
Terms for subject Badminton containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
block the net封网
cancel the score取消得分
change the rotation order变换队员的轮转顺序
Change the shuttle!换球!
distract the opponent分散对手注意力
figuring the grip移指握拍法
fill the position card填好位置表
finger the grip移指握拍
get stuck in the net羽毛球 扎在网眼中
hang on the net球挂在网上
height of the net球网高度
hit the ball with head以头击球
hit the ceiling触天花板
Hit the shuttle twice!击球两次违例!
hold the ball in palm手持球
inside of the foot脚的内侧
interrupt the game中断比赛
interval between the sets局间间隙
Invade the opponent's court!侵入对方场地!裁判用语
land outside the boundaries出界
lower part of the base下垫
Obstruct the opponent!阻碍对手!裁判用语
outside of the foot脚的外侧
outside the boundary line界外
push a shot just across the net网前推托
racket head above the hand拍框上沿高于手发球犯规
raise the foot提腿
rotate clockwise to the next position顺时针轮转至下一个位置
round-the-back stroke绕身后击球
round-the-head drive绕头抽球
round-the-head shot绕头顶击球
round-the-head stroke绕头顶扣杀
serve above the waist过腰
serve above the waist高于腰部的发球
set the score加分赛
set the score再赛
sling the shuttle拖带球
spread of the feather羽毛圈直径
test the shuttle试球
toss up the ball将球抛起
touch the antenna触及标志杆
touch the body球触及身体
touch the ground毽球落地
touch the net between the two antennas球触及标志杆以内的球网
turn the body毽球转体
upper part of the base上垫
wipe the floor擦地板