
Terms for subject Multimedia containing The | all forms | exact matches only
between the tidesbetween the tides 项目
center to bridge the digital divide缩减数位落差中心
core fonts for the Web核心的 Web 字体
exposing to the rightETTR 图像曝光技术
fiber to the curb光纤到街
fiber to the home光纤到户
guidelines for the definition of managed objects管理对象定义准则
International Federation of The Phonographic Industry国际唱片工业联合会
kinetic the technology agencykinetic the technology agency 翻译公司
off-the shelf现成
on the fly即时
over-the-shoulder shot过肩镜头
over-the-top contentOTT 服务
student television in the united kingdom英国学生电视
telecommunications device for the deaf听障人士用电信设备
the core pocket media player核心移动媒体播放器
the digital imprimatur数字出版许可
the Kurdish digital library库尔德数字图书馆
the 3rd generation partnership project第三代合作伙伴计划
The weather channel天气频道
turning the pages翻页