
Terms for subject Architecture containing TOP | all forms | exact matches only
arcade top拱顶
arch with top hinge带顶铰拱
bevel-led hill top平切丘顶
black-top finishing roller沥青道路表面修整压路机路碾
blue-top grade旧路改建前的纵断面 (美)
broken top chord折线上弦梁
camel back top chord桁架拱形上弦
cape top软车顶
center of top拱顶中央 (vertex)
counter top lavatory嵌人式的洗面器
free top筒支顶盖
mast top
nonstructural top screed表面覆盖层
nonstructural top screed混凝土铺面
peg top paving小方石铺面
roll top desk带折叠盖板的写字台
smoke stack top烟囱帽
top board桌子面板
top board柜台
top board
top board盖板
top bracing拉条
top coat外涂保护
top coat
top compartment顶室
top cut-open视图
top end原木梢
top end原木的小头
top flight最高一层 (房屋)
top floor楼的顶层
top force
top heading顶撑
top heading隧道的顶部导洞
top-hinged out-swinging上悬外撑式 (窗)
top hung window上悬窗
top hung window吊窗
top layer表层
top layer上部钢筋
top light桅杆电视塔顶灯
top light天窗
top longitudinal bracing上弦纵向水平支撑
top nailing顶面施钉
top nailing上部加钉
top panel顶板 (plate)
top rail压顶木
top rail门窗的上档
top rail门的上横梃
top side lighting顶部侧光
top side lighting屋顶侧面光
top spit废料
top story楼的顶层
top transom栏杆上档
top view视图