
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance of the bid中标
accurate to the X-th decimal place精确到小数点第X位
activate the breaker trip coil起动断路器跳闸
adaption of the budget核定预算
Additional explanation of the provisions条文说明
advance of the face工作面推进
amount of core left in the hole孔内残留岩芯
angle of face at the back of cut-out分水认脊角
anti-corona section of the bar线棒防晕段
apply resin for the bar lining paper线棒衬纸刷胶
article for the welding帮条焊
assembly of the whole整机组装
assembly pedestal for the hub中心体安装支墩
Association-The International Certification Network国际认证联盟 (IQNet)
average of the higher half values大值平均值
average of the lower half values小值平均值
bent-up angle of bent-up rebars in the slab板中弯起钢筋的弯起角
box opening for the bar线棒开箱
catch up with the schedule赶计划
characteristic period of the seismic response spectrum地震动反应谱特征周期
claim based on lack of conformity of the goods不符合合同要求引起的索赔
color of the return water返水颜色
complete at the first attempt一次性完成
contour plot of the poles极点等值线图
cropping out of the ground water地下水露头
current at the fault point故障点电流
current at the short-circuit point短路点电流
depth and extent of water cushion at the scour pit冲坑水垫深度及范围
discharging along the downstream dam face坝面泄流
discharging through a spillway on the powerhouse roof at dam toe坝后厂房顶溢流
distance from the focus震源距
distance from the focus离震源的距离
double-circuit lines on the same tower双回同杆并架
down-the-hole drill潜孔钻机
downstream concrete slab connected with the plinth.下游混凝土防渗板
Electro-mechanical equipment layout in the main powerhouse厂房机电设备布置图 (auxiliary plant)
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国环境保护法
expense of production personnel advancing into the plant生产人员提前进厂费
filled from the bottom up自下而上填筑施工
Geographic location of the proposed project工程地理位置图
Geographical connection of the power system in the power recipient area供电范围电力系统地理接线图现状及远景 (current and future)
hammer down the hole潜孔锤
head on the spillway溢洪道上水头
head on the spillway溢流堰顶水头
Hydrographical net of the river basin流域水系图标明水文、气象和大中型水利水电工程位置 (indicating the hydrological and meteorological stations and large and medium-size water resources and hydropower projects)
impulse chopped on the front波头截断冲击波
impulse chopped on the tail波尾截断冲击波
intake integrated with the dam坝式进水口
intake tower against the bank岸塔式进水口
intake with inclined gate slots in the bank岸坡式进水口
integral safety of the arch dam拱坝整体安全性
inverse function of the standard normal distribution标准正态分布的反函数
joint debagging of the whole整机总联调
large voids left in the rockfill架空[堆石体]
load due to vertical displacement of the working load由工作荷重的垂直位移所引起的载荷
Longitudinal profile of the river on cascade developments河流梯级开发纵剖面图
longitudinal slope of the chute泄槽的纵坡
maintenance cost of the project before handover工程项目移交前的维护费
material caving into the borehole孔内掉块
mouth of the entrance进口截面
mouth of the entrance人口截面
multipurpose utilization plan of the river basin江河流域综合利用规划
no-load test of the whole整机空载试验
packing the sand
packing the sand紧砂
pass at the first attempt一次性通过
plunging nappe for the spillway溢洪道下泄水舌
power station at the toe of the dam坝后式水电站
power station at the toe of the dam近坝式水电站
power-house within the dam坝内式厂房
preheating of the mixture拌和物预热
primary control of the speed of generating sets——次调频
primary control of the speed of generating sets一次调频
principle of the maximum最大值原理
principle of the maximum极大值原理
probability mass function of the standard normal distribution标准正态分布概率密度函数
proceedings at the meeting会议事项
Project layout of main structures of the representative scheme代表性方案的枢纽平面布置图
protection from the wind防风措施
protection from the wind防风设施
pump out the saline water and recharge the fresh water抽咸换淡
quantity in the exponent指数函数
rainfall harvesting works on the slope坡面集雨工程
raise the river stage使水位升高
random check for the bar线棒抽样检查
ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter圆周率
Relationship of the proposed construction scheme and environmental sensitive objects推荐开发方案与环境敏感对象关系示意图
remedy the trouble排除故障
retaining water by cofferdam all around the year全年围堰挡水
retrieved through the drill rod穿过钻杆提取
roadway across the dam过坝道路
sail into the wind逆风航行
sail into the wind顶风航行
scour-and-deposition in the river channel河道的冲淤
security of the site现场保安
Sketch of cascade developments of the river河流河段梯级开发示意图 (reaches)
Sketch of geographic location of the river basin流域地理位置示意图
Sketch of multipurpose developments in the river河流河段综合利用示意图 (river reaches)
slope of the droop graph差值曲线的斜率
soleplate for the pedestal支墩基础板
soleplate of the lower bracket下机架底板
soleplate of the stator frame定子机座底板
spillway with the flip bucket in front of the powerhouse at dam toe厂前挑流
spot check for the bar线棒抽样检查
start and stop sequences for the unit机组开停机流程
state of the art最新技术水平
stripping of the site场地清理
stripping of the site铲除场地表土
sufficiency of the contract price合同价格的充分性
summary of main working quantities of the representative alternative代表性方案的主要工程量汇总表
tender for the construction of投标承建
the Actic Ocean北冰洋
the Antarctic Ocean南冰洋
the Atlantic Ocean大西洋
the directional current protection方向性电流保护
the Pacific Ocean太平洋
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization上海合作组织上合组织 (SCO)
throughout the day整天
throughout the day终日
time constant of the servo-positioner伺服定位器时间常数
to the nearest精准至[计算结果
under the jurisdiction of归口
unrolling the circumference to form a plan展开圆周面为平面
valve for filling and drainage of the water进水排水阀门
veneer of the crust地壳表层
vertical curvature of the arch dam拱坝竖向曲率
watch the situation注意形势
water intercepting and drainage ditch on the slope坡面截流沟
water level below the runner水位低于转轮