
Terms for subject Agriculture containing TOP | all forms | exact matches only
banana bunchy top香蕉束顶病
banana bunchy top束顶病
bank top堤顶
beet top harvester甜菜切顶收获机
beet top swather甜菜顶铺条机
beet top windrower甜菜顶堆行机
brown top细弱剪股颖
bunch top梢簇
bunch top花束状梢头
bunchy top束顶番茄病毒病时表现
bunchy top僵顶病
bunchy top僵顶
bunchy top簇顶
bunchy top束顶病
corn top remover玉米打顶机
curly top卷顶病
curly top曲顶病
cut top截顶
cut top截去顶端
diameter at top小头直径指木材
diameter at top end梢端直径
dried top枯梢
droopy top垂梢病指甘蔗
dry top rot干梢腐病指甘蔗
glass top玻璃屋顶指温室
goal in top-down parsing自顶向下分析的目标
green watery top青汁甘蔗梢
last top-dressing末次追肥
last top-dressing最后一次追肥
last top-dressing最终追肥
late top dressing晚期追肥指表面施肥
lush-growing top生长茂盛梢部指甘蔗
over-the-top action[草条]翻转
over-the-top tedder顶翻式摊草机
plant-top removing machine切顶机
plant-top removing machine打顶机
potato mop-top virus马铃薯帚顶病毒
purple top wilt紫顶萎病
ratio of root to top根条比地下部与地上部的比率
ratio of root to top根叶比率
red top红顶草
red top grass小穗草红顶草,白翦股颖
root-top ratio根冠比率地下部与地上部比率
round-top stage树木圆顶期
spike top枯梢
spinach beet curly top disease叶用甜菜曲顶病病毒病害
spring top-dressing春季追肥
stolbur top僵顶病
stolbur top of tomato番茄僵顶病
stunted top矮化茎秆指水稻植株地上部矮化
sugarbeet top collector甜菜顶收集器
sugarbeet top harvester甜菜顶收获机
tangled top of sugarcane甘蔗顶部缠结
tangled top of sugarcane甘蔗梢头缠结病
tilth top soil熟化表土
tomato curly top番茄曲顶病
top agar顶层琼脂
top agarose顶层琼脂糖
top application追肥表施
top application at fruiting stage壮果肥
top application at heading stage壮穗肥
top bar上梁
top bar巢框小梁
top breakage梢折
top bull良种公牛
top collector甜菜顶收集器
top collector块根顶收集器
top cross顶交玉米
top-cross parent顶交亲本
top-cross progeny顶交后代
top diameter梢径梢头直径
top diameter小头直径指木材
top die-back顶枯病
top-down compiler自顶向下编译程序
top-down hierarchal design自顶向下分层设计[法]
top dressing表层施肥
top-dressing at ear formation period施穗肥
top-dressing at panicle formation stage施穗肥
top-dressing at the latter growth stage后期追肥
top-dressing at the ripening stage攻粒肥
top-dressing at the ripening stage施[子] 粒肥
top-dressing at the tillering stage施分蘖肥
top-dressing during the early growth stage of a crop前期追肥
top dressing fertilizer施顶肥
top-dressing of fertilizer追肥
top-dressing of insecticide叶心施药玉米治虫
top dressing technique追肥技术
top-dressing to deep layer深层追肥
top dressing with nitrogen追施氮肥
top drive摇蜜机从上方运转
top dry梢枯病
top drying梢枯
top end梢端
top end of trunk树顶
top end of trunk树干梢头
top fastener篷车扣紧装置
top-fermented beer表层发酵啤酒
top fruit顶果
top fruit sprayer果树冠喷雾器
top gear直接挡
top gear变速箱最高挡
top girth梢围梢端干围
top grafting高接{园艺}
top grass上繁
top growth地上部生长
top incross品种内杂交种
top layer上土层
top layer表土层
top link悬挂装置上拉杆
top loading自顶装人
top material蔗梢指甘蔗
top material顶梢
top off去顶
top off打尖
top off除掉茎叶指直根作物
top-opening freezer敞顶式冷冻器
top pinching打顶尖
top pinching摘心
top pruning去顶
top pruning打梢
top pruning摘心
top quality上等品质
top removal打顶
top removing打顶
top removing打尖
top removing摘心
top roller托带轮
top roller上滚轮
top roller支持滚轮
top root主根
top-root ratio地下部与地上部比率
top-root ratio根冠比率
top rot顶腐病
top rot顶腐梢顶腐朽
top saver甜菜顶收集器
top screen上筛
top seal封口
top seedpiece梢头苗指甘蔗
top set头球指洋葱花梗上所生的小球
top-shaped倒圆锥形的 (turbinatus)
top shoot顶幼枝
top shoot顶梢
top soil plough灭茬犁
top soil plough茬地犁
top soil plough浅耕犁
top stem梢头木
top to bottom analysis自顶向下分析
top unloading头部卸载
top unloading上部卸载
top ventilation顶部换气[窗] (指温室或贮藏库的)
top ventilator天窗温室
top view顶视图{显技}
top visible dewlap最高可见肥厚带指甘蔗
top working高接
top working高接{园艺}
top-working disease of apple苹果高接病病毒病害
twisted top of sugarcane甘蔗顶部扭转
wet masher with top具排料口湿润饲料搅碎机