
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
abide by the contract of export ship遵守出口船舶合同
above the average在平均数以上
absorption in the matrix lattice点阵吸收
Academy for the Advancement of Science科学促进会
according to the weather forecast根据天气预报
administrative control of the use of trademarks商标使用管理
ahead of the original target date比预定日期提前
amount at the beginning of current year本年开始的总计
Amsterdam Harbor, the Netherlands荷兰阿姆斯特丹港
an irrevocable L/C to ensure the sellers to get paid in time不可撤销信用证可保证卖方及时收到货款
applicant for the exportation出口许可证申请人
applicant for the importation进口许可证申请人
apportioning the depreciation costs分摊折旧费
apportioning the depreciation-costs分摊折旧费
Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1966《联合国欧洲经济委员会1966年仲裁程序规则》
Are the prices on the list firm offers?此价格是实盘吗?
At present, the supply of steel plate exceeds demand in the market.现在市场钢板供大于求
At present the supply of this commodity exceeds the demand.目前这种商品供过于求
at the entrance of small hatch-cover, to install two footrests and handgrips.在小舱口盖的进口处安装两只搁脚板和拉手
at the entrance of the small hatchcover, to install two footrests and handgrips在小舱口盖的进口处安装两只搁脚板和拉手
at the request of应的要求
attitude of the joint焊缝特征 (位置)
automatically change the batch number自动改变批号
automatically order the batch number自动编制批号
award made by consent of the parties经双方同意的裁决
be on the day shift值日班
be on the night shift值夜班
blueprints for the contract合同规定的图纸
break the routine打破常规
bulwark height over the breadth舷墙高与船宽比
calculation of the area of transverse sections below the tonnage deck吨位甲板下横断面积的计算
calculation of the area of transverse sections blow deck甲板下横断面积计算
calculation of the cubic capacity of the space below the tonnage deck吨位甲板下空间立体容积的计算
calculation of the cubic capacity of the space blow deck甲板下空间立方容积计算
camber on the upper deck上甲板梁拱
Can you deliver the goods in the end of February?你们能不能在 2 月底交货?
center height of the upper tumbler上滚筒中心高
certificate of the second engineer二管轮证书
certificate of the second mate二畐证书
certificate of the tare weight皮重证明书
certificate of the third engineer三管轮证书
chain on the bow锚链在艏舷方向
chain on the quarter锚链在艉舷方向
change the formation变换队形
check the joint accuracy and structure integrity between No.8 and No.9 block after closed八号与九号分段合拢后检查接头装配精确性和结构完整性
check the structure integrity of superstructure after welding焊接上层建筑后检查结构完整性
check the surface contact area between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers检查螺旋桨轴与螺旋桨毂锥度接触面
claim against the seller向卖方索赔
claim arising from a breach of the contract由于违约而索赔
claim arising from a defect of the goods由于货物瑕疵而索赔
claim based on nonconformity with the contract因货物与合同不符而索赔
claim for inferior quality of the products由于产品质量低劣而索赔
clashing test of the upper deck上甲板冲水试验
classification of the import and export commodities进出口商品分类
CMA CGM the French Line法国达飞轮船有限公司
CMA CGM-the French Line法国达飞轮船有限公司
come up to the standard达至标准
conduct of the arbitration仲裁进行方法
cost of shifting the ship船舶移泊费
Could you increase the quantity of your order?能否再多订一些?
Could you tell us the quantity you require so that we may adjust our price accordingly?请说明你们大概要订购的数量,以便我们对价格作相应的调整
course and speed made good over the ground对地航向与航速
course and speed made good through the water对水航向与航速
danger area in the Pacific太平洋危险海域
date on which the claim becomes due索赔要求到期日
decide on the basis of documents evidence根据书面证据裁决
delay of the original target date比预定日期推迟
deliver goods against surrender of the document凭单交货
delivery alongside the vessel船侧交货
delivery date as provided in the contract合同规定的交货日期
delivery date of the agreement协议交货日期
delivery date of the agreement协议的交货日期
delivery on the ship's side船侧交货
delivery place as provided in the contract合同规定的交货地点
delivery terms of the agreement协议的交货条件
delivery terms of the contract合同的交货条件
direction of rotation facing the flywheel end面向飞轮端的旋转方向
distance over the ground对地航程
dividing the tow分开拖带
Don't you think we should add this sentence here? If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.在这儿是不是应该加上这样一句:如果一方未按合同条款执行,另一方有权终止合同
drawings for the contract合同规定的图纸
duration of the agreement协议的有效期
exceed the limit of arbitration超越仲裁条款的范围
expenses in the trail manufacture of new products新产品试制费
failure to deliver the goods未履行交货
file a claim to the amount of US $ 550提出 550 美元的索赔
goods in charge of the carrier承运人保管的货物
goods in charge of the carrier承运人负责的货物
haggle about the price讨价还价
haul the wind抢风驶船
head the sea船舶迎浪行驶
health of the reactor反应堆的正常状态
hire by the year按年出租
I don't think the end-user would accept your price.客户很难接受你们的价格
I'd like to discuss the matter of discount with you.我想跟你们商量一下折扣问题
If you accept our counter offer, we' ll persuade the end-user to place an order with you.如果贵方接受我们的还盘,我们就劝用户向贵方订货
I'm afraid we can't reduce our price to the level you have indicated.我们的价格不能降到贵方提出的水平
I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off, if you still insist on this price.如果贵方仍坚持这个价格,我们就只好放弃这笔交易
I'm very sorry, we can't advance the time of delivery.非常抱歉,我们不能提前交货
immunities of the carrier承运人责任豁免
implement the contract system实行合同制
in much the same way as以和…大致相同〔类似〕的方式〔方法〕
In order to conclude the business, we' ll agree to give you a 3% discount.为了成交,我们同意给你们3%的折扣。
In order to conclude the business, we may make some concessions.为了成交,我们可以作些让步
In order to conclude the transaction, we accept your price.为了达成这次交易,我们接受你方的报价
In respect to quality, I don't think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.在质量方面其他牌号的商品很难与我们的相比
in the like good order and condition处于良好的相似状态
in the like good order and condition处于相似良好状态
incapacity of meeting the obligation无法履行义务
index number of the price of foreign trade对外贸易价格指数
inspecting the machining dimension of rudder pintle检查舵销机加工尺寸
inspecting the structure integrity and welding seam for finished No. 56 block检查 56 分段完工后的结构完整性和焊缝
inspecting the structure integrity and welding seam for finishing No.56 block在 56 号分段完工后检查结构的完整性和焊缝
inspecting the structure of lifeboat davit检查救生艇吊架结构
inspection at the port口岸检查
inspection of the contact surface between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers艉桨轴与螺旋桨毂锥度间接触面检查
inspection of the contact surface between stern shaft and propeller hub tapers螺旋桨轴与螺旋桨毂锥度接触面检查
Instruments of Ratification on the Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国加人议定书的批准书WTO 文件名
insurance for the transportation of exported goods出口货物运输保险
insurance for the transportation of imported and exported goods进出口货物运输保险
insurance for the transportation of imported goods进口货物运输保险
insurance to be effected by the buyer保险由买方自理
insurance to be effected by the buyer after loading装船后保险由买方自理
insurance to be effected by the cargo-owner保险由货主自理
insurance to be effected by the carrier保险由承运方自理
insurance to be effected by the seller保险由卖方自理
insurance to be effected by the seller before loading装船前保险由卖方自理
irrevocability and enforceability of the award仲裁裁决的不可撤回性和强制执行力
issuing country of the L/C信用证开出国
Law of the People's Republic of China on Economic Contracts中华人民共和国经济合同法
Legal Instruments on China's Accession to the WTO《中华人民共和国加人世界贸易组织法律文件》
legally filling the award依法提请仲裁
life the embargo出口解禁
2-1 Main performance parameters of the ship2-1 船舶主要性能参数誌闔宽貰蔦鳥爲
main ports of the world世界主要港口
maintain the reputation of trademark维护商标信誉
make the harbour进港
Member of the International Association of Classification Societies国际船级社协会成员
navigating against the sea逆浪航行
navigating before the sea顺浪航行
navigating through the Atlantic Ocean通过大西洋航行
navigating through the Atlantic Ocean航行通过大西洋
navigating through the Indian Ocean航行通过印度洋
navigating through the Mediterranean Sea航行通过地中海
navigating through the Pacific Ocean航行通过太平洋
navigating through the Panama Canal航行通过巴拿马运河
navigating through the Red Sea航行通过红海
navigating through the Suez Canal航行通过苏伊士运河
navigating through the three-gorges lock航行通过三峡船闸
navigation area of the Indian Ocean印度洋航区
navigation area of the Pacific Ocean太平洋航区
net sales of the products产品销售净额
on behalf of the buyers代表买方
on behalf of the sellers代表卖方
open the bids开标
order for the new products订购新产品
Our price is much lower than that in the international market.我们的价格比国际市场价格低得多。
Our price is reasonable compared with that in the international market.我们的价格和国际市场的价格相比还是合理的
package covered in the contract合同规定的包装
packing conditions of the goods货物的包装情况
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property《保护工业产权巴黎公约》
party to the controversy争端当事人
per diem by the day按日计
percent of fulfillment of the investment plan投资计划完成百分数
profit from sales of the products产品销售利润
protection of the exclusive right to use registered trademarks注册商标专用权的保护
purchase commodities of the agreement协议购买的商品
raise the competitiveness of exports提高出口商品的竞争能力
reach the conclusion得出结论
refloating by lightening the load卸载脱浅
refloating by shifting the load移载脱浅
Register of Shipping of the Democratic People's of Republic of Korea朝鲜民主主义人民共和国船舶监督局
Register of Shipping of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea朝鲜民主主义人民共和国船舶监督局
Regulation for the Classification Domestic Navigation Seagoing Ships《国内航行海船人级规则》
Regulation for the Classification Domestic Seagoing Ships《国内海运船人级规则》
Regulations of the People's Republic of China for Arbitration of Economic Contracts《中华人民共和国经济合同仲裁条例》
remedy defects in the goods修补货物的瑕疵
report the loss of a check支票挂失
rider to the policy保险单附加条款
Rotterdam Harbor, the Netherlands荷兰鹿特丹港
Rules for International Commercial Arbitration and Standards for Conciliation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, 1966际商事仲裁规则和调解准则》
Rules for the Cargo Handing Gear of Ships《船舶起货设备规范》
Rules for the Construction of Domestic Navigation Seagoing Ships《国内航行海船建造规范》
Rules for the Construction of Steel Seagoing Ships《钢质海船建造规范》
Rules for the Lifesaving Appliances of Seagoing Steel Ships《钢质海船救生设备规范》
Rules for the Load Lines of Seagoing Ships《海船载重线规范》
Rules for the Navigation Equipment of Seagoing Ships《海船航行设备规范》
Rules for the Radiotelegraph Installation of Seagoing Ships《海船无线电设备规范》
Rules for the Signal Apparatus of Seagoing Ships《海船信号设备规范》
Rules for the Structure and Equipment of Bulk Transport Dangerous Chemicals Ships《散装运输危险化学品船舶构造与设备规范》
Rules for the Structure and Equipment of Bulk Transport Liquid Gas Ships《散装运输液化气体船舶构造与设备规范》
Rules for the Structure and Equipment of River Bulk Transport Dangerous Chemicals Ships《内河散装运输危险化学品船舶构造与设备规范》
Rules for the Structure and Equipment of River Bulk Transport Liquid Gas Ships《内河散装运输液化气船舶构造与设备规范》
Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce《国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则》
sag of the span架空明线的垂度
sailing before the wind顺风航行
sale tax of the products产品销售税
sales of the products产品销售
settle with the bank once a month每月与银行结算一次
share of electronic products in the total value of foreign trade电子产品在外贸总值中所占比重
shipped in the hold装在舱内
specific contents of the items covered by the loan贷款项目的具体内容
speed made good over the ground实际对地航速
speed made good through the water实际对水航速
speed through the water对水航速
stability and diversification of the export structure岀口结构的稳定性和多样化
statement of claim relating to the substance of dispute争议事项的索赔陈述
submit the offer提出报价
substance of the dispute争执的实质
Taking the quality into consideration, I think the price is reasonable.结合质量考虑,我认为这个价格是合理的。
tariff for the transit of goods过境商品运费率
tender the amount of rent偿付租费
The article is in short supply now. Only a small quantity is available.这种商品目前缺货,只能少量供应
the commencement and termination of cover保险责任起讫
the dive helm of submarine潜艇下浮舵角
The earliest shipment we can make is early March.3 月上旬是我们能办的最早交货日期。
the form of production and operation生产经营方式
The Hong Kong Shipyard Limited, Taiwan台湾香港船厂有限公司
The minimum quantity of an order for the new product is fifty sets.这种新产品的起订量是 50 套
The Ministry of Communications and Transportation of PRC中华人民共和国交通运输部
The National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯国家航运有限公司
The navigation deck is un-plane and must be corrected by hot working驾驶甲板不平,必须火工校正
the ordered goods订单所载货物
the performance and parameter terms of fuel and oil燃料和油品的物性和参数术语
the plan of production and operation生产经营计划
The price for this commodity is US $5 450 per piece CIF San Francisco.这种产品的旧金山到岸价格是 5450 美元—台
The price for this commodity is US $4520 per piece in international market.这种商品的国际市场价格是每台 4520 美兀
the ratio of capital input to output资本投人与产出比
the rights and duties of agent代理人的权利和义务
the rise helm of submarine潜艇的浮舵角
the scope of production and operation生产经营范围
"The Ship Maintenance System" promulgated by the State Technical Supervision Bureau of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国国家技术监督局颁发的《船舶维护保养体系》
The Ship Maintenance System promulgated by the State Technical Supervision Bureau of the People's Republic of China《中华人民共和国国家技术监督局颁发的《船舶维护保养体系》
the shipbuilding enterprises of Bethlehem Steel Corporation美国造船企业伯利恒钢铁公司的造船企业
the shipbuilding & ship-repair enterprises of Singapore新加坡的修造船企业
the shipyards of General Dynamics Corporation通用动力公司的船厂
the shipyards of Litton Industrial Corporation利顿工业公司的船厂
the shipyards of Todd Shipyards Corporation托德造船公司的船厂
The size of our order depends greatly on your price.我们的订货量在很大程度上取决于贵方的价格
the special equipment and terms of drag suction and cutter suction dredgers耙吸挖泥船、绞吸挖泥船专用设备和术语
the special equipment and terms of dredger and working ship挖泥船、工程船专用设备和术语
the special equipment and terms of grab and dipper dredgers抓斗挖泥船和铲斗挖泥船专用设备和术语
The sun shines again after the rain雨过天晴
The Wang Tak Engineering & Shipbuilding Company, Hong Kong香港王泰克机械工程和造船公司
There is a great demand for glass fiber reinforced plastic yacht in the United States.美国对玻璃钢游艇的需求很大。
to the degree of到程度
tow the bow拖船头
tow the mid-ship拖船腰
tow the stern拖船尾
transfer of the latest invention最新发明转让
transfer of the latest machining technology最新机械加工技术转让
transfer of the latest welding technology最新焊接技术转让
transfer of the right to use使用权转让
unlade the cargo from large ship to barge从大船卸货到驳船
violate the contract违反合同
violate the provisions违反规定
violate the rules and regulations违反规章制度
voyage around the world环球航行
walk off the job离开工作岗位
We agree to conclude the transaction at the price of US $180 per ton.我们同意以 180 美元每吨的价格成交
We are one of the leading exporters of machine tools and are enjoying an excellent reputation through twenty years business experience.我们是一家重要的机床出口商,有 20 年良好声誉的业务经验
We can only make a reduction of US $5 per ton in the price.此价格我们只能每吨减五美元
We can work out the offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning.今天晚上我们算出来,明天上午交给贵方。
We have no questions about the terms.我们对所有条款都没有意见了
We have reached an agreement on all the terms.我们对全部条款已达成一致意见
We have to readjust our price because the price of fuel is constantly going up.因为燃料不断涨价,所以价格也不得不作些调整
We shall fulfill the requirements of the contract.我们将严格按照要求履行合同
We think the discount should be no less than 5%我们认为折扣不能少于 5%
We won't import this kind of goods unless the price is reasonable.对这类商品,只有在价格合理时我们才进口
What is the minimum quantity of an order for your new product?贵方新产品的起订量是多少?
Would you consider increasing the discount to open the market, as this is a new product of yours?这种商品是你们的新产品,为了打开市场,你们考虑是不是多给一些折扣。
Would you please tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer.为了便于报价,能否告知贵方所需数量
You know the price for this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months.您知道近几个月来这种商品的价格上涨了很多