
Terms for subject Athletics containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
absorb the shock减震
action in the air空中动作
address the bar接近横杆
addressing the bar接近横杆
against the wind逆风
American way of passing the baton从下传棒法
arrangement of the heats初赛编排
arrangement of the lanes跑道分配
attack the hurdle攻栏
back of the box穴斗后壁
beat somebody on the post赛跑中险胜
beat the board踏跳
beat the board踏板
beat the gun发令枪未响即起跑
beat the gun抢跑
between -the -feet action跳远落地时身体从两脚之间穿过的动作
block the free leg制动摆动腿
border of the track跑道边
bowing of the back背弓
brace of the leg腿部支撑
break contact with the ground与地面脱离接触
break off into the lead迅速起跑并领先
break the four contacts with the track4 个支点双脚和双手离开地面
break the four contacts with the track手脚离地
break the tape撞线
break the tape到达终点
break well with the gun迅速起跑并领先
breast the tape胸撞线
breast the tape冲线
breast the yarn胸撞线
bring the trailing leg through提起跨腿过栏
bring the trailing leg up向上提起跨腿
bring the trailing leg up上提起跨腿
buckling load of the pole撑杆屈曲负荷
burst for the tape最后冲刺
burst for the tape终点冲刺
call out the time报时
card for the number of laps计圈卡
carry of the javelin持枪
carry of the pole持竿
carry the baton持棒
carry the javelin持枪
catapult off into the lead迅速起跑并领先
centre of gravity of the body身体重心
centre of gravity of the javelin标枪重心
centre of mass of the body身体质心
chief clerk of the course检录主裁判
clear the bar越过横杆
clear the bar过杆
clear the block离开起跑器
clear the block离开起跑架
clear the hurdle过栏
clear the hurdles过栏
clear the hurdles flat低平过栏
clearance of the hurdles过栏
clerk of the course径赛检录员
clerk of the course检录员
cock the arm掷标枪时内转臂
cock the arm内转臂
cock the foot跨栏时勾起脚尖
cock the foot足尖向上
cock the hips臀部前送
come off into the straight进入直道
come off into the straight way入直道
come off into the straightaway进入直道
come off the curve离开弯道
come off the curve跑进直道
come off the curve进入直道
come off the hurdle下栏
come up to the hurdle上栏
component of the wind风的分速
component of the wind分速
cover the distance跑完全程
crash into the barrier撞栏
crash into the barrier碰栏
cross the bar越杆
cushion the shock of the impact缓冲
cushion the shock of the impact缓冲震动
cut into the sand跳入沙坑
cut out the pace不按某种速度跑
cut out the pace放弃某种速度
cut out the pace放弃特定速度
determine the approach确定助跑距离
diminish the step缩短步点
dip over the hurdle上体压栏
double the momentum投掷时加倍前冲力
double the momentum加倍前冲力
downward trailing of the left toe左腿 "跑着"过栏
draw back the javelin引枪
draw back the javelin后引标枪
draw the arm摆臂
draw up the knees跳远时向上提膝
draw up the knees向上提膝
drawback of the javelin引枪
drive down off the hurdle下栏
drive down to the ground下压落地
drive from the blocks蹬离起跑器
drive off the ground起跨
drive off the hurdle下栏
drive over the hurdle冲跑过栏
drive the hips forward前送髋
drive up off the toes脚尖蹬离地面身体向上
drive up off the toes脚尖蹬离
entry to the turn进入旋转
event of the sprint短跑项目
fall on the cross bar碰倒横杆
fast off the mark迅速起跑并领先
feel for the discus铁饼感觉
feel for the javelin标枪感觉
finish the full distance跑完全程
fire the gun鸣枪
fire the pistol鸣枪
fire the signal for the last lap最后一圈鸣枪
flash of the pistol发令枪火光
flexural stiffness of the pole撑竿可弯曲度
flip of the wrist拨球
four legs of the relay接力4段跑程
get off the mark起跑
get over the hurdle过关
get over the hurdle过栏
get up on the toes脚尖后蹬起跨
getaway from the blocks离开起跑器
go outside the take-over zone走出接力区
go outside the take-over zone超出接力区
hand over the baton传棒
hang on to the opponent紧跟对手
hang phase of the vault撑竿跳高悬垂阶段
head of the javelin标枪头
head of the javelin mark标枪落地痕迹
heave the missile推铅球
heave the sphere投球
heel tuck position over the bar杆上小腿折叠姿势
high point carry of the pole持握撑竿
high point of the hammer orbit链球运行轨迹高点
hit the board踏板
hit the take-off踏起跳板
hit the takeoff board踏上起跳板
hit the tape撞线
hold back the effort适当控制力量
hold of the hammer握链球
hold on the pole紧握杆
hold the baton握接力棒
hold the discus握铁饼
hold the pole握竿
hold the pole握杆
hold the shot握铅球
holding of the javelin持标枪
hurdling on the bend弯道栏
hurdling on the curve弯道栏
in-the-air technique空中技术
in the teeth公然
in the teeth直接反对
in the teeth当面
in the teeth对面冲突
in the teeth逆风
inclination of tracks in the running direction跑道前后顷斜度
increment of the raising of the bar横杆提升高度
infringement of the rules犯规
initial movement in the circle圈内预摆
initial movement in the circle预摆
intermediate carry of the pole中等高度握竿
inward lean when running the curve弯道跑身体内倾
jog-in start of the run-up慢跑进入助跑
judges' stand at the finish终点裁判台
jump clear of the water跳跃水池
jump the gun突然起跑
jump the gun抢跑
keep square over the hurdle过栏时两腿前后伸展与栏成直角
kill off the opponents淘汰对手
knock down the bar撞落横杆
knock down the bar碰掉横杆
launch the discus掷铁饼
lay out on the lead leg伸展前腿
layout over the hurdle过栏
lead of the body引导身体
leading action of the hip髋前伸动作
lean into the tape到达终点
lean the body身体倾斜
lean in toward the centre of the curve向曲线的圆心倾斜
leave the lane离开跑道
leaving the lane离开跑道
length of the approach助跑长度
line of the track跑道线
lock the knee直膝
lock the knee膝挺直
lose contact with the ground与地面失去接触
low carry of the javelin低姿势持标枪
low point of the hammer orbit链球运行轨迹低点
lower the centre of gravity降低身体重心
lower the pole降竿
low-point carry the pole低杆头持杆
lunge into the tape冲线
mark for head of the javelin标枪头的痕迹
measure the record测量纪录成绩
medium carry of the javelin中等高度持枪
medium carry of the pole中等高度持竿
metal head of the javelin标枪的金属头
method of passing the baton传棒法
name of the meeting运动会名称
off the pole撑竿跳高推竿
once around the track绕跑道一圈
over-the-shoulder carry掷标枪肩上持枪 (of the javelin)
over-the-shoulder delivery肩上投出
over-the-shoulder delivery掷标枪肩上投掷
overarm carry of the javelin肩上持枪
overrun the hurdles栏间步太大起跨点太近
overrun the hurdles栏间跨大步
pass the baton传棒
passing of the baton running跑进中传棒
passing of the baton standing站立传棒
path of the runner实跑线
path of the runner赛跑线
penetration into the pole深入竿下
penultimate step of the approach助跑倒数第二步
pick the leg off the block使腿抬离起跑器
pick the leg off the block脚离起跑架一
placing of the obstacle障碍放置
plant on the take-off board踏起跳板
plant on the take-off board踏起跑板
point of the javelin标枪尖
pop over the hurdle突然过栏
practice on the track跑道练习
prebend of the pole撑竿的预先弯曲
program of the competition比赛秩序册
pull down on the javelin掷标枪压枪
pull down on the javelin压枪
pull the javelin forward向前拉
pull the javelin forward向前拉枪
pull the trailing leg over提起跨腿过栏
pull through of the trail leg提拉起跨腿
pulling back of the javelin引枪
push off from the pole推竿
push off the block蹬离起跑器
push off the pole撑竿跳高推竿
push off the pole推杆
put the shot推铅球
put the weight推铅球
qualify for the final通过及格赛
raise the bar升高横杆
raise the centre of gravity升高身体重心
reaching and pawing action of the foot脚的前伸扒地动作
rear half of the circle投掷圈后半部分
recoil of the pole撑竿回弹
relax the stride放松脚步
release the pole放杆
release the pole撑竿跳高撒竿
release the pole撒杆
release the pole撤杆
report of the gun发令枪声
report of the pistol枪声
return the watch回表
revolve around the crossbar潜入俯卧式跳高绕竿旋转
ride the hurdle over骑过栏
ride the pole骑撑竿
roll over the cross- bar滚动过杆
roll over the cross-bar滚动过杆
roll the discus滚铁饼
rolling action of the feet脚的滚动动作
round one of the preliminary预赛第一组
round-the-city race环城赛跑
run against the watch根据个人速度分配表跑完全程
run against the wind逆风跑
run ahead of the javelin超越标枪
run out of the curve跑出弯道
runner on the last leg最后一棒运动员
running -in -the-air technique空中跑步技术
runout from the last hurdle to the finish从最后一栏到终点跑段
safety method of passing the baton安全传棒法
sag of the bar横杆下垂度
sail in for the landing跳远飘然落地
second to the last step before takeoff起跳前倒数第三步
secretary of the meet竞赛秘书 (meeting)
seesaw the pace赛跑中轮换领先
set the pace设定配速
settle on the hurdle停在栏上
shorten the radius掷铁饼、推铅球缩短半径
shorting the radius缩短半径
sink prior to the jump跳跃前降低重心
sit back against the hammer重心后移对抗链球
skim the hurdle掠过
skim the hurdle擦过
snap down the foot迅速落脚
snap down the hurdle迅速下栏
snap off the hurdle迅速下栏
snap over the hurdle迅速过栏
soar over the hurdle腾空过栏
space between the hurdles栏间距离
speed of baton through the box接力棒通过接力区速度
sprint through the hurdle冲刺通过栏架
sprint to the finish冲刺至终点
square the shoulders to the front两肩前平
stability of the flight空中稳定性
stamp at the takeoff起跳用力踏地
stamp at the take-off起跳后蹬
stamp at the take-off蹬地起跳
stamp at the take-off起跳踏地
"stamping" on the board踏板起跳
stamping on the board踏板起跳
stationary start of the run-up从静止姿势开始助跑
stay on the pace保持速度
stay the course坚持跑完全程
step out of the circle from the rear half从后半圈走出投掷圈
stitch in the side肋部剧痛
straight lane of the finish终点直道
strike the takeoff board踏起跳板
strike the take-off board踏起跑板
strike the target接力赛跑踏标记
swing the arm in a circle绕环摆臂
swing the discus预摆铁饼
swing up the leg上摆腿
swinging the arm in a circle绕环摆臂
swing-up of the legs前导腿
take the hurdle上栏
tape official at the finish终点司线员
throw into a wind at the back顺风投掷
throw into a wind quartering from the left侧风投掷
throw the discus掷铁饼
throw the hammer掷链球
throw the javelin掷标枪
throw the javelin to the side从体侧出
throw with the wind顺风投掷
thrust against the block蹬起跑器
thrust against the block推蹬起跑架
thrust against the ground蹬地
thrust into the hurdle攻栏
thrust the hips forward向前送髋
thrust the hips forward臀部前突
thrust the shot away猛推铅球出去
thrust the shot away猛推铅球
tie for positions at the finish同时到达终点
tilt the head backward头后仰
tilt the head downward低头
tilt the head forward头前仰
tip of the metal head金属枪头尖端
toe the line脚尖贴近起跑线
toe the mark脚尖贴近起跑线
top bar of the hurdle栏架横木
top rail of the hurdle栏架的横木
toppling force of the hurdle栏架的翻倒力量
torqued position of the upper body上体扭转姿势
touch the ground beyond the takeoff line触起跳线前地面
trailing of the discus铁饼留在身后
underarm carry of the javelin腰间持枪法
up-and-down-the-ladder running升降"阶梯式"跑
uprights for the vault撑竿跳高架
vibration of the javelin标枪的振动
walk-in start of the run-up走步进入助跑
walk-in-the-air style剪式跳远
walk-in-the-air style腾空步方式
weight of the shot铅球重量
whip out the spear掷出标枪
whole sole of the foot全脚掌
width of the grip on the pole握竿的宽度
withdrawal of the javelin引枪