
Terms for subject Polo containing The | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance of the bridle受衔
across the board赛马等对前三名都下赌注
change rein along the whole track沿全程开缰
change the bend换弯道
change the flat斜换里怀
clear the fence跳越障碍
correct use of the aids正确使用扶助
draw in the rein勒住马缰
engagement of the hind quarters拍压马臀
error of the course跑道失误
fall from the horse落马
feet out of the stirrups脱蹬
finish on the left leg左腿结束
finish on the right leg右腿结束
flexion of the horse马的柔软性
go with the horse配合马的动作
go with the horse顺随马的动作
hit under the pony's neck马球颈下侧方击球
illegal use of the mallet马球非法使用拐棒
in the money赌博中奖
in the money获前三名
indirect rein of opposition in front of the withers髻甲前急控缰
influence on the horse支配左右马的行进
inspection of the course检査路线
inspection of the horses验马
inspection of the saddlery验马鞍
inspection of the spurs验马刺
inspection of the weapons验装备
inspection of the whip验马鞭
leaning on the bit好像以骑手的手为支撑
line of the ball马球球行线
manner of holding the reins持缰方法
on either side of the centre line基准线的任意一侧
on the aids驯服的
on the aids听话的
on the bit被勒紧缰绳
on the bit受控的
on the diagonal对侧步
on the flat马球没有让步条件的
on the flat赛马没有障碍的
on the left lead左前跑步
on the right lead右前跑步
pirouette to the left向左旋转
pirouette to the right向右旋转
pivot on the heel脚跟旋转
pivot on the quarters后肢旋转
plan of the course马术比赛路线图
position of the horse马的姿势
rectified deviation from the course改正偏离比赛路线
root of the tail尾根
seat of the rider鞍座
slip the reins放缰
slip the reins松缰
suppleness of the back背的柔顺度
tail to the wall马身背对墙
throw the rider将骑手摔下来
track to the left左跑道
track to the right右跑道
unseat the rider将骑手摔下来
volt of the left左环骑
volt of the right右环骑
volt to the left向左环骑
volt to the right向右环骑
volte of the left左环骑
volte of the right右环骑
volte to the left向左环骑
volte to the right向右环骑
walk the course用步度来测量赛马道
work on the flat场地骑乘