
Terms for subject Project management containing System | all forms | exact matches only
A database management system designed to manage a relational database用来管理关系数据库的数据库管理系统
A kernel is an important part of any operating system, providing the communication bridge between hardware and software内核是任何操作系统中的一个重要部分、是软件与硬件之间交流的桥梁
acoustic design of auditorium electroacoustic system厅堂电声系统声学设计
ad valorem duty system从价税制
administered vertical marketing systems管理式垂直营销系统
America's regulatory system works through government inspections on the one hand and class action lawsuits on the other美国的监管系统依靠两个方面、 一方面是政府检查、 另一方面是集体诉讼
An order processing system inside an e-commerce site may poll the database to see if any new orders need to be processed电子商务站点内的订单处理系统可能轮询数据库以查看是否有任何新订单需要处理
And soon it may be illegal to infect a computer system even your own with a benign virus which does no harm at all也许不久的将来、传播没有任何危害性的良性病毒即使是对你自己的计算机系统也会被视作违法行为
Anglo-American Law System英美法系
appropriation-in-aid system补助拨款办法
ATS-Applicant Tracking System求职跟踪系统
Automated Bond System自动债券系统
automated quotation system自动报价系统
automatic exchange rates accumulation system自动化汇率累集系统
automatic system reconfiguration系统自动重新配置
autonomous tariff system自主税则
basic input/output system基本输人输出系统
batch system批处理系统
block grant system整笔补助金制度
budgetary system财政预算制度
business information system商务信息系统 (EIS)
But a global monetary system that rests on the currency of a single country is problematic, for both issuer and users但依赖单一国家货币的全球货币体系是有问题的、对于发行者和使用者而言都是如此
CAMELS Rating SystemCAMELS 评级制度
cartelized rates system联营式利率制度
cash accounting system现金会计制度
central clearing system集体交收系统
central clearing system中央结算制度
central depository system中央证券存管制度
centralized budgetary and payments system集中预算及支付制度
check-and-balance system牵制协调制度
civil law system大陆法系
clearing and settlement system结算和交收系统
clearing system结算系统
closed system封闭式系统
color management system颜色管理系统
common law system英美法系
common law system普通法系
communication design of a large scale navigation equipment main control system一种大型导航装备主控系统的通信设计
Connection failed due to system error Please try again later由于系统错误、 连接失败、 请稍后再试
continental law system大陆法系
continuous licensing system长期持牌制度
contractor payment system承包商付款系统
contractual vertical marketing systems合约式垂直营销系统
corporate vertical marketing systems公司式垂直营销系统
cost code system成本编码系统
cost management information system成本管理资料系统
Create a bootable CD or USB Disk-On-Key to upgrade the system BIOS创建一个可启动 CD 或USB 磁盘上的关键升级系统 BIOS
cross-referencing system相互参照系统
depository system存放制度
depository system存管制度
design and realization of an analog frontend processor for CD retrieving systemCD 读取系统模拟前端处理器的设计与实现
differential pricing system差别等级计价法
differential pricing system差额收费办法
direct debit daily settlement system每日直接付款的结算制度
double entry system复式簿记制度
double-account system复式账户制
dual/two channel distribution systems双重分销系统
Each time the GSP is reset or powered down, it must get the real time clock information from the system board每次重置 GSP 或者关闭 GSP 时、它必须从系统主板获取实时时钟信息
electronic document management system电子文档管理系统
electronic transfer system电子转账制度
equity trading system股票买卖制度
evaluation and reward systems评估与奖励体系
factor system因素计算法
FAT file system一种文件系统
File Transfer Protocol is widely used in internet and is the standard of transfer file between remote computer system and local computer system文件传输协议是互联网上广泛使用的在远程计算机系统和本地计算机系统之间传输文件的标准
financial information system财务资料系统
financial management and budgeting system财务管理及预算系统
floor trading system大堂交易系统
foolproof system万全办法
franchise systems特许系统
generalized system of preference普及特惠制
Globally, there does not seem to be an exit strategy in place to drain this liquidity from the system在全球层面、似乎没有一套从经济中抽走这些流动性的退出策略
group trading system集体贸易制度
halsey premium system哈尔赛奖励工资制
Hardware, software, or both that allows a user to interact with and perform operations on a system, program, or device一种硬件、软件或两者的结合、用户可通过它与系统、程序或设备相互配合并完成操作
He highlighted the considerable potential benefits to institutions of developing such systems to help enhance their credit risk management他特别指出机构发展内部评级系统大有好处、 可加强信贷风险管理
hierarchical database management system层次型数据库管理系统
hierarchical file system分层文件
hierarchical file system层次式文件系统
high-contact service system高接触服务系统
high-performance work system高绩效工作系统
HR Information System人力资源信息系统
If the system clock on the users computer is ahead of the system clock on the server that contains her user profile, the server profile may not load如果用户电脑上的系统时钟快于含有它的用户配置文件的服务器的系统时钟、服务器的配置文件不被调用
If you quit your session, all your global variables were saved by the system to a disk file如果你退出一次编程会话、你所有的全局变量就被系统保存到磁盘上的一个文件里
imprest system定额备用制
In PB to remove the read-only attribute of the file, and modi fy the file Windows operating system read-only /no read-only, hidden and other property在PB 中删除只读属性的文件、及修改 Windows 操作系统下的文件为只读/不只读、隐藏等属性
In those systems, you would have provided some sort of setup program to install your driver在那些系统中、你要提供一些安装程序端口来安装驱动
In virtual storage systems, the ratio of the size of real storage to the size of virtual storage在虚拟存储系统中、实际存储器的大小与虚拟存储器的大小之比
interbank settlement system银行同业结算系统
interdepartmental charging system跨部门收费制度
internal risk management system内部风险管理制度
International Organization for Standardization/ Open Systems Interconnection modelISO/OSI 模³型
jobbing system经销制度
job-posting system工作告示系统
just-in-time management system准时制管理体系
knowledge-base system智能系统
Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system上周、 我们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、 就如何改进我们的绩效评价体系征求意见
Last week an e-mail went round the office touting for suggestions on ways to improve our performance appraisal system上周、我们办公室里流传着一封电子邮件、就如何改进我们的绩效考核体系征求意见
Leave diskette installed and press any key to automatically reboot system不要将磁盘取出、 按任意键、 系统将自动重新启动
legacy system旧版本系统
legal system法系
lender of last resort system最后贷款人制度
Let's study about the drawbacks of skeletal animation system with the help of some images现在、 就让我们在一些图片的帮助下研究骨骼动画系统的缺点
low-contact service system低接触服务系统
Macintosh File System一种文件系统
Macintosh File System苹果公司的文件系统
Macintosh operating systemMac 操作系统
management operating system生产管理制度
management reporting system管理汇报系统
marketing decision support systems营销决策支持系统
marketing information system营销信息系统
marketing-decision support system市场决策支持系统
market-making system市场庄家制度
market-making system市场作价制度
matching system相配系统
matching system对盘系统
matching system对销系统
Microsoft has a great deal of market power, but a small percentage of personal computer users choose Apple or Linux operating systems微软有着强大的市场权力、但也有很少一部分电脑用户选择使用苹果或 Linux 操作系统
More than one operating system installed on a computer is often called a multiboot configuration计算机上安装了多个操作系统的情况称作 "多重引导配置"
multiple tariff system复式税则
multiple-user system多用户系统
multi-user system多用户系统
Munsell's Color System孟塞尔表色系
next day net settlement system翌日净额交收系统
noise in communication system传播系统中的噪音
Only one CIB need be specified for operator commands entered from the system console为从系统控制台输入操作员命令、 只需指定一个命令输入缓冲区
open systems interconnection model开放系统互连模型
operation management system运营管理体系
order-based system以买卖盘为基础的制度
O-R-M systemO-R-M 体系
Ostwald's Color System奥斯特瓦德表色系
Our new approach to systems development is based on both defined and black box process management我们的系统开发的新方法是基于定义的和黑箱过程管理的
pantone matching system一种配色系统
Pantone Matching System一种颜色匹配系统
paper clearing system票据交换制度
payroll system薪俸记录系统
planning and control system area audit计划与控制系统领域的审计
pooling system聚合制
practical color co-ordinate system日本色研色体系
pro rata liability system比例责任制
product systems产品体系
quality tracking system质量追踪系统
rate quotation system汇率报价制度
rating system差饷系统
read-only memory basic input/output system只读存储器基本输人输出系统
regulatory system监察制度
regulatory system监管制度
regulatory system规管制度
remote computer system远程计算机系统
reporting system汇报系统
Results show that this system could run with high speedup ratio and parallel efficiency结果表明:该系统能够达到非常高的并行加速比和并行效率
reward systems奖励系统
risk management system风险管理制度
screen system筛选制
securities register system证券登记系统
security system保安系统
sedimentation system沉淀系统
settlement system交收制度
short selling system证券沽空制度
single entry system单式簿记制度
sprinkler system喷水消防系统
study and implementation of 'website file protection system网站文件保护系统的研究与实现
subvention system资助制度
subvention system补助制度
supervisory system监管制度
system acceptance系统验收
system failure系统失败
system of cartelized rates联营式利率制度
system of financial administration财政管理制度
system operator系统操作员 (SysOp)
system registry系统注册
system registry系统注册表
System software performs tasks like transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display device系统软件执行像从内存传输数据到磁盘、或者将文本递交给显示设备这样的任务
system timer系统时钟
system timer系统定时器
system unit系统单兀
System version checker finds and fixes incorrect system file versions系统版本检查器可以发现并修补不正确的系统文件版本
the British System英制
The conventional law firm billing system is a form of cost-plus pricing, which is considered wasteful律师事务所最常见的定价策略是成本加成定价、通常被认为是不经济的
the cooperative social systems approach协作社会系统法
The destination folder is a system folder, please choose a different folder目标文件夹是系统文件夹、请另选一个文件夹
The files on the disk will need to be copied to a larger system disk before using在使用前、磁盘上的文件需要复制到一个更大的系统盘上
The ingenious rudder control system allows for comfortable support as well as strong steering efficiency独特设计的方向舵控制系统提供了舒适的操作支持、 以及高转向效率
The initialization of a data medium ensures that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium数据媒体的初始化、 使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中、 随后又可以从该媒体中检索出来
the Metric System公制
The operation of the system registry, and with the realization of the corresponding programming code对系统注册表的操作、及相应的程序代码的实现
The remote system does not support the transport protocol远程系统不支持传输协议
the social-technical systems approach社会技术系统法
The system adopts the semiconductor solidstate relay to control motive force electricity系统采用半导体固态继电器实现对动力电的控制
The system comprises accelerometer, signal processing circuit and self-test system系统包括传感器、信号处理电路和自检测系统
The system primarily through computer RS232 serial interface to achieve communication between the computer and Shanpianji该系统主要是通过计算机 RS232 串行接口来实现计算机和单片机之间的通信
The system produces a high-resolution digital image that can be transmitted to the analysis software of your preference系统将生成高分辨率的数字影像、 而这些影像可以被传送到您选择的分析软件
The system unit is a container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system系统单元是用于容纳组成计算机系统的大多数电子元件的容器
the systems approach系统法
the U. S. System美制
thin system瘦系统
This will facilitate a common platform for system support and operations, thus improving efficiency and maintaining a reliable and secure system这将为系统支持和运营促成一个共同平台、从而提高效率并保持一个安全可靠的系统
Those technologies typically employ an expert system or have an artificial intelligence component这些技术一般使用专家系统或具有人工智能的成分
To eliminate operating system file fragmentation problems, periodically run one of the available disk de fragmentation utilities要消除操作系统文件碎片问题、请定期运行可用的磁盘碎片整理实用程序之一
To provide information of system resource, as reference for system administrator and user and make adjustment提供系统资源利用信息、供系统管理员和用户参考并以此进行调整
turnkey system成套系统
T-W-M systemT-W-M 体系
two-envelope bid system双层信封投标方式
uncertificated system无股票证明书制度
Unlike a file system failure, an ASM instance failure does not require restarting the operating system不同于文件系统失败、ASM 实例失败不需要重新启动操作系统
Unlike CMOS-based systems, the logic is nonvolatile和CMOS 的系统不同的是、它的逻辑资讯不会丢失
ventilating exhaust system排气系统
vertical marketing systems垂直营销系统
water supply and drainage system给水排水系统
We no longer -worry about bad codes break the whole system as long as safe mode is there因为安全模式的存在、 我们再也不用担心编写错误的代码会毁了整个系统
We use a custom software system that tracks every aspect of the design and build process to guarantee the delivery time of the moulds我们使用自定义的软件系统、可以追踪每一个方面的设计和制造过程、以保证模具的交货时间
weighting system加权制
What could a criminal do with a speech synthesis system that could masquerade as a human being?犯罪分子可以利用一个能够模仿人类声音的语音合成系统来干什么?
What does a system administrator do?系统管理员是干什么的?
What is check and balance system?何谓牵制协调制度?
Windows Open System Architecture开放系统结构
Windows Open System ArchitectureWindows 开放系统结构
XYZ Color SystemXYZ 表色系
XYZ coordinate systemXYZ 坐标系统