
Terms for subject Technology containing Staff | all forms | exact matches only
absolute and permissive staff instrument绝对容许路签机
absolute staff绝对路签
actual staff实际人员 (情况)
actual staff实际工作人员
adjustment for turnover of staffs职员更替调整
administrative staff行政管理人员
administrative staff行政人员
allocate income ratio for workers and staff members职工分配指标
alternate staff替换路签
angle staff角标尺
angle staff角标杆
angle staff护角条
angle staff护角线 (条)
angle staff角饰
angle staff角形支柱
angle staff墙角木椽
annual returns of emoluments paid to staff每年支付给雇员之薪酬报税表
automatic staff exchanger路签自动授受机
auxiliary staff辅助职员
auxiliary staff gage辅助标尺
auxiliary staff gage辅助水尺
auxiliary staff gauge辅助标尺
auxiliary staff gauge辅助水尺
auxiliary staff instrument辅助路签机
balance staff摆轴
box staff塔式标尺
box staff塔尺
box staff箱尺
centre staff中心小轴杆
clear staff精木料
collimating staff视准标杆
common staff cost一般人事费
constant of leveling staff水准标尺常数
constant of levelling staff水准标尺常数
contractor office staff承包商办公人员
contractor's staff承包者的工作人员
contractor's staff承包人的工作人员
contractor's staff承包人的工作者
contractor's staff承包商的工作商员
contractor's staff承包者的工作者
control staff操纵人员
control staff管理人员
counterpart staff对应人员
cross staff照准仪
cross staff直角十字杆【测】
cross staff直角照准
cross staff十字测天仪
cross staff十字杆
cross staff head十字架
cross staff head棱镜测角器
cross staff head直角器
cut-down of staff裁员
cut-down of staff减员
cylindric cross staff圆柱直角器
cylindrical cross staff圆柱直角器
daily paid staff按日领工资的工作人员
depth signal staff水深信号杆
design staff设计班子
design staff设计工作人员
dimension staff标准尺寸木料
dimension staff规格木料
directing staff标桩
divisible staff旋分路签
double-sided staff双面水准标尺
down-size staffs and improve efficiency减员增效
dwelling house for staff and workers职工住宅
electric staff block system电气路牌闭塞 (系统)
electric staff block system电气路签闭塞 (系统)
electric staff instrument电气路签机
electric staff machine电气路签机
electric train staff instrument电气路签机
electrical staff block system电气路牌闭塞 (系统)
electrical staff block system电气路签闭塞 (系统)
electrical staff instrument电气路签机
electrical staff machine电气路签机
electrical train staff instrument电气路签机
end standard staff端点式标准尺
engagement of staff职员的雇佣
ensign staff船尾旗杆
examining the records of staff and workers人事考核
executive staff高级职员
familiarization cost of workers and staff职工专业训练费用
field staff建筑工地工作人员
first order staff一等标尺
first order staff一等杆
first-order staff精密水准
first-order staff一等水准尺
fixed staff固定标尺
fixed staff固定水尺
flexure error of division face of staff标尺分划面弯曲差
folding staff折标尺
folding staff折叠标尺
folding staff折叠式标尺
foot of staff尺垫【测】
fore staff十字测夭仪
forest staff森林职员
free staff精木料
gage staff
gage staff装饰石膏
gage staff标杆
gage staff水位标尺
gaged staff装饰石膏
gauge staff标杆
gauge staff
gauge staff装饰石膏
gauge staff水位标尺
gauged staff装饰石膏
general meetings of the staff and workers全体职工大会
give wage increases to workers and staff members调整职工工资
grade-staff领工员 (俚语)
graduated staff分度标杆
graduated staff gage刻度水位标尺
graduated staff gauge刻度水位标尺
ground handling staff地勤职员
half staff半旗
head office staff总公司工作人员
hydrometric staff float测流浮杆
hydrometrical staff float测流浮杆
inclined staff gage斜标尺
inclined staff gage倾斜水尺
inclined staff gage斜坡水尺
inclined staff gauge倾斜水尺
inclined staff gauge斜标尺
inclined staff gauge斜坡水尺
index error of staff标尺零误差
inspection staff检验人员
invar leveling staff殷钢水准尺
invar leveling staff殷瓦水准尺
invar levelling staff殷钢水准尺
invar levelling staff殷瓦水准尺
jack staff船首旗杆
Jacob's staff测量仪器的支架
jar staff冲击锤导杆
key staff钥匙路牌
laboratory staff试验室人员
launching staff吊放工作人员
level staff水准标尺
leveling staff水准
leveling staff水平标杆
leveling staff塔尺【测】
levelling staff水平标杆
levelling staff水准
levelling staff塔尺【测】
light staff灯竿
light staff灯柱
lighting staff灯柱
line staff system生产线管理组织
living quarters for staff and worker职工宿舍
logarithmic tach ometer staff对数视距尺
logarithmic tache ometer staff对数视距尺
main staff主要人员
maintenance staff维修人员
maintenance staff维修职员
master staff instrument基本路签机
mine staff矿区水准尺
model of decision making by administrative staff行政人员决策模式
multiple tide staff水尺组
multiple tide staff排式水尺
non-staff tachometer无标尺视距仪
object staff测量准尺
object staff标杆
object staff花杆【测】
object staff准尺【测】
office staff办公室职员
offset staff支距尺
offset staff偏距尺
offset staff偏置杆
offset staff支距杆
operating staff维护〔操作〕人员
operating staff作业人员
operational site staff现场运行人员
operational staff工作职员
over-casting staff测量标杆
over-casting staff测量杆
part-time staff非全日工作人员
part-time staff兼职人员
pennant staff船首旗杆
pennant staff三角旗杆
percentage of absentees to total staff in service缺勤率
permanent staff在编人员
permissive staff容许路签
piercing staff穿孔
pike staff小杆钩
plaster staff墙角护条
plaster staff抹灰护角条
plumbing staff对点杆
poop staff船尾旗杆
portable staff轻便式水准尺轻便式标尺
portable staff轻便水尺
portable staff活动水尺
precise leveling staff精密水准尺
precise levelling staff精密水准尺
precise staff精密标尺
precision staff精密水准
pricker staff探测标杆
probing staff探测标杆
project staff项目人员
proof staff金属直规
quality control staff质量控制员
quarter staff铁头木棍
rack leveling staff带支架水准尺
rack leveling staff支架式水准尺
rack levelling staff带支架水准尺
rack levelling staff支架式水准尺
railway staff service pass铁路乘车证
real staff实际工作人员
reduce staff紧缩编制
reversible staff双面标尺
secretarial staff秘书人员
sectional staff gage分段立式水尺
sectional staff gauge分段立式水尺
self-reading leveling-staff自读型水准仪
self-reading levelling-staff自读型水准仪
self-reading levelling staff测距塔尺
self-reading staff自读标尺
self-reading staff自读式水准标
signal staff信号杆
single-staff method单标尺法
site operation staff现场运行人员
site staff工地职员
site staff工地管理员
skilled staff熟练人员
sliding staff塔尺【测】
Sopwith staff塔尺【测】
Sopwith staff自读式水平标尺
Sopwith staff游标测尺
square staff角缘线
square staff角缘
square staff方缘线
square staff靠尺板
square staff扩角板条
square staff墙角方线条
square staff护角板条
staff accommodation portion职工食宿供应区
staff aisle职工通道
staff amount plan职工人数计划
staff and cage surmounted buoy带笼状顶杆的浮标
staff and globe buoy带球杆形浮标
staff and globe surmounted buoy球顶浮标
staff and labor职工
staff and labour职工
staff and triangle surmounted buoy带三角形顶标的浮标
staff and worker职工
staff and worker's bonus职工奖励基金
staff angle角缘
staff angle麻刀灰抹墙角
staff angle麻刀灰墙角
staff angle护角条
staff award fund职工奖励基金
staff bead做窗格材料
staff bead墙外角护角线条
staff bead麻刀灰抹圆形线条
staff building职工宿舍楼
staff building职工大楼
staff canteen职工小卖部
staff canteen职工临时食堂
staff car指挥车
staff catcher铁路收签机
staff changing room职工更衣室
staff comparison标尺比长
staff constant标尺常数
staff cost人事费 (用)
staff cost人员费用
staff cost工资成本
staff cost control工资要素费用控制
staff dinning room职工餐厅
staff division标尺分划
staff division标尺划分
staff elevator工作人员电梯
staff engineer主管工程师
staff entrance职工入口处
staff error水尺误差
staff error标尺误差
staff error验潮杆误差
staff executive幕后参谋主管
staff float长杆浮标
staff float杆式浮标
staff float杆式浮子
staff gage
staff gage量杆
staff gage水准标尺
staff gage水位站
staff gallery执勤廊
staff gauge测杆
staff gauge量杆
staff gauge水准标尺
staff gauge
staff gauge水位站
staff graduation标尺分划
staff holder标尺手柄
staff house职工住宅
staff house职工住房
staff interval标尺分划间隔
staff key container钥匙路签器
staff level标尺水准器
staff light灯柱
staff light杆桅灯标
staff location system职工寻找系统
staff lounge职工休息室
staff member职员
staff morale职员纪律
staff objective参谋部门目标
staff organization chart人员组织图表
staff plate水平尺垫
staff plate水准尺
staff point标尺点
staff pouch路签携带器
staff proportion quota比例定员法
staff punch平衡轴冲头
staff quarter职工宿舍
staff quarter职员宿舍
staff reading测尺读数
staff reading标尺读数
staff reading水尺读数
staff reading水位尺读数
staff rental apartment职工租赁公寓
staff rental dwelling unit职工租赁住房单元
staff rental flat职工租赁公寓
staff rental flat职工租赁套房
staff rental living unit职工租赁生活单元
staff rental living unit职工租赁起居单元
staff room教员休息室
staff room职工室
staff's cafeteria职工食堂
staff ship司令舰
staff toilet职工厕所
staff traffic职工交通运输
staff training职工培 till
staff tube执勤隧管
staff vehicle职员专用车
staff vehicle运人车辆
staff walkway执勤道
staff warping标尺扭曲
staff welfare funds职工福利基金
staff with the key钥匙路牌
staff with the key钥匙路签
stake staff桩式水尺
standard staff标准杆
station staff车站职工
station staff测量标尺
statistic staff统计工作人员
statistical staff统计工作人员
sterilizing facility for staff工作人员卫生消毒设施
subsidiary staff副签
subtense method with horizontal staff横基尺视距法
subtense method with horizontal staff横基尺视差法
subtense method with horizontal staff基线横尺视差法
subtense method with vertical staff竖基尺视差法
superintending staff管理人员
supervising staff指导人员
supervisor staff监督人 (员)
supervisory staff管理人员
supporting staff附属人员
surveying staff测量准尺
surveyor's staff测量标尺
swinging staff摇尺测量
systems analysis staff系统分析人员
tacheometer staff视距标尺
tachymeter staff视距标尺
target levelling staff目标-
target levelling staff水准标尺
target staff觇板水准尺
target staff觇板标尺
technical staff全体技术员
telescopic staff塔尺【测】
telescopic staff可伸缩式标尺
tidal staff验潮标
tidal staff潮位水尺
tidal staff潮水
tidal staff测潮水尺
tidal staff验潮杆
tide staff潮位水尺
tide staff潮位尺
tide staff潮水位尺
tide staff测潮标杆
tide staff水位尺
to provide staff配备人员
topographic staff地形测量人员
topographic staff地形尺
topographic staff地形测量标尺
topographical staff地形尺
topographical staff地形测量人员
topographical staff地形测量标尺
train staff路签
train staff铁路乘务员
train staff火车路签
train-staff instrument路签机
train staff lamp路签灯
training all workers and staff全员培训
training of entire staff全员培训
valve staff阀杆
vertical staff竖尺
water-level staff水位标尺
water-level staff水位尺
wave staff测波
whole staff safety management全员安全管理
wooden staff木标尺
workers and staff members职工
works staff低级职员
zero error of staff标尺零点差