
Terms for subject General containing THE | all forms | exact matches only
Although I've never worked in fine chemistry companies, the two-year experience in a pharmaceutical company has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards虽然我没有在精细化工公司的工作经历,但在制药公司的两年使我成长为优秀的客户服务代表
Although some of my suits are custom-made, I prefer to buy clothes off the racks虽然我的一些衣服是定制的,但我更愿意买现成的
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry化学进展年报杂志名
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: "Inorganic Chemistry"化学进展年报,A 辑:"无机化学"
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: "Organic Chemistry"化学进展年报,B 辑:"有机化学"
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: "Physical Chemistry"化学进展年报,C 辑:"物理化学"
Annual Review of Energy & the Environment能源与环境年评
anomalies of the ionosphere电离层反常现象
another Richmond in the field意想不到的敌人
Are the gifts sent anonymously on Valentine's Day?情人节送出的礼物都是匿名的吗?
Are the public toilets being used all?公共卫生间里人满了吗?
Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room?在候机室有免税店吗?
Are you sure you have the right name?你肯定没弄错姓名吗?
area of the intake port进人口面积
Arthur Murray taught the foxtrot, the tango and the waltz亚瑟・默里教过狐步舞、探戈舞和华尔兹舞
ascend with the board带板腾空
ascertain where the trouble lies弄清〔査明〕故障的部位
Available service facilities at the hotel include a ballroom, a physical fitness center, a swimming pool, etc宾馆可用的服务设施包括舞厅、健身房、游泳池等
bend M out of the straight by使 M 产生 N 的挠度 (N)
bend the knee屈膝
bend the mind to把精神灌注在
bend the mind to专心于
bend the rules放宽规定
blow in the furnace开炉送风
blow in the furnace开炉
blow the cobwebs away使头脑清醒
blow the cobwebs away使焕然一新
blow the fire挑唆
blow the fire煽动
blow the fire用风箱,鼓风机等吹火
boss the show操纵
boss the show主持
bowling on the green草地保龄球运动
breast the current逆流而行
breast the tape冲过〔抵达〕 终点
Central Christian College of the Bible中部基督圣经学院
cleave the air迎风飞翔
cleave the water破浪前进
Communications of the ACM美国计算机学会通讯
compactness of the crystal lattice晶格紧密性
compactness of the crystal lattice晶格的原子〔晶体点阵〕排列密度
Consumption tax is added to the bill消费税加在账单上
copy the example of照…的样子
copy the example of学习…的榜样
copy the mail民用波段无线电用语收听民用波段信号
countdown of the repetition rate of pulses脉冲频率分除法〔计算法〕
diffusion of the point image像点模糊〔扩散〕
dyed in the wood原毛加工前染色的
dyed in the wood彻底的
dyed in the wood未织之前染的
dyed in the wood完全的
dyed in the wood生染的
early in the day大清早
early in the day为时不晚
early in the day及时
electric current is forced through the wire使电流通过导线
ensure against the need for保证不需要
ensure the ascendancy of保证…的支配地位
Except for the Athenian Treasury and some sections of the Temple of Apollo, most of the stones of Delphi lie as they fell除了雅典财富和阿波罗神庙部分建筑,德尔斐的大部分石头还留在原地
exclude the possibility of...使没有…的可能〔余地〕
exclude the possibility of...排除…的可能性
expose all the tricks of the enemy揭露敌人的一切阴谋诡计
gild the lily画蛇添足
gild the pill使金玉其外
gild the pill把讨厌的事情弄得容易被接受
gild the pill虚饰外观
grasp the nettle坚毅迅速地解决困难
grasp the nettle大胆抓起棘手问题
grasp the nettle攻坚
grasp the peacock's tail揽雀尾
Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology加利福尼亚理工学院古根海姆航空实验研究
Hi, John! Do you know how to apply for a visa to the U. S. ?嗨,约翰!你知道怎么申请赴美签证吗?
Hi, Vicky! I have good news! I got my visa. I cannot believe the visa interview was so short!维姬,你好!我有好消息。我拿到签证了。真不敢相信,面签时间那么短!
hide one's head in the sand把头埋进沙里不正视现实
hide the broadsword藏刀
Hollywood is like an octopus with tentacles extending across the globe好莱坞文化仿佛章鱼的触须,延伸至世界的每一个角落
Hollywood movie producers believe that most Americans want to see action movies. Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars, or in airplanes or on foot好莱坞的电影制片人认为美国人大多喜欢看动作片,于是许多电影便充斥着演员开车、开飞机或徒步追逐的场面
horsepower has nothing to do with the horse马力和马毫不相干
How about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?这几天与您同住的朋友的费用怎么算呢?
How about the charges for the service available in other cities?那么在外地使用又是怎么收费的呢?
How about the rates?收费是怎样的呢?
How can I get to the connecting flight counter of China airline?我如何找到中国航空公司办理转机的柜台?
How can I get to the nearest souvenir shop?最近的纪念品店怎么走?
How can we bring our surfboards to the sea?我们怎么把冲浪板拿到海边?
How could that happen? You must have failed to meet the requirements or the officer believed your purpose is not genuine怎么会这样?那一定是材料没达到要求,或者签证官觉得你目的不纯
How could we get to the Heron Island?我们要怎么去赫伦岛?
How do I get the manufacturer's warranty?我如何能得到厂家的质量保证呢?
How do you like the boiled beef in chili soup?你觉得水煮牛肉怎么样?
How exactly should I go through the entry formality?究竟该如何办理入境手续呢?
How far is the nearest drive-in?到最近的免下车餐馆有多远?
How is the climate in Inle Lake?茵莱湖的气候怎么样?
How is the Knysna Forest?克尼斯纳森林怎么样?
How long can you hold the table for me?位子可以保留多长时间?
How long have you had the problem?这种情况出现有多久了?
How long is the layover?转机时间多长?
How long is the stop-over? Will we be staying overnight in Hong Kong?过境要停多久?我们要在香港停留一夜吗?
How long is the treadmill guaranteed for?这个跑步机的保修期多长?
How long shall we pay the customs duties from the date of issuance of the duty memo?在开出上税单之后多久我们应当缴纳关税?
How long will the cast be on?石膏要打多久?
How long will you be staying in the United States?预计在美国停留多久?
How much of the remittance do you want to convert into Japanese yen?你要把多少汇款换成日元?
How much should I offer as the tip?我应该给多少小费?
How much tip should I give to the longshoreman?我应该给装卸工人多少小费?
How were the restaurants in the Palm Cove?棕榈湾的餐厅怎么样?
How will you be paying the bill account?您将如何付款?
How would you like the steak done, well done, medium or rare?您喜欢几成熟的牛排?熟透的、适中的还是半生的?
How would you like us to arrange the tables?您想要我们怎样摆桌子?
If any emergency happens, please contact the housekeeping center or Front Desk如遇紧急情况,请联系客房中心或总台服务
If I buy more than one, will you reduce the price?要是我多买一点能便宜点吗?
If I buy the gold necklace in your shop, could I have it cleaned or repaired in my country?如果我在你们店买了黄金项链,回国后能清洗或修理吗?
if it comes to the pinch必要时
if it comes to the pinch在危急时
If my visa application is denied, could it help to have a high ranking official contact the consulate?被拒签后,我是否能找一个高级别官员联系领事馆帮我通过申请?
If not, I'll send someone down to get one from the pharmacy如果没有,我马上派人到药店买一个过来
if the aggressors dare come, they will never be able to get away只要侵略者敢来,管叫他们有来无回
if the clockspring were made of lead, with practically no elasticity, it would possess no potential energy when wound如果钟表发条是用几乎没有弹性的铅做的,它上紧以后就不会有势能
if the job is of small dimensions, whether to use planer or shaper will depend mainly on the quantity required如果工件是小尺寸的,那么是用龙门刨还是用牛头刨就主要取决于所需的数量
if the occasion arises必要时
if the occasion arises遇有机会时
If the sales volume is large enough, we will give you larger orders in the future如果销量够大,我们未来加大订购量
if the short is near inflammable material, it may start a fire如果在易燃物附近发生短路,可能会引起火灾
if there is anything the matter with the machine机器如果发生什么毛病的话
If there is something wrong with the optical frame or lens, please make a call to the shopkeeper immediately如果镜框或者镜片有问题,请立即致电与店主联系
If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
If there? s anything we can do for you please let us know. The extension for the Front Desk is6587-2334.如果有什么需要我们做的,请告诉我们。前台的分机号码是 6587-2334
if there were no dust in the
if there were no dust in the…如果空气中没有灰尘
If there's any change, could you inform the Front Desk, please?如果有变化的话请您告知前台,好吗?
If we add ice, the taste will be spoiled如果我们加冰,会破坏它的味道
If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了
If we place regular orders, can you ensure the quality of your bamboo fiber towels?如我方不断订货,你方能保证竹纤维毛巾的质量吗?
If we refuse your application, we will give or send you a notice of refusal. This document will list the reasons for the refusal, and will explain your right to appeal如果您的申请被拒签,那么您将收到我们寄给您的拒签信。拒签信上会列明您被拒签的理由,并说明您是否拥有上诉权
If you are invited to a Greek home, flowers or a cake for the hostess are an appropriate gift如果希腊人邀请你去他家做客,给女主人送上鲜花或者蛋糕就很合适了
if you come now, so much the better如果你现在就来,那更好
If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费
If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒
If you have to take a taxi, be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in如果打车,上车时要确保司机重打计价器
If you meet facilities failure, maintenance and other problems during accommodation, please contact the customer service center如您在住宿中遇到设施使用、维修及其他问题,请与客服中心联系
If you need more room or comfort, I recommend the full-size car如果你想要空间更大或更舒服的车,我推荐大型轿车
If you need to clean your room, put the clean card on the door如果您需要清理房间,请把“清洁牌”挂在门外
If you need to make a change in flight, date or class after you purchase your ticket, please notify us as soon as possible and we will take the appropriate action您购票后,如果要求变更航班、日期、舱位等,请尽早通知我们,以便我们进行合理处理
If you really like it, we can cut down the price by 10 percent如果您真的想要,我们可以给您打九折
If you request refund after purchase, please contact us within the validity period of the ticket您购票后如要求退票,应在客票有效期内提出
If you require anything, you can call the Assistant Manager如果您有事要询问,您可以打电话给大堂副管
If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期
If you want to make one, you need the satin如果你想做一件旗袍,就要买缎子
If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
If you're not satisfied with the service the maid is providing, don't leave a tip如果你对服务员的服务不满意,可以不留或者少留小费 (or reduce the amount you would tip)
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science印度科学促进协会
Indies <> the East Indies东印度群岛
into the midst of到…中间
Keep a close eye to your carry-on when you are in the departure lounge在候机室时要看管好自己的随身行李
keep a daily tally of the water-level fluctuations记录每天水位变化情况
keep alive the memory of牢记
keep one's finger on the pulse of充分了解…
keep one's finger on the pulse of掌握…的脉搏
keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device手要避开
keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device使用任何切割机时
keep in the background背地里
keep in the background在幕后
keep in the background暗中
keep in the center回归原位
keep on the course笔直走
keep on the course循正确道路前进
keep on the course尽自己的职责
keep on the course循跑道前进指马
keep M on the move使 M 继续运〔流〕动
keep on the rails使循规蹈矩
keep on the rails使安分守己
keep oneself in the foreground处在最显著的地位
keep oneself in the foreground站在前面
keep out of the way使避开
keep pace with the swift tempo of the day跟上时代的飞速步伐
keep the aircraft stalled保持飞机处于失速状态
keep the balance保持平衡
keep the ball rolling不使…中断
keep the bed卧病在床
keep the bones green不衰老
keep the bones green保护身体健康
keep the critical points cool使极需冷却的地点保持冷却
keep the engine young使发动机永远如新
keep the field不退让
keep the field保持自己的地位
keep the field坚持自己的主张
keep the field继续作战〔比赛〕
keep the field守住阵地
keep the flag flying坚持战斗
Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left右手拿刀,左手拿叉
keep the peace维持治安
keep the record straight弄清真相
keep the run of经常了解
keep the run of不落后于
keep the run of与…并驾齐驱
keep the run of与…保持接触
keep the secret保守秘密
keep the secret from him对他保守秘密
keep the worst of the sun's heat out把太阳的大部分热量挡在外面
keep to the bottle嗜酒
keep to the point扣住要点〔主题〕
keep to the record不扯到题
keep to the right行人靠右行
keep up with the times赶上时代
keep up with the times跟上时代
Keep your arms and head inside the bus请不要将头、手伸出窗外
lay down the sceptre退位
lay down the sceptre逊位
lay of the land地形
lay on the colours夸大 (too thickly)
lay on the colours过分渲染 (too thickly)
lay on the shelf废弃不用
lay on the shelf束之高阁
lay on the shelf搁在架子上
lay the blame on M for使M负N 之责 (N)
lay the blame on M for把N的责任归咎于M (N)
lay the blame upon M for使M负N 之责 (N)
lay the blame upon M for把N的责任归咎于M (N)
lay the dust除〔灭〕尘
lay the foundation of奠基
lay the foundation of开始
lay the foundation of打基础
lay the foundation's forM 打下 M 的基础
lay the foundation's ofM 打下 M 的基础
lay the grain砑〔整〕光
lay the responsibility at sb.'s door断定责任该由某人负
lay the saddle on the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
lay the saddle on the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
lay the saddle upon the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
lay the saddle upon the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
lay the table摆桌子
lay one under the necessity of + ing使必须
lay...on the table把…搁置下来调査等
let down the bars取消限制
let down the bars消除障碍
let M into the secret对M传授秘诀
let M into the secret告诉M秘密
Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare我和你分摊计程车费吧
Let me pick up the tab我来付账
Let me pinch your nose to stop the bleeding让我捏紧您的鼻子止住流血
Let me see... Sorry, you can not have a room facing the garden. All the rooms facing the garden have been reserved我帮您查一下。对不起,所有面朝花园的房间都已被订了
Let me see the beverage list first我先看看饮品单
Let me see what s available... Yes, Air China has a flight on March 28 th at 7:30 pm, besides, the United also has a flight at 9:00 am让我查一查余票。中国国航有一班3月28日晚上7点30分起飞的飞机。美联航也有一班,早上九点起飞
let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密
let the proof be in the pudding让实践来证明优劣
let the sawdust out ofM 剥去〔揭穿〕M的画皮
let the words stand不要改动这些字
let us talk over the matter later以后咱们再谈论这事
let x be the equal ofY 设 x 等于 y
Let's hail a cab, so we don't have to ride the subway so late我们招一辆出租车好吗?这样就不用这么晚还乘地铁
Let's see. Yes, I have the address and telephone number here让我看一下,是的,我这里有地址和电话号码
Localized swelling and dull pain were the main symptoms局部膨隆与钝性疼痛为主要临床症状
make a muff of the business把事情弄糟
make an angle of 30° with the horizon与水平线形成30。的夹角
make good the shortage弥补 M 的不足 (of M)
make hay while the sun shines把握时机
make M in the shape of把 M 做成 N 形 (N)
make the acquaintance of结识…
make the acquaintance of和…认识〔接近〕
make the best of充分利用
make the best of善于处理
make the best of尽量〔充分,妥善〕利用
make the best of a bad job尽力对付不利形势
make the best of the matter随遇而安
make the best of the matter在不如意时不失望
make the best of things随遇而安
make the best of things在不如意时不失望
make the best of one's way努力前进
make the best of one's way尽快进行
make the best of one's way尽量快走
make the best of one's way尽量往前走〔快走〕
make the circuit of巡视一遍
make the circuit of环绕…兜一个圈子
make the correction改正
make M the goat拿 M 当替罪羊
make the grade合乎质量要求
make the grade爬上陡坡
make the grade成功
make the grade达到理想标准
make the habit养成…的习惯 (of)
make the headlines in成为…的头条新闻
make the most of充分〔善于,尽量〕利用〔使用〕
make the most of an opportunity极力利用机会
make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China洋为中用
make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China古为今用
make the running
make the running开头
make the steel bar a magnet使钢棒成为一块磁铁
make the trial努力
make the trial试一试
make the umpteenth mistake又犯了一次错误
make the umteenth mistake又犯了一次错误
make the welkin ring响彻云霄
make the worst of作最坏的打算
make one's way through the press挤过人丛
man the gun各炮手就位
Many famous brand stores gather in the right bank of Seine river area巴黎塞纳河的右岸区云集着许多著名品牌的专卖店
Marina del Rey is a famous yacht harbor, and the restaurants there are excellent玛丽安德尔湾是个有名的游艇专用港,而且那里的餐厅棒极了
mum's the word保守秘密
mum's the word別声张
nip... in the bud防患于未然
nip... in the bud阻止发展
nip... in the bud在萌芽时摘取
nip in the bud扼杀…于萌芽状态
nitrogen forms about four fifths of the atmosphere氮约占大气的五分之四
obstruction of the ignition tube发火管阻塞
obtain accurately the x-th decimal place精确到小数点后面 × 位
obtain the mastery ofM 精通 M
obtain the mastery ofM 控制 M
OK, I hailed a cab at the market and asked the driver to take me to my hotel. But when I arrived at my hotel, he asked me for 100 dollars, or else he wouldn't let me out of the car好的,我在超市叫了辆出租车回酒店。到所住旅店时,他跟我要100美元,不然就不让我下车
OK. Please fill out this form to report the theft. We'll contact you if we find it好的。请写一下被盗经过。我们找到后会跟你联系的
OK. That is it. Here is the money好,就这么定了,给你钱
parasite on the community社会的寄生虫
parasite upon the community社会的寄生虫
past the breast断了奶的
persist in taking the road of self-reliance坚持自力更生的道路
plane the way把路弄平
play a searchlight on the along the road用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
play a searchlight on the clouds用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
play a searchlight on the over the sea用探照灯照射云端〔道路,海面〕
play footsie with sb. under the table与某人在桌下偷偷碰腿调情勾勾搭搭,搞秘密交易
play footsy with sb. under the table与某人在桌下偷偷碰腿调情勾勾搭搭,搞秘密交易
play of the hand坐庄打牌
play the ape逗笑
play the ape装傻
play the ape模仿
play the ass出洋相
play the ass做糊涂事
play the bully恃强欺弱
play the bully横行霸道
play the deuce with把…弄得一团糟
play the devil with毁坏
play the devil with使为难
play the devil with有害于
play the devil with
play the double game耍两面派
play the fool with勾弓\
play the fool with愚弄
play the fool with戏弄
play the fool with糟蹋
play the fool with损坏
play the jackal to the tiger为虎作伥
play the mischief with把…弄得乱七八糟
play the mischief with弄坏
play the mischief with损害
play the part ofM 扮演 M 角色
play on the piano弹钢琴
play the prodigal挥霍
play the role of扮演
playing to the score根据得分打牌
Pneumonia is the complication we most fear肺炎是我们最害怕的并发症
probable error is a plus or minus quantity within which limits the actual accidental error is as likely as N ot to fall它是一个正的或负的量
probable error is a plus or minus quantity within which limits the actual accidental error is as likely as N ot to fall实际的偶然误差很可能发生的范围叫概然误差
puck tied up on the boards挤球至界墙
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society皇家气象学会季刊
recital clause of the policy保险单上的备考条款
Regarding the interest rate, what is the difference between a savings account and checking account?在利率方面,储蓄存款和支票存款有什么不同?
Remember to cover yourself with a blanket when you sleep on the plane在飞机上睡觉的时候,记得盖毯子
render the aircraft airborne使飞机升空
reporting the loss报失
require additional force from one side or the other需要从某一侧再加一-个力
reserved for the use of专用
round it off to the nearest whole number把它化整到最接近的整数
round the angles磨光棱角
round-the-back stroke绕身后击球
round the clock连续一昼夜〔一整天〕
round the comer在附近
round the comer即将来临
round the comer在拐角处
round the day一整天
round-the-head drive绕头抽球
round-the-head stroke头顶扣杀
round-the-head stroke绕头顶扣杀
round the world环球一周
round-the-world cruise环球航行
Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control飞行与空中交通管制规则
scoring across the field全场记分法
set ahead the clock把钟拨快
set back the clock倒拨
set back the clock开倒车
set back the clock把钟拔慢
set by the heels使倾覆
set by the heels推翻
set one's hand to the document在文件上签字
set him to solve the problem让他解决这个问题
set one's shoulder to the wheel尽力完成任务
set one's shoulder to the wheel努力工作
set the alarm for 5:30闹钟的闹针定到五点半
set the clock ahead把时钟指针往前拨
set the fashion创先例
set the fashion开风气之先
set the machinery going使机器运转
set the matter right把这事弄好
set the pace树立榜样
set the pace定步调
set the pace定出步调〔速率〕
set the record straight弄清真相
set the saddle on the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
set the saddle on the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
set the saddle upon the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
set the saddle upon the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
set the seal on批淮
set the seal on盖印于
shank of the evening黄昏
She mouthed the drug and then swallowed it reluctantly她把药含在嘴里,然后勉强咽了下去
shift the center of body weight onto...重心移到…
six o'clock at the very latest最迟在六点钟
six of one and half a dozen of the other差不多
six of one and half a dozen of the other半斤八两
Some keep the palm leaves, braiding them and using them as sacred decorations in their homes一些人把棕榈叶保留下来,编织起来放在家里作为圣物装饰
Some of us got giddy on the dance floor我们有些人在舞池中转晕了
Some of you are aware that I really enjoy seeing movies whenever I get the chance你们之中有些人已经知道了,我只要有机会就会享受看电影的乐趣
spare the explanation用不着解释
spread a net to catch the fish
spread of the feathers羽毛圈直径
spread of the modulation energy调制能量分布
stretch as far as the horizon and beyond一直伸展到地平线以外
stretch the rules放宽规定
such are the results结果就是如此〔如上所述〕
such being the case事实〔情况〕既然如此
such being the case在这样的情况下
such being the case因此
such being the case既然这样
such is not always the case事实并非如此
such is not always the case情况不是这样
such is the case确实如此
such is the case情况就是这样
such is not the case withM M的情况就是这样
such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken所有的窗户都震破了
such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken那次爆炸力很大
Sure, the service cart will be down the aisle in a moment好的。食品车一会就沿着过道到来
swing of the arm摆臂
swing of the body身体旋转
swing of the racket侧击
swing of the racket挥拍
swing the front leg over压步滑行
swing the front leg over交叉步滑行
swing the leg inward里合腿
swing the leg outward外摆腿
Swiss-made watches are internationally acknowledged to be the finest products in the world瑞士手表是国际公认的世界最好的产品
tilt the weapon
Tourists get sunstroke easily at noon while feeling frozen stiff in the evening游客在中午很容易中暑,而在晚上很容易冻僵
trip the rod释放控制
Two Australians, Mack and Jill, are camping on the Kangaroo Island两名澳洲人,梅克和吉儿,正在袋鼠岛上露营
two electrodes from the source从电源引出的两个电极
up the line最便宜叫牌原则
up the pole进退两难
up the pole处于困境
up the wind逆风
up to the bit听话
up to the bit顺从驾驭
up to the chin直到下巴陷人
up to the ears in work工作极繁忙
be up to the elbows in专心
be up to the elbows埋头于 (in)
up to the eyes in work忙得要命〔债台高筑〕 (debt)
up to the knocker充分地
up to the knocker完全地
up to the minute最新
up to the time ofM 截至M之时为止
wag the feather炫耀自己的身份〔荣誉〕
Walk along the street, then turn left at the corner, and you will find the toilet沿着这条街走,在街角处左转就是厕所
walk at the rate of 4 km an hour以每小时四公里的速度行路
walk the boards当演员
walk the boards上舞台
walk the floor在房里走来走去
walk up the stairs上楼梯
warrant a detailed study of the question使有必要对这一问题作一详细的研究
Was there anything interesting you met in the Ningaloo Reef?在宁格鲁礁,遇到有趣的事了吗?
wipe grease over the surface of a machine在机器表面涂上一层油脂
wipe the floor with彻底击败
Would you hold the line, please? I will find out his number for you请你不要挂断,我替你找他的号码
Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address?请在兑换单上签字,写出您的姓名和地址
Would you like a breakdown of the bill?您的账目要细分吗?
Would you like a table in the hall or in a private room?您是喜欢大厅的餐台,还是包间呢?
Would you like to have cocktail or whisky on the rocks?您要鸡尾酒还是要威士忌加冰?
Would you like to have some biscuits with the coffee?要些饼干来配咖啡吗?
Would you like to see the drink list?您是否要看饮料酒单?
Would you like to settle the difference in cash?您愿意用现金支付差额吗?
Would you like to show me the pictures about your trip in Aqaba?你愿意让我看看你在阿克巴旅行的照片吗?
Would you like to try the dry sherry?您想不想尝尝不甜的雪利酒呢?
Would you mind giving me the six pence in coppers?劳驾给我6便士的铜币
Would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four ten-pound notes and four ten-penny notes, and the rest in small change?请给我7张5英镑纸币,4张10英镑纸币,4个10便士硬币,剩下的要零票
Would you please join me for the dinner?和我一起吃饭,好吗?
Would you please let me have a look at the remarks on the receipt?请让我看一眼收据上的记录好吗?
Would you please put them on the scale?把它们放在秤上好吗?
Would you please put your suitcases and bags on the scale?您能把箱子和包放到秤上吗?
Would you please seal your bag properly ? I'll place a fragile sticker on the bag ?您能妥善封好您的包吗?我会在行李上贴上易碎标签
Would you please sign the bill?请您在账单上签名好吗?
Would you please try Olympic Hotel? The phone number is您不妨试一下奥林匹克饭店。电话号为88810166
Would you put your baggage on the machine, please?请您把行李放在机器上好吗?
Would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom?请整理一下浴室好吗?
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