
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing System | all forms | exact matches only
accelerated cost recovery system加速成本回收制
accounting system会计制度
Automated System for Customs Data海关数据和管理自动化系统
Automated System for Customs Data海关数据自动化系统
Automated System for Customs Data Acquisition, Control and Management海关数据和管理自动化系统
Automated System for Customs Data Acquisition, Control and Management海关数据自动化系统
Automated System for Customs Data and Management海关数据和管理自动化系统
Automated System for Customs Data and Management海关数据自动化系统
banking system银行体系
Basel Committee on Payment and Settlement System巴塞尔支付与结算系统委员会
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System联邦储备委员会
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System联邦储备体系理事会
Bretton Woods system exchange rates布雷顿森林体系
budget nomenclature system预算分类体系
built-in elasticity of a tax system税制的内在弹性
buoyancy of a tax system税制的弹力
checks and balances system制衡体系
clearing house interbank payments system同业支付清算系统
clearing house interbank payments system票据交换所银行间支付系统
collateral pooling system抵押品集合制度
combined pricing system联合定价制度
Committee on the Global Financial System全球金融体系委员会
Core Principles for Systemically Important Payment Systems具有系统重要性的支付系统的核心原则
country evaluation system国别评价系统
Country Information System国家信息系统
creditor reporting system债权人报告系统
currency pool system货币总库制
currency snake system隧道中的蛇形安排
currency snake system多种货币干预
currency snake system欧洲汇率机制的小幅度浮动安排
Data and Information Systems Section数据和信息系统科
debt reporting system债务报告制度
domestic financial system国内金融体系
double-entry accounting system复式记账制
double-entry system复式记账制
dual rate system exchange rates双重汇率制
early warning system早期预警系统
early warning system model早期预警系统
Economic Data Sharing System经济数据共享系统
Economic Information System经济信息系统
Economic Systems Division经济系统处
elasticity of a tax system税收制度的弹性
European Monetary System欧洲货币体系
European System of Central Banks欧洲联储
European System of Central Banks欧洲中央银行体系
European System of Financial Supervisors欧洲金融监管者系统
European-wide banking system全欧银行体系
exchange system汇率安排
exchange system汇率制度
exchange system汇兑制度
exchange system汇兑安排
external audit mechanism, legal structure and independence of the central bank, financial reporting practices, internal audit mechanism, and the system of internal controls IMF, safeguards assessments外部审计机制、中央银行的法律结构和独立性、财务报告做法、内 部审计机制、内部控制制度
Federal Reserve System联邦储备体系
Financial and Administrative Systems Division财务和行政管理系统处
Financial System Stability Assessment金融体系稳定评估
fractional reserve banking system银行业的部分准备金制
fully funded system有足额资金支持的养老金计划
fully funded system设有基金的制度
funded system有足额资金支持的养老金计划
funded system设有基金的制度
General Data Dissemination System数据公布通用系统
General Data Dissemination System Unit数据公布通用系统组
Generalized System of Preferences普惠制
Generalized System of Preferences普遍优惠制
Giro system邮政汇划转账制度
Giro system postal邮政汇划转账制度
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System商品名称及编码协调制度
harmonized tariff system和谐的关税制度
Harmonized System of Customs Classification统一关税分类制度
hawala/hundi alternative remittance system地下银行系统
hawala/hundi alternative remittance system哈瓦拉汇款系统
Human Resources Information Systems Section人力资源信息系统科
income-split tax system分割性税制
income-split tax system收入分割性税制
information notice system IMF, exchange arrangements信息通报系统
information notice system IMF, exchange arrangements情况通报体系
insolvency system破产制度
Integrated Correspondence System综合通讯系统
international monetary system国际货币体系
international settlement system国际结算制度
international settlement system国际结算体系
international trading system国际贸易体系
international transaction reporting system国际交易报告系统
Latin American Economic System拉丁美洲经济体系
monitoring system监测系统、程序
mono-banking system单一银行体制
multicurrency intervention system多种货币干预
multicurrency intervention system隧道中的蛇形安排
multicurrency intervention system欧洲汇率机制的小幅度浮动安排
multilateral system of payments多边支付体系
multilateral trading system多边贸易体系
multiple exchange rate system多重汇率体制
multiple rate system多重汇率体制
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations system全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统
net settlement system securities settlement systems净额结算体系
notification system IMF, exchange arrangements通报系统
open trading system开放的贸易体系
oversee the international monetary system监督国际货币体系
own fund system自有资金体系
paper standard system纸币本位制
par value system平价体系
Participant Applicant Tracking System Unit学员、申请人跟踪系统组
pay-as-you-go system不设基金的养老金制度
pay-as-you-go system现收现付制
payments system支付系统
pension parity adjustment system退休金平价调整制度
performance budgeting system基于绩效的预算
performance budgeting system基于绩效的预算体系
performance budgeting system产出预算
performance budgeting system绩效预算
perpetual inventory system永续盘存制
planning-programming-budgeting system方案预算
planning-programming-budgeting system方案预算制
planning-programming-budgeting system规划预算
planning-programming-budgeting system计划、规划及预算系统
program-based budgeting system方案预算制
program-based budgeting system规划预算
program-based budgeting system方案预算
program-based budgeting system计划、规划及预算系统
real name system实名制
real time gross settlement system实时全额结算体系
real-time gross settlement system实时全额结算体系
recording system记载制度
record-keeping system记载制度
ring system indirect taxation在指定的圈子内减免税收的制度
ring system indirect taxation圈子制度
snake system隧道中的蛇形安排
snake system多种货币干预
snake system欧洲汇率机制的小幅度浮动安排
social security system社会保障计划
social security system社会保障体系
split system分割性税制
split system收入分割性税制
Stabilization System for Export Earnings Lomé Convention出口收入稳定机制
structure and coding system of international transactions in services classification国际服务交易分类的结构和编码系统
system of accounting and internal control核算与内部控制制度
System of Balances of the National Economy物质产品平衡体系
System of Balances of the National Economy国民经济平衡体系
system of equations mathematics方程组
system of information notices信息通报系统
system of information notices情况通报体系
System of Material Product Balances物质产品平衡体系
System of Material Product Balances国民经济平衡体系
System of National Accounts《国民账户体系》
systemically important financial system具有系统重要性的金融体系
tariff rate quota system trade税率配额制度
Technical Assistance Information Management System技术援助信息管理系统
two-tier banking system两级银行体制
two-tier pricing system双轨价格制度
unfunded system不设基金的养老金制度
unfunded system现收现付制
uniform system for pricing统一的定价制度
weighted voting system加权表决制
World Bank Debtor Reporting System世界银行的债务国报告制度