
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing TOE | all forms | exact matches only
power station at the toe of the dam坝后式水电站
power station at the toe of the dam近坝式水电站
toe blanket坝脚铺盖
toe blanket坝趾铺盖
toe drain坝趾排水体
toe drain坝趾排水
toe drainage滤水坝脚
toe filter坝趾滤层
toe of sliding surface滑坡剪出口
toe protection坡脚保护
toe slab趾板
toe support fills坝脚压重
toe trench of levee堤基防渗槽
toe wall坝趾齿墙
toe wall趾墙
toe weight坝趾盖重
toe weight坝趾压重
upstream toe of dam上游坝趾