
Terms for subject Surgery containing System | all forms | exact matches only
actinomycosis of male genitourinary system男性泌尿生殖系放线菌病
allergic diseases of genitourinary system泌尿生殖系变应性疾病
amine precursoruptake and decarboxylation system胺与胺前体摄取和脱羧细胞系统
amoebiasis of genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系统阿米巴病
anomalies of biliary system胆管畸形
autonomic nervous system内脏神经系统
biotin-avidin system生物素一抗生物素蛋白系统
closed circuit system闭式循环装置
CO₂ absorber system二氧化碳吸收器
coagulation cascade system凝血级联系统
conduction system传导系统
diallelic system双等位基因系统
diseases of extrapyramidal system and movement disorder锥体外系疾病及运动异常疾患
echinococcus disease of urinary system泌尿系棘球蚴病
emergency medical service system急诊医疗体系
endometriosis of urinary system泌尿系子宫内膜异位症
filariasis of genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系统丝虫病
foreign body in urinary system泌尿系异物
gamma systemγ 系统
H-2 histocompatibility systemH一2 组织相容性系统
Haversian system哈佛系统
heparin assay system肝素测定系统
HLA histocompatibility system白细胞抗原组织相容性系统
HLA system人类白细胞 A 系统
human leukocyte antigen histocompatibility system白细胞抗原组织相容性系统
kallikrein-kinin-prostaglandin system激肽释放酶-激肽-前列腺体系
labeled avidin-biotin system标记亲和素一生物素系统
lacrimal system泪道
left heart bypass system左心转流系统
leukoplakia of male genito-urinary system泌尿男生殖系白斑病
major histocompatibility system主要组织相容性系统
malakoplakia of genitourinary system泌尿生殖系软斑病
malakoplakia of male genito-urinary system泌尿男生殖系软斑病
Mapleson system麦氏装置
minor histocompatibility system次要组织相容性系统
multi-allelic system多等位基因系统
multiple system organ failure多系统器官衰竭
nonrebreathing system无复吸人装置
open system开放装置
operation on sympathetic nervous system交感神经手术
parasitosis of genitourinary system泌尿生殖系寄生虫病
pyramidal system锥体系统
renal kallikrein system肾激肽系统
roentgenography of genitourinary system泌尿生殖系 X 线照相术
scavenging system清除系统
schistosomiasis of genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系统血吸虫病
semi-close system半闭式装置
semi-open system半开放装置
syphilis of male urogenital system男性泌尿生殖系梅毒
to and fro absorption system来回式呼吸装置
to and fro system往复式装置
trichomoniasis of genito-urinary system泌尿生殖系滴虫病
tuberculosis of male genito-urinary system男性泌尿生殖系结核
urogenital system泌尿生殖系统
vegetative nervous system内脏神经系统