
Terms for subject Librarianship containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
assistant to the director馆长助理
authorized copy of the draft定稿本
back margin nearest the stitching书脑
book for the blind盲文图书
book for the blind盲人读物
book printed in the Ming from blocks carved in the Song宋刊明印本
book shelves for works of the Daoism Canon经架
books solicited by the state to build up the imperial collection征书
Cataloging Rules for the Description of Looseleaf Publications【美国】活页出版物描述性编目规则
Categories for the Descriptions of Works of Art艺术作品描述类别
Classification for Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences科图法
Classification for Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院图书馆图书分类法
collated and annotated edition based on various other editions of the same title校本
collation based on the same book本校法
collation via various editions of the same title对校法
commentary by the emperor御批
comments appearing at lower right or left outside the blockframe栏外题
Complete Library of the Four Branches四库全书
comprehensive gazetteer on all places in the country总志一统志
control of the archival information档案信息控制权
Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage【联合国教科文组织】保存非物质文化遗产国际公约
copy possessed by the Imperial Library of Beijing京师图书馆藏本
copy presented to the throne进呈本
counting years by the twelve animal signs of the Chinese zodiac生肖纪年
cultural imperialism of the Internet网络文化帝国主义
custodian of the social cultural wealth社会精神财富的保管者
cyclical method of counting years using the ten Heavenly stems and twelve Earthly stems十天乾、十二地干的循環法
eulogies to the dead
exceed the standard超标
format of the block frame版式
friends of the library图书馆之友
history of the book图书史
imprint with illustrations at the upper part of the page and text below上图下文本
individual work in the Daoist Canon别藏
inscriptions from ruins of the Yin period殷墟书契
inscriptions from ruins of the Yin period殷契
International Federation of The Periodical Press Ltd.国际期刊联盟
judge by the book ages书龄判断
Korean edition of the Tripitaka高丽藏
legal permission scope of the copyright版权法定许可范围
level of details in the description著录详简级次
library for the blind盲人图书馆
lower margin at the bottom of the leaf地边
lower margin at the bottom of the leaf地脚
monograph on the examination system选举志
National Archives of the United States【美国】国家档案与记录管理局
National Archives of the United States【美国】国家档案馆
National Archives of the United States【美国】国家档案与记录管理局【美国】国家档案馆
National Archives of the United States【国】国家档案与记录管理局【美国】国家档案馆
note outside and to the lower right of block frame前栏外题
official register of candidates who passed the imperial examination for Jinshi degree进士登科录
official register of candidates who passed the imperial examination for Jinshi degree登科录题名录
on-the-fly record临时书目流通记录
on-the-job training业务学习
on-the-spot book acquisition现场采购会
optimized allocation of the human resources人力资源优化配置
oracular script from the Yin period殷墟卜辞
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards结构化信息标准促进组织
other edition in the same medium同一载体其他版本
preliminary binding of the stitch-thread books草订
preservation of the digitized materials馆藏数字资源保存
preservation of the digitized materials数字资源保存
protection of the intellectual property知识产权保护
re-engraved edition according to the original format覆刊本
re-engraved edition according to the original format翻刻本
re-engraved edition according to the original format摹刻本
Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right信息网络传播权保护条例
Regulations for the Protection of the Rights of Communication through Information Network信息网络传播权保护条例
report of the capital liaison office进奏院状报
ribbon for tightening the roll带签
running title appearing at the central line of block運行標題出現在區塊的中心線上
saturation of the stacks涨库
saturation of the stacks库架饱和
separate title in the Buddhist Tripitaka释藏本
separate title in the Daoist collectanea道藏本
sequencing the online information resources网上信息资源整序
size of the block frame版框尺寸
social functions of the archives档案馆社会功能
study of the book industry书业学
The International Federation of The Periodical Press Ltd.国际期刊联盟
time cost of the library users读者时间成本
trainings solely provided by the vendor数据商独家培训
typeface imitating the Song style仿宋体
written by the emperor御制