
Terms for subject Table tennis containing The | all forms | exact matches only
angle of the bat球拍角度
angle of the bat拍形
angle the bat调整拍面角度
angle the bat调整拍形
angle the drive抽出角度
around the net球从支架外侧或下面绕过球网
around the net球绕网
away-from-the-table play远台打法
backhand drive over the table反手台内抽球
beginning of the match开赛
brush the ball摩擦球
change direction of the ball改变球路
change the ball换球
chop over the table内台削球
chop over the table台内削球
chop the chop对削
chop the chop对搓
chop the crop搓球
chop the crop对削
chop the crop削球
close to the table近台
close-to-the-body shot追身球
close-to-the-table chop近削
close-to-the-table defence近台防守
close-to-the-table defence with attack近台防守中反攻
close-to-the-table fast attack近台快攻
close-to-the-table penhold grip fastattack直拍近台快攻
close-to-the-table play近台打法
control the angle of bat控制拍形
control the angle of bat控制拍型角度
corner smash after lift to the middle拉中路杀两角
counteract the spin抵消旋转
counter-hit the opponent's service with a quick smash接发球抢攻
crosscourt plus down-the-line斜直线球
crosscourt plus down-the-sideline斜直线
deflect the ball变换球路
dink the ball barely over net吊小球
down-the-line shot直线球
drive over the table台内抽球
far from the table远台身体离台 1米以上
fast attack near the table近台快攻
feed the ball供球
find corners of the court打角球
force the pace争取主动
force the pace控制局势
forehand attack from the backhand court侧身攻
forehand attack from the backhand side during pushing推挡结合侧身抢攻
forehand drive over the table正手台内抽球
gain control domination over the game争得主动
get back into the game反攻
get the lob放高球
give spin to the ball加转
give spin to the ball击球加转
graze the ball轻擦球
hammer one's opponent of the table大力扣杀逼退对手
handle of the bat拍柄
have the opponent in a spin打乱对方
hit into the net落网
hit off the table击球出界
hit off the table打球出界
hit the ball with wooden surface of the racket木板球
hit the lob扣杀高球
hit through the opponent's serve接发球得分
hitting on the move跑动击球
imaginary extension of the endline端线假想延长线
impact with the ball球拍面触球
impact with the ball触球
impart spin to the ball击球加转
impart spin to the ball加转击球
induce the opponent to err in attack诱使对方出错
keep the ball short连续短球
leave the opponent stranded使对方束手无策
lift the ball high放高球
lure the opponent out of position诱使对方站错位
make the shot击球
mark the ball球上做标记
move the racket up上提球拍
oblique line the table serve发斜线球
oblique line the table service发斜线球
off the table远台
off the table long drive远台长抽
offset the loop抵消弧圈球
over the table出界
path of the bat挥拍路线
pin down the opponent on his backhand and center court压对方反手中路
play the shot击球
project the ball抛发球
push the racket压拍
put the ball high放高球
roll the neck转动颈部
rush the lob匆忙放高球
seize the opportune moment for counter attack伺机起板反击
seize the opportunity for counter attack伺机起板反击
send the ball into the net击球落网
service inside the end-line端线内发球
set up the ball供球
shake the ankle转动脚踝
shake the ankle转动踝关节
shake the wrist抖腕
start the game开球
stay-at-the-table game近台打法
straight along the table serve发直线球
straight along the table service发直线球
straight-along-the-table service发直线球
strength of the deflecting force偏折力量
strike the ball out of proper sequence双打中击球次序错误
strike the ball out of proper sequence双打不按次序击球
strike the ball out of proper sequence双打中不按次序击球
striking spot on the ball击球部位
suddenly change the direction of the ball突然变线
surface of the ball球面
swing the arm forward向前挥臂
take the ball击球
take the ball high放高球
take the court上场
take the edge off opponent's offensive削弱对方攻势
the first three balls in a rally前三板
throw the ball发球抛球
throw the ball抛发球
tip the paddle球触拍
top of the bounce球反弹的顶点
top of the bounce球反弹顶点
touch the court擦边
trap the ball压住球
turn the wrist转动手腕
turn the wrist转腕
wear out the opponent消磨取胜
wrest back the initiative转为主动