
Terms for subject Nautical containing Support | all forms | exact matches only
bathyscaph support vessel深潜器母船
certificate of fitness for offshore support vessels近海供应船适装证书
decision support system for masters船长决策支持系统
decision support system for masters of passenger ships客船船长决策支持系统
diving support boat潜水支持船
diving support vessel潜水作业母船
local support members局部支撑构件
lower support of bucket ladder斗桥下支承
multipurpose diving support vessel多用途潜水支持船
offshore support vessel海洋工程支援船
offshore support vessels海洋石油支持船
platform support vehicle平台供应船
primary support members主要支撑构件
production support ship生产支持船
saturation life support unit饱和潜水的生命维护装置
support level支持级人员
support system for masters船长决策支持系统
tube support plate支承隔板
upper support of bucket ladder斗桥上支承