
Terms for subject Forestry containing System | all forms | exact matches only
accessory silvicultural systems辅助营林作业系统
accessory systems辅助系统
agroforestry system农林复合系统
alternate clear-strip system交互带状皆伐作业
Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System加拿大林火危险分级系统
clear strip-system带状皆伐作业
clear-strip system带状皆伐作业
conversion by system按作业法造材
coppice stand system矮林作业法
coppice system矮林作业法
coppice with standards system萌生林中林作业
felling for group system划伐
forest fallow system森林休闲制
forest fire danger rating system加拿大林火危险分级系统
forest managed on the selection system择伐林
forest tenure system森林权属体系
forestry livestock systems林牧生产系统
group selection system群状择伐作业
group system伐区式伞伐作业
high forest even-aged system同龄乔林作业
high forest cutting systems乔林采伐作业
incident command system事故处理指挥系统
irregular shelterwood system不规则伞伐作业
line plot system线状样地法
modular airborne firefighting system模块式机载灭火系统
national fire danger rating system国家火灾危险分级系统简写为NFDRS
national forest inventory system国家森林调查体系
national forest system国家森林体系
national fuel appraisal system国家燃料评估系统
progressive clear-strip system带状皆伐作业
progressive clear-strip system伐区带伐作业
regeneration under clear cutting system皆伐更新
selection systems择伐作业
shelterwood compartment system伐区式伞伐作业
shelterwood strip system带状伞伐作业
silvicultural system森林系统
simple coppice system单纯矮林作业
single tree selection system单株择伐作业
spectral sensing system光谱检测系统
strip and group system带状划伐作业
strip-and-group felling system带状群状渐伐作业法
tap-root system主根系
taproot system直根系
taproot system主根系
tap-root system直根系
uniform system全体伞伐作业
uniform system均一体系{土壤}
wedge system楔形伞伐作业
world reference system世界参考系[LANDSAT卫星]
world reference system grid世界参考系网格[LANDSAT卫星]