
Terms containing TOE | all forms | exact matches only
tech.abutment toe wall岸墩前址墙
tech.abutment toe wall岸墩背水面底部加围墙
tech.abutment toe wall桥台前址墙
auto.automatic toe-in control自动前束控制
textileautomatic toe linking自动缝头
textileballet toe shoes芭蕾鞋
textileballet toe shoes芭蕾舞鞋
expl.belt toe rim坡底线曾称坡脚。台阶下部平盘与坡面的交线
auto.bump toe-in车轮前束改变
auto.bump toe-out车轮后束改变
expl.burden line on the toe of a hole炮孔底部抵抗线
expl.burden on the toe of a hole炮孔底部负载
textileclose toe attachment封闭袜头装置
textileclosed toe knitting缝袜头系统
textileclosed toe knitting无缝袜头的缝织
surg.composite toe nail grafting趾甲复合移植术
surg.compound toe nail grafting趾甲复合移植术
sport., med.degree of toe out趾外展角
textiledemi-toe reinforcement袜头半加固
cloth.Don't you think toe socks are a headache?你不觉得五趾袜很麻烦吗?
textiledouble toe even hinge foot双趾铰链压脚
tech.double-toe rail fastener双趾弹簧扣件
tech.downstream toe of dam坝的下游坡脚
auto.dynamic toe-in angle车轮动态前束角
auto.dynamic toe-out车轮动态后反前
tech.edge toe nailing隐钉
tech.edge toe nailing斜钉拼板 (法)
tech.enlarged toe pile扩脚桩
tech.enlarged toe pile大头桩
textileeven toe presser feet平趾压脚
textileeven toe presser foot平趾压脚
anim.husb.extended-toe shoe宽头蹄铁
textileeyelet toe closing缠绕法缝头
auto.faulty toe-in车轮前束失准异常
biol.finger-and-toe disease甘蓝根肿病 (Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron.)
textilefish mouth toe close鱼嘴式袜子缝头
textilefish mouth toe close鱼嘴式缝袜头
tech.fish mouth toe close鱼嘴式缝头
tech.flex-toe claw bar活动趾撬棍
surg.free great toe nail skin flap游离皮瓣
textilefull automatic claw type hydraulic toe-lasting machine全自动爪式液压前帮机制鞋
textileglove toe closure手套式缝头
anim.husb.hand hog toe nail puller猪蹄趾甲钳
avia.head-toe G头脚方向过载
expl.heavy toe hole底部负载重的炮孔
auto.heel-toe wear胎踵与胎趾磨损
textileheel-and-toe splicing加固袜跟袜头
textileheel-and-toe splicing袜跟袜头加固
sport.heel-and-toe walking竞走
tech.heel-and-toe watches轮流值班
auto.heel-and-toe wear轮胎胎跟和胎趾磨损
tech.heel-and-toe wear胎面边缘磨损
gen.heel-and-toe wear轮胎边缘非正常磨损
textilehigh heel pointed toe pumps高跟尖头皮鞋
textilehigh toe shoes高头鞋
textilehosiery toe closing袜头封口
textilehydraulic pulling over toe cement lasting machine液压上胶前帮机制鞋
tech.idler toe-in惰轮前束
tech.idler toe-out惰轮外倾
tech.idler toe-out导轮外倾
railw.initial toe load初始扣压力
textilelace-to-toe sneakers布拉佳型帆布便鞋束鞋子至鞋尖
plast.surg.lateral first-toe flap拇趾腓侧皮瓣
plast.surg.lateral first-toe flap第一足趾腓侧皮瓣
surg.mallet toe deformity槌状趾畸形
auto.multi-link with toe control hub可调前轮定位的多连杆悬架通过多连杆的自动调节,可以使车轮得到适当的定位参数
textileneedle-toe shoes尖头鞋
auto.neutral toe attitude车轮零前束
textileoblique toe-end斜头制鞋
sport.on ¹⁄₂ toe of both feet【人操】并腿起踵站立
gen.one-stride toe back跨步足尖后钩
textileopen-toe hinged foot开趾铰链压脚
textileopen toe hinged foot开趾铰链压脚
textileopen-toe mule前空密儿拖鞋
textileopen-toe mule露趾无踵带拖鞋
textileopen toe sandals露趾凉鞋
textileopen-toe shoes头空鞋
textileopen-toe shoes露趾鞋
textileopen toe socks露趾袜
surg.partial toe nail grafting趾甲部分移植术
footb.pass with the toe-end脚尖传球
textilepeep-toe sandals露趾凉鞋
textilepeep-toe shoes露趾鞋
textilepeep-toe trainer露趾训练鞋
textilepeep-toe wedge with sling back踝部吊带露趾坡跟凉鞋
tech.pile toe resistance桩端阻力
textileplain toe cap没有装饰的鞋头
textileplain toe cap普通鞋头
textileplain toe cap shoes素头鞋
textileplain toe shoes平头鞋
textileplane and square toe shoes铲头鞋
textileplane toe shoes偏平头鞋
textilepoint toe embroidery shoes勾尖绣花鞋
textilepoint toe shoes尖头鞋
textilepointed toe-end尖鞋头
textilepointed toe heeled bootee女式尖头有跟短靴
tech.power station at the toe of the dam式水电站
surg.reconstruction of thumb with free second toe to hand transfer by vascular anastomosis吻合血管的第二趾移植拇指再造术
expl.removal of the toe by blasting拉底爆破
expl.residual toe stress坡底残余应力
tech.rock-fill toe bund抛石棱体
tech.rock-fill toe mound抛石棱体
tech.rock-fill toe prevent scour堆石以防冲刷
tech.rock-fill toe wall堆石坝趾墙
tech.rock-fill toe wall堆石脚墙
textilerosette toe closing扭结法缝头
textileround toe-end圆鞋头
textileround-toe leather shoes圆头皮鞋
textileround toe leather shoes圆头皮鞋
textileround plain toe shoes头鞋
textileround toe shoes圆头鞋
tech.rubble for toe protection镇脚石
textileseaming toe fault缝头疵点
textileseamless toe pouch无缝袜头
plast.surg.second-toe flap第二足趾皮瓣
plast.surg.second-toe transfer第二足趾移植
textilesharp toe leather shoes尖头皮鞋
gen.She bought a new type of pointed-toe leather shoes她新买的皮鞋是尖头的,款式很新颖
textilesheer toe socks脚尖透明短袜
railw.side slope toe line道床坡角线
tech.single-toe rail fastener单趾弹簧扣件
surg.single toe transplantation单趾移植
textilespliced heel-and-toe hosiery加固袜头袜跟
textilesquare toe leather shoes方头皮鞋
textilesquare-toe leather shoes方头皮鞋
tech.staggered toe elevation锯齿形桩尖标高
auto.static toe-in静态前束
auto.static toe-out静态负前
textilesteel-toe boots钢头靴
tech.steel toe rubber boots铁龟头橡胶长统靴
textilestraight toe-cap直线式鞋头饰皮
textilestraight toe-cap鞋子直线式饰皮包头
auto.suspension ride toe gradient悬架跳动前束角变化梯度
textilesynthetic leather for toe piece鞋包头硬衬合成革
tech.tangent adjacent to toe of frog辙叉趾端前插直线
tech.temporary toe weight坡脚临时压重 (物)
tech.theoretic toe length辙叉趾理论长度
tech.theoretical toe length辙叉趾理论长度
textilethermoplastic toe puff applying machine热塑套头成形机制鞋用
gen.tip-toe through sticks足尖越过球杆
tech.tire toe-out轮胎外倾
auto.toe angle车轮前束角
textiletoe-ankle chain与脚趾相连的脚链
tech.toe apron坡底护坦
tech.toe apron坡脚护坦
tech.toe-ballasting rubble镇脚石
tech.toe basin坝趾消力池
tech.toe basin坝趾静水池
tech.toe basin坝趾消能池
tech.toe bead周边挡板
tech.toe bead下部维护侧板
tech.toe bead密封填料
tech.toe bead踏板
tech.toe bead工作平台
tech.toe bead底部膏条
auto.toe bead wire轮胎胎趾第二钢丝圈
tech.toe bead wire缘趾线环
tech.toe beam带趾梁
tech.toe beamL 形梁
auto.toe bearing立式推力止推轴承 (foot-step bearing)
auto.toe bearing端〔止推〕轴承
tech.toe bearing立式止推轴承
tech.toe bearing止推轴承
tech.toe blanket底部铺盖
expl.toe blasting拉底爆破1. 梯段爆破时,为了改善底部的破碎效果,可在梯段底朝向开挖面水平或微向下〈5。 toe 10。〉钻凿若干拉底爆破。 2. 室爆破时,为了保证药室的爆破效果,必要时可事先把影响爆破效果的山体坡脚开挖掉,处理方法可采用机械开挖、炮孔爆破和药壶爆破。此时的炮孔爆破亦称拉底爆破
textiletoe block裤头加固
textiletoe block袜头加固
tech.toe block辙叉趾间距铁
tech.toe board踏板
auto.toe board车身搁脚板前围下方的斜置地板
tech.toe board踢脚板
tech.toe board下部维护侧板
tech.toe board围护侧板
tech.toe board周边挡板
tech.toe board矮挡板
steel.toe board搁脚板
archit.toe board底部围
archit.toe board脚板
archit.toe board趾板
steel.toe board踏脚板
construct.toe board趾 〔踏脚,搁脚〕板
tech.toe board脚手挡板
tech.toe board下部围护侧板
dril.toe board防滑板
tech.toe board挡土墙的趾板
textiletoe box鞋头与鞋衬里之间的内包头
auto.toe brake脚踏制动器
tech.toe brake脚踏闸
avia.toe brakes机轮刹车
avia.toe brakes脚刹车
tech.toe bund堤脚棱体
expl.toe burden底盘抵抗线参见 bench bottom burden
expl.toe burden底盘抵抗线台阶上,外排炮孔轴线至坡底线的水平距离
auto.toe button脚动按钮
auto.toe button趾钮
textiletoe cap鞋尖饰皮
textiletoe cap鞋尖皮
textiletoe cap鞋前趾
textiletoe cap外包头
textiletoe cap鞋头
textiletoe cap derby tie dress shoes束带接头皮鞋
auto.toe change前束变化
tech.toe circle坡趾圆
desert.toe circle坡脚圆
soil.toe circles趾圆
anim.husb.toe clipping断爪
anim.husb.toe clipping种用公雏去爪
textiletoe closing缝袜头 (of hosiery)
textiletoe-closing clamp袜头闭合夹持器
textiletoe-closing equipment缝头装置
textiletoe closing machine缝袜头机
expl.toe condition台阶底盘情况
tech.toe construction堤脚施工
construct.toe contact伞齿轮啮合的小端齿接触
auto.toe contact锥齿轮啮合小端齿接触
tech.toe contact齿顶接触
tech.toe contact小端齿接触
auto.toe control mechanism前束调整机构
tech.toe conveyer轨道牵引输送机
tech.toe conveyer轴踵输送机
tech.toe course坡脚砌层
tech.toe course护脚砌层
met.toe crack边界裂纹
met.toe crack缝边裂纹
tech.toe crack边界裂缝
tech.toe crack趾部焊裂
tech.toe crack焊缝边缘裂纹
met.toe cracking边界裂纹
met.toe cracking缝边裂纹
expl.toe cut底槽
expl.toe cut拉底
expl.toe cut下部掏槽
tech.toe cut底部掏槽
tech.toe cut底部掏捞
tech.toe cut-off wall坡脚截水墙
tech.toe cut-off wall坡脚拦墙
chem.toe-cutting agent修趾剂
tech.toe damage坡脚破坏
auto.toe difference angle前束差别角
tech.toe ditch投入沟内
tech.toe ditch挖沟
tech.toe ditch投入海中
tech.toe ditch投入河中
tech.toe dog小撑杆
auto.toe dolly指形垫模
auto.toe dolly趾形砧
tech.toe drain坡脚排水设施
tech.toe drain坡脚排水
tech.toe drain坝趾排水 (层)
tech.toe drain坝渠岸堤的背水面坡脚排水
tech.toe drain堤脚排水沟
ecol.toe drain layer坝趾排水层
tech.toe drainage滤水坝 (趾)
railw.toe end of frog辙叉趾端
tech.toe end of frog辙叉跟端
auto.toe end of shoe制动器制动蹄窄端
auto.toe end of tooth锥齿轮齿的小端
tech.toe-end of tooth轮齿趾端
tech.toe excavation坡脚挖方
tech.toe extension辙叉趾延长轨
tech.toe fail堤趾失效
tech.toe failure坡脚滑动
tech.toe failure坡脚滑坍
tech.toe failure坡脚坍塌
tech.toe failure坡脚破坏
tech.toe failure坡趾破坏
agric.toe feather趾羽
anim.husb.toe feathering脚毛
anim.husb.toe feathering趾羽
tech.toe filter坝址反滤层
tech.toe filter坡脚滤层
tech.toe filter坝趾倒滤层
tech.toe filter护脚倒滤层
ecol.toe filter坝趾反滤层
surg.toe flap趾皮瓣
plast.surg.toe flap脚趾皮瓣
auto.toe- gauge前束尺
auto.toe- gauge前束量规
baseb.toe guard护趾
textiletoe guard加固袜头
tech.toe guard脚挡板
tech.toe hold of dam坝底抗滑
tech.toe hole底部炮眼
tech.toe hole梯段底部炮眼
textiletoe hosiery袜头
anim.husb.toe in内八字
auto.toe-in angle车轮前束角
avia.toe-in angle前束角
auto.toe-in change前束变化
auto.toe-in change改变前束
textiletoe-in figure足尖内向体型
tech.toe-in gage测量前轮前束装置
tech.toe-in gage前轮前束测定器
auto.toe-in gauge前束量规
auto.toe-in gauge前束尺
construct.toe-in gauge汽车前轮前束量规
tech.toe-in gauge测量前轮前束装置
construct.toe-in gauge测量并调整前轮前束装置
tech.toe-in gauge前轮前束测定器
agric.toe-in of front wheel前轮前束内倾
wushu.toe-in step扣步
auto.toe-in tester前束尺测定器
construct.toe index分度
tech.toe index转位
tech.toe joint齿接合
tech.toe joint齿接
tech.toe joint斜接头
tech.toe joint斜连接
tech.toe joint bolt辙叉趾端连接螺栓
tech.toe-jointingV 形接口
tech.toe kerb护坎
footb.toe kick足尖踢球
footb.toe kick脚尖踢球
textiletoe laster制鞋绷尖机
railw.toe length of frog辙叉趾长
tech.toe length of frog辙叉趾长度
tech.toe level of pile桩尖标高
footb.toe lift挑球
tech.toe line桩脚线
tech.toe line桩趾水平线
tech.toe line坡脚线
tech.toe line桩尖标高线
textiletoe linking缝头
textiletoe linking袜头缝合
railw.toe load扣压力
tech.toe load of fastening扣件扣压力
tech.toe load of fastening扣压力
tech.toe mattress护脚排
textiletoe medallion孔饰鞋头
textiletoe nail脚趾甲
tech.toe nail斜钉
tech.toe nailing斜叉钉法
tech.toe nailing斜钉法
tech.toe-nailing wood-strip flooring木条地板斜钉
tech.toe-nailing wood-strip flooring地板斜钉
anim.husb.toe-narrow foot内向蹄
anim.husb.toe-narrow position内向肢势
textiletoe narrowing袜头收针
dril.toe of a hole井底
expl.toe of a hole炮孔底炮孔底部,梯段底部的水平或上倾炮孔,通常是在采石场或露天矿的边坡、台阶和梯段底部,水平或稍倾斜钻出的炮孔
expl.toe of a shot炮孔装药的部分
expl.toe of a shot炮孔底至自由面的距离
geol.toe of a slide滑坡前沿
geol.toe of a slope坡脚
railw.toe of ballast bed砟脚
tech.toe of bead缘趾 (轮胎的)
met.toe of beam工字梁边
tech.toe of beam工字梁梁边
tech.toe of bracket肘板趾
ecol.toe of dam坝趾
ecol.toe of dam坝脚
tech.toe of fillet角焊接面的交点
tech.toe of fillet角焊长度
tech.toe of frog辙叉趾
tech.toe of hole井底
tech.toe of hole孔底
tech.toe of retaining挡土墙墙趾
tech.toe of roadbed道床坡脚
tech.toe of slope坡趾
tech.toe of slope坡面图
tech.toe of slope坡底
tech.toe of slope斜坡底部
tech.toe of structure建筑物基脚
expl.toe of the bench台阶底台阶底部
tech.toe of the dam坝脚
expl.toe of the slope坡底
tech.toe of the weld焊缝边界
tech.toe of wall岸壁前趾
archit.toe of wall墙脚
tech.toe of wall墙趾
tech.toe of weld焊缝坡脚
tech.toe of weld焊缝趾部
gen.toe on踏下
anim.husb.toe out足外向
anim.husb.toe out外八字
auto.toe-out angle车轮后束角
textiletoe-out figure八外字体型
textiletoe-out figure足尖外向体型
agric.toe-out of front wheel前轮负前束
agric.toe-out of front wheel前轮后束外倾
tech.toe-out on turns转弯外倾
wushu.toe-out step摆步
textiletoe part鞋前帮
textiletoe piece鞋头
textiletoe piece包头硬衬
textiletoe piece鞋前趾
textiletoe piece外包头
textiletoe piece鞋尖皮
tech.toe piece凸轮镶片
tech.toe piston脚踏按钮
textiletoe plate鞋底前掌铁
baseb.toe plate鞋尖铁片
textiletoe pocket袋形袜头
earth.sc.toe point波麓波痕
textiletoe post sandal足趾支柱凉鞋
tech.toe pressure趾压力
tech.toe pressure of foundation基础趾压力
expl.toe priming正向起爆
tech.toe protection坝趾防护
tech.toe protection护脚
ecol.toe protection of dam坝趾防护
tech.toe protection of slope坡脚防护
tech.toe protection stone坝趾护石
tech.toe protection unit护脚块体
textiletoe puff鞋子套头
textiletoe puff鞋头衬垫
agric.toe punching趾膜穿孔
tech.toe resistance of pile桩端阻力
textiletoe ring脚趾戒指
textiletoe ring趾环脚趾戒指
expl.toe rock根底岩石
textiletoe rubbers女式合趾套鞋
tech.toe scour堤趾冲刷
textiletoe shoes硬式芭蕾舞鞋
textiletoe shoes芭蕾舞鞋
tech.toe slab前趾板
tech.toe slab趾板 (挡土墙的)
archit.toe slab挡土墙趾板
tech.toe slab挡土墙趾板
textiletoe slippers芭蕾鞋
textiletoe slippers芭蕾舞鞋
geol.toe slope坡脚
textiletoe socks脚趾分开的短袜
textiletoe socks分趾袜
textiletoe socks脚趾的短袜
cloth.toe socks五趾袜
expl.toe spacing孔底间距
tech.toe spread辙叉趾开口距
railw.toe spread of frog辙叉趾宽
badm.toe stall脚趾停球
tech.toe steel附加构造钢筋
tech.toe steel桩脚附加钢筋
tech.toe stone护脚石
tech.toe stress坝趾应力
tech.toe stress趾应力
auto.toe strip胎圈卡口部
auto.toe strip无内胎轮胎胎趾卡装区带
auto.toe test bench前束测试台
auto.toe tester前束尺测量器
gen.toe the line服从命令
gen.toe the line准备起跑
gen.toe the mark服从命令
gen.toe the mark准备起跑
sport.toe the scratch服从命令
sport.toe the scratch准备起跑
tech.toe tip脚尖
plast.surg.toe to finger transfer足趾移植手指再造
plast.surg.toe to thumb transfer脚趾移植拇指再造
tech.toe-to-toe drilling竖直大炮眼的钻孔
plast.surg.toe transfer足趾移植
tech.toe trench护底坑
tech.toe trench护脚坑
tech.toe trench method沟渠填石护坡法
agric.toe trowel移植用鞋尖形#
auto.toe variety车轮前束变化
tech.toe wall坡脚挡土墙
tech.toe wall坡脚墙
tech.toe wall坡脚墙
surg.toe web flap趾蹼皮瓣
surg.toe web free flap趾蹊游离皮瓣
surg.toe web free flap transplantation趾蹼游离皮瓣移植
surg.toe web neural flap趾蹼神经皮瓣
met.toe weld沿型钢股边施焊焊缝
anim.husb.toe-wide foot外向蹄
tech.toe zone焊趾区
expl.top-to-toe drilling露天台阶孔从顶到底凿岩
auto.total toe angle总前束角
auto.total toe-in angle总前束角
surg.total toe nail grafting趾甲全部移植术
plast.surg.trimmed toe technique部分足趾移植技术
auto.unbalanced toe-in车轮不平衡前束
tech.undercutting of riverward toe of levee河堤迎水坡脚掏刷
gen.What toe ring should I buy?我应该买什么样的脚戒?
auto.width of toe-in前束尺寸
desert.windward toe of dune沙丘迎风坡脚
textilezigzag toe closing曲折形缝头
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