
Terms for subject Technology containing TOE | all forms | exact matches only
abutment toe wall岸墩前址墙
abutment toe wall岸墩背水面底部加围墙
abutment toe wall桥台前址墙
angle toe角材跟
bench toe坡底线
blade toe刀刃
blade toe刀锋
blade toe叶片尖端
bracket toe肘板趾
claw toe爪状趾
dam toe坝的下游坡脚
design of toe堤脚设计
distance between the toes of a weld焊缝宽度
double-toe rail fastener双趾弹簧扣件
downstream toe坝趾
downstream toe下游面坡脚
downstream toe堤趾
downstream toe of dam坝的下游坡脚
edge toe nailing隐钉
edge toe nailing斜钉拼板 (法)
enlarged toe pile扩脚桩
enlarged toe pile大头桩
etching of slope toe冲蚀坡脚
fill toe填方坡脚
fill toe路堤坡脚
filter toe坝趾倒滤层
filter toe坝趾反滤层
fish mouth toe close鱼嘴式缝头
flex-toe claw bar活动趾撬棍
frog toe辙叉跟端
frog toe辙叉趾
hammer toe锤形趾
hammer toe锤状趾
heel-and-toe watches轮流值班
heel-and-toe wear胎面边缘磨损
idler toe-in惰轮前束
idler toe-out惰轮外倾
idler toe-out导轮外倾
inside embankment toe内侧坝趾
inside embankment toe内侧堤坝坡脚
mallet toe锤状
outside embankment toe外堤岸趾
outside embankment toe外堤坝趾
overlapping toes重叠趾
pile toe桩底 (即桩尖)
pile toe resistance桩端阻力
power station at dam toe坝后式水电站
power station at the toe of the dam式水电站
power-house at dam toe坝后式厂房
reverse toe反缝头
rock dam toe块石坝址
rock toe石坝堆脚
rock toe熔岩趾
rock toe块石坝址
rock-fill toe bund抛石棱体
rock-fill toe mound抛石棱体
rock-fill toe prevent scour堆石以防冲刷
rock-fill toe wall堆石坝趾墙
rock-fill toe wall堆石脚墙
rubble for toe protection镇脚石
single-toe rail fastener单趾弹簧扣件
slope toe坡底
spoil toe弃渣坡脚
staggered toe elevation锯齿形桩尖标高
steel toe rubber boots铁龟头橡胶长统靴
structure toe建筑物基脚
tangent adjacent to toe of frog辙叉趾端前插直线
temporary toe weight坡脚临时压重 (物)
theoretic toe length辙叉趾理论长度
theoretical toe length辙叉趾理论长度
thermoplastic box toe热塑性内包头
tire toe-out轮胎外倾
toe apron坡底护坦
toe apron坡脚护坦
toe-ballasting rubble镇脚石
toe basin坝趾静水池
toe basin坝趾消力池
toe basin坝趾消能池
toe bead周边挡板
toe bead踏板
toe bead密封填料
toe bead下部维护侧板
toe bead工作平台
toe bead底部膏条
toe bead wire缘趾线环
toe beam带趾梁
toe beamL 形梁
toe bearing立式止推轴承
toe bearing止推轴承
toe blanket底部铺盖
toe block辙叉趾间距铁
toe board围护侧板
toe board下部维护侧板
toe board踏板
toe board下部围护侧板
toe board脚手挡板
toe board矮挡板
toe board踢脚板
toe board周边挡板
toe board挡土墙的趾板
toe brake脚踏闸
toe bund堤脚棱体
toe circle坡趾圆
toe construction堤脚施工
toe contact齿顶接触
toe contact小端齿接触
toe conveyer轨道牵引输送机
toe conveyer轴踵输送机
toe course坡脚砌层
toe course护脚砌层
toe crack趾部焊裂
toe crack边界裂缝
toe crack焊缝边缘裂纹
toe cut底部掏槽
toe cut底部掏捞
toe cut-off wall坡脚截水墙
toe cut-off wall坡脚拦墙
toe damage坡脚破坏
toe ditch投入海中
toe ditch挖沟
toe ditch投入沟内
toe ditch投入河中
toe dog小撑杆
toe drain坡脚排水
toe drain坡脚排水设施
toe drain坝渠岸堤的背水面坡脚排水
toe drain坝趾排水 (层)
toe drain堤脚排水沟
toe drainage滤水坝 (趾)
toe end of frog辙叉跟端
toe-end of tooth轮齿趾端
toe excavation坡脚挖方
toe extension辙叉趾延长轨
toe fail堤趾失效
toe failure坡脚坍塌
toe failure坡脚破坏
toe failure坡脚滑坍
toe failure坡脚滑动
toe failure坡趾破坏
toe filter坝趾倒滤层
toe filter坡脚滤层
toe filter护脚倒滤层
toe filter坝址反滤层
toe guard脚挡板
toe hold of dam坝底抗滑
toe hole底部炮眼
toe hole梯段底部炮眼
toe-in gage测量前轮前束装置
toe-in gage前轮前束测定器
toe-in gauge测量前轮前束装置
toe-in gauge前轮前束测定器
toe index转位
toe joint齿接合
toe joint斜接头
toe joint齿接
toe joint斜连接
toe joint bolt辙叉趾端连接螺栓
toe-jointingV 形接口
toe kerb护坎
toe length of frog辙叉趾长度
toe level of pile桩尖标高
toe line桩趾水平线
toe line桩脚线
toe line坡脚线
toe line桩尖标高线
toe load of fastening扣件扣压力
toe load of fastening扣压力
toe mattress护脚排
toe nail斜钉
toe nailing斜叉钉法
toe nailing斜钉法
toe-nailing wood-strip flooring木条地板斜钉
toe-nailing wood-strip flooring地板斜钉
toe of bead缘趾 (轮胎的)
toe of beam工字梁梁边
toe of bracket肘板趾
toe of fillet角焊接面的交点
toe of fillet角焊长度
toe of frog辙叉趾
toe of hole井底
toe of hole孔底
toe of retaining挡土墙墙趾
toe of roadbed道床坡脚
toe of slope坡底
toe of slope坡趾
toe of slope坡面图
toe of slope斜坡底部
toe of structure建筑物基脚
toe of the dam坝脚
toe of the weld焊缝边界
toe of wall岸壁前趾
toe of wall墙趾
toe of weld焊缝坡脚
toe of weld焊缝趾部
toe-out on turns转弯外倾
toe piece凸轮镶片
toe piston脚踏按钮
toe pressure趾压力
toe pressure of foundation基础趾压力
toe protection坝趾防护
toe protection护脚
toe protection of slope坡脚防护
toe protection stone坝趾护石
toe protection unit护脚块体
toe resistance of pile桩端阻力
toe scour堤趾冲刷
toe slab趾板 (挡土墙的)
toe slab前趾板
toe slab挡土墙趾板
toe spread辙叉趾开口距
toe steel附加构造钢筋
toe steel桩脚附加钢筋
toe stone护脚石
toe stress坝趾应力
toe stress趾应力
toe tip脚尖
toe-to-toe drilling竖直大炮眼的钻孔
toe trench护底坑
toe trench护脚坑
toe trench method沟渠填石护坡法
toe wall坡脚墙
toe wall坡脚挡土墙
toe wall坡脚墙
toe zone焊趾区
tyre bead toe轮胎缘趾
undercutting of riverward toe of levee河堤迎水坡脚掏刷
upstream toe坝的上游坡脚 (of dam)
upstream toe上游坝趾 (of dam)
upstream toe迎水面坡脚
upstream toe上游坡脚
upstream toe上游坝址
vertical toe垂直拖拉
wall toe墙趾
weld toe焊趾
wing toe翼形坡脚