
Terms for subject Weightlifting containing The | all forms | exact matches only
add weight to the bar加重
address the bar走向杠铃
approach the bar走向杠铃
bar sliding along the thigh横杆擦及大腿
bar touching the body杠铃接触身体
barbell touching the body杠铃接触身体
behind-the-back dead weight lift体后硬举
bend at the waist屈体
bend the arm with wrist turn and knee bend抓举中的拉臂翻腕屈膝下蹲
bending the arm with wrist turn拉臂翻腕
bring back the feet收腿
bring the barbell up to the chest提铃至胸
bring up from the ground to the shoulders提铃至肩
bring up the barbell from the ground to the shoulders提铃至肩
clean and jerk with the left right arm手单臂挺举
clean and jerk with the left arm左手单臂挺举
clean and jerk with the right arm右手单臂挺举
clean the weight to chest提铃至胸
clean the weight to the chest提铃至胸
clean to the chest提铃至胸
clean to the chest高翻
clerk of the scales重量员
clerk of the scales量重员
commence the trial开始试举
complete the clean完成提铃至胸
completion of the lift举重结束
correct the grip纠正握法
correct the grip纠正法
drive the bar overhead将杠铃举过头顶
drop behind the back杠铃背后脱落
drop the bar脱手让杠铃掉下
drop the bar坠放杠铃
drop the bar脱手让杠铃掉下
drop the bar behind the back杠铃背后脱落
drop the bar behind the back杠铃背后脱落
drop the body under the weight把身体降至横杠下面以支撑杠铃
during the clean提铃至胸阶段
exceed the limit of weight class超过报名级别的重量
execute the lift试举成功
execute the movement完成整个动作
exercise with weights strapped to the body身体负重练习
extend the ankle, knee and hip joints展体
extension of the body展体
half press of the rack架上半推举
hold the barbell overhead高举杠铃过头
hold the weight举起杠铃
incomplete extension of the arms两臂伸展不均匀
jerk from the neck颈后挺
jerk from the rack架上挺
jump under the weight负铃跳
keep close to the body贴身
keep close to the body贝占身
lay down the weight放下杠铃
lean back with the trunk上体后仰
lift the elbows高提肘
lift the elbows提肘
lift the pelvis提臀
lift the toes翘脚尖
load the barbell给杠铃加重
lock the arms锁肩
lower the barbell放下杠铃
lower the body身体降至横杠下以支撑杠铃
lower the weight放下杠铃
military press of the rack架上硬推
one hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举
one hand snatch with the right arm右手单臂抓举
one-hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举
one-hand snatch with the right arm右手单臂抓举
palm to the front反握掌心向前
palm to the front掌心向前
palm to the rear正握掌心向后
palm to the rear掌心向后
pass the decision给出判定结果
pause during the lifting of the bar上举过程中有停顿
place down the weight放下杠铃
place down the weight roughly甩杠铃
place the weight放杠铃
power press of the rack架上硬推
press of the rack架上推举
progression of the barbell weight杠铃重量的增加
pull along the body贴身上拉
pull from the hang悬垂提铃
pull from the rack架上拉
pull the bar overhead将杠铃举过头顶
pull the weight along the body贴身上拉
pull the weight to the front of the shoulders举杠铃至胸前齐肩
put down the weight放下杠铃
raise the elbows抬肘
raise the elbows提肘
recover to the standing position收腿 (直立)
release the grip放下杠铃
release the grip放开握把
replace the weight放下杠铃
rock-up on the toes提踵
roll the shoulder forward向前耸肩
sign for the completion of the trial试举完成信号
snatch from the belt膝上抓
snatch from the hang膝上膝下抓举
snatch from the hang膝上膝下抓
snatch from the hang悬垂抓举
split the feet箭步分腿
squat with the weight on the neck后蹲
squat with the weight placed on the neck后蹲
touch the ground with the buttocks臀部触地犯规
touch the ground with the knee膝触地犯规
touch the ground with the knee膝盖触地
turn over the elbows翻肘
turn over the wrist翻腕
turn over the wrists翻腕
two-hand clean and press behind the neck双手颈后推举
uneven extension of the arms两臂伸展不平均
validity of the lift试举动作准确
validity of the lift试举动作有效
weight of the barbell杠铃重量
whip the elbow出肘
width of the feet站距
with the body erect躯干挺直