
Terms for subject Name of organization containing System | all forms | exact matches only
Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on the United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统特设政府间全体小组
Ad Hoc Working Party on Terminology, Format and Units of Measurement related to Flow-through and Recirculation Systems与流通和循环相关的术语、格式及计量单位特设工作组
Administrative Systems Coordinator行政系统协调员
Administrative Systems Planning Forum行政系统规划论坛
Advanced Real-Time Environmental Monitoring Information System高级实时环境监测信息系统
Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems信息系统协调事务咨询委员会
African Network of Food Data Systems非洲食品数据系统
African Task Force Information System非洲特设小组信息系统
African Task Force Information System非洲特设行动小组信息系统
Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems for Rural Development乡村发展农业知识和信息系统
Agricultural Policy Information System农业研究信息系统
Agricultural Support Systems Division农业支持系统司
Agriculture and Food Systems Group农业及粮食系统组
Agri-Food Systems Officer农产食品系统官员
Animal Feed Resources Information System家畜饲料资源信息系统
Appropriate Management Systems for Agricultural Cooperatives适宜的农业合作社管理系统
Aquaculture Information System水产养殖信息系统
Aquatic Animal Pathogen and Quarantine Information System水生动物病原体及检疫信息系统
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System水产科学和渔业信息系统
Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System水产科学及渔业信息系统
ATLAS Electronic Travel Processing System电子旅行处理系统
ATLAS Travel System电子旅行处理系统
Board of Government of the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统管理委员会
Budget and Financial Management System预算及财务管理系统
Certified Information Systems Auditor认证的信息系统审计员
Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems食品进出口检验及认证系统法典委员会
Commission for Basic Systems基本系统委员会
Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems食品进出口检验及认证系统法典委员会
Communications and System Support Group通信及系统支持组
Computer System for Global Fish Catches全球渔业统计系统
Computer System for Global Fish Catches全球渔获量计算机系统
Computer System Processing and Performance Specialist计算机系统处理及性能专家
Computer Systems Programming and Performance Specialist计算机系统编程及性能专家
Computerized Field Programme Management System计算机化实地计划管理系统
Computerized Personnel Management System计算机化人事管理系统
Computerized Programme Planning and Budgeting System计算机化计划制定系统
Computerized Programme Planning System计算机化计划制定系统
Computerized System for Agricultural and Population Planning Assistance and Training农业和人口规划援助及培训电脑系统
Computerized System of Fish Marketing Information"全球渔讯"系统
Computerized System of Fish Marketing Information计算机化鱼品销售信息系统
Co-ordinating Committee for Independent Staff Unions and Associations of the United Nations System联合国系统独立职工工会和协会的协调委员会
Country Policy Information System国别政策信息系统
Country Profiles and Mapping Information System国别概况和绘图信息系统
Credit Union's on-line integrated computer system信用合作社在线综合计算机系统
Current Agricultural Research Information System当前农业研究信息系统
Data Base Management System数据库管理系统
Data Network and Cabling System数据网络和电缆联接系统
Data Retrieval System for the Social and Human Sciences社会科学和人文科学数据检索系统
database management system数据库管理系统
Debt Monitoring and Financial Analysis System债务监测和财务分析系统
Domestic Animal Diversity Information System家畜多样性信息系统
Early Reaction System早期反应系统
Early Warning and Food Information System预警和粮食信息系统
Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems电子数据处理及信息系统
Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems电子数据处理和信息系统
Electronic Funds Transfer System电子资金转账系统
Electronic Information Storage and Dissemination Systems Manager电子信息储存及传播系统管理员
Electronic Messaging Systems Officer电子信息传递系统官员
Electronic Travel Processing System电子旅行处理系统
Emergency Prevention System紧急预防系统
Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases跨界动植物病虫害紧急防治系统
EMPRES Global Animal Disease Information System跨界动植物病虫害紧急预防系统 - 全球动物疾病信息系统
European Farm Animal Biodiversity Information System欧洲家畜生物多样性信息系统
European System of Central Banks欧洲中央银行系统
European System of Cooperative Research Networks in Agriculture欧洲农业合作研究网系统
Famine Early Warning System饥荒预警系统
Famine Early Warning System饥荒预警系统网络
Famine Early Warning System Network饥荒预警系统
Famine Early Warning System Network饥荒预警系统网络
Famine Early Warning Systems Network饥荒预警系统
Famine Early Warning Systems Network饥荒预警系统网络
FAO Administrative Resources Management System粮农组织行政资源管理系统
FAO Country Profiles and Mapping Information System粮农组织国别概况和绘图信息系统
Farm Credit System农业信贷系统
Farm Management Data Collection and Analysis System农场管理数据收集和分析系统
Farming Systems Development and Marketing Officer耕作制发展及销售官员
Farming Systems Development Officer农业系统开发官员
Farming Systems Officer耕作制官员
Farming Systems Programme耕作制计划
Federal Home Loan Bank System联邦住宅贷款银行系统
Federal Reserve System联邦储备委员会
Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统
Federal Savings and Loan System联邦储蓄和贷款系统
Field Accounting System Replacement Project实地会计系统替代项目
Field Programme Information System实地计划信息系统
Field Programme Management Information System粮农组织实地计划管理信息系统
File Management Systems Officer档案管理系统官员
Finance and Information Systems Division财务及信息系统司
Financial Information System金融信息系统
Financial Information System财务信息系统
Financial Operations and Systems Service财务活动及系统处
Financial Systems Unit财务系统组
Fish Disease Information Exchange and Diagnosis Services System鱼类疾病信息交流及诊断服务系统
Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System渔业和资源监测系统
Fisheries Global Information System全球渔业信息系统
Fishery Management Information System渔业管理信息系统
Fishery Project Information System渔业项目信息系统
Food and Agricultural Information Storage and Retrieval System粮食和农业信息贮存及检索系统
Food and Agricultural Marketing Information System粮食和农业销售信息系统
Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System粮食不安全和易受害信息及绘图系统
Food Security Information and Early Warning System粮食安全信息及预警系统
Food Security Information Systems粮食安全信息系统
Food Supply and Distribution Systems粮食供销系统
Food Systems Economist食品系统经济学家
Forest and Wildlands Conservation Information System森林和荒地保护信息系统
Forest Inventory Data Processing System森林自由调查数据处理系统
Forestry Information System林业信息系统
Geographic Information System地理信息系统
Geographic Information System Group地理信息系统组
Geographic Information System Manager地理信息系统主任
Geographic Information System Officer地理信息系统官员
Global Animal Disease Information System跨界动植物病虫害紧急预防系统 - 全球动物疾病信息系统
Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training全球分析、研究及培训变化系统
Global Climate Observing System全球气候观察系统
Global Data Processing System全球数据处理系统
Global Early Warning and Response System for Major Animal Diseases, including Zoonoses包括人畜共患病在内的重大动物疫病全球预警系统
Global Early Warning System for Farm Animal Genetic Resources全球家畜遗传资源预警系统
Global Environment Monitoring System/Water Programme全球环境监测系统/水质计划
Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture全球粮食和农业信息及预警系统
Global Information and Early Warning System Service全球信息及预警系统处
Global Information System on Water and Agriculture全球水资源和农业信息系统
Global Livestock Impact Mapping System全球畜牧信息系统
Global Livestock Information System全球畜牧信息系统
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System全球海上遇险与安全系统
Global Ocean Observing System全球海洋观察系统
Global Ozone Observing System全球臭氧层观察系统
Global Plant and Pest Information System全球植物及有害生物信息系统
Global Sea-level Observing System全球海平面观察系统
Global System for the Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture全球植物遗传资源系统
Global System of Trade Preferences全球贸易优惠制
Global System on Plant Genetic Resources全球植物遗传资源系统
Global Telecommunication System全球电讯系统
Global Telecommunication System全球电信系统
Global Terrestrial Observing System全球陆上观察系统
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems全球重要农业文化遗产系统
Guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system输入植物检疫管理系统准则
Guidelines for Food Import Control Systems食品进口控制系统准则
Guidelines for the Development of Equivalence Agreements Regarding Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems进出口食品检验和认证体系等效性协议制定准则
Guidelines for the Development of Equivalence Agreements Regarding Food Imports and Export Inspection and Certification Systems食品进出口检验与认证体系等效协议制定准则
Guidelines for the Preservation of Raw Milk by Use of the Lactoperoxidase System采用乳过氧化物酶体系保存生鲜奶准则
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System商品统一分类和编码办法
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System统一的制度
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System协调的商品说明和编码系统
Harmonized System统一的制度
Harmonized System商品统一分类和编码办法
Harmonized System协调的商品说明和编码系统
High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组
High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组
High-level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组
Home Economics, Farm Households and Food Systems Group家政、农户及粮食系统组
HR Management Information System人力资源管理信息系统
HR Management System人力资源管理系统
HR Planning System人力资源规划系统
Human Resource Management System Project人力资源管理系统项目
Human Resources Management Information Reporting System人力资源管理信息报告系统
Human Resources Management Information System人力资源管理信息系统
Human Resources Management System人力资源管理系统
Human Resources Planning System人力资源规划系统
Human Resources Policy, Planning and UN Common System Branch人力资源政策、规划及联合国共同系统科
Human Resources Systems and Social Security Service人力资源系统和社会保险处
Hypermedia Systems Officer超媒体系统官员
IEE Implementation Monitoring System独立外部评价实施监督系统
Implementation Review and Support System国际植保公约实施审查和支持系统
Imprest Return Information System预付款偿还信息系统
Income and Cash Management System收入及现金管理系统
Income and Cash Management System收入及现金管理制度
Information Network and Global System粮食计划署信息网和全球系统
Information Processing System信息处理系统
Information Referral System资料查询系统
Information System for Agricultural Statistics农业统计信息系统
Information System for Agricultural Statistics粮农组织农业统计信息系统
Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean促进地中海水产养殖业信息系统
Information System on Water and Agriculture全球水资源和农业信息系统
Information Systems信息系统
Information Systems Analyst信息系统分析员
Information Systems and Information and Communications Technology信息系统及信息通信技术IS/ICT支持处
Information Systems and Information and Communications Technology信息系统及信息通信技术IS/ICT项目和治理处
Information Systems and Information Communication Technology信息系统及信息通信技术IS/ICT支持处
Information Systems and Information Communication Technology信息系统及信息通信技术IS/ICT项目管理处
Information Systems and Resources Committee信息系统和资源委员会
Information Systems and Technology Division信息系统及技术司
Information Systems Developer信息系统开发员
Information Systems Group信息系统组
Information Systems Management Group信息系统管理组
Information Systems Officer信息系统官员
Information Systems Service信息系统处
Integrated Global Ocean Services System全球海洋站综合系统
Integrated Land and Watershed Information System土地和流域综合信息系统
Integrated Plant Nutrition Systems综合植物营养系统
Integrated Plant Nutrition Systems综合性植物营养系统
Integrated Plant Nutrition Systems Group综合植物营养系统组
Integrated Production Systems SARD/SPFS综合生产制度可持续农业和乡村发展/粮食安全特别计划
Integrated Scientific Information System综合科学信息系统
Integrated Systems Improvement Project综合系统改良项目
Integrated Systems Improvement Project一体化系统改良项目
Interactive Wood Energy Information System木质能源信息互动系统
Inter-agency Working Group on Food Insecurity Vulnerability Information Mapping Systems粮食不安全和易受害信息及绘图系统机构间工作组
Inter-American Information System for the Agricultural Sciences美洲农业科学信息系统
Interim System of National Food Reserves国家粮食储备临时系统
Interlinked Computer Storage and Processing System of Food and Agricultural Commodity Data粮食和农业产品数据电脑储存及处理联结系统
International Emergency Readiness and Response Information System国际紧急情况准备及应付信息系统
International Environmental Information System国际环境信息系统
International Food Aid Information System国际粮食援助信息系统
International Food Contaminant and Residue Information System国际食品污染物和残留物信息系统
International Information System for Agricultural Sciences and Technology国际农业科学技术信息系统
International Information System on Plant Genetic Resources国际植物遗传资源信息系统
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis国际应用系统分析研究所
International Network of Food Data Systems国际食品数据系统网络
International Numbering System国际编号系统
International System of Units国际单位制
IPPC Implementation Review and Support System国际植保公约实施审查和支持系统
Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System联合调查组
Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System联合检查组
Key Indicators Database System关键指标数据库系统
Knowledge Information Systems Branch知识信息系统科
Land Cover Classification System地被分类系统
Land Tenure Systems Analysis Officer土地所有制分析官员
Latin American Network of Food Data Systems拉丁美洲食品数据系统网络
Law of the Sea Information System海洋信息系统法
Library and Documentation Systems Division图书馆及文献系统司
Livestock Production Systems Branch畜牧生产系统处
Management Information System管理信息系统
Management Information System经营情报系统
Managerial Advisory Group on Information Systems信息系统的管理咨询小组
Market Intelligence and Food Information System市场情报和粮食信息系统
Messaging Systems Officer信息传送系统官员
MicroBanking System微型银行系统
Micro-CDS/ISIS Package for AGRIS and Compatible Local Systems国际农业科技信息系统微机-CDS/ISIS软件包及其兼容地方系统
Micro-CDS/ISIS Package for CARIS and Compatible Local Systems当前农业研究信息微机-CDS/ISIS软件包及其地方兼容系统
Model System of Rice Grading稻米分级模型系统
Multilateral Notification System for Laws and Regulations concerning Foreign Trade and Changes therein关于对外贸易法律和条例及其变化的多边通知系统
Multilateral System获取和利益分享多边系统
Multilateral System多边系统
Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing获取和利益分享多边系统
Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing多边系统
Multilateral System of Notification关于对外贸易法律和条例及其变化的多边通知系统
National Agricultural Research Systems国家农业研究系统
National Statistical Information System for Food and Agriculture国家粮食和农业统计信息系统
National Statistics Systems Group国家统计系统组
North East Asian Network of Food Data Systems东北亚食品数据系统网络
Obligations and Payments System义务与付款系统
Ocean Data Acquisition Systems海洋资料收集系统
Operations Information Systems Branch业务信息系统科
Pan-African Documentation and Information System泛非文件及资料系统
Personnel Systems Officer人事系统官员
Plan of Action for the Harmonization and Reform of Business Practices in the United Nations System联合国系统统一业务做法行动计划
Programme and Project Management System计划与项目管理系统
Programme and Project Management System计划和项目管理系统
Programme Planning, Implementation Reporting and Evaluation Support System计划制定、执行情况报告及评估支持系统
Project Budget System项目预算制度
Project Budget System项目预算系统
Project Expenditure System项目开支制度
Project Institutional Memory System项目机构记忆系统
Project Institutional Memory System项目结构记忆系统
Reconnaissance and Management System of the Environment of Schistocerca沙漠蝗环境勘察与管理系统
Reconnaissance and Management System of the Environment of Schistocerca沙漠蝗环境监测和管理系统
Reformed Programming, Budgeting and Results Based Monitoring System经过修订的对执行绩效进行基于结果的管理监测系统
Regional Agricultural Information Systems区域农业信息系统
Regional Information System on Aquaculture in Africa非洲区域水产养殖信息系统
Regional Telecommunications Satellite System in Africa非洲区域电信卫星系统
Regular Programme Management Information System正常计划管理信息系统
Revised Implementation Performance Results Based Management Monitoring System经过修订的对执行绩效进行基于结果的管理监测系统
Rice Integrated Crop Management System稻谷作物综合管理系统
RICM system稻谷作物综合管理系统
Rural Energy Information System乡村能源信息系统
Russian Trading System Interfax Index俄罗斯交易系统-国际传真股价指数
Saudi Arabia Electronic Securities Information System塔达4Tadawul的前身
Saudi Arabia Electronic Securities Information System沙特电子证券信息系统沙特阿拉伯
Scheme for Irrigation Management Information System灌溉管理信息系统计划
Schistocerca Warning Management System蝗虫预警管理系统
Science and Technology Policy Information Exchange System科技政策资料交换系统
Security Management System安全管理系统
Security Management System联合国安全管理系统
Senior Farming Systems Development Officer耕作系统开发高级官员
Senior UN System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza联合国系统抗击禽流感和人类流感高级协调员
Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza联合国系统抗击禽流感和人类流感高级协调员
Session Programming Form System会议规划表格系统
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Food Data System南亚区域合作联盟食品数据系统
South East Asian Fisheries Information System东南亚渔业信息系统
Stabilization System for Export Earnings稳定出口收入制度
Strengthened and Unified Security Management System加强和统一联合国安保管理系统
Symposium on Dairy Value Chains and Comparative Marketing Systems乳业价值链与比较营销系统研讨会
System Development Life Cycle系统开发寿命周期
System Development Specialist系统开发专家
System of National Accounts国家核算制度
System Security Officer系统安全官员
System-wide Genetic Resources Programme全系统遗传资源计划
System Wide Medium-Term Environment Programme全系统中期环境方案
System-wide Medium-term Plan for the Advancement of Women 1996-20011996-2001年提高妇女地位全系统中期计划
Systems Accountant系统会计
Systems Analyst/Programmer系统分析员/程序员
Systems Development Officer系统开发官员
Systems Development Specialist系统开发专家
Systems Officer系统官员
Systems, Policies and Procedures Group体制、政策及程序组
Systems Security Officer系统安全官员
Systems Support Officer系统支持官员
TCPR of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System联合国系统发展方面的业务活动三年期全面政策审查
Technical Cooperation Network on Food and Nutrition Surveillance Systems食品和营养监测系统技术合作网络
Technical Cooperation Network on Food and Nutrition Surveillance Systems粮食和营养监测技术合作网
Technical Panel on Pest Free Areas and Systems Approaches for Fruit Flies果蝇非疫区和系统方法技术小组
Textual Information Systems Developer文本信息系统开发员
TFAP Monitoring Information System热带林业行动纲领监测信息系统
TFAP Projects Information System热带林业行动计划项目信息系统
Trade Analysis and Information System贸易分析和信息系统
Trade Control Measures Information System贸易控制措施信息系统
Trade Information System贸易信息系
Trade Information System贸易信息系统
Training and Visit System培训及参观制度
Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System联合国系统发展方面的业务活动三年期全面政策审查
Trust Fund for Food Security and for Emergency Prevention System粮食安全及紧急预防系统信托基金
UN Common System薪金和津贴共同制度
UN Common System联合国共同制度
UN Common Systems Unit联合国共同系统组
UN Security Management System安全管理系统
UN Security Management System联合国安全管理系统
UN System and Rome-based Collaboration与联合国系统和驻罗马各机构的协作
UN System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza联合国系统抗击禽流感和人类流感高级协调员
UN System Network on Rural Development and Food Security联合国系统乡村发展及粮食安全网络
UN System Senior Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza联合国系统抗击禽流感和人类流感高级协调员
UN System Staff College联合国系统职员学院
UN System Support for Policy and Programme Development联合国系统政策和计划发展支持
Unit for Relations with the United Nations System与联合国系统关系组UNCN
United Nations African Emergency Response System联合国非洲紧急反应系统
United Nations Common System薪金和津贴共同制度
United Nations Common System联合国共同制度
United Nations Common System of Salaries, Allowances and Benefits薪金和津贴共同制度
United Nations Common System of Salaries, Allowances and Benefits联合国共同制度
United Nations Documentation Information System联合国文件资料系统
United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统
United Nations Security Management System安全管理系统
United Nations Security Management System联合国安全管理系统
United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination联合国系统行政首长协调委员会
United Nations System Influenza Coordinator联合国系统抗击禽流感和人类流感高级协调员
United Nations System Staff College联合国系统职员学院
United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition联合国系统营养问题常设委员会
United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition营养问题常设委员会
Water for Agriculture Technology Transfer System农业水利技术转让制
Water Management and Irrigation Systems Group水资源管理及灌溉系统组
WFP Information Network and Global System粮食计划署信息网和全球系统
WFP Management Information System世界粮食计划署管理信息系统
Wood Energy Information System木材能源信息系统
Workforce Performance Management System劳力绩效管理系统
Working Party on Production Systems for Poplars and Willows杨树和柳树生产系统工作组
World Animal Health Information System世界动物卫生信息系统
World Climate System Monitoring Programme世界气候系统监测计划
World Information and Early Warning System on Plant Genetic Resources世界植物遗传资源信息及预警系统
World Information and Early Warning System on Plant Genetic Resources关于植物遗传资源的世界信息和预警系统
Worldwide Information System on Forest Genetic Resources全球森林遗传资源信息系统
Worldwide Population Information System全世界人口信息系统
Zero Balance Account System零结存帐户
Zero Balance Account System零余额帐户