
Terms for subject Mathematics containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
angle of direction of the thrust推力方向角
approximation in the mean平均逼近
approximation on the average平均近似
as is often the case通常就是这样
as may well be the case情况很可能就是如此
as the final result作为最后结果
at the instant当其时
at the instant在那一瞬间
bring M to the touch检〔试〕验 M
come under the influence of开始受到…影响
communication from the user to the computer人机对话
cosine of the amplitude幅角余弦椭圆函数
distribution of Sums which are Truncated from the Expectation of the Reciprocal" STER" 分布,比欣格分布
editing the data collected资料的编辑
erasing-head of the straddle pole隧道抹去磁头
general rule for choosing the pivot column选择主要列的一般法则
gradient method of the second order二阶梯度法
have the advantage that有下列好处即
in the early part of the 20th century在 20 世纪初叶
in the limit在极限情况下
in the neighborhood大约M
in the neighborhood在M的附近〔左右,上下〕
iterative fulfilment of the boundary界限的反复执行
iterative fulfilment of the boundary condition边界条件的迭代实现
law of the mean平均值定理
minimization of the sum of absolute values大量绝对值中最小值
of the latest design最新设计的
of the latest design最新式的
Organizing the EDP program电子资料处理计划之组成
out of the reach of超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
out of the reach of为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
Pareto distribution of the second kind洛马克斯分布
Pareto distribution of the second kind帕累托分布
perform the integration求积分
probability of the events occurence事件发生机率
programming the computer runs电脑运转之程式设计
programming the computer runs电脑运转之程式模拟
pseudo-values of the jackknife" 大折刀 " 方法的伪值
reconcile the results使结果相符
reduction of series to the same base数列的同基化
rounded off to the nearest hundred按百位整数四舍五入
sine of the amplitude幅角正弦楠圆函数
solve the equation求解方程式
solve the equations求解方程式
solving the problem of impact解命中问题
sum of squares about the mean离差平方和
tensor of the second order张量
tensor of the second order二阶张量
the active programs活动程式
the assignment problem求解分派题
the great bulk of大多数
the great bulk of大部分的
the great bulk of大半
the contrary is the case情况相反
the cube of 2 is 8二的三次幂是八
the law of large number大数法则
the majority of大部分
the majority of大多数
the odd powers cancel out奇次幂相互抵消
the programmers程序师
the question is far from being settled问题远没有解决
the question resolves itself into问题归结为
the question resolves itself into问题在于
the same is true对M也是同样正确
the same is trueM的情况也是一样
the same is true同样如此〔有效〕
the second largest次大的
the senior programmers高级程式师
the vast majority大多数
the year around一年四季
to the bottom到最底
to the same approximation以同样的近似
transcendental number, the base of natural logarithm自然对数的底超越数,等于2.7182318285
until the present time至今
until the present time到目前为止
until the present time直到现在
voltage across the resistor电阻两端的电压
with the aim of为了
with the understanding that...条件是…
with the understanding that...如果…
with the understanding that...以…为条件
within the reach of为…力所能及所能达到的范围内
within the reach of在…够得着的地方