
Terms for subject Rugby football containing The | all forms | exact matches only
action by the ball-carrier持球队员的行动
action by the kicker踢球队员的行动
action by the player队员自己的行动
action of the opposing team对方队员的行为
advantage in the field of play在赛场里获利
apparent intention of the tackler扌卜搂队员的明显意图
at the tackle在扑搂的地点
ball out of the tunnel出自隧道口的球
be caught in the maul在冒尔里被捕捉
bind on to the ball-carrier夹扎到持球队员
block the ball阻挡球
block the tackler阻挡扑搂队员
charge over the 22-metre line冲过22 米线
come out of the ruck从拉克中出来的球
controlling the ball控球
down ground the ball持球触地得分
duration of the match比赛持续的时间
duties of the referee before the match比赛前裁判员职责
external edge of the pad保护垫外缘
fall on the ball倒扑到球上
get up with the ball带球起立
give the dummy做假动作骗对手
give the dummy做假动作
give the dummy声东击西
ground the ball压球触地
ground the ball攻方持球触地
handle the ball in a ruck手探取拉克中的球
help the runner助攻犯规
helping the runner助攻犯规
hold the line阻止对方球员带球前进
hooking the ball钩球
infringe the law违反规则
juggle the ball玩耍球
keep the flag up举着旗帜
keep the time掌握时间
late charge the kicker过迟冲撞踢球队员
lie around the ball卧倒在球的周围
lie on the ball卧压球
lie on the ball倒卧在球上
lift a ball-carrier from the ground抬举起持球队员
lift the player in the air队员被顶推悬空
limit to entering the playing area进入比赛区域的限制
limitation on the referee裁判员的限制
lines on the playing enclosure比赛围场上的线段
loiter at the side of a maul在冒尔旁边闲逛
loiter at the side of a ruck在拉克旁边闲逛
lower the flag放低旗帜
make the ball dead成死球
make the ball unplayable使球成为无法比赛状态
make the wall形成人墙
method of playing the match比赛方法
nature of the tackle扑搂的性质
obstruct the drop-out阻碍反攻踢
obstruct the opposing scrum-half阻碍对方争球前卫
obstruct the opposing team阻碍对方球队
off the ground双脚离地
offside the 10-metre law10 米规则下的越位
offside under the 10-metre law10米规则下的越位
on the goal-line在阵线上
on the wrong side of the 22-metre line在 22 米线错误的一边
organize the toss主持掷币
out of the ruck从拉克中出来
pass behind the line线后短传
passing the ball传球
penalty kick on the 15 meter line在15米线上罚踢
pick up the ball in a ruck with the legs用两腿夹起拉克中的球
place a hand on another player in the maul手放在冒尔中其他队员身上
place a hand on another player in the ruck手放在拉克中其他队员身上
place of the infringement犯规地点
play an opponent without the ball阻拦无球的对方队员
play-the-ball rule比赛再开始的规则
play-the-ball rule比赛再开始规则
player in the line-out争边球队员
player on the ground倒在地上的队员
potential replacement in the front row伤代
prolonged wrestling for the ball持续不断地扭斗争球
rejoin in front of the hindmost teammate in the ruck从拉克最后-名队友前面加入
rejoin the ruck再加入拉克
release the ball放开球
release the tackled player释放被扑搂队员
replace the referee替换裁判员
required dimensions for the playing enclosure比赛围场要求的尺寸
retire behind the off-side line退到越位线后面
running with the ball带球跑动
sell the dummy做假动作骗对手
sell the dummy声东击西
signify the end of each half半场终了时发出信号
snap the ball胯下投球
snap the ball胯下传球
snap the ball中卫胯下投球
Soccer Association of the United States美国橄榄球协会
step over players on the ground跨越倒在地上的队员
tackle the jumper in the air扑搂跳跃在空中的队员
take the kick again重踢
throw in the ball投进球
turn the table扭转局面
turn the tide扭转局面
turn the trick赛赢
under the control of match officials由比赛公正人控制
winner of the toss掷币胜者