
Terms containing Stuffing | all forms | exact matches only
nautic., tech.anti-explosion bulkhead stuffing box防爆填料函
mech.anti-pollution stuffing box adapter防污染填料盒转换接头
tech.back-stuffing and sealing in part of well部分回填封闭
tech.back-stuffing and sealing in whole well全孔回填封闭
tech.back-stuffing with cement水泥回填
tech.back-stuffing with clay黏土回填
gen.beat the stuffing out ofM 驳倒M
gen.beat the stuffing out ofM 打掉M的傲气
spacebit stuffing位填充法
ITbit stuffing位填充
auto.bit stuffingCAN 等比特填充
tech.blocking and stuffing intake passage填堵进水通道
dril.blowout preventer of stuffing box type盘根盒式防喷器
nautic., tech.bulkhead stuffing box舱壁隔填料函
ITbyte stuffing字节填充
spacebyte stuffing字节填充法
spacebyte stuffing塞字节法
avia.byte stuffing【计】字节填充法
plann.capital stuffing资本填充
oilcasing head stuffing box套管头填料盒
tech.casing head stuffing box套管头填料函
tech.casing head stuffing box井口密封装置
securit.channel stuffing销售渠道填充公司使用的一种欺骗股东的销售方法,把卖不出去的货存在客户仓库充当销售业绩
securit.channel stuffing暗转
ITcharacter stuffing字符填充
ITcommunications bit stuffing通信位填充
tech.compensating stuffing box调整填料函
tech.container stuffing集装箱内装货
auto.container un-stuffing charge运输掏装箱费
tech.cylinder stuffing box汽缸盘锥根盒
tech.deck stuffing box稳舵盒
tech.depth of gravel stuffing from top to bottom填砾段起止深度
tech.diameter of gravel stuffing填砾直径
telecom.digital stuffing数字塞人
telecom.digital stuffing码速调整
tech.expansion stuffing box膨胀填料盒
textilefeather pillow stuffing羽毛枕芯
textilefeather stuffing羽毛填料
tech.fine stuffing细填料
tech.fish-oil stuffing鱼油加脂
tech.fitting of stuffing密封填料
polo.flock stuffing毛棉屑填料
mech.flow-tube stuffing box出油管盘根盒
tech.gear case stuffing box齿轮箱填密函
tech.gravel stuffing filter填砾过滤器
tech.hand stuffing手工加脂法
tech.height of gravel stuffing填砾高度
tech.hot stuffing热加脂
tech.hot-air stuffing mill热风加脂转鼓
tech.inserted stuffing box衬垫压盖
tech.ion stuffing挤塞效应
ITkeyword stuffing关键字堆砌
multimed.keyword stuffing关键词堆砌
gen.knock the stuffing out ofM 驳倒M
gen.knock the stuffing out ofM 打掉M的傲气
nautic., tech.labyrinth stuffing box曲径填料箱
tech.material of gravel stuffing填砾材料
ITmaximum stuffing rate最大填充率
telecom., amer.maximum stuffing rate最大码速调整率
tech.maximum stuffing rate最大塞入率
el.metallic stuffing金属密封垫
gen.metallic stuffing金属填料
tech.metallic stuffing box金属填料箱
el.molecular stuffing分子填料
tech.molecular stuffing分子填料
telecom.molecular stuffing process分子填料工艺光纤制作
ITmolecular stuffing MS process分子填料法
tech.molecular stuffing process分子填料法
chem.multiple stuffing agent CWJ-5复合加脂剂 CWJ-5
telecom., amer.negative pulse stuffing负脉冲塞人
telecom., amer.negative pulse stuffing负脉冲填充
tech.negative pulse stuffing负脉冲塞
telecom., amer.negative stuffing负脉冲塞人
telecom., amer.negative stuffing负脉冲填充
tech.negative stuffing负的速度匹配
ITnominal bit stuffing rate标称比特填充率
telecom., amer.nominal stuffing rate标称填充率
commun., railw.nominal stuffing rate标称塞人率
tech.nominal stuffing rate标称塞入率
telecom., amer.nominal stuffing ratio标称填充比
toy., tech.over stuffing入棉过多
tech.packing of stuffing box填料箱密封填料
tech.packing stuffing集装箱装箱作业
tech.piston rod stuffing box活塞杆填密函
shipb.piston rod stuffing box活塞杆填料函
shipb.piston rod stuffing box cup活塞杆填料函盖
tech.piston rod stuffing box gland活塞杆填料函压盖
tech.planking and stuffing板架支撑
tech.plastic stuffing塑料填料
oilpolished rod stuffing box光杆密封填料盒
mining.pollution control stuffing box防污染用盘根盒
telecom., amer.positive pulse stuffing正脉冲塞人
telecom., amer.positive pulse stuffing正脉冲填充
telecom., amer.positive pulse stuffing正码速调整
tech.positive pulse stuffing正脉冲塞入
telecom., amer.positive stuffing正脉冲填充
telecom., amer.positive stuffing正脉冲塞人
telecom., amer.positive stuffing正码速调整
telecom., amer.pulse stuffing脉冲塞人
telecom., amer.pulse stuffing码速调整
spacepulse stuffing脉冲塞入
tech.pulse stuffing脉冲填充
tech.pulse stuffing technique脉冲塞入技术
tech.rod stuffing box拉杆填料盒
tech.rod stuffing box钻杆填料函
tech.rudder stuffing box舵杆转动填料函
anim.husb.sausage stuffing香肠灌馅
anim.husb.sausage stuffing bench香肠灌馅台
anim.husb.sausage stuffing table香肠灌馅台
tech.sectional back-stuffing with clay and cement水泥黏土分段回填
chem.soft stuffing-box seals软填料-密封
tech.soft stuffing-box seals软填料密封
tech.soft-packed stuffing box软填料箱
tech.specific yield of gravel stuffing填砾的给水度
tech.steam stuffing box汽缸填密函
gen.steamed buns with stuffing包子
shipb.stern tube stuffing尾轴管填料函
shipb.stern tube stuffing艉轴管填料函
nautic., tech.stern tube stuffing尾轴管料填函
tech.stern tube stuffing box尾轴管填料涵
shipb.stern tube stuffing-gland艉轴管填料函压盖
shipb.stern tube stuffing gland尾轴管填料函压盖
chem.stuffing agent CWJ-6 for fish oil鱼油加脂剂 CWJ-6
exhib.stuffing and drayage装箱托运
tech.stuffing and stripping capacity拆装箱能力
tech.stuffing and stripping shed集装箱拆装库
tech.stuffing and stripping shed拆装箱库
tech.stuffing and stripping shed装箱拆箱库 (集装箱)
tech.stuffing and unstuffing of container cargo集装箱货物拆装作业
multimed.stuffing bits填充位
tech.stuffing box封套盒
mining.stuffing box填料【盘根】盒
compr.stuffing box填料函
wind.stuffing box填充体
met.stuffing box密封箱
met.stuffing box填料箱
wind.stuffing box填料盒
archit.stuffing box填料盒
mech.eng.stuffing box
eng.geol.stuffing box封闭盒
mech.eng.stuffing box填密槽
mech.eng.stuffing box填料箱〔盒〕
tech.stuffing box防喷管堵头
telecom.stuffing box密封盒
telecom.stuffing box密封垫
tech.stuffing box填料槽
tech.stuffing box密封圈
auto.stuffing box密封圈
oilstuffing box盘根盒
oilstuffing box填料函法兰
oilstuffing box防喷盒
auto.stuffing box填料箱函,槽
tech.stuffing box填料涵盖
nautic., tech.stuffing box舵杆填料函
tech.stuffing box bearing填料压盖轴承
dril.stuffing box bolt盘根盒压盖螺栓
tech.stuffing box bolt填料盒螺栓
tech.stuffing box bulkhead尾尖舱舱壁
nautic., tech.stuffing box bulkhead尾轴孔舱壁有填料函舱壁
oilstuffing box bushing盘根盒衬套
oilstuffing box bushing填料盒衬套
el.stuffing box bushing填料箱衬套
nautic.stuffing-box casing填料箱〔函〕
nautic., tech.stuffing box casing填料函外壳
oilstuffing box casing head盘根盒式套管头
tech.stuffing box casing head盘根盒套管头
tech.stuffing box compensator填料箱补偿器
oilstuffing box expansion joint填料函式膨胀补偿器
tech.stuffing box gland填料压盖
dril.stuffing box gland盘根盒压盖
tech.stuffing box gland密封压盖
tech.stuffing box gland盘根盒压套
auto.stuffing-box glandlid填料箱压盖
tech.stuffing box gland填料涵压盖
oilstuffing box gland填料函压盖
tech.stuffing box gland填料盖
chem.stuffing box gland填料
nautic.stuffing box gland密封套
oilstuffing box grease injector盘根密封脂注入器
tech.stuffing box heat exchanger填料函式换热器
dril.stuffing box inlet填料函入口
dril.stuffing box inlet填料盒入口
oilstuffing box insert填料盒衬套
oilstuffing box insert盘根盒衬套
gen.stuffing box is as cast with pump bearing lantern填料函是同泵轴承罩铸成一体的
oilstuffing box lubricator填料式防喷管
tech.stuffing box model填料箱型号
auto.stuffing-box packing填料箱填料
dril.stuffing box packing盘根盒填料
tech.stuffing box recess轴隧尾室
nautic., tech.stuffing box recess填料函龛
auto.stuffing-box seal填料箱密封
tech.stuffing box thermal compensator填料函热补偿器
tech.stuffing case填料函
tech.stuffing chamber衬套室
tech.stuffing chamber填料压盖室
ITstuffing character填充字符
commer.stuffing charges装箱
refrig.stuffing column填料塔
agric.stuffing crops填充料作物
plast.stuffing cylinder供料料筒
agric.stuffing digit塞人数字
telecom., amer.stuffing digit码速调整数字
tech.stuffing digit塞入数字
toy., tech.stuffing disproportion入棉比例不对
toy., tech.stuffing expose棉料外露
oilstuffing function填充函数
archit.stuffing gland密封套
tech.stuffing gland填料箱压盖
el.mach.stuffing gland填料盖
tech.stuffing gland填料函压盖
tech.stuffing gland填料盒压盖
tech.stuffing gland密封压盖
polo.stuffing hole填料孔
exhib.stuffing machine填料机
el.mach.stuffing material填密材料
railw.stuffing material装填材料 (集装箱)
mater.sc.stuffing material集装箱装填材料
anim.husb.stuffing nozzle灌肠嘴
anim.husb.stuffing nozzle灌肠机嘴
plast.stuffing piston供料活塞〈注塑机〉
plast.stuffing plunger供料柱塞
anim.husb.stuffing pressure压出压力
anim.husb.stuffing pressure灌肠填充压力
commun., railw.stuffing rate塞人比
telecom., amer.stuffing rate码速调整率
agric.stuffing rate速度匹配速率
tech.stuffing rate塞入率
spacestuffing ratio塞入比
telecom., amer.stuffing ratio码速调整比
agric.stuffing ratio速度匹配相对速率
tech.stuffing ring填料压盖
plast.stuffing screw供料螺杆
chem.stuffing seal叠层填料密封
telecom., amer.stuffing service digit码速调整公务数字 (Trustification service digit)
el.stuffing table填充表
securit.stuffing the channel虚增业绩刺激批发商进货超出市场需求
securit.stuffing the channel填充渠道
securit.stuffing the channel暗转
nautic., tech.stuffing tube填料函
logist.terminal stuffing码头场站内装箱
toy., tech.The stuffing is usually blown into the stuffed toy by a machine, but the insertion point is closed by hand填充物通常通过机器吹到填充玩具内,但玩具的填充口要手工缝好
tech.thickness of gravel stuffing填砾层厚度
toy., tech.under stuffing入棉不足
toy., tech.uneven stuffing入棉不均匀
tech.vertical stuffing box垂直填料压盖
tech.volume of gravel stuffing填砾体积
tech.water stuffing box水阀帽
tech.water-cooled jacket for stuffing box填料箱水冷水夹套
textileweb-stuffing technology纤网超喂针刺技术