
Terms for subject Biology containing TOP | all forms | exact matches only
beet curly top甜菜曲顶病 (Beta virus 1)
bunchy top of tomato番茄僵顶病 (Lycopersicum virus 5)
celery-top pine叶枝杉属 Phyllocladus Rich.,紫杉科
club-top珊瑚菌属 (Clavaria Fr.,珊瑚菌科)
curly top of cauliflower花椰菜曲顶病 (Stock mosaic virus)
curly top of tulip郁金香曲顶病 (Stock mosaic virus)
gele top borer粟灰螟 (Chilotraea infuscatella (Snellen),螟蛾科)
rea top小糠草 (Agrostis alba L.,禾本科)
top borer粟灰螟 (Chilotraea infuscatella Snellen,灰螟科)
top-flowered haageocereus金煌柱 (Haageocereus acranthus sp.)
top-flowered haageocereus金煌柱属 (Haageocereus spp.,仙人掌科)
top onion珠芽洋葱头球洋葱,Allium cep L. var. viviparum Metz.,百合科
top primrose四季樱草鄂报春,Primula obeontea Hance,报春花科
top yellows of pea豌豆萎蔫病 (Fasarium pisi)
turban-top马鞍菌属 (Helvella L. ex Fr.,马鞍菌科)
velvet-top-fungus绒盖多孔菌落叶松腐心菌,Polyporus schweinitzii Fr.,多孔菌科