
Terms for subject Economy containing Staff | all forms | exact matches only
academic staff assembly学术人员组合
adjustment for turnover of staff职员交替调整数
Administrative Staff College工商管理人员学院
clerical staff文秘人员
commercial policy staff美国国务院 商业政策课
commercial staff商业人员
company on the basis of shares from workers and staff职工集资入股的公司
cost of staff职员费用
Do the parties who have invested have the right to hire or fire their staff at their own discretion?出资的各方是否有权自行招聘或解雇人员?
engineering and procurement staff工程与采购人员
expatriate staff出国服务的工作人员
field staff外勤职员
flag staff旗杆
foreign staff and workers外籍职工
foreign staff salary and wages payable应付外籍职工工资
full time staff专职人员
housing subsidies for Chinese staff and workers中方职工住房补助金
imposition of sanctions against staff and workers处分职工
in sendee staff在职人员
index number of cost of living of staff and workers职工生活费指数
It doesn't include the income of the expatriate staff hired by the company这不包括公司所雇用的出国服务职员的收入
line and staff organization各做负责和参谋体制
line and staff type of sales organization各级负责与职员负责混合式销售组织
management, professional and staff管理人员、专业人员与职员
managerial staff经理人兼管理员
method to analyze staff development action企业员工开发作用的动式自动测试设备
open in the presence of the customs staff会同海关人员开拆
permanent staff永久编制人员
recruit new staff招募员工
recruitment of staff and labour招收职工
reduce staff裁员
regular staff全日制职工
right to recruit, employ and dismiss staff and workers招聘,雇用和解雇员工的权利
right to recruit, employ, unemploy and dismiss staff and workers有权招聘、招收、辞退,或者解雇职工
right to recruit, employ, unemploy and dismiss staffs and workers招聘,招收,辞退或解雇职工的权力
shop staff商店工作人员
skeleton staff最少的员工
skeleton staff基干人员
staff agency公司职员介绍所
staff appraisal reports工作人员评价报吿
staff auditor雇用查账员
staff cost工资费用
staff meeting职工大会
staff member beneficiary工作人员受益人
staff of life面包
staff of life主食
staff of life生活必需品
staff savings account银行职员储蓄存款
staff shares职工股
technical staff技术参谋
the administrative staff行政人员
the administrative staff管理人员
The board of directors decided to take on more staff董事会决定多雇用一些职员
The clerical staff are employed from the local area文员就地招聘
The company depends om efficient work from its staff公司依靠全体员工卓有成效的工作
The company reduced staff by 25% because of the serious depression of trade由于生意很不景气,该公司裁减人员25%
the encumbrance of post by staff at lower level职位由级别较低的工作人员充任
The enterprise is hoping to cut down its staff by natural wastage该企业希望通过自然减员如辞职、退休,等等来缩减工作人员 (e. g., resigning, retiring, etc.)
The inefficiency of the sales staff causes a fall in turnover推销员的无能造成了营业额的下降
the service staff服务人员
the staff allowance工作人员津贴
the staff and line organization职责与部门交叉管理法
the staff relocation allowance职工调动津贴
the staff relocation allowance工作人员搬迁费津贴
the vocational training for the workers and staff职工培训
the welfare of staff and worker职工福利
train all the workers and staff全员培训
We are objective in evaluating the performance of the staff我们客观地评定了全体工作人员的业绩
We supplemented the warehouse staff with 10 part-timers我们给仓库增添了 10名部分时间工作制人手