
Terms for subject Textile industry containing TOP | all forms | exact matches only
acrylic top腈毛条
acrylic top腈纶毛条
angel top天使上衣
annhole top press袖山压熨机
arm top cover顶盖
armhole top press袖山压熨机
armhole top press袖山压烫机
asymmetric top不对称衫
attaching under collar to top collar敷领面
ball top毛球
bandeau bikini top绑兜式比基尼上装
bandeau top绑兜上衣
bandeau top狭带式胸衣
bandeau top绑兜式连身衬裙
bandeau top slip绑兜式连身衬裙
bare top露上装指露肩、背、胸晚礼服,太阳装
bare top露肩装
bare top露胸装露出胸围线以上,无背带
bare top露胸装
bare top露上装
bare top bodice露肩式衣身
bare top bodice露肩式上衣
bare top dress露肩式衣服
bare top dress露胸式衣服
bare top strapless无吊带露上跳舞长衣
bare-midriff top露腰上衣
batwing top蝙蝠衫
bib top露背短上衣
bib top pants工装背带裤
bib top pinafore围兜裙
bikini top比基尼上装
blocking top collar归拔领面
bloused top蓬松上衣
bobbin top筒顶
bolero top波蕾诺短上衣
bra top胸罩式上衣
bralike top胸罩式上衣
brown top焦梢 (麻疵点)
bust top乳围
camisole top短袖女衬衫
camisole top吊带胸衫
camisole top女式直筒衬衣
camisole top女式短袖衬衣
camisole top内衣式衬衫
camisole top slip卡米索连身衬裙
ceiling top最高限额
circular open top machine圆型单面纬编机
circular rib top machine圆型袜口 罗纹机
close centre seam of top collar〔工〕缝合领面
close centre seam of top collar缝合领面
close the center seam of top collar合领面
close the centre seam of top collar合领面
cloth-top boots布顶靴1920〜1930 年
collar top上领
collar top领面
collar top line鞋沿口
cone top motion锥形提综滑轮
control-top panty hose束腹型裤袜
control top pantyhose塑身腰,臀连裤袜
coolmax bra top背心式凉爽胸衣
Coolmax bra top coatCoolmax 背心式凉爽胸衣
corselet top束身上衣
corset top紧身胸衣
corset top紧身褡上衣
covering chain stitch, top and bottom双面覆盖链式线迹
crimpy top collar领面起泡
criss-cross halter top垂瀑式吊带交叠襟上装
crop top腰节以上的短上衣
crop top吊带胸衣
crop top针织吊带短衫
crop top极短的短上衣
crop top剪短上衣
crop top短上衣
crop top and brief set吊带胸衣和短内裤套装
cropped top剪短上衣
cropped top腰节以上的短上衣
cross front shirred top门襟交叠式抽褶衫
cuff-top girdle高腰紧身褡
cuff top girdle高腰紧身褡
cuff top line袖头上口线
cuff top stitcher袖头面缝机
cuff top stitcher袖口面缝机
defective top stitch装饰线迹不良
denim top-stitched pocket牛仔双明线贴袋
Derby top德比式罗纹袜口6 + 3罗纹袜口
Derby top德比式6+3螺纹袜口
desk top needle detector台式验针机
diamante top闪光珠饰短上衣
differential top belt feed差动皮带上送料
differential top feed差动上送料
dip-top boots长牛仔靴
double layer top错色双层衫看似穿两件,实为-件
double rib top双罗纹口
double top双层袜口
double top双口
double top stitched seam分辑缝
double top stitched seam分缉缝
double top stitched seam双排明缝
drape neck slinky top垂坠领口紧身衫
drawstring top束带式上装
dual top and bottom steam-boxes复式上下汽蒸箱
elastic sock top橡筋袜口
elastic sock top松紧袜口
elastic top橡筋口
elastic top袜口
elastic top松紧口
elastic top hosiery紧紧口袜
elastic top socks松紧 口短袜
elastic top socks橡口袜
elasticated top弹力袜口
embroidery rib top machine绣花罗纹袜口机
fancy rib top machine花罗纹袜口机
fancy top花袜口
fitness top健美衫
fitness top健身衫
flashdance top闪光舞针织衫
flash-dance top霹雳舞针织衫
flat rib top machine平式罗口针织机
flat top平顶头
flat top平头发式
flyaway top飘飞上衣
flyaway top飘飞上衣短而宽大
fold line of top sleeve前偏袖线
full cut top宽大式上身
full cut top宽大式裤身
full top宽松上衣
full top grain皮革正面
fuse interlining to top collar〔工〕热粘领衬、面
fuse interlining to top collar热粘领衬面
fuse interlining top collar热黏领衬、面
garter top袜 口下段
garter top袜口卞段
gathered neck top褶桐领口衫
glass top cloth玻璃台板布
glass top fabric玻璃台板布
glass top nonwoven玻璃台板非织造布
grip top弹性袜口
halter top袒肩露背胸衣
halter top挂脖式露背衫
halter top三角背心式女上衣
halter-top sundresses三角背心式太阳装
halter top sundresses三色背心式太阳装
heel top加高鞋跟的皮
hem pocket top袋 口折边
hem pocket top袋口折边
hem top顶边卷边
hemming pocket top袋口卷边
hi-top trainer高帮训练鞋
high-top tennis shoes高帮网球鞋
high-necked halter top高领吊带上装
Hollywood-top slip好莱坞型连身衬裙
hose top袜口
hot top热衫
hydraulic top fuse machine油压式衣领压衬机
independent top&drop feed牵拉送布
interlock stitch with top cover覆盖锁缝线迹
interlock stitch with top cover绷缝
interlock stitch without top cover底绷锁缝线迹
iron top collar for preshrinking〔工〕热缩领面
iron top collar for preshrinking热缩领面
iron top collar for press-shrinking热缩领面
irregular top stitch〔检〕面线不良
joining top collar合领面
joining under collar and top collar合领子
keep top side up请勿倒置
knit top针织上衣
knit transfer top套口罗口
l/2l/4,l/8 top pocket四、八分之一斜袋
lace cami top网眼花边胸衣
lace top stay-ups hosiery花边紧口袜
leather top皮上衣
left feed top stitch folder左送料面缝折边器
length of top袜口长
lisle top莱尔袜口
lisle top高级丝光线袜口
lisle top莱尔高级丝光线袜口
load on top最大负载
load on top最大负荷
loops on the top服装缺陷
mandarine work top中式工装上衣
maternity top孕妇衫
maternity top孕妇上装
mesh knit top针织网眼衫
middy-top pajamas套头式两件套睡衣
middy-top pajamas套头式无扣两件套睡衣
midriff top露腰衫
midriff top露腰女上衣
miniature top-hat袖珍礼帽
minimal top最短上衣
muscle top健美衫
muscle top无袖圆领衫
needled top felt针刺上毯
night-gown top领肩
non-ravel top防脱散袜口
non-run top防脱散袜口
nonrun top防脱散袜口
nylon top锦纶毛条
nylon top尼龙毛条
off the shoulder top吊带衫
off the shoulder top露肩衫
oil-combed top油梳毛条
oil-combed top英式精梳毛条
on-top skirt上层裙用于欧洲民族风格的多层裙设计
one shoulder stretch rib top单肩带弹力罗纹衫
one-and-one top袜口罗纹
one-and-one top 1+1罗口
one-and-one top 1+1袜口罗纹
one-and-one top1+1 罗口
open top开顶
open top circular knitting machine多三角圆型针织机
open-top circular knitting machine多三角圆形针织机
open-top container开盖集装箱
open-top container上盖敞开集装箱
open-top jeans button通心工字钮
open-top jeans button通心工字纽
open-top jeans chineseknot通心工字纽
open-top sinker type machine多三角圆形针织机
opera top袒胸背心
oversize top特大套衫
oversized top特大套衫
pajama top睡衫
pattern top drum提花上滚筒
peasant top村姑衫
peasant top农妇衫
peg-top pants木钉裤上部大,下部逐渐变小,轮廓像楔子形的裤子
peg top pants陀螺形裤
peg-top pants陀螺裤
peg top pants萝卜裤
peg-top pants萝卜裤
peg-top silhouette陀螺型轮廓
peg top skirt锥形裙
peg top skirt陀螺裙
peg-top skirt陀螺裙
peg top trousers陀螺形裤
peg-top trousers木钉裤上部大,下部逐渐变小,轮廓像楔子形的裤子
peg-top trousers陀螺裤
pencil slim top铅笔式上衣
peplum top腰褶上装
pin top collar to under collar together覆领面领面上覆领里
pin top collar to under collar together覆领面
plain seam double top stitch双针开口缝
plain top glove平 口手套
plain top gloves平口手套
plain top hosiery平口袜
pleat top褶山
pocket top bands袋口边
pointed top godet尖裆片
polo top马球衫
polyester top涤纶毛条
polypropylene top丙纶毛条
polypropylene top coat丙纶毛条
princess line bikini top公主线比基尼上衣
program-controlled top feed程序控制上送布
pullover top套衫领
pyjama top睡衣上装
pyjama top睡衫
quarter reinforcement at the top of the toe加固袜头
ramie top苎麻条
reversible top coat两面穿大衣
reversible top-stitching双面线缝
revolving cylinder sinker top machine带提花轮和沉降片的圆型针织机
rib argyle hosiery top菱形花纹袜口
rib argyle hosiery top菱形花纹罗口
rib top袜腰
rib top袜口罗纹
rib top袜口罗纹:
rib top罗口
rib top aslant罗口套歪斜
rib top gloves罗口手套
rib top hosiery罗口袜
rib top machine罗口罗纹机
rib top machine袜口罗纹机
rib top machine罗纹袜口机
ribbed top罗纹袜口
ribbed top hosiery machine罗口直下圆袜机
round neck striped top圆领条纹衫
round neck striped top圆领间条衫
round top圆线头灯芯绒
round top圆领端
round-top bed curtain圆顶帐
rugby top橄榄球衫
sarong top莎笼上衣
screen-print top丝网图案印花针织上衣
shell top无袖紧身套头衫
shirred top
shoe-top silk鞋面绸
shoe-top velvet鞋面丝绒
shoestring cami top女吊带背心
silk top绸面
silk top coat绸面
single rib top单罗纹口
sink top machine带有沉降片的圆纬机
sinker top circular knitting machine多三角圆型针织机
sinker top circular knitting machine多三角圆形针织机
ski fleece top滑雪绒衫
sleeve placket top袖衩顶端
sleeve top袖山
sleeve top袖山头
sleeve top袖山点
sleeveless V-neck topV 领无袖衫
sleeveless V-neck top coatV 领无袖衫
smock top长袖罩衫
sock top slippers婴幼童穿袜口鞋
spliced top加固袜口
square-top bed curtain方顶帐
stocking top袜口
straight top vest吊带式平胸女背心
strapless top无肩带上衣
strapless top无肩带弹力短上衣
stretch top弹力贴身女衫
sun top吊带胸衣
sun top coat吊带胸衣
sweat top毛线衣
sweat top卫生衣
sweat top厚针织衫
swing top高尔夫短夹克
swing top运动夹克
swing top高尔夫上衣
swing top coat高尔夫短夹克
synchronized top feed同步上送料
table top工作台板
tank top无袖圆领衫
tank top吊带式女背心
tank top运动背心
tank top连衣式游泳衣
tank top连裁式肩带
tank top背心衫
tank top大圆领女背心
tank top coat大圆领女背心
tank top coat无袖圆领衫
tank top jumper背心式连衫童装
tank top maillot背心式泳装
tassel-top loafer平底便鞋
T-back fitness topT 形健美袒胸式上装
T-back fitness topT 形健美低胸上装
T-back sport topT 型运动衫
tie top cap顶结帽
tight top紧身上衣
tight top collar领面紧
tight top flap袋盖反翘
tight top flap袋盖面紧
tip top指甲贴饰
tip-top quality第一流质量
top arc针编弧
top arm上臂
top arm上臂
top buttonhole领座上的纽眼
top buttonhole衬衫最上的纽孔
top card clothing盖板针布
top centre明门襟 (plait)
top centre plait明门襟
top clearing bolt cam上针筒退圈螺栓闸刀
top clearing bolt cam关边闸刀
top closing machine缝袜头机
top clothing上装
top clothing春秋外套
top clothing上衣
top clothing machine缝袜头机
top coating轻薄大衣料
top collar领面
top collar上领
top collar appears tight〔检〕领面紧
top collar appears tight领面紧
top collar bubbling〔检〕领面起泡
top collar fall领高
top collar stand领里口
top collar to appears tight领面紧
top collar too loose领面松
top collar too tight领面紧
top covering绷线
top covering machine绷缝机
top covering ornamenting machine绷缝装饰机
top covering vari-stitch machine绷缝可变线迹机
top creel机顶纱架
top cuff硬袖
top cylinder上针筒
top cylinder cambox上针筒三角座
top cylinder cambox上针筒三角盘
top cylinder pinion上针筒小齿轮
top&drop feed上下同步送布
top&drop wheel feed上下轮式送布
top edge上边
top edge上缘
top edge of hip pocket后袋上缘
top edge of pocket口袋上缘
top edge of pocket with stay and facing滚边
top edge of pocket with stay and facing贴边袋上缘
top fashion最新时装
top fashion最新流行
top fashion最新时装款式
top fashion最新流行款式
top feed上推布
top feed上送料
top feed压脚送布
top feed bolt cam上针筒吃线螺栓闸刀
top flap袋盖面
top flap appears tight〔检〕袋盖反翘
top flap appears tight袋盖反翘
top grip feed上夹送料
top grip feed夹具送料
top hip上臀
top hip line腹围线
top jeans button顶部钮扣
top jeans button牛仔裤裤头工字钮
top knot头顶毛
top knot wool头顶毛
top lid gasket上盖衬垫
top lid gasket止盖衬垫
top lift鞋后跟的底层
top limit liability限制责任
top mode最新式样
top mode最流行式样
top mode领先款式
top notch顶点
top note头香
top operating speed最高操作速度
top operating speed最大缝纫速度
top plate编织挂锤的上滑板
1/2 1/4, 1/8 top pocket1/2 1/4, 1/8斜袋
1/2 top pocket二分之一斜袋
top priority绝对优先
top rake盖板针布针工作角
top regular上刀
top roller feed上滚轻送料
top segment风门盖板
top segment梳棉机抄针盖板
top selector lever上针筒提花刀
top sleeve外袖
top sleeve大袖
top sleeve外侧袖
top sleeve大袖片
top sleeve linen大袖里
top sleeve lining大袖里子
top sleeve lining大袖里
top spreader上叉针
top stitch明线迹
top stitch面缝线迹
top stitch cam上针筒成圈三角
top-stitch collar band bottom正面缝领座底
top-stitch cuff缉袖口
top-stitch hem正面缝底边
top stitch mark明线符号
top-stitch mark明线号
top stitch pinking锯齿形面缝
top-stitch pinking锯齿形面缝
top stitch seam面缝
top stitch seam明缝
top-stitch seam面缝
top stitch under collar面缝领里
top-stitch under collar缉领里
top transfer cam上针筒转移三角
top-weight fabric轻薄织物
top-weight fabric薄型织物
top yarn毛线
top yarn毛条
top yarn creel顶端纱架
top yield毛条制成率
tow-to-top converter丝束成条机
tracksuit top with zip拉链田径运动衫
tramline top-stitched cuff缉明线的袖口
trouser top裤头
tube top弹性套筒胸衣
tube top筒状胸衣
tube top筒形弹力胸衣
tube top妇女用筒形弹力胸围
tube top coat弹性筒形胸衣
turn in top collar edge and stitch it包底面
turn in top collar edge and stitch it〔工〕包领面
turn in top collar edge and stitch it包领面
turnover top翻口袜口
turnover top翻转袜口
twofer top错色双层衫看似穿两件,实为-件
variable top feed可调式上送料
variable top feed可变式上送料
viscose top黏胶毛条
voluminous top蓬松上衣
warp rib top machine绣花罗纹袜口机
wide top sleeve宽大袖片袖
wool top毛条
worsted top精纺毛料上装
worsted top精梳毛条
wrap frill top饰边叠合衫
wrap lace top针织网眼叠合衫
wrap rib top machine绣花罗纹袜口机
wrapped top布条裹身扎结的上衣
wrinkles at top collar〔检〕领面松
wrinkles at top collar领面松
wrinkles at top fly〔检〕门襟起皱
wrinkles at top fly门襟起皱
wrinkles at top lapel驳头起皱
wrinkles at top lapel驳口起皱
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