
Terms for subject Biology containing The | all forms | exact matches only
apple of the parth仙客来 (Cyclamen Europaeum L.,报春科)
canker of the hoof蹄癌 (Pododermatitis chronica papillomatosa)
false lily-of-the-valley舞鹤草 (Maianthemum bi folium (L.) DC.)
false lily-of-the-valley舞鹤草属 (Maianthemum Wigg.,百合科)
flame-of-the-forest火焰树苞萼木,Spathodea campanulata Beauv.
flame-of-the-forest火焰树属苞萼木属,Spathodea Beauv.,紫葳科
gill-over-the-ground活血丹 (Nepeta hederacea Trev.,唇形科)
glory-of-the-snow雪宝花 (Chionodoxa luciliae Boiss.)
glory-of-the-snow雪宝花属 (Chionodoxa Boiss.,百合科)
glory-of-the-sun chilestar香白棒莲 (Leucocoryne ixioides Lindl.)
grey borer of the sugarcane黄螟 (Argyroploce schistaceana Snellen,小卷蛾科)
hen of the woods贝叶多孔菌 (Polyporus frondosus Fr.,多孔菌科)
jack-in the box莲叶桐属 (Hernandia L.,莲叶桐科)
Jack-in the box莲叶桐 (Hemandia peltata Meisn.)
jack-in-the-pulpit天南星 (Arisaema consanguineum Schott)
jack-in-the-pulpit天南星属 (Arisaema Mart.,天南星科)
jack-in-the-pulpit family天南星科 (Araceae)
lily of the field野百合 (Lilium callosum Sieb. et Succ.,百合科)
lily of the Nile百子莲 (Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmgg.)
lily of the Nile百子莲属 (Agapanthus L. Her.,石蒜科)
lily-of-the-valley铃兰 (Convallaria majilis L.)
lily-of-the-valley铃兰属 (Convallaria L.,百合科)
pellitory-of-the-wall墙草 (Parietaria debilis Forst f.)
pellitory-of-the-wall墙草属 (Parietaria L.,荨麻科)
pink lily-of-the-valley粉红铃兰 (Convollaria majalis var. rosea Hort.,百合科)
purple scale of the orange橘紫蚧 (Mytilaspis citricola Packard,蚧科)
queen-of-the-meadow珍珠梅 (Sorbaria sorbifolia Maxim.)
queen-of-the-meadow珍珠梅属 (Sorbaria A. Br,蔷薇科)
queen-of-the-night大花蛇鞭柱大轮柱,Selenicereus grandiflorus Britt. et Rose,仙人掌科
ringent Jack-in-the-pulpit张口天南星 (Arisaema ringens Schott,天南星科)
snow-on-the-mountain银边翠 (Euphorbia marginata Pursh.,大戟科)
the velvet foot毛柄金钱菌 (Flammulina velutipes)
waders like the blackwinged stilt涉水禽鸟如鹤鹭等,Himantopus himantopus
water-chestnut of the orient荸荠 (Eleocharis tuberosa Roem. et Schult.,莎草科)
yellow lily-of-the-incas六出花属 (Alstroemeria L.,石蒜科)
yellow lily-of-the-incas六出花 (Alstroemeria aurantiaca D. Don)