比降
slope of the water surface水面坡度比降
soak the root沤根
soil analysis on the spot简易[点滴]土壤分析
speedup of the development of medium and small enterprises加速中小企业的发展
spike on the tiller分蘖穗
spread the wings展翅指昆虫展开翅膀
sprout out of the earth出土
stabilization of the soil structure土壤结构稳定化
standard error of the mean平均的标准误差
standardization of the agricultural products农产品标准化
standardization of the agricultural products农产品规格化
Standing International Vinegar Committee of the EEC欧洲经济共同体醋酸工业常设国际委员会
state of the market商情
state of the market销售情况
state of the market市场情况
station for the reproductive silkworm egg蚕种[繁育]场
steady the market稳定市场
streak in the air空中枝闪
sunny spell during the rainy season出梅指梅雨期间出现的晴天
supplies to the market市场供应
supply exceeds the demand供过于求
supporter of the family家庭维持者
supporter of the family家庭供养人
surface water seepage and leakage in the field田面渗漏水量
system of the state grain reserve国家粮食储备制度
system reform of the national forestry国家林业体制改革
take precaution against the bursting of dike决防
taste of the cask酒桶气味
tea space in the row茶树株距
tendency of the economic development经济发展趋势
testing the yielding capacity测验生产力
The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth推土机把土堆铲平了
The Classic of Tea茶经唐代陆羽著
The coldest大寒中国的 24节气之一
The Committee for the Protection of New Plant Varieties新植物变种保护委员会
The ditcher is a device used for digging temporary ditches or trenches with vertical slopes开沟机是以垂直角度挖掘临时沟渠或战壕的一种机器
the first,second and third parental generation亲本二代
the first,second and third parental generation亲本三代
the first,second and third parental generation亲本一代
the geologic time scale地质年代表
The rains雨水中国的24节气之一
The Union for Protection of New Plant Varieties新植物变种保护联盟
the velvet foot金针菇
thinning in the lower storey下层疏伐
thinning in the upper storey上层疏伐
thinning out of the seedlings间苗
time of the final emergence of productive tiller有效分蘖终止期
to meet the challenge of the weather change迎接气候变化的挑战
to the whole paddy weight出米率
to the whole paddy weight精米率
to the whole paddy weight簸谷比率
top-dressing at the latter growth stage后期追肥
top-dressing at the ripening stage攻粒肥
top-dressing at the ripening stage施[子] 粒肥
top-dressing at the tillering stage施分蘖肥
top-dressing during the early growth stage of a crop前期追肥
topping and thinning of the pods摘心疏荚
trading in the futures market期货交易
training on the farm农场培训
transcription of the exosome核外体转录
transplanting and setting of seedling in the field田间移植并定苗
transverse to the grain横纹指木材
turn the hay翻动干草
turn-over the stubble翻耕茬地
Union of Rice Industry Associations of the EEC欧洲经济共同体大米工业协会联盟
unit leaf rate of the individual plant单株 [的]单位叶速率
upper limit of the forest森林上限
value of the catch鱼货产值
vegetative branches of the cotton plant棉株营养枝
violations of the tenancy agreement违反租赁合同
waste products of the flour industry粉屑
waste products of the flour industry面粉业废料
watering for the jointing灌拔节水
watering to flood the stubble灌水泡茬
watering to soak the stubble灌水泡茬
waterlogging in the south南方水涝
waterlogging in the south南涝
ways of the modernization现代化途径
weekend shut-down of the factory糖厂周末停榨指甘蔗加工
wheat spacing in the row小麦株距
Wheat-Starch Industry Association of the EEC欧洲经济共同体小麦淀粉生产者协会
white portion in the center of rice grain心白指大米
white portion in the center of rice grain腹白
wine by the barrel桶装酒
with the grain顺纹
With the technology of single-chip microcomputers, we have designed an electromotor protective device with all function利用单片微机技术,我们设计了功能齐全的电机保护装置
within the limits限内
without the limits限外
work on the farmyard场院工作
work on the farmyard场院劳动
Working Committee of the Malthouses of the EEC欧洲经济共同体麦芽制造业工作委员会
working tillage field in the winter冬刨指耕作