
Terms for subject Textile industry containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
ability to provide the auxiliary items配套能力
ability to take the burden of industry承担产业负担的能力
abuse of the power of agency滥用代理权
access to the ports港口通道
access to the ports进港航道
access to the ports进出港口
access to the sea入海航道
access to the sea通向海洋
across-the-board tariff changes全面调整关税
adjust the price ratio调整比价
adjusting the national economy调整国民经济
administration of the economy经济管理
advance payment for the purchase预购定金,预付购贷款,采购预付款
Agreement on the Exchange of Commodities易货贸易协定
air the dairy袒露胸脯
all the vogue最新流行
allowance for the post职位津贴
alter the contract更改契约
alter the contract修改合同
alter the letter of credit修改信用证,改证
amount of funds on the deposit资金存量,基金存量
anchor alongside the shore靠港
anchor alongside the shore泊岸
applicant for the exportation出口许可申请人
applicant for the importation进口许可申请人
application to pass goods through the customs报关单
apply to the customs报关
appraise the quality of product鉴定产品质量
arrival at the port到港
arrival at the port进港
arrival at the port抵港
arrival of the goods at final destination货抵最终目的地
augment the equipment扩充设备
automatic suspension of the contract合同自行终止
backstitch at the end of opening剪口末端处回针
banking the pattern前后样片对缝
bartack the ends of pocket mouth封袋口
bartack the ends of pocket mouth〔工〕封袋口
below the calf过腿肚长
below the knee panty短裤
below the knee panty港裤
below-the-waist apparel下装
bill at the long run长期支票
broaden the channel of sale扩大销售渠道
buckles below the back neckline后领窝起涌
buckles below the waistline seam腰缝下口起涌
burr on the roller花筒毛口
calculate the output计算产量
calculated on the basis of original price按原价计算
capacity of the market市场容量
capacity of the port港口吞吐量
capacity of the port港口吞吐能力
capacity of the port港口容量
chairman of the board of directors董事会主席,董事长
challenge the president's ruling对主席裁决提出异议
change the package改变包装
change the structure of product调整产品结构
change the style of summer dresses变更夏装款式
charges for the use of fixed assets固定资产占用费
check the baggage核对行李
check the baggage打行李票
check the stocks核对存货
classification by the form of trading按贸易方式分类
classification by the process of transaction按交易过程分类
clause of the back背面条款
clearing the market出清市场
close the business做成生意
close the center seam of collar interlining合领衬
close the center seam of top collar合领面
close the centre seam of collar interlining合领衬
close the centre seam of top collar合领面
closing of the exchange交易所收盘
clothe the machine铺车面
Clothing Manufacturers Association of the USA美国服装制造商协会
Clothing Manufacturers Association of the USA美国制衣者协会
clothing of the machine盘存时机内半成品
coffers of the state国库
collar deviates from the front center line绱领偏斜
collar deviates from the front centre line〔检〕绱领偏斜
Color Association of the United States美国色料协会
Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements纺织品协议执行委员会美国
Committee of the Wool Textile Industry in the European Union欧盟毛纺织工业委员会
commodity for the foreign market外销商品
composition of the board of directors董事会的组成
condensing the stitches缝迹加密
Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitration Awards外国仲裁裁决执行公约
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea国际海上避碰公约
Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability产品责任准则公约
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Award外国仲裁裁决承认与执行公约
Convention on the Valuation of Goods for Customs Purpose关税估价公约,海关货品估价公约,货物课税估价公约
conversion of the bill汇票兑现
coordination Committee for the Textile Industries in the European Union欧洲纺织工业联合会
create the demand激发需求
credit of the currency货币信贷
cross the ship's rail越过船舷
crossing at the back vent背衩搅
crossing at the back vent背衩搅衩下部搭叠过多
crossing at the back vent衩下部搭叠过多
crossing at the front edge止口搅止口下部搭叠过多
crossing at the front edge止口搅
crossing at the front edge止口下部搭叠过多
crumples at the collar〔检〕领面起泡
crumples at the collar领面起泡
current of the present month本月,当月
custom of the port商港习惯
custom of the port港口惯例
custom of the sea海事惯例
cut out a piece of cloth with the minimum material套裁
cut the costs降低成本
cut the expenses节减费用
cut the garment according to the figure量体裁衣
cut-down the price降价
cut-down the price减价
cut-on the bias斜裁
deduct from the salary折薪
deepening the reform深化改革
defraud the revenue偷税
delivered at the ship's side船边交货,船边交货价
delivery at the ship's side船边交货
dialling the necessary tension刻度盘预定张力
diamonds by the yard镶钻石的 14k 按码金链
drug in the market滞销货品
drying in the open自然干燥
duration of the contract合同有效期
dye on the beam卷染
dyed in the piece匹染
dyed in the wool散毛染色
dyed in the yarn色织
dyed in the yarn纱线染色
embroidery on the stump斯顿刺绣
engross the market买方垄断市场
engross the market垄断买方市场
expansion of the inflation通货膨胀
expansion of the monetary通货膨胀
expiration of the contract合同期满
expiration of the contract合同到期
expose-the-breast clothes女式低胸衣
expose-the-breast clothes女露胸衣
falling into the precipice价格猛跌
feed-off-the-ann felling machine逆送式曲臂底板平缝机
feed-off-the-arm felling machine逆送式曲臂平缝缝纫机
Fellow of the Clothing Institute服装学会会员英国
Fellow of the Society of Dyers and Colourists英国印染工作者学会会员
finalize the design定形
fixing the price法定价格
fixing the price约定价格
fluctuation of the currency币值变动
fluctuation of the currency通货变动
fluctuation of the currency币值波动
following of the fashion赶时髦
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations联合国粮食与农业组织
fulfil the contract履行合同
fulfil the output完成产量
fulfil the target实现指标
fulfil the target完成指标
goods of the first rank第一流货物,上等货物
goods on the spot现货
grip performance of the fiber纤维的抱合性能,粘附性能
haggle about the price还价
haggle over the price还价
hand over to the next shift交班
handstitch at the hem珠边
handstitch at the hem手工缲边
having the coat turned翻新服装
height of the liquor液位
height of the liquor液面高度
height of the shaft吊综高度
height of the wire起绒钢丝高度
hit the stands开始发售
hit the stands上市
horizontal plane in the raising cam起针平面
I‘d like to take the price lists of these beach towels with me我想带走沙滩巾的价目表
identification of the goods货物认定
implementation of the agreement协议的履行
implementation of the agreement协议执行
implementation of the contract履约的情况
implementation of the contract合同的履行
implementation period of the contract合同履行期限,履约期限
improve the quality of product提高产品质量
improvement in the market市况好转
infant's off the face婴儿鸭舌帽
injury suffered on the job工伤
interlining under the waist line下腰节衬
interlining under the waist line下节衬
International Association for Research &Testing in the Field of Textile Ecology生态纺织品
International Association for Research &Testing in the Field of Textile Ecology国际纺织生态领域研究及检验协会
International Bureau for the standardization of Man-made Fiber国际人造纤维标准局
island-in-the-sea matrix fibril type bicomponent fiber天星状双组分复合纤维
islands-in-the-sea matrix-fibril type海岛状基体一原纤型
islands-in-the-sea matrix-fibril type bicomponent fiber散岛状基体一原纤型双组分复合纤维
Japanese Association for the Functional Evaluation of Textiles日本纺织品功能评定协会
Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colorists《染色协会会志》月刊
Journal of the Textile Institute《纺织学会会志》期刊
Journal of the Textile Institute纺织学会志
Journal of the Textile Machinery Society of Japan《日本纺织机械学会志》
kinking the loop弯纱圈
knight of the needle裁缝
knitting of the draw thread分离横列编织
lace holes in the heel袜跟收针线
lace holes in the heel袜跟网眼转换点
license for the import of commodity商品进口许可证,货物输入许可
lift the embargo解禁
lift the embargo解除禁运
liven up the market活跃市场
load the loom装纬管
location and premises of the joint venture营业所,营业地点
Loop the Loop连袜裤
Loop the Loop连裤袜
loops on the top服装缺陷
loss for the current term本期损失,本期亏损
make the accounts public财务公开
make the accounts public经济公开
make up of the exports出口商品结构
make up of the imports进口商品结构
Master of Science in the Social Sciences社会科学硕士
middle of the road中庸之道
milling in the length纵向缩呢
milling in the length纵向缩绒
misfitting of the stencil frame模版套歪 (手工印疵)
Mistress of the Robes女王或王后的服装侍从女官长
model of the economy经济模式
moisture in the air潮气
monetary value of the game对策币值,博弈货币值
movement in the market市场动态
multi-purpose use of the three wastes三废综合利用
napping in the reverse direction反向起绒
National Joint Committee for the Carpet Industry全国地毯工业联合委员会
National Joint Committee for the Carpet Industry全国地毯工业联合委员会
nationality of the product产品国别
necktie in the first button端纽领带
needles in-between the tucking needles非集圈针
net profit of the term本期纯利,本期净利润
next to the skin贴身
not up to the standard不合标准,不合格
off-the-arm machine递送式曲臂底板缝纫机
off-the-book deal账外交易
off-the-book deal黑市交易
off-the-book deal秘密交易
off-the-book quotation黑市价格
off-the-book quotation账外交易价格
off-the-book quotation秘密交易价格
off-the-face hat卷边帽
off the peg dress成衣
off the shoulder露肩
off-the-shoulder de' colletage低胸露肩服
off-the-shoulder dress袒胸露肩的衣服
off-the-shoulder dress露肩衣
off-the-shoulder dress露肩装
off-the-shoulder leotard露肩式短紧身衣
off-the-shoulder neckline露肩领口
off the shoulder top吊带衫
off the shoulder top露肩衫
offending to the eye刺激眼睛
offer in the market在市场上出售
on the berth船只停泊准备装卸货物
on-the-dot registration准确对花
on the grain顺着织物纹理
on the grain顺应织物纹理
on the high side价格偏高
on the market出售中
on the money平值期权
on the spot现场
on the spot transaction现场交易
open the book设立新账
open the book重新开立账户
open the book开立新账
operation of the sea海上作业
original of the treaty条约原文
original of the treaty条约正本
Our corporation is specialized in handing the export business of textiles我们公司专营纺织品出口业务
outer edges of the wrapping外包装边缘
outside the United Sates美国以外
over-the-calf stockings中筒女袜
over the counter柜台上交易
over the counter通过经纪人事务所而不是通过交易所
over the counter场外交易
over-the-knee boots过膝长靴
over-the-knee look过膝风貌
over the knee length stockings过膝长筒女袜
over-the-knee stockings过膝长筒女袜
over-the-knee style过膝风格
over the seat length及臀衣长
over the seat length盖住臀部的衣长
over the seat length长至臀下
paid-in full at the appointed time到期全部付清
pass the queer使用伪币
pass through the accounts入账
performance of the product产品性能
play the bankrupt利用破产骗钱
play the market投机买卖
plus side of the account贷方账户
policy of the big revolver用报复关税威胁他国政策
prediction of the market市场预测
press for the repayment of debts逼债,催偿债务
pricing out of the market涨停板,价格上涨,在一般市场上已停止出售
prime the bath增浓染浴
proceeds from the letter of credit信用证款
profit employed in the business企业留用利润
program for the development of science and technology科技发展规划
projection of the needle针踵
prolong the negotiation延长谈判
prolong the negotiation延长协商
protect the commission留下佣金
protect the environment保护环境
protect the goods from the strain of long sea voyage使货物在长途海运中不受损失
quarter reinforcement at the top of the toe加固袜头
radial stroke of the sinker沉降片径向动程
raid the market冲击市场
raid the market扰乱市场
raise the current prices提高现行价格
raise the dust筹得现金
raise the market upon索要高价
raise the wind设法筹资
raise the wind筹款
reach the standard达到标准
reckon up the bill合计账单
recourse to the capital market求助于资本市场
recourse to the foreign capital依赖外国资本
recover the goods要求退货
recover the value of the bill索取汇票款额
reforming the economic structure调整经济结构
reforming the economic system改革经济体制
refund the price退还价款
rejection of the goods退货
relation between the sellers and buyers买卖双方关系
remeasure the length of fabric复尺寸复查布料长度
remeasure the length of fabric复米
remeasure the length of fabric复米复查布料长度
remeasure the length of fabric复査布料长度
report on the budget预算报告
report the loss of check支票挂失
rescind the order撤销订单
reservation in the contract合同保留条款
reserve the right to claim保留索赔权
reserve the right to recourse保留追索权
resume the business复业
resurgence of the economy经济复苏
right of the consignee受托人权利
right of the consignee承销权利
right of the consignee承销人权利
right of the obligation claim债权请求权
ring method for measuring the surface tension拉环式表面张力测量法
round-the-clock operation连续操作
round-the-clock operation连续作业
round-the-clock operation日夜营业
round the middle腰围
seat on the exchange交易所成员
seat on the exchange交易所会员资格
securing the stitches线圈保护装置
sell at the close收盘时出售指令
sell at the close收盘时出售
sell by the yard按码出售
sell on the spot现货销售
sell to the trade卖给同行
set the standard制定标准
shade the price略减价格
shipped in the hold已装在船舱内
shut the book停止交往
shut the book停止往来
simulation of the consumer's Apparel purchse消费者衣物购买动机模拟
small of the back小腰
sovereignty of the consumer顾客至上
sovereignty of the consumer消费者主宰权
spectacles for the farsighted远视眼镜
speculation on the rise and fall买空卖空
split at the back vent背衩豁衩下部豁开
split at the front edge止口豁止口上下豁开
split at the lower part of skirt〔检〕裙桐豁开
split the costs分担成本
split the profits分配利润
squeeze the short轧空头
squeeze the short杀空头
stamp the trade mark压印商标
standard set by the agreement协定标准
standard set by the contract约定标准
stitch seam leans out the line缉线上下炕线缉得或上或下
stitch seam leans out the line缉线上下炕线缉得或上或下
straighten out the account清算账目
strike the beam分量不足
tacking the end加固端部
take the consequence承担后果
take the goods in charge承运
take the goods in charge接货
take to the post付邮
take-off the embargo开放
take-off the embargo解禁
take-off the restriction取消限制
tax included in the calculated price价内税
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry纸浆与造纸工业技术协会
the arts and crafts movement工艺美术
the beatles style甲壳虫乐队风格
the fifties 50s' look 50年代款式
the fifties 50s' stylistic form 50年代款式
the flammable fabrics accident case and testing system易燃织物事故和测试系统
the forties 40s' look 40年代款式
the Golden Thimble金顶针奖
The Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association针织业研究协会
the Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association针织业研究协会
The Hosiery and Allied Trades Research Association英国针织业研究协会
The information Users Council纺织信息用户委员会
the latest design最新设计
the latest fashion时装
the latest fashion服装的最新式样
the latest fashion服装的最新款式
the latest mode最新款式
the latest model最新样式
the latest style最新服饰
the latest style最新款式
the latest styles最新式样
the latest styles最新型
the long robe教士服
the long robe法官服
the lowest quotation最低报价
The market fell行情下跌
The market rose行情上涨
The mattress was hard and unyielding这床垫很硬,没有弹性
the mode时式
the mode时装
the north face北方面孔
the nude裸体人像
the nude裸体
the padded cotton is uneven棉衣铺棉不匀
the 30s' look30 年代款式
the 60s' look60 年代款式
the 20s' look20 年代款式
the 30s' star coif30 年代明星发型
the 30s' style30 年代款式
the 20s' style20 年代款式
the 60s' stylistic form60 年代款式
the savage野蛮人款式
the scoop勺子发型
the sixties look60 年代款式
the sixties stylistic form60 年代款式
the spiv懒人发型
The Textile Institute and Industry纺织学会与工业 (英国月刊)
the thirties look30 年代款式
the thirties star coif30 年代明星发型
the thirties style30 年代款式
the twenties look20 年代款式
the twenties style20 年代款式
The United States Trademark Association美国商标协会
The Women's Dress Reform Movement妇女服装改革运动
the yuppi雅皮
tobacco at the end of opening剪口末端处回针
tobacco the ends of pocket mouth封袋口
tone of the commodity market商品市场行情
tone of the financial market金融市场行情
tone of the insurance market保险市场行情
tracking the launch产品追踪
training on the job在职培训
trick of the trade贸易计谋
under the bond认购公债
under the bond认购债券
under-the-counter deals私下交易
under-the-counter deals违法交易
under-the-counter deals柜下交易
under-the-counter deals开后门交易
under-the-counter deals台底交易
value of the dollar美元购买力
variation of the adventure船程变动
verification of the load核实货载
verify quantity of the goods核对货物数量
verifying the extension审核金额
vertical stroke of the sinker沉降片直向动程
view of the scene现场査验
view of the scene现场查验
vote in the affirmative赞成票
vote in the negative反对票
waiver of the right of indemnity放弃索赔权
walk off the job离开工作岗位
walk off the job罢工
We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan我方冒昧向您介绍,我们经营丝绸产品,并出口欧洲和日本
within the framework of agreement在协议范围内
within the limit of contract在合约范围内
within the limit of fund在基金限额内
within the prescribed limit在规定限额内
within the scope of coverage在承保范围内,在保险范围内
within the scope of insurance在保险范围内
within the scope of reinsurance在重新保险范围内
worth the price货真价实
yield on the current price通货价格收益
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