
Terms for subject Football containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
abandon the play弃权
abandon the play离场
accelerate past the defender加速越过防守队员
after the match赛后
anticipate the opponent's moves预见对方的行动
appeal against the decision对判决决议提出上诉
attack down the flanks从两侧进攻
attack down the flanks从两翼进攻
attack down the wings从两翼进攻
attack on the left wing左路进攻
attack on the right wing右路进攻
attack the opponents' goal进攻对方球门
authority of the referee裁判员的权力
authority of the referee裁判员权威
authorized trademark of the manufacturer经授权使用的制造商商标
award an indirect free kick to the opposing team判对方踢间接任意球
back heel the ball用脚后跟向后踢球
back-heel the ball脚跟向后踢球
balancing the defence防守补位
balancing the defense防守补位
ball in the air空中球
balling the air空中球
beat the fullback突破后卫的防守
beat the offside trap反越位成功
beat the wall by going over it踢球越过人墙
before the match赛前
behind the defender在防卫者后面
bend around the defensive wall绕过人墙
bend the ball踢弧线球
bending the ball使球旋转
biggest surprise of the finals决赛中爆岀的最大冷门
biggest win of the tournament锦标赛中比分最高者
block the ball堵截球
bombard the goalmouth在门前狂轰滥炸
bottom left-hand corner of the net球门网左下角
bottom right-hand corner of the net球门网右下角
bounce back from the goal post从门柱弹回
bounce back from the goalpost门柱弹回
bounce off the goal post触球门柱弹出
break down the solid defence打垮坚固防线
break through the defensive line突破防线
call for the ball要球
call off the game取消比赛
carry the ball守门员持球犯规
centering the ball传中球
centre the ball传中球
challenge for the ball抢球
challenge to head the ball争顶
change the goalkeeper更换守门员
China-Korea King of the New Stars Match中韩新秀王杯
chip the shot捅射
clear the area拉开空挡
clear the ball破坏性踢球
clear the ball解围球
clear the ball破坏进攻
clear the ball破坏性顶球
clear the ball upfield踢向前场
clear the ball upfield将球打出守区
clip the ball碰开球
closing stage of the game终盘
collect the ball接球
come from behind to win the game反败为胜
complement the physique完善体质
control the ball with the instep脚背停球
control the rhythm of the play控制比赛的节奏
counter the offside trap反越位战术
cover up the ball用身体掩护球
cover up the ball身体掩护球
crash the ball into the net猛射球入网底
cross the ball横传
cross the ball长传转移
cross the goal line越过球门线
crossing the ball横传球
crowd into the goal-mouth挤进球门区
curve the ball around踢弧线球绕过
curving the ball使球旋转
cut down the angle封住角度
cut down the shooting angle封住射门角度
cut the ball截球
cut the ball断球
decision of the referee裁判员决定
defeat the defending champions击败上届冠军
deflect from the goalpost从门柱弹回
deflect from the goalpost门柱弹回
deflect off the referee球碰裁判员变向
deflect the ball托球
deflect the ball敲球
deflect the ball拨球
delay of the game拖延时间
delay the game拖延时间
delay the game延误比赛
delay the time deliberately故意拖延时间
deliver a lob over the wall踢高球越过人墙
deliver a long pass for the overlapping fullback将球长传给居后插上进攻的后卫
dictate the pace of the play控制比赛节奏
disorganize the defence破坏对方防守
disorganize the defense破坏对方阵角
disorganize the defense破坏对方防守
dive for the ball鱼跃扑球
dive for the ball扑救
dive to deflect the ball around the uprights鱼跃把球托出横梁
dive to head the ball鱼跃顶球
dive with the ball鱼跃扑球
diving to head the ball鱼跃顶球
diving to head the ball鱼跃冲顶
dominate the first half在上半场占主动
Don't hold up the game!裁判用语不要拖延!
double the punishment加倍处罚
down-the-middle thrust中路突破
drag the ball拖带球
drag the ball带球
dribble with the ball运球带球
drive down the sideline沉底
drive down the sideline before centering the ball沉底传中
drive the ball hard across大力横传球
drive the ball hard across横传硬球
drive the ball home破门得分
drive the ball home进球
drive the ball home射中
drive the ball loosely ahead推远球
drive the ball loosely ahead将球推拨得远些
drop the ball裁判员坠球
duration of the game比赛时间
duration of the match比赛时间
during the game在比赛中
enforce the laws of the game执行竞赛规则
equalize the score扳平比分
excessive possession of the ball守门员持球时间过长
face the field of play面向比赛场地
face the play控制球掌握主动
fall back to the goal-line撤回到球门线
far corner of the net球门远角
field the ball接球
fill the gap补位
final third of the field后场
find the mark破门得分
find the mark进球
find the net破门得分
find the net进球
fist the ball守门员用拳击球
flick pass with the outside edge of the foot脚外侧轻拨传球
flick the ball敲球
flick the ball拨球
flight path of the ball球的飞行路线
fling through the air飞身跳起
flying through the air飞身跳起
fool with the ball用球戏弄
fool with the ball用球涮人
fool with the ball用球耍人
free kick inside the penalty area罚球区禁区内的任意球
free kick outside the penalty area罚球区禁区外的任意球
front third of the field进攻三区
front third of the field前场
gain possession of the ball控制球
gain possession of the ball抢到球
gain possession of the ball占有球
gain possession of the ball得球
gather the ball接球
gathering the pace off the ball停接球
get the upper hand占据上风
give the ball a hard kick踢强劲球
give with the ball接球缓冲
go back of the ten-yard line退出十码线
go into the comer of the net踢进网角
go outside the goal越门出界
go past the opponent越过对方
goal from the field踢球过门
good in the air善于顶球
graze the crossbar擦过球门横梁
graze the outside of the post擦过门柱外侧
ground for the intended play空当
ground for the intended play空挡
half of the field半场
handle the ball处理球 (with hand)
handle the ball触球 (with hand)
handle the ball deliberately故意手球
hang on the ball too much盘带过多
hanging the ball用手携带推击
have possession of the ball控制球
have possession of the ball得球
head the ball用头顶球
head the ball顶球
head the ball头球
head the ball back and forth来回顶球
head the ball back and forth将球顶来顶去
head the ball down向下顶球
head the ball high顶出高球
head the ball into the goal顶球入门
head the ball low顶出低球
head to slip the ball顶蹭球
heading to attack the gate头球攻门
heading to deflect the ball侧顶
heading to slip the ball侧蹭球
hit the bar击中横梁
hold on to the ball控制球
hold the hand抓住手
hold up the game延误比赛
holding on to the ball对球的控制
holding on to the ball控制球
hug the ball脚下控球
hug the ball将球控制在脚下
hug the sideline紧靠边线
immediate goalmouth in the air门前高球
in front of the box在禁区前
in possession of the ball占有球
in possession of the ball控制球
in possession of the ball得球
in the air空中争顶球
in the attacking third在前场
in the defending third在后场
in the vital area在要害地区
infringe the laws of the game违反竞赛规则
infringement of the kick-off procedure开球程序上的犯规
infringement of the law违反章程规定
infringement of the rules违反规则
inside left of the home side主队左内锋
inside of the foot kick足内侧踢球
inside of the foot trap足内侧停球
inside the penalty area罚球区内
inside-of-the-foot push pass脚内侧推传
instep side of the stops脚背外侧停球
instep-in of the stops脚内侧停球
intercept with the abdomen腹部停球
juggle the ball颠球
juggle the ball with the foot脚耍球
juggle the ball with the forehead前额耍球
juggle the ball with the thigh大腿耍球
keep a record of the kicks记录点球数
keep a record of the match记录比赛成绩
keep the draw to the end平局保持到终场
keep the opponents under constant pressure使对手经常处于压力下
keep to the side靠边
keyman in the midfield中场核心
kick the ball backward向后传
kick up off the ground踢起球
kick up off the ground将球踢起
kick with the inside of foot脚弓踢球
kick with the instep用脚背踢球
kick with the sole用脚掌踢
kick with the sole蹬踏
kick with the thigh用大腿踢
kick with the thigh用大腿踢球
left corner of the net球门左角
length of the goal line球门线的长度
length of the touch line边线的长度
level the score拉平比分
level the score打平
level the score得分相等
level the score打成平局
level the score拉平比数
level the score扳平比分
limit the number限定数量
limit the time限定时间
limit the zone限制区域
line up in position for the kick-off排起阵势准备开球
lob the ball over the defender's head踢高球越过防守队员的头部
lob the ball to the goal门前吊高球
lose possession of the ball失去对球的控制
lose possession of the ball失球
make a dive for the save鱼跃救球
make the assist有效助攻
making the wall人墙
making the wall防守人墙
man in the middle裁判员
man in the middle裁判
mark the opponent盯人
marking of the field足球场界线
midpoint of the halfway line场地中线的中点处
mislead the defender迷惑防守队员
misrelay to the opponent错误交球给对方
miss the goal射偏了
movement off the ball接应
movement with the ball带球移动
narrow the angle封住角度
nod the ball home头球入门
nod the ball home顶球入门
nucleus of the team核心队员
obstruct the opponent阻挡对方队员
obstruct the opposing goalkeeper阻挡对方守门员
off-the-ball foul无球犯规
off-the-ball foul无球队员犯规
off-the-ball running无球跑动
off-the-ball running无球队员的跑动
off the mark摆脱防守
offend on the wings从两翼进攻
offensive on the wings侧翼进攻
offensive on the wings从两翼进攻
offensive on the wings两翼进攻
offside in center of the field中场越位
offside in the centre of the field中间越位
offside on far of the field远端越位
offside on near side of the field近端越位
offside on the far side of the field远端越位
offside on the near side of the field近端越位
on the right flank在右翼
on the sideline在边线附近
order off the field罚出场
order off the field for foul play罚出场
organize the defence组织防御
outside of the foot脚外侧
outside of the foot trap足外侧停球
outside the penalty area罚球区外
over the bar球从球门横梁上岀界
over the touch line越过边线
parry the ball把球挡开
pass along the ground滚地传球
pass along the ground地面传球
pass in the air传高球
pass in the air传空中球
pass in the air空中传球
pass on the ground传地滚球
pass over the goal line越过球门线
pass the ball转交
pass the ball传球
pass up the middle沿中路往前传球
pass with the inside of foot脚弓传球
pass with the inside of the foot足弓内侧传球
pass with the inside of the foot脚弓传球
pass with the outside of foot外脚背传球
pass with the outside of the foot外脚背传球
pass with the toe-end脚尖传球
penetrate down the middle中路突破
penetrate down the wings两翼突破
penetration down the wings两翼突破
persistently infringe the laws of the game持续违反规则
place the ball把球放好
place the ball for a free kick示意把球放好罚任意球
place the shot定位射门
placing the shot定位射门
play against the wind打逆风
play against the wind逆风踢
play against the wind顶风踢
play off the ball无球活动
play the role of a playmaker起到进攻组织者的作用
play with the wind打顺风
play with the wind顺风踢
player in possession of the ball得球队员
player of the year足球先生
player off the ball丢球队员
player with the ball得球队员
player without the ball无球队员
plug holes in the line of defense补位
pressurize the opponents in ball possession紧逼对方得球的队员
protest against the qualification of players对运动员参赛资格提岀异议
pull down the ball守门员将球扑住
pull down the ball守门员跑出抓住球
pulling the goalkeeper撤换守门员撤下守门员换上一般队员以增强进攻力
punch the ball拳击球
push the ball into the net推球入网
push the opponent推对方队员犯规动作
put the ball through own net射进本方球门
race down the goal往球门带球
read the flow of the game正确判断比赛进程
read the flow of the game预料到比赛进程
read the kick to the left side判断对手射向球门左方
read the moves预料到对方的行动
read the shot守门员判断射门的方向
read the situation预见情况的发展
rebound from the goalpost触球门柱弹回
rebound into the field of play球弹回比赛场地内
refund the fee归还手续费
regional qualifying groups competition in the World Cup世界杯分区资格赛
retake the kick重踢
retire to the proper distance退到规定的距离以外
reverse the first decision改判
run down the sideline向边线奔跑
run off the ball跑位
run out of the pitch跑出球场
run out the clock在比赛快结束时控制球的打法
run out the clock接近结束控球
run the line担任巡边员
run the middle担任裁判
run with the ball带球
run with the ball盘球
run with the ball运球
running off the ball跑位
running off the ball不带球的跑位
rush for the ball争球
rush the net冲网
score the same number of goals进球数相同
screen off the opponent掩护摆脱对手
screen the ball掩护球
see beyond the boundary lines of field视野宽广
sell the dummy做假动作
semi-control the ball半控球
semi-controlling the ball半控球
send in a cross from the left左路传中
send in a cross from the right右路传中
serve as the linesman担任巡边员
serve as the referee担任裁判
set the pace掌握进攻节奏
set the pace确定进攻节奏
set up a big raid on the goalmouth猛烈攻门
shake off the defenders摆脱防守队员
shield the ball掩护球
shoot into the empty net射入空门
shoot past the unsighted goalie守门员视线受阻时的射门
shoot past the unsighted goalie守门员视线受阻时射门
shoot past the unsighted goalie当守门员视线受阻时射门
shooting at the goal试图射门
shooting on the goal试图射门
shot on the first time抢点直接射门
shot on the first-time crash volley直接猛射凌空球
shot on the first-time crash volley抢点凌空球
shot on the leaping header跳起顶球射门
shot on the run跑动中射门
shot on the run跑动射门
show the ball引诱对方抢球
show the red card出示红牌
show the red card罚出场
shut off the angle封住角度
slip the ball蹭球
slipping the ball撮球
slipping the ball蹭球
Soccer Association of the United States美国足球协会
sole of the foot脚掌
sole of the foot trap足底停球
sole-of-the-foot pass脚底拉球
sole-of-the-foot pass脚掌传球
solid defense in the rear稳固的后卫
spearhead of the attack进攻先锋
speed off the mark迅速摆脱防守
spit at the opponent向对手吐唾沫犯规动作
split the defence突破防线
split the defense突破对方防守
spread the defense拉开对方的防守
squeeze into the final 16挤入 16 强,杀入 16 强
stand on the ball把球控制在脚下
stand on the ball脚下控球
stand on the ball踩球
start the clock开始计算时间
start the clock比赛时间开始
step over the ball迈过球以迷惑对方
stop the game停止比赛 (match)
strengthen the defence加强防御
strike the ball low踢低球
strike the ball with one's hand触摸球带球、击球
striking the post撞门柱
sustain the appeal认可上诉
sweep the ball踢球
sweep the ball脚扫地的踢球
sweep the ball猛踢
swerving the ball弧线
tackle from the blind side反方向堵截
tackle through the ball铲倒对方
take the ball接球
take the kick主罚
take the kick踢罚球
take the kick again重踢罚球
Take the kick at my whistle!裁判用语听哨声踢球!
take the kickoff开球开始比赛
take the lead领先
take the offensive采取攻势
take the pass接球
taking the ball on the inside of the foot脚内侧接球
tap in the ball轻拨入网
terminate the match终止比赛
The goal is disallowed!进球无效!
through the door过裆传
through the door传球过裆
through the middle通过中路
thrust down the middle从中间突破
thrust down the middle中路突破
top left-hand corner of the net球门左上角
top left-hand corner of the net球门网左上角
top right-hand corner of the net球门右上角
top right-hand corner of the net球门网右上角
towards the back向后
towards the left向左
towards the right向右
trapping the ball with the sole of the foot脚底停球
trying for the goal试图射门
turn with the ball带球转身
vicinity of the goalmouth球门前
vicinity of the goalmouth门前
vie for the ball争球
volley the ball凌空抽射
whip the ball into the net大力抽射
whip the ball into the net突然起脚射入
whip the ball into the net劲射
whip the ball into the net大力射门
win the ball抢到球
win the ball得球
win the middle game中盘胜